Flag Glitz Glitter Mini Tut

This mini tut assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. I tried to include several screenshots, but not a lot of direction.
You can download the glitters Here.
Open new image 160 X 140.
Select paintbrush size 10, with hardness, thickness and density all at 100.
I used red # D21818. Click to create a square about 2/3 of the way from the top on the left border.

Go to effects, plugins, MuRa's Meister, Copies with these settings:

Click ok
Go to MuRa's Meister Copies with these settings:

For a flag effect, I erased the top and bottom wavy lines.

Move lines down until the spaces between the lines are equal to the space after the last line.

Duplicate this layer twice and you should have a total of 3 layers.
Now you just need to use the glitters to fill the corresponding colored sections.

For example, use layer 1 of the red glitter to fill the red areas on layer 1 of your flag image. Continue until all layers are filled with glitter.
I am assuming you have done this technique before, so I won't give instructions. You may have to select and expand by one, create a new layer, move it down, to fill it correctly.
I made the provided glitters, but I am not sure of the exact method I used.
I believe the red and blue glitter were made using dsb flux, bright noise with these settings:
Intensity 40 and Mix ticked. Click ok.
I applied this same setting to each of the three layers. I think I used a paintbrush, square shaped, size 1 to randomly add white sparkles to each layer.
You may use my glitters or others that you have.
This mini tut is just a guideline. I hope you will use your imagination and have fun playing!
I'd love to see your results! You can post them with the other member results HERE
This tutorial was created by justjam on June 10, 2018. Any similarity to another tutorial is a coincidence. Please do not copy or redistribute this tut in any way or claim as your own. You may, of course, print or copy for your own use. |