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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 22 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 21/12/2014 01:05
20:1 El primer día de la semana, María Magdalena fue de mañana, siendo aún oscuro, al sepulcro; y vio quitada la piedra del sepulcro. (Siendo aun oscuro es un nexo con GENESIS 32 CON JACOB/ISRAEL cuando le fue cambiado el nombre y con EXODO 32 QUE ES EL VERDADERO PENTECOSTES. NOTEN LA RELACION BECERRO DE ORO/TAURO/PLEYADES CON PENTECOSTES. Sin lugar a dudas que el BECERRO DE ORO es un nexo con las PLEYADES CON FUERTE RELACION CON MARIA MAGDALENA. SI BIEN SE COMETIO IDOLATRIA CON EL BECERRO, la palabra es clara en RELACIONAR EL VERDADERO SHAVUOT CON EL MISMO. La aparicion del PRIMER DIA DE LA SEMANA (SUNDAY) DIA DEL SOL, es una obvia simbologia ESPIRITUAL CON PENTECOSTES QUE ES EN EL SOLSTICIO DE VERANO. La relacion CON EL DIA DEL SEÑOR DE APOCALIPSIS 1:10 EN CONTEXTO A LAS 7 ESTRELLAS es contextual a lo que estamos expresando. La "piedra" quitada del sepulcro ES UN NEXO CON PEDRO (PIEDRA SEGUN JUAN 1:42 Y MATEO 16:18) Y CON LA RESURRECCION DE LAZARO.

20:2 Entonces corrió, y fue a Simón Pedro y al otro discípulo, aquel al que amaba Jesús, y les dijo: Se han llevado del sepulcro al Señor, y no sabemos dónde le han puesto. (Es llamativa la aparicion de PEDRO Y EL DISCIPULO AMADO en todo este contexto)

20:3 Y salieron Pedro y el otro discípulo, y fueron al sepulcro.
20:4 Corrían los dos juntos; pero el otro discípulo corrió más aprisa que Pedro, y llegó primero al sepulcro.
20:5 Y bajándose a mirar, vio los lienzos puestos allí, pero no entró.
20:6 Luego llegó Simón Pedro tras él, y entró en el sepulcro, y vio los lienzos puestos allí,
20:7 y el sudario, que había estado sobre la cabeza de Jesús, no puesto con los lienzos, sino enrollado en un lugar aparte.
20:8 Entonces entró también el otro discípulo, que había venido primero al sepulcro; y vio, y creyó.
20:9 Porque aún no habían entendido la Escritura, que era necesario que él resucitase de los muertos.
20:10 Y volvieron los discípulos a los suyos.
20:11 Pero María estaba fuera llorando junto al sepulcro; y mientras lloraba, se inclinó para mirar dentro del sepulcro; (Esta es una escena repetida en la resurreccion de LAZARO. Observen que aqui la palabra le llama MARIA y no MARIA MAGDALENA)

20:12 y vio a dos ángeles con vestiduras blancas, que estaban sentados el uno a la cabecera, y el otro a los pies, donde el cuerpo de Jesús había sido puesto.
20:13 Y le dijeron: Mujer, ¿por qué lloras? Les dijo: Porque se han llevado a mi Señor, y no sé dónde le han puesto. (Aqui con la expresion "mi señor" hay un nexo con EVA Y SARA)
20:14 Cuando había dicho esto, se volvió, y vio a Jesús que estaba allí; mas no sabía que era Jesús.
20:15 Jesús le dijo: Mujer, ¿por qué lloras? ¿A quién buscas? Ella, pensando que era el hortelano, le dijo: Señor, si tú lo has llevado, dime dónde lo has puesto, y yo lo llevaré.
20:16 Jesús le dijo: ¡María! Volviéndose ella, le dijo: ¡Raboni! (que quiere decir, Maestro).

20:17 Jesús le dijo: No me toques, porque aún no he subido a mi Padre; mas ve a mis hermanos, y diles: Subo a mi Padre y a vuestro Padre, a mi Dios y a vuestro Dios. (Aqui hay una relacion con el PACTO ABRAHAMICO DE GENESIS 17 Y EL PACTO DE 2 DE SAMUEL 7:12, osea del linaje davidico. OSEA que MARIA MAGDALENA ES UNA NUEVA SARA, RAQUEL Y BETSABE, la madre de SALOMON.) 

20:18 Fue entonces María Magdalena para dar a los discípulos las nuevas de que había visto al Señor, y que él le había dicho estas cosas.
20:19 Cuando llegó la noche de aquel mismo día, el primero de la semana, estando las puertas cerradas en el lugar donde los discípulos estaban reunidos por miedo de los judíos, vino Jesús, y puesto en medio, les dijo: Paz a vosotros.
20:20 Y cuando les hubo dicho esto, les mostró las manos y el costado. Y los discípulos se regocijaron viendo al Señor.
20:21 Entonces Jesús les dijo otra vez: Paz a vosotros. Como me envió el Padre, así también yo os envío.
20:22 Y habiendo dicho esto, sopló, y les dijo: Recibid el Espíritu Santo. (Fuerte relacion con PENTECOSTES)
June 21:  Summer Solstice (Click for details)

- Ishtar's Day (Babylonian)

- Astarte's Day (Canaanite)

- Aphrodite's Day (Greek)

- Yemaya's Day (Brazilian)

- Aine's Day (Irish)



Stonehenge Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment

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  • 2012 Freemason Revelations

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    Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:13

    Summer Solstice
    Galactic Alignment?



    Click here!

    Jan Wicherink


    Original version

    Download PDF document here




    There are four major celestial conjunctions in Plato’s Great Year (25920 years) that were of interest to the ancients since they divide the Great Year into four epochs or Great Ages of 6480 years each.

    In the paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’ (Smelyakov, Wicherink 2006) these four extremely rare celestial conjunctions in a Great Year were called the Great Celestial Conjunctions (GCC). These Great Celestial Conjunctions coincide with the moments in the precession cycle that the Earth Cross of the Zodiac aligns with the Galactic Cross of the Solar Zodiac. 

    A Great Celestial Conjunction coincides with the Sun aligning with the Galactic Equator at solstices or equinoxes. There are two places on the ecliptic where the Sun can align with the Galactic Equator since the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way at two places and hence we discern two different types of galactic alignments in a Great Year:

    • An alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator in the constellation ScorpioSagittarius near the Galactic Center. This alignment corresponds with the Sun residing in the Dark Rift during the alignment.
    • An alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator in the constellation GeminiTaurus near the Galactic Anti-Center. This alignment corresponds with the Sun residing on the Milky Way near the Pleiades during the alignment.

    Whenever an alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator occurs on an equinox or solstice day, this alignment will correspond with a Great Celestial Conjunctions as mentioned in the paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’

    The last Great Celestial Conjunction occurred in our own current era around 1998 and this conjunction is also known as ‘Galactic Alignment’ that was popularized by John Major Jenkins in a book with the same title. Galactic Alignment is the winter solstice Sun’s alignment with the Galactic Equator when the Sun is in the Dark Rift. This alignment was encoded into the Maya sacred site Izapa in Mexico.

    Picture 1) Winter solstice Sun (1998) in the Dark Rift of the Milky Way
     John Major Jenkins - Galactic Alignment

    Since the conjunction of the Sun with the Galactic Equator happens twice a year, we also had a summer solstice Galactic Alignment happening around the last GCC in the year 1998. During this alignment the Sun was on the Milky Way near the Galactic Anti-Center, which in turn is close to the Pleiades.

    Picture 2) Summer solstice Sun (1998) on the Milky Way

    Notice the Pleiades on the bottom right!

    In this article we will reveal how Stonehenge may encode exactly this summer solstice alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator. It’s a summer solstice version of John Major Jenkins winter solstice Galactic Alignment.

    The Pleiades will become the key in unlocking the secrets of the summer solstice Galactic Alignment of Stonehenge. Stonehenge may not be the only ancient site that encodes the current summer solstice Galactic Alignment; we have every reason to suspect that there may be more.

    Picture 3) Stonehenge UK


    Wayne Herschel’s monumental work on the ancient star maps

    In 2003 Wayne Herschel published his monumental work ‘The Hidden Records’. This book is the culmination of years of research into many ancient sites around the world. His book presents the recovery of ancient star maps that were encoded on the land following the ancient Hermetic principle ‘as above, so below’. Herschel’s book shows that a pyramid building culture must have once thrived on this planet since hundredths of pyramids have already been discovered all over the globe and in the last decade alone ‘new’ pyramids have been unearthed in unexpected places such as in Bosnia-Herzegovina in Europe.

    Herschel discovered that all the stars along the Nile in Egypt actually mimic constellations along the Milky Way. For some reason the Egyptian star map seemed to put extra emphasis on the constellation Pleiades that corresponds with the pyramids at Abusir south of Giza along the Nile.

    Much to his surprise Herschel discovered more ancient sites around the world that had been using the Pleiades as a central theme. Among these sites were:

    But the same recurring Pleiades theme was also discovered in:

    • Lascaux Halls of the Bulls cave in France
    • Sardinian cave paintings
    • Sumerian clay tablets
    • The Nineveh disc
    • Egyptian Dendera zodiac

    Herschel interpreted this recurring ‘Pleiades theme’ as a way shower to a certain star, a solar system with a G2 class star that could have an Earth like planet, the home planet of the extraterrestrials that he believes were the architects of all the ancient monuments. His conclusion was drawn after studying ancient artifacts and ancient texts that clearly are suggestive of an extraterrestrial presence in ancient times here on Earth.

    The author of this article does not object to such a view, however I do think that Herschel’s interpretation of the ‘Pleiades theme’ may be wrong in this sense that it is not likely to express a place in the sky, a ‘mystery’ star, the home of extraterrestrials that once settled on Earth as Herschel wants us to believe.


    Missing aspects of Herschel’s star map interpretation

    In interpreting the meaning of the Pleiades theme in the ancients sites that Herschel investigated, one important factor seem to have been overlooked and that’s the astronomical significance of these sites. Therefore Herschel’s ‘mystery’ star theory is most likely incorrect considering the following facts: 

    • All the ancient sites dealing with the Pleiades star map were astronomical and astrological sites with equinox and solstice alignments that were not taken into consideration by Herschel when decoding the star maps.
    • The ‘mystery star in Egypt near Abusir corresponds to the temple of Ra. The consensus by Egyptologists is that Ra must be associated with the Sun in the Egyptians texts and not with some hypothetical G2 class star. In addition the alignment of the Sun Temple at Abusir is an anomaly in his star map theory, it does not point into the same direction the other ‘mystery‘ stars do in the rest of his star maps.
    • When Herschel checked his astronomical software for his ‘mystery’ star he couldn’t find a star close enough to match his ‘mystery’ star. Using new software and rewinding the clock back 17.500 years he finally succeeded and was able to make a match. If the ‘mystery’ star isn’t a star at all as we are suspecting, it comes as no surprise that Herschel wasn’t able to locate this star in the first place.
    Bringing the astronomical significance of the ancient sites to the forefront will reveal a new and very compelling significance of this ‘Pleiades theme’ in these ancient sites that were tracking the summer solstices!

    A new light on Herschel’s mystery star

    It’s my hypothesis that Herschel’s ‘mystery’ star near the Pleiades in fact represents a midpoint between the Pleiades and the place where ‘the Sun is on the Milky Way’. The ‘mystery’ star therefore represents a way shower to a ‘precession anchor’ that can be used to determine a special moment in the Great Year as it connects the Pleiades with this ’precession anchor’.

    The ‘mystery‘ star in fact is the Sun itself! Some of the ancient sites that Herschel mentions are built close to a river. Its my assumption that the river mimics the great river in the sky, the Milky Way. The summer solstice observatories such as Stonehenge were built close to the river to represent the ‘Sun on the Milky Way’. If the summer solstice observatory had been built in it’s correct position, it would have been built into the river (Milky Way) itself since this is the place where the Sun resides at Galactic Alignment. So there are obvious reasons as to why the ‘mystery star’ (the Sun) was built on the land and not in the river. The position of the ‘mystery’ star (monument) on the land that aligns the Pleiades (monument) with the Milky Way (river) is in fact hinting at:

    The Sun on the Milky Way at the current summer solstice
    that coincides with the last Great Celestial Conjunction!

    The Sun on the ecliptic aligns with the Milky Way in the constellation Taurus where the Pleiades are. This may explain why the Egyptians worshiped the celestial Bull and why so many other cultures around the world venerated the Pleiades.

    The picture below is a view of the skies on the summer solstice sunrise around the last Great Celestial Conjunction (1998).

    Picture 4) Sunrise at summer solstice 1998

    At summer solstice (June 21) of 2012, the Sun will be residing on the Milky Way near Taurus where the Pleiades are; it’s a summer solstice Galactic Alignment and the reverse situation of the better know winter solstice Galactic Alignment occurring six months later. Now let’s compare it with Herschel’s star map of the Pleiades:

    Summer Solstice Pleiades-Sun alignment close up

    Herschel’s star map

    Picture 5) Comparison between summer solstice 1998 Pleiades-Sun alignment and Herschel’s star map

    Notice in picture 5 how the Pleiades on the left are pointing towards the rising Sun on the summer solstice of 1998 while the picture on the right is showing Herschel’s star map, it’s a recurring star map theme that has not only been found in Egypt but in other places around the world as well such as at Stonehenge and the Maya temple site Tikal in Guatemala.


    Mystery star and position of the Sun on the ecliptic

    On Herschel’s website we find proof for the hypothesis of this article that the so called ‘mystery’ star in Herschel’s star maps which he thinks refers to a star near the Pleiades, is in fact denoting the position of the Sun on the ecliptic.

    On Herschel’s website the exact position of the Sun on the ecliptic is explained as follows: “between the bulls horns in Taurus when direction matches ancient sites” (See text bottom right in the image).

    So the location where the ‘mystery’ star is pointing too is the place where:

    Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:15


    The summer solstice Sun of 1998 will be in between the horns of Taurus when the Sun is on the Milky Way (See picture 7)!

    Picture 7)  Summer solstice Sun 1998, the Sun is in between the Bull’s horns (Taurus)

    Herschel’s own website provides us with the arguments that our thesis may be correct and that the ‘mystery star’ in Herschel’s star maps is NOT a star near the Pleiades at all, but in fact is a way shower to the Sun on the ecliptic in between the horns of Taurus! This position is where the Sun is on the ecliptic at the summer solstice of 1998 at the last Great Celestial Conjunction!


    Pleiades Template

    Picture 8) Pleiades template

    To further test and proof the hypothesis that the Pleiades in Herschel’s star maps may be pointing towards the 1998 solstice sun on the Milky Way a template of the Pleiades was created using the free open source astronomy software Stellarium. Stellarium presents a realistic 3D representation of the sky similar to what we see with a naked eye observation of the stars. Stellarium will allow us to test out thesis.

    The template (picture 8) is created from a screenshot of Stellarium at the moment of summer solstice 1998. The green line in this template is exactly aligning the stars Alcyone and Pleione with the 1998 summer solstice sun on the Milky Way. The orange line is a base line of the Pleiades constellation connecting the stars Taygeta, Maia and Alcyone of the Pleiades constellation with the stars HP 17832 and HP 17900.

    This template will be tested on Stonehenge to see if the angle between the Pleiades and the solstice sun on the Milky Way has any significance with respect to Stonehenge.



    It is an established fact that Stonehenge was an astronomical observatory for both solar and lunar observations. One of its functions was the determination of the summer solstice date using the summer solstice sunrise. At the 21st of June the rising sun in the North East shines its light in between the Heel Stone onto the Alter Stone at the center of the Trilithons or horseshoe of Stonehenge.

    Picture 9) Stonehenge summer solstice Sun alignment

    South West of Stonehenge we find the Winterbourne Stoke Barrows.  Herschel claimed that the Winterbourne Stoke Barrows at Stonehenge actually represented a star map of the Pleiades and indeed these barrows seem to have the shape of this constellation. The Winterbourne Barrows as the Pleiades are pointing the way to Stonehenge according to Herschel.

    Picture 10) Winterbourne Stoke barrows

    Now let’s superimpose our Pleiades template on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and see if we can make a match first. To this end we align the stars on the orange base line in our template with the corresponding barrows at Stonehenge.

    Picture 11) Winterbourne Stoke barrows at Stonehenge (Google Earth)
    superimposed with the Pleiades template

    It’s quit obvious from the picture above that the barrows do not perfectly fit the stars of the Pleiades. Although the stars of the Pleiades constellation take on the same contours of the barrows, the geometrical pattern of the constellation itself is somewhat distorted since it is stretched along the orange base line. Surly the ratios between our template and the actual ground plan of the Pleiades do not match. Over long periods of time stars drift and this may very well explain why the barrows don’t match up perfectly with the actual constellation of the Pleiades any longer thousands of years later. However the barrows that are running in a straight line from South West to North East will allow for the mapping and alignment of the Pleiades star map template onto the Winterbourne Stoke barrows. 

    If our hypothesis is correct and the orange base line of the Pleiades is aligned with the barrows, the green line should be pointing towards Stonehenge! So let’s zoom out and see what we got:

    Picture 12) Stonehenge pointing the way to the AvonRiver (Milky Way)

    The green line of our template is running straight through Stonehenge!

    The green line runs through Stonehenge and eventually ends up intersecting the Avon river. The intersection is the place where the ‘Sun is on the Milky Way’.

    Let’s double check our thesis in reverse order. First we take a picture of the skies at summer solstice 1998 when the Sun is on the Milky Way with the aid of the Stellarium software. Next we superimposed that picture onto Stonehenge making sure the Pleiades are superimposed on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and the Sun is residing on the Avon river like this:

    Picture 13) Summer Solstice 1998 superimposed on Stonehenge.
     (white line represents the summer solstice sunrise to which Stonehenge is aligned)

    If we now zoom in on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows we find the same result:

    Picture 14) Close up of the Winterbourne Stoke barrows alignment.

    I think it’s safe to say that the coincidence of the near perfect alignment of the Winterbourne Stoke Barrows with Stonehenge, are beyond chance.  

    Most likely Stonehenge represents the Sun itself. Since it could not be built into the river it was built on the land as a midpoint between the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and the Avon river. Stonehenge now became a way shower to the Sun and its purpose was to connect the Pleiades with the summer solstice Sun on the Milky Way (green line in picture 13).


    Additional proof

    At summer solstice the Sun at Stonehenge rises at 50º azimuth in the North East while the Pleiades can be found at 75º azimuth. This means that at summer solstice sunrise the Pleiades can be viewed from Stonehenge right above the Avon river at the exact location where a line drawn from the Winterbourne Stoke barrows through Stonehenge intersects the Avon river. This location of course corresponds with the ‘Sun on the Milky Way’ in our thesis. In other words:

    At summer solstice sunrise the Winterbourne Stoke barrows, Stonehenge and the Pleiades align!

    Picture 15) Stonehenge
    links the Winterbourne Stoke barrows with the Pleiades.


    This fact shows that Stonehenge links the Winterbourne Stoke barrows with the Pleiades at summer solstice sunrise. The Pleiades are mirrored on the ground as the Winterbourne Stoke barrows with Stonehenge as the focal point of this mirror image.

    So let’s recap the facts:

    • In order for the Winterbourne Stoke barrows to mirror the Pleiades at summer solstice sunrise, they were placed at 259º azimuth South West of Stonehenge (See picture 15).
    • Next the orientation of the Winterbourne Stoke barrows on that location where created such that they would represent the Pleiades at a summer solstice galactic alignment (1998) when the Sun was on the Milky Way. This meant that the barrows would have to be aligned such that Alcyone and Pleione were aligned with Stonehenge, since this alignment was showing the way to the Sun on the Milky Way (see the green line in our template in picture 8)

    Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:16

    Considering the fact that Stonehenge is also a summer solstice sunrise observatory the message of Stonehenge now becomes very clear:

    Stonehenge is telling us that the Pleiades are pointing the way to the Sun on the Milky Way at summer solstice; in other words Stonehenge encodes a summer solstice Galactic Alignment!



    Just North East of Stonehenge we find Woodhenge. Woodhenge is the wooden ‘counterpart’ and precursor of Stonehenge. Woodhenge consists of concentric elliptical rings of wooden poles. Both the entrance of Woodhenge and the long axis of the ellipses are oriented to the summer solstice sunrise making Woodhenge another summer solstice observatory. 

    Picture 15) Woodhenge aerial photo

    Recent excavations in 2006 of both Woodhenge and the Durrington Walls made archeologist believe that Woodhenge and Stonehenge were both part of one and the same ‘religious’ site. An avenue that connects Woodhenge with Stonehenge indicates that both sites were connected.

    If we take a look at picture 16 we see that Woodhenge is not only close to the river but also the so called ‘Cursus’, a path that archeologists believe represents an ancient race track, is running parallel with the ecliptic. In addition the ‘Cursus’ is running through Woodhenge!

    Picture 16) Cursus running through Woodhenge

    If the ‘Cursus’ was meant to represent the ecliptic and Woodhenge the Sun, the Woodhenge site would represent the place where the ecliptic (Cursus) and the Milky Way (Avon river) intersect. In other words:

    Woodhenge could represent the ‘Sun on the Milky Way’ at a summer solstice galactic alignment



    Given Herschel’s multiple Pleiades themes found around the world which he has interpreted as a ‘mystery’ star, we offer a new interpretation of Herschel’s ‘mystery’ star in this article. An interpretation that takes into account the astronomical significance of the sites in question something that Herschel did not take into consideration. We took Stonehenge as an example and demonstrated that our thesis apparently works for Stonehenge. It could mean that the ancients have left us clues about our current:

    Great Celestial Conjunction or summer solstice Galactic Alignment
    This astronomical event hails a New Age.


    October 4th 2009:

    Breaking news:

    Discovery of new henge at Stonehenge


    On October 3rd 2009 scientists have announced the discovery of what may be the most important find in decades, a smaller version of Stonehenge. They call it Bluehenge. Bluehenge is named after the colour of 30  giant stones placed in a circle. Bluehenge and Stonehenge are connected by means of a causeway called the Avenue. The Avenue runs from Stonehenge (aligned to the summer solstice) all the way to Bluehenge which resides at the bank of the river Avon. But the path continues to the river itself. Professor Mike Parker of Sheffield University who discovered Bluehenge argues that both Stonehenge and Bluehenge were used in rituals of life and death.

    The death were brought to Woodhenge (symbol of life) north east of Stonehenge and transported over the river Avon.  The death were brought ashore at Bluehenge and were transported next along the Avenue to Stonehenge (symbol of death). The ceremony started at sunrise (symbol of life) and ended at sunset (symbol of death) and included quote ‘massive feasts at Woodhenge to mark the winter solstice’.

    The most important discovery is that  in the ceremonies at Stonehenge, the journey of the death on the river Avon symbolized the passage from life to death.

    This ceremony is echoed in many myths where the death have to cross over the waters to enter the afterlife.  In ancient Egypt the death crossed that great river in the sky, the Milky Way through the ‘Gate of God’. The river Avon at Stonehenge is a methaphor for the Milky Way. The ‘gate of God’ astronomically speaking is the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way in 5° Sagittarius. The deceased pharaoh travelled into the Netherworld as described in the ‘Book of the Gates"’  by passing the primeval waters of the Milky Way at the hour of the rebirth of the Sun (sunrise). The gates of the Sun were first mentioned by the Greek author Microbius and mentioned in 'Morals and Dogma' by Albert Pike .

    The burial rituals at Stonehenge mimic these Egyptian burial ceremonies and not only deal with the passing of the soul into the afterlife but metaphorically  also encode the death and resurrection of the Sun when it passes through the ‘gates of the Sun’ (crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way) . Astronomically speaking, the moment when the Sun passes through these gates (crossing the Milky Way) at solstices, defines the moments of a Great Celestial Conjunction or Galactic Alignment (Sun conjunct with the Galactic Equator at a solstice day).  This rare astronomical event that only occurs twice in 26.000 yeras, is occurring right now in era-2012 and is directly linked to the ending of the Maya calendar on the winter solstice of 2012 (= Galactic Alignment)!

    We are not surprised to find Bluehenge (representing the Sun) at the bank of the river Avon, since symbolically ‘it encodes the Sun on the Milky Way at the summer solstice’ . Building a henge on the bank of the river is as close as one can get to the river since the henge could not be built in the river. The causeway that connects Bluehenge with the summer solstice alignment of the Avenue at Stonehenge links Bluehenge (the Sun) with the summer solstice.

    The current discoveries seem to support our overall thesis that Stonehenge was not simply a solstice observatory, but also encodes the Great Celestial Conjunction of era-2012!

    Read more here:




    In ancient Egypt pharaoh’s were buried with their arms crossed and were given two Ankhs in their hand.  The Ankh Egyptologists  suggest is a symbol of life. On close examination it consists of two basic symbols, one is a cross called the Tau cross, the other is a circle. The Tau cross has been associated with the constellation Taurus which is not surprising since the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way occurs in between the horns of Taurus. "Esoterically the Tau represents a gate or opening, symbolic death'".

    The dot in a circle represents the Sun (Ra) and the circle itself in the Ankh it but a simplification of the circumpunct (dot in circle). To create an artefact of the Sun symbol (circumpunct) would be impossible without using spokes to sustain the dot in the circle. While the circle in the Ankh represents the Sun, the Tau cross represents a gate and a crossing. The combination of both symbols in the Ankh therefor clearly suggest 'the Sun at the crossing'.

    There are only two crossings on the ecliptic, and that’s where the Milky Way crosses the ecliptic (path of the Sun). These two crosses were called the ‘gates of the Sun’ and were associated with life and death . The soul enters life through the gate of Man (crossing of ecliptic and Milky Way in Gemini).  This is why the Ankh was associated with life since the crossing of the ecliptic and Sun (gate of Man) is the place where the soul incarnated into the next life in the eternal cycle of reincarnation. Upon death the pharaoh would leave his body and his soul would travel on Ra’s barge (crossing the Milky Way) through the ‘gate of God’. The ‘gate of God’ is the crossing of the Milky Way and ecliptic in Sagittarius. This is the place where the soul enters the afterlife.

    We may now understand why pharaohs were buried holding the symbol of life (Ankh) in his sarcophagus with both hands crossed as another symbol of a cross.

    It is my strong belief that the burial ceremonies at Stonehenge are copies of the ancient Egyptian death ceremony. The river Avon is the English counterpart of the Nile , representing that great river in the sky the Milky Way (as above, so below). Egyptologists made a major mistake by interpreting Ra’s and Horus travel on a barge as a nocturnal journey along the sky while in reality they only require a barge to cross the Milky Way in the 26.000 year cycle called the precession of the equinoxes.

    Now is the time that Ra (the Sun God) traverses the Milky Way once more after 12.500  years (1/2 precesssion cycle) on the solstices when the Sun is conjunct with the galactic equator of the Milky Way.

    . . .

    The Ankh is a symbol of life for it encodes the place where the soul enteres and leaves life (ecliptic and Milky Way crossings in Gemini and Saggitarius called the gates of the Sun)








    Galactic Alignment 2012

    Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:18

    Summer Solstice
    Galactic Alignment?



    Click here!

    Jan Wicherink


    Original version

    Download PDF document here




    There are four major celestial conjunctions in Plato’s Great Year (25920 years) that were of interest to the ancients since they divide the Great Year into four epochs or Great Ages of 6480 years each.

    In the paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’ (Smelyakov, Wicherink 2006) these four extremely rare celestial conjunctions in a Great Year were called the Great Celestial Conjunctions (GCC). These Great Celestial Conjunctions coincide with the moments in the precession cycle that the Earth Cross of the Zodiac aligns with the Galactic Cross of the Solar Zodiac. 

    A Great Celestial Conjunction coincides with the Sun aligning with the Galactic Equator at solstices or equinoxes. There are two places on the ecliptic where the Sun can align with the Galactic Equator since the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way at two places and hence we discern two different types of galactic alignments in a Great Year:

    • An alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator in the constellation ScorpioSagittarius near the Galactic Center. This alignment corresponds with the Sun residing in the Dark Rift during the alignment.
    • An alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator in the constellation GeminiTaurus near the Galactic Anti-Center. This alignment corresponds with the Sun residing on the Milky Way near the Pleiades during the alignment.

    Whenever an alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator occurs on an equinox or solstice day, this alignment will correspond with a Great Celestial Conjunctions as mentioned in the paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’

    The last Great Celestial Conjunction occurred in our own current era around 1998 and this conjunction is also known as ‘Galactic Alignment’ that was popularized by John Major Jenkins in a book with the same title. Galactic Alignment is the winter solstice Sun’s alignment with the Galactic Equator when the Sun is in the Dark Rift. This alignment was encoded into the Maya sacred site Izapa in Mexico.

    Picture 1) Winter solstice Sun (1998) in the Dark Rift of the Milky Way
     John Major Jenkins - Galactic Alignment

    Since the conjunction of the Sun with the Galactic Equator happens twice a year, we also had a summer solstice Galactic Alignment happening around the last GCC in the year 1998. During this alignment the Sun was on the Milky Way near the Galactic Anti-Center, which in turn is close to the Pleiades.

    Picture 2) Summer solstice Sun (1998) on the Milky Way

    Notice the Pleiades on the bottom right!

    In this article we will reveal how Stonehenge may encode exactly this summer solstice alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator. It’s a summer solstice version of John Major Jenkins winter solstice Galactic Alignment.

    The Pleiades will become the key in unlocking the secrets of the summer solstice Galactic Alignment of Stonehenge. Stonehenge may not be the only ancient site that encodes the current summer solstice Galactic Alignment; we have every reason to suspect that there may be more.

    Picture 3) Stonehenge UK


    Wayne Herschel’s monumental work on the ancient star maps

    In 2003 Wayne Herschel published his monumental work ‘The Hidden Records’. This book is the culmination of years of research into many ancient sites around the world. His book presents the recovery of ancient star maps that were encoded on the land following the ancient Hermetic principle ‘as above, so below’. Herschel’s book shows that a pyramid building culture must have once thrived on this planet since hundredths of pyramids have already been discovered all over the globe and in the last decade alone ‘new’ pyramids have been unearthed in unexpected places such as in Bosnia-Herzegovina in Europe.

    Herschel discovered that all the stars along the Nile in Egypt actually mimic constellations along the Milky Way. For some reason the Egyptian star map seemed to put extra emphasis on the constellation Pleiades that corresponds with the pyramids at Abusir south of Giza along the Nile.

    Much to his surprise Herschel discovered more ancient sites around the world that had been using the Pleiades as a central theme. Among these sites were:

    But the same recurring Pleiades theme was also discovered in:

    • Lascaux Halls of the Bulls cave in France
    • Sardinian cave paintings
    • Sumerian clay tablets
    • The Nineveh disc
    • Egyptian Dendera zodiac

    Herschel interpreted this recurring ‘Pleiades theme’ as a way shower to a certain star, a solar system with a G2 class star that could have an Earth like planet, the home planet of the extraterrestrials that he believes were the architects of all the ancient monuments. His conclusion was drawn after studying ancient artifacts and ancient texts that clearly are suggestive of an extraterrestrial presence in ancient times here on Earth.

    The author of this article does not object to such a view, however I do think that Herschel’s interpretation of the ‘Pleiades theme’ may be wrong in this sense that it is not likely to express a place in the sky, a ‘mystery’ star, the home of extraterrestrials that once settled on Earth as Herschel wants us to believe.


    Missing aspects of Herschel’s star map interpretation

    In interpreting the meaning of the Pleiades theme in the ancients sites that Herschel investigated, one important factor seem to have been overlooked and that’s the astronomical significance of these sites. Therefore Herschel’s ‘mystery’ star theory is most likely incorrect considering the following facts: 

    • All the ancient sites dealing with the Pleiades star map were astronomical and astrological sites with equinox and solstice alignments that were not taken into consideration by Herschel when decoding the star maps.
    • The ‘mystery star in Egypt near Abusir corresponds to the temple of Ra. The consensus by Egyptologists is that Ra must be associated with the Sun in the Egyptians texts and not with some hypothetical G2 class star. In addition the alignment of the Sun Temple at Abusir is an anomaly in his star map theory, it does not point into the same direction the other ‘mystery‘ stars do in the rest of his star maps.
    • When Herschel checked his astronomical software for his ‘mystery’ star he couldn’t find a star close enough to match his ‘mystery’ star. Using new software and rewinding the clock back 17.500 years he finally succeeded and was able to make a match. If the ‘mystery’ star isn’t a star at all as we are suspecting, it comes as no surprise that Herschel wasn’t able to locate this star in the first place.
    Bringing the astronomical significance of the ancient sites to the forefront will reveal a new and very compelling significance of this ‘Pleiades theme’ in these ancient sites that were tracking the summer solstices!

    A new light on Herschel’s mystery star

    It’s my hypothesis that Herschel’s ‘mystery’ star near the Pleiades in fact represents a midpoint between the Pleiades and the place where ‘the Sun is on the Milky Way’. The ‘mystery’ star therefore represents a way shower to a ‘precession anchor’ that can be used to determine a special moment in the Great Year as it connects the Pleiades with this ’precession anchor’.

    The ‘mystery‘ star in fact is the Sun itself! Some of the ancient sites that Herschel mentions are built close to a river. Its my assumption that the river mimics the great river in the sky, the Milky Way. The summer solstice observatories such as Stonehenge were built close to the river to represent the ‘Sun on the Milky Way’. If the summer solstice observatory had been built in it’s correct position, it would have been built into the river (Milky Way) itself since this is the place where the Sun resides at Galactic Alignment. So there are obvious reasons as to why the ‘mystery star’ (the Sun) was built on the land and not in the river. The position of the ‘mystery’ star (monument) on the land that aligns the Pleiades (monument) with the Milky Way (river) is in fact hinting at:

    The Sun on the Milky Way at the current summer solstice
    that coincides with the last Great Celestial Conjunction!

    The Sun on the ecliptic aligns with the Milky Way in the constellation Taurus where the Pleiades are. This may explain why the Egyptians worshiped the celestial Bull and why so many other cultures around the world venerated the Pleiades.

    The picture below is a view of the skies on the summer solstice sunrise around the last Great Celestial Conjunction (1998).

    Picture 4) Sunrise at summer solstice 1998

    At summer solstice (June 21) of 2012, the Sun will be residing on the Milky Way near Taurus where the Pleiades are; it’s a summer solstice Galactic Alignment and the reverse situation of the better know winter solstice Galactic Alignment occurring six months later. Now let’s compare it with Herschel’s star map of the Pleiades:

    Summer Solstice Pleiades-Sun alignment close up

    Herschel’s star map

    Picture 5) Comparison between summer solstice 1998 Pleiades-Sun alignment and Herschel’s star map

    Notice in picture 5 how the Pleiades on the left are pointing towards the rising Sun on the summer solstice of 1998 while the picture on the right is showing Herschel’s star map, it’s a recurring star map theme that has not only been found in Egypt but in other places around the world as well such as at Stonehenge and the Maya temple site Tikal in Guatemala.


    Mystery star and position of the Sun on the ecliptic

    On Herschel’s website we find proof for the hypothesis of this article that the so called ‘mystery’ star in Herschel’s star maps which he thinks refers to a star near the Pleiades, is in fact denoting the position of the Sun on the ecliptic.

    On Herschel’s website the exact position of the Sun on the ecliptic is explained as follows: “between the bulls horns in Taurus when direction matches ancient sites” (See text bottom right in the image).

    So the location where the ‘mystery’ star is pointing too is the place where:


    The summer solstice Sun of 1998 will be in between the horns of Taurus when the Sun is on the Milky Way (See picture 7)!

    Picture 7)  Summer solstice Sun 1998, the Sun is in between the Bull’s horns (Taurus)

    Herschel’s own website provides us with the arguments that our thesis may be correct and that the ‘mystery star’ in Herschel’s star maps is NOT a star near the Pleiades at all, but in fact is a way shower to the Sun on the ecliptic in between the horns of Taurus! This position is where the Sun is on the ecliptic at the summer solstice of 1998 at the last Great Celestial Conjunction!


    Pleiades Template

    Picture 8) Pleiades template

    To further test and proof the hypothesis that the Pleiades in Herschel’s star maps may be pointing towards the 1998 solstice sun on the Milky Way a template of the Pleiades was created using the free open source astronomy software Stellarium. Stellarium presents a realistic 3D representation of the sky similar to what we see with a naked eye observation of the stars. Stellarium will allow us to test out thesis.

    The template (picture 8) is created from a screenshot of Stellarium at the moment of summer solstice 1998. The green line in this template is exactly aligning the stars Alcyone and Pleione with the 1998 summer solstice sun on the Milky Way. The orange line is a base line of the Pleiades constellation connecting the stars Taygeta, Maia and Alcyone of the Pleiades constellation with the stars HP 17832 and HP 17900.

    This template will be tested on Stonehenge to see if the angle between the Pleiades and the solstice sun on the Milky Way has any significance with respect to Stonehenge.



    It is an established fact that Stonehenge was an astronomical observatory for both solar and lunar observations. One of its functions was the determination of the summer solstice date using the summer solstice sunrise. At the 21st of June the rising sun in the North East shines its light in between the Heel Stone onto the Alter Stone at the center of the Trilithons or horseshoe of Stonehenge.

    Picture 9) Stonehenge summer solstice Sun alignment

    South West of Stonehenge we find the Winterbourne Stoke Barrows.  Herschel claimed that the Winterbourne Stoke Barrows at Stonehenge actually represented a star map of the Pleiades and indeed these barrows seem to have the shape of this constellation. The Winterbourne Barrows as the Pleiades are pointing the way to Stonehenge according to Herschel.

    Picture 10) Winterbourne Stoke barrows

    Now let’s superimpose our Pleiades template on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and see if we can make a match first. To this end we align the stars on the orange base line in our template with the corresponding barrows at Stonehenge.

    Picture 11) Winterbourne Stoke barrows at Stonehenge (Google Earth)
    superimposed with the Pleiades template

    It’s quit obvious from the picture above that the barrows do not perfectly fit the stars of the Pleiades. Although the stars of the Pleiades constellation take on the same contours of the barrows, the geometrical pattern of the constellation itself is somewhat distorted since it is stretched along the orange base line. Surly the ratios between our template and the actual ground plan of the Pleiades do not match. Over long periods of time stars drift and this may very well explain why the barrows don’t match up perfectly with the actual constellation of the Pleiades any longer thousands of years later. However the barrows that are running in a straight line from South West to North East will allow for the mapping and alignment of the Pleiades star map template onto the Winterbourne Stoke barrows. 

    If our hypothesis is correct and the orange base line of the Pleiades is aligned with the barrows, the green line should be pointing towards Stonehenge! So let’s zoom out and see what we got:

    Picture 12) Stonehenge pointing the way to the AvonRiver (Milky Way)

    The green line of our template is running straight through Stonehenge!

    The green line runs through Stonehenge and eventually ends up intersecting the Avon river. The intersection is the place where the ‘Sun is on the Milky Way’.

    Let’s double check our thesis in reverse order. First we take a picture of the skies at summer solstice 1998 when the Sun is on the Milky Way with the aid of the Stellarium software. Next we superimposed that picture onto Stonehenge making sure the Pleiades are superimposed on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and the Sun is residing on the Avon river like this:

    Picture 13) Summer Solstice 1998 superimposed on Stonehenge.
     (white line represents the summer solstice sunrise to which Stonehenge is aligned)

    If we now zoom in on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows we find the same result:

    Picture 14) Close up of the Winterbourne Stoke barrows alignment.

    I think it’s safe to say that the coincidence of the near perfect alignment of the Winterbourne Stoke Barrows with Stonehenge, are beyond chance.  

    Most likely Stonehenge represents the Sun itself. Since it could not be built into the river it was built on the land as a midpoint between the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and the Avon river. Stonehenge now became a way shower to the Sun and its purpose was to connect the Pleiades with the summer solstice Sun on the Milky Way (green line in picture 13).


    Additional proof

    At summer solstice the Sun at Stonehenge rises at 50º azimuth in the North East while the Pleiades can be found at 75º azimuth. This means that at summer solstice sunrise the Pleiades can be viewed from Stonehenge right above the Avon river at the exact location where a line drawn from the Winterbourne Stoke barrows through Stonehenge intersects the Avon river. This location of course corresponds with the ‘Sun on the Milky Way’ in our thesis. In other words:

    At summer solstice sunrise the Winterbourne Stoke barrows, Stonehenge and the Pleiades align!

    Picture 15) Stonehenge
    links the Winterbourne Stoke barrows with the Pleiades.


    This fact shows that Stonehenge links the Winterbourne Stoke barrows with the Pleiades at summer solstice sunrise. The Pleiades are mirrored on the ground as the Winterbourne Stoke barrows with Stonehenge as the focal point of this mirror image.

    So let’s recap the facts:

    • In order for the Winterbourne Stoke barrows to mirror the Pleiades at summer solstice sunrise, they were placed at 259º azimuth South West of Stonehenge (See picture 15).
    • Next the orientation of the Winterbourne Stoke barrows on that location where created such that they would represent the Pleiades at a summer solstice galactic alignment (1998) when the Sun was on the Milky Way. This meant that the barrows would have to be aligned such that Alcyone and Pleione were aligned with Stonehenge, since this alignment was showing the way to the Sun on the Milky Way (see the green line in our template in picture 8)

    Considering the fact that Stonehenge is also a summer solstice sunrise observatory the message of Stonehenge now becomes very clear:

    Stonehenge is telling us that the Pleiades are pointing the way to the Sun on the Milky Way at summer solstice; in other words Stonehenge encodes a summer solstice Galactic Alignment!



    Just North East of Stonehenge we find Woodhenge. Woodhenge is the wooden ‘counterpart’ and precursor of Stonehenge. Woodhenge consists of concentric elliptical rings of wooden poles. Both the entrance of Woodhenge and the long axis of the ellipses are oriented to the summer solstice sunrise making Woodhenge another summer solstice observatory. 

    Picture 15) Woodhenge aerial photo

    Recent excavations in 2006 of both Woodhenge and the Durrington Walls made archeologist believe that Woodhenge and Stonehenge were both part of one and the same ‘religious’ site. An avenue that connects Woodhenge with Stonehenge indicates that both sites were connected.

    If we take a look at picture 16 we see that Woodhenge is not only close to the river but also the so called ‘Cursus’, a path that archeologists believe represents an ancient race track, is running parallel with the ecliptic. In addition the ‘Cursus’ is running through Woodhenge!

    Picture 16) Cursus running through Woodhenge

    If the ‘Cursus’ was meant to represent the ecliptic and Woodhenge the Sun, the Woodhenge site would represent the place where the ecliptic (Cursus) and the Milky Way (Avon river) intersect. In other words:

    Woodhenge could represent the ‘Sun on the Milky Way’ at a summer solstice galactic alignment



    Given Herschel’s multiple Pleiades themes found around the world which he has interpreted as a ‘mystery’ star, we offer a new interpretation of Herschel’s ‘mystery’ star in this article. An interpretation that takes into account the astronomical significance of the sites in question something that Herschel did not take into consideration. We took Stonehenge as an example and demonstrated that our thesis apparently works for Stonehenge. It could mean that the ancients have left us clues about our current:

    Great Celestial Conjunction or summer solstice Galactic Alignment
    This astronomical event hails a New Age.


    October 4th 2009:

    Breaking news:

    Discovery of new henge at Stonehenge


    On October 3rd 2009 scientists have announced the discovery of what may be the most important find in decades, a smaller version of Stonehenge. They call it Bluehenge. Bluehenge is named after the colour of 30  giant stones placed in a circle. Bluehenge and Stonehenge are connected by means of a causeway called the Avenue. The Avenue runs from Stonehenge (aligned to the summer solstice) all the way to Bluehenge which resides at the bank of the river Avon. But the path continues to the river itself. Professor Mike Parker of Sheffield University who discovered Bluehenge argues that both Stonehenge and Bluehenge were used in rituals of life and death.

    The death were brought to Woodhenge (symbol of life) north east of Stonehenge and transported over the river Avon.  The death were brought ashore at Bluehenge and were transported next along the Avenue to Stonehenge (symbol of death). The ceremony started at sunrise (symbol of life) and ended at sunset (symbol of death) and included quote ‘massive feasts at Woodhenge to mark the winter solstice’.

    The most important discovery is that  in the ceremonies at Stonehenge, the journey of the death on the river Avon symbolized the passage from life to death.

    This ceremony is echoed in many myths where the death have to cross over the waters to enter the afterlife.  In ancient Egypt the death crossed that great river in the sky, the Milky Way through the ‘Gate of God’. The river Avon at Stonehenge is a methaphor for the Milky Way. The ‘gate of God’ astronomically speaking is the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way in 5° Sagittarius. The deceased pharaoh travelled into the Netherworld as described in the ‘Book of the Gates"’  by passing the primeval waters of the Milky Way at the hour of the rebirth of the Sun (sunrise). The gates of the Sun were first mentioned by the Greek author Microbius and mentioned in 'Morals and Dogma' by Albert Pike .

    The burial rituals at Stonehenge mimic these Egyptian burial ceremonies and not only deal with the passing of the soul into the afterlife but metaphorically  also encode the death and resurrection of the Sun when it passes through the ‘gates of the Sun’ (crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way) . Astronomically speaking, the moment when the Sun passes through these gates (crossing the Milky Way) at solstices, defines the moments of a Great Celestial Conjunction or Galactic Alignment (Sun conjunct with the Galactic Equator at a solstice day).  This rare astronomical event that only occurs twice in 26.000 yeras, is occurring right now in era-2012 and is directly linked to the ending of the Maya calendar on the winter solstice of 2012 (= Galactic Alignment)!

    We are not surprised to find Bluehenge (representing the Sun) at the bank of the river Avon, since symbolically ‘it encodes the Sun on the Milky Way at the summer solstice’ . Building a henge on the bank of the river is as close as one can get to the river since the henge could not be built in the river. The causeway that connects Bluehenge with the summer solstice alignment of the Avenue at Stonehenge links Bluehenge (the Sun) with the summer solstice.

    The current discoveries seem to support our overall thesis that Stonehenge was not simply a solstice observatory, but also encodes the Great Celestial Conjunction of era-2012!

    Read more here:




    In ancient Egypt pharaoh’s were buried with their arms crossed and were given two Ankhs in their hand.  The Ankh Egyptologists  suggest is a symbol of life. On close examination it consists of two basic symbols, one is a cross called the Tau cross, the other is a circle. The Tau cross has been associated with the constellation Taurus which is not surprising since the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way occurs in between the horns of Taurus. "Esoterically the Tau represents a gate or opening, symbolic death'".

    The dot in a circle represents the Sun (Ra) and the circle itself in the Ankh it but a simplification of the circumpunct (dot in circle). To create an artefact of the Sun symbol (circumpunct) would be impossible without using spokes to sustain the dot in the circle. While the circle in the Ankh represents the Sun, the Tau cross represents a gate and a crossing. The combination of both symbols in the Ankh therefor clearly suggest 'the Sun at the crossing'.

    There are only two crossings on the ecliptic, and that’s where the Milky Way crosses the ecliptic (path of the Sun). These two crosses were called the ‘gates of the Sun’ and were associated with life and death . The soul enters life through the gate of Man (crossing of ecliptic and Milky Way in Gemini).  This is why the Ankh was associated with life since the crossing of the ecliptic and Sun (gate of Man) is the place where the soul incarnated into the next life in the eternal cycle of reincarnation. Upon death the pharaoh would leave his body and his soul would travel on Ra’s barge (crossing the Milky Way) through the ‘gate of God’. The ‘gate of God’ is the crossing of the Milky Way and ecliptic in Sagittarius. This is the place where the soul enters the afterlife.

    We may now understand why pharaohs were buried holding the symbol of life (Ankh) in his sarcophagus with both hands crossed as another symbol of a cross.

    It is my strong belief that the burial ceremonies at Stonehenge are copies of the ancient Egyptian death ceremony. The river Avon is the English counterpart of the Nile , representing that great river in the sky the Milky Way (as above, so below). Egyptologists made a major mistake by interpreting Ra’s and Horus travel on a barge as a nocturnal journey along the sky while in reality they only require a barge to cross the Milky Way in the 26.000 year cycle called the precession of the equinoxes.

    Now is the time that Ra (the Sun God) traverses the Milky Way once more after 12.500  years (1/2 precesssion cycle) on the solstices when the Sun is conjunct with the galactic equator of the Milky Way.

    . . .

    The Ankh is a symbol of life for it encodes the place where the soul enteres and leaves life (ecliptic and Milky Way crossings in Gemini and Saggitarius called the gates of the Sun)








    Galactic Alignment 2012

    Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:19

    The 'Stonehenge-Giza' connection.

    It has been pointed out by Petrie, Davidson, Michell, Gaunt and others that there appears to be a strong connection between the South of England and Egypt. Place names, Design, Dating, and plenty more all point to a possibility of research.

    • Stonehenge was built on the same latitude as the angle of the Great pyramid (Or as near as possible at 51° 51').

    • At Stonehenge, the sun sets at 51°51' on mid-summers day.

    Much of the following is taken from D. Davidson's work in 1924 (2); 'The great unit of surface measure in ancient Egypt was the aroura. This was a square of length of side of an hundred common Egyptian cubits of 20.63 British inches long. This square was divided into four quarter squares; the quarter aurora being thus employed as a separate unit of measurement A circle of this diameter falls precisely internal to the outer ring of stones forming the circle of Stonehenge (And so therefore, plenty others - see Thom) Thus at Stonehenge we find the Egyptian quarter aroura set out in circular form to define, by its alignments, the points and circuit of the solar year. A similar association held between the quarter aroura and the year in ancient Egypt. For as Horapollo states:- "To represent the current year, they (the Egyptians) depict the fourth art of an aroura: now the aroura is a measure of land of an hundred cubits. And when they would when they would express a year they say a quarter" Hence in an Egyptian inscriptions, there are two hieroglyphics representations of the year - one is indicated by a square, and the other by a circle'.


    Davidson also comments on the origin of the aroura. He says 'The original representation was in the form of a circle. The circumference of this circle measured 3652.42 selected units of length. This represented the circle of the solar year to a scale of ten selected units of length to a day. The diameter then measured 1162.6 selected units of length'. Petrie's best estimate of Stonehenge was 1163 'British' inches.

    (More about Stonehenge)



    • The picture we have developed concerning the development and purpose of these pyramids originates solely from the Greek historian, Herodotus, who also said that Khufu was buried on an island surrounded by water.

    • No original burials have been found in any Egyptian pyramid.

    • All the large pyramids in the 'Heliopolis' area (18-24) were believed to have been built over a period of less that 100 years.

    • There is no surviving papyrus, stele or inscriptions to commemorate the designer, construction, or completion of the Giza pyramids.

    • The Giza pyramids (and others - i.e. the 'Red' - pyramid) have no visible internal funerary inscriptions.

    • This is not normal behaviour for Egyptian tomb builders of any period and alters the context of these 'Heliopolis' pyramids.

    • Manetho said it was built by 'Suphis', 'Sophis' is also an ancient name for Orion, from which derived the 'Sothic' year

    • Khufu's name had become 'a powerful charm', and was put on monuments as a sign of sanctity and protection.

    • The 'Sphinx stele' had the syllable 'Khaf' on it within a cartouche.

    • There are a number of funerary objects around Giza associated with Khafre.

    • The 'Polar passage' aligned with the pole-star at about 2,400 BC and another at 3,300 BC.

    • Mark Lehner's carbon-dating places the pyramid 400-1000 years older than current, standard theory accepts.

    • The inventory stella calls Isis the 'Mistress of the pyramid' and Osiris, the lord of Rostra (Ghiza).

    • It also says that Khufu 'found' the temple of Isis, beside the house of the Sphinx.

    • It says that Khufu built two pyramids.

    • The cartouche of 'Djefre' was found on the roofing stones of the boat pit in front of the Great pyramid.

    • The 'Heliopean' pyramids of the 3rd - 5th dynasties were aligned towards Heliopolis.

  • Some

  • 4th dynasty pharaohs are credited with more than one pyramid.


    (Next Section - How were the pyramids constructed)


    (Return to Contents Page)

    (Giza Homepage)

    (Egypt Homepage)


    Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:21
    : BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/06/2013 20:19

    El Solsticio de Verano en el monumento Stonehenge

    Más de 20.000 personas se reunieron en el célebre monumento para conmemorar el inicio del verano boreal

    Las nubes que cubrieron el cielo por la mañana impidieron apreciar la salida del sol el día más largo del año en el hemisferio norte

    Pero eso no evitó la celebración

    El solsticio de verano suele atraer a una amplia y variada multitud

    Al misterioso conjunto de piedras cuyo propósito sigue siendo incierto

    El antiguo círculo de piedras erguidas ubicado en las planicies de Salisbury

    A unos 130 kilómetros (80 millas) al suroeste de Londres

    Fue construido en tres fases entre los años 3000 a.C. y 1600 a.C


    Llega la Super Luna

    El domingo nuestro satélite nos parecerá mayor y más brillante

    Mientras en el Hemisferio Norte el solsticio trae el verano

    En el Hemisferio Sur tiene lugar el fenómeno contrario:

    Llega el solsticio de invierno

    Estos eventos astronómicos coinciden esta vez con un fenómeno conocido como:

    La 'Súper Luna'

    Donde el satélite natural de la Tierra pareciera que aumenta su tamaño y brilla más de lo habitual

    Los astrónomos aseguran que el suceso ocurre todos los años al menos en una ocasión

    Sin embargo en este año ya tuvo su debut en Latinoamérica, el pasado 24 de mayo el astro vivió el cambio

    Pero se espera que este domingo se viva con mayor

    Expertos señalan que el fenómeno se debe a que ésta estará en fase llena

    Y simultáneamente alcanzará la mínima distancia de la Tierra, lo que se conoce como:


    El domingo se verá una Luna, al menos, 14% más grande de lo normal y 30% más luminosa

    La mejor manera de poder apreciarla

    Es cuando está saliendo por el horizonte

    Sobre el efecto visual que provoca tener objetos conocidos, como;

    Edificios y árboles, junto a la Luna

    Para comparar el tamaño

    Si coincidiera un eclipse solar con este tipo de Luna, el Sol quedaría completamente cubierto

    Cuando los eclipses ocurren en el apogeo, se conoce entonces como eclipse anular

    Porque queda un aro de luz alrededor de la luna

    Aunque existen creencias populares de que este tipo de evento

    Provoca desastres naturales

    Y que altera las emociones, aumentando la criminalidad

    La verdad es que se trata de un efecto visual completamente natural

    Debido a la órbita de nuestro satélite

    Científicos ya han explicado que el acercamiento que se vivirá el fin de semana

    Afecta muy poco las mareas

    Por lo que no debe temer si tiene planificado visitar el mar en horas de la tarde-noche

    Aunque no desestiman que un monitoreo a las condiciones climáticas sea recomendable

    Este mes, se vivirá también el día más largo del año en el Hemisferio Norte:

    El solsticio de verano

    Donde anochece casi en la madrugada y el Sol vuelve a saludar muy temprano en la mañana

    Se debe a la inclinación de la Tierra y la órbita de ésta alrededor del astro rey

    Los expertos en esoterismo y energías cósmicas

    Ya han dado sus consejos para aprovechar el fenómeno que se vivirá el domingo y que pudiera brindarle una nueva energía

    Dicen que esa noche hay que tomar baños de Luna

    Para ayudarle positivamente en varios aspectos y concretar anhelos

    Puede hacerlo, aseguran, al aire libre

    Permaneciendo un rato bajo la luz de la Luna

    O a través de una ventana donde pueda observar el astro en todo su esplendor


    Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:22
    : BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 26/06/2013 16:29
    Ancient star map Stonehenge


    The Winterbourne Stoke Barrows mimic the Pleiades… and beyond all coincidence… Stonehenge is found in the precise position in which the pyramid replicating the mystery star in Egypt is found on a pyramid star map. Note also how Stonehenge has an outer circle with barrows that directy portray the obvious... a star with planets in orbit. Encrypted in the layout of Stonehenge is the stunning codex of the human form deciphered by the author. This is decoded from the age old Da Vinci Vitruvian man. The same codex can also be deciphered at Giza in Egypt and quite unexpectedly, also in a pyramid found at a place not of this world! The book reveals the ultimate solution to the pyramid enigma. The star maps have been designed to convey a crucial message to humankind… a message that is also corroborated by a series of anomalies not of this world… the pyramids on Mars. 


    The Winterbourne Stoke barrows represent the Pleiades and Stonehenge marks on the ground the 'x' star that marks the spot. The meaning of Stonehenge appears to be the representation of the star very near the Pleiades stars... the star of the 'gods' of the ancients so to speak... flesh and blood visitors... also tied in to our ancestors who were mistakenly worshipped as 'gods'.


    Wayne has identified the meaning of the Cursus. (see images below). The Cursus represents the ecliptic, the path of our Sun... Why?

    The reason is clear... Only a short portion of the ecliptic was celebrated. Both the Stonehenge causeway alignment and the Winterbourne Stoke wall alignments isolate a 'sacred' small portion of the ecliptic... they are most likely celebrating the rising of our Sun, with the Pleiades on one special day, then a few days apart, the ultimate celebration, the rising of the Sun-like star with our Sun viewed from Stonehenge!

    The two alignments are without doubt a few degrees different to each other and here is where it makes most sense.

    Wayne is convinced the reason for this Sunrise with sacred star celebration is the ancients way of trying to emphasize THE MEANING of the star maps - to acknowledge the 'Sun' of our ancestors, which is LIKE our 'Sun'. A Sun-like star solution. Yes one cannot see both Sun and stars at the same time, but their once very advanced star watchers as well as our modern astronomers would easily decipher the meaning.

    The oblong/rectangular-shaped barrow near Winterbourne Stoke has an important solution since publishing Wayne's book. Wayne says it is in the exact position correlating with another important Sun-like star that is now important to include and compare to the Templars and Freemason secrets... THREE Sun-like stars as a grouping... A Trinity. It mirrors an important Mars oval shaped anomaly. This 'extra' anomaly was excluded in Wayne's book because it complicated an already difficult story to follow, and it seemed too close for comfort to the Freemason star map which in 2002, (at the time of publishing, before the Da Vinci code book made its mark) seemed too risky to be writing about. The correlation match also closely resembles the Tikal historical site in Guatemala. The third mystery anomaly here is in a historically protected piece of woodland in the lower portion of the image above, matching the position of the D&M pyramid in the Mars star map. Wayne is appealing to anyone visiting the site (before his next trip) to take look there. There are a few mounds here but Wayne has heard one of them that is completely overgrown with trees has an odd shape. See website contact link.

    What interests Wayne here are the boundary lines of the farms which seem parallel or set along what appear to be ancient alignment walls between the three important sites. See the white alignment lines and note also how the motorway is parallel to what apparently was once the ancient road that passed through the middle of both Winterbourne and Stonehenge.


    Wayne has proposed what might be a geoglyph interpretation of Orion... or it might just be a coincidence. The theoretical geoglyph looks a lot like a large Orion man with old English helmet as a hunter with a bow and arrow. It is almost impossible to see in the new satellite images that have been released. The hourglass pattern is still very clear in the new satellite images and therefore seems more likely to be the solution here. Here is the less probable interpretation of all the old roads that wind around a strange coincidental relief pattern, that is linked to here only because another author has also found a completely different example of the very same interpretation style of Orion the Hunter pointing the way, but in a completely different area. This alone has Wayne scratching his head in wonder.

    Click here... Orion Hunter Interpretation.

    This geoglyph that looks like an hourglass symbol is astronomically placed in correct position and orientation matching the position of Orion as it appears in the sky with comparison to the position of the stars of the Pleiades. There is also a new interpretational development for what might correlate with the what is found common at other ancient sites for two other important Sun-like star correlations. One is inclusion of the Long barrow at the Winterbourne site and the other is the group referred to as the Lake district Barrows. The reason for the trees not being cut down there is because of the large earth mound hiding in the trees.

    Click here... Lake group barrow research by Julian Cope.

    There are other sites that reproduce the sacred star pattern:

    Click here... Egypt and Mars and the Maya on this menu listing here: New Star Maps

    There is a lot more to Stonehenge and its design which Wayne has found also matches the secret of the Yule tree, the Egyptian Senmut tomb and more importantly...

    ... the stones positions replicating the design on the Hebrew Solomon Key talisman.

    Click here...Key of Solomon website, part two, half way down the page.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:24
    : BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/06/2013 23:21
    Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 13 of 26 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/07/2013 01:34
    Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 14 of 26 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/07/2013 17:27

    Christopher Chippindale’s Stonehenge Complete gives the derivation of the name Stonehenge as coming from the Old English words stān meaning “stone”, and either hencg meaning “hinge” (because the stone lintels hinge on the upright stones) or hen(c)en meaning “hang” or “gallows” or “instrument of torture”. Like Stonehenge’s trilithons, medieval gallows consisted of two uprights with a lintel joining them, rather than the inverted L-shape more familiar today.


    At a point directly Northeast of the center of the Altar Stone, there is a break in the circular embankments for an avenue, nearly 40 feet wide which leads to the only element of Stonehenge
    which is outside this circle.  The “Heelstone” is a massive stone 20 feet high with 4 feet buried in the plain.  It is planted at an incline of 27 degrees toward the center of the structure.  It is
    estimated to weigh over 35 tons and is 256 feet from the center of the Altar Stone.
    Just within the embankments is a stone 3 feet thick, 7 feet wide, and nearly 22 feet long.  This is thought to be the spot where animals were slaughtered as offerings to Deity.
    More is involved in the construction of Stonehenge than meets the casual view. It is located and constructed by an exact scientific formula from which can be derived much scientific data and many astrological readings.  Just inside the Aubrey Holes there are four Station Stones forming a rectangle 108 feet 8 inches wide and 262 feet 3 inches long with its long dimension perpendicular to the Northeast axis.  At this latitude of 51 degrees 17 minutes North Latitude, lines drawn through these four stones plot the rising and setting positions of the sun and moon at midsummer and midwinter.  If Stonehenge were moved as little as 30 miles, this rectangle would have to be laid out as a parallelogram without right angled corners.


    At the summer solstice (about June 21) the sun rises directly over the tip of the Heelstone; its rays passing through the Sarsen Arch and striking the center of the Altar Stone.  (That one archway
    is 6 inches wider than all the rest.)
    With this in mind, picture, if you will, this scene which may- or may not – be purely imaginative.
    It is night.  The darkness is broken only by a candle or two-or perhaps by the dim light of a setting moon.  A group of men, marching in double file, enter the Sarsen Circle.  They are dressed
    in ancient costumes of leather and rough, homespun cloth. They carry implements of the builders trades.
    In the center of the group, walking between the columns and guided by two of the ancients, is a young man – an initiate.
    They circumambulate the Sarsen Circle, stopping at strategic points  while voices from the darkness instruct and admonish the initiate in their midst.  As dawn approaches they pass through the
    open end of the Trilithons, into the Bluestone Horseshoe, and wind their way Southeastward until the initiate and the guides stand behind the Altar Stone, at its center, facing Northeast.
    The rest of the group file slowly back until they form a double line from the Altar Stone to the Sarsen Arch at the Extreme Northeast limit of the Circle.


    All is quiet.  The darkness dims.  The initiate has time to think on what he has been told and the things he has seen.
    The circles of stone about the group shut out nearly all the light as dawn grows near.
    Suddenly a glow appears and a guide turns the initiate’s head with the command: “Look to the East!”
    The entire area is encompassed by two earthen embankments separated by a ditch 17 feet wide.  The inner embankment rises 7 feet above the plain to reduce the possibility of cowans and eavesdroppers.  The outer mound is approximately 400 feet in diameter.


    Within this circle, at a diameter of 286 feet, are 56 pits(called “Aubrey Holes”) filled with solid chalk.  Several of these have been excavated and found to contain human bones, spawning the assumption that they are burial spots for the leaders or officers of those who used the site.
    Further toward the center, with an inside diameter of 97 feet 4 inches, is the main part of the structure: a circle of 30 stones nearly 4 feet thick, 7 feet wide, and standing 13 feet 6 inches above ground.
    At a diameter of 77 feet is a circle of Bluestones, 6 feet 7 inches high in the Southwest, tapering to 2 feet 4 inches in the Northeast.
    We now approach the “Inner Sanctum” of Stonehenge.  A horseshoe formation of 5 huge stone groups called “Trilithons” with the open end to the Northeast.  These mammoth units consist of 3 stones each.  Two upright members varying in height from 25 feet 6 inches in the center of the closed end of the horseshoe to 20 feet above ground at the open end.  The third stone forms a lintel across the top and is 15 feet 5 inches long (the width of two uprights).  These stones are about 3 feet thick and 7 feet wide and, at the top, are carved in the form of a mortise and tendon joint to hold the lintel in place.
    Within this impressive group is a second horseshoe of round Bluestones 2 feet in diameter varying in height from 9 feet 3 inches at the closed end to 6 feet 6 inches at the end open to the Northeast.  These are set at a diameter of 39 feet.


    Central to all the other parts of the structure is one of the two most important elements.  It lies flat on the ground and is a green stone with flecks of mica throughout. It measures nearly 2 feet thick, 3 feet 3 inches wide and 15 feet 9 inches long.  This
    is the “Altar Stone.”
    Some mention should be made of the two color elements used in Stonehenge’s construction: the green Altar and the two Bluestone units.  Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry has this statement:
    “In all the Ancient Mysteries, this idea was carried out with Green symbolizing the birth of the world, of the moral creation or resurrection of the initiate.”  Thus we have the theory that the
    initiate took his obligation on the Green Altar Stone at Stonehenge: “the creation or resurrection of a new life.”  The Bluestones are thought to be indicative of the blue which is indelibly attached to Masonry.  From all ages blue has symbolized truth, sincerity, and fidelity.  Further, Masons met in outdoor Lodges under the blue canopy of Heaven – thus, today, we meet in “Blue Lodges.”
    A sudden shaft of light bursts through the Sarsen Arch as the sun rises directly over the tip of the Heelstone.  It crosses the space within the Circle – strikes the Altar Stone – and shines directly on the face of the Initiate!
    The Initiate has received the LIGHT.  After further instruction he is admitted to the inner circle of these rough men who, somehow, know many things of science and nature.


    Imagery???  Perhaps. – Perhaps not!  We may never know; but this is an indisputable fact: the construction of Stonehenge, like the Great Pyramid of Giza, was done with knowledge that would be
    difficult to find, even today.  It is done with scientific skill which was thought to be developed many centuries after these men lived and died.      The “How” and “Why” we may never understand, but the facts remain.
    An Ancient Masonic Lodge???  Who knows?  And, one may ask: “Does it really matter?”
    For whatever we choose to believe about Stonehenge, it offers material for intriguing hypothesizing and endless interesting conversations.

    My Brothers – I give you the Mystery that is Stonehenge!”
    Source http://www.masonicworld.com/education/files/stoneh.htm

    Freemason Tracing Board
    Surprisingly, the ‘Tracing Board’ seems to convey the same concept that was used at Stonehenge, the concept of using the Pleiades as a way to shower to the Sun on the Milky Way and encoding a Galactic Alignment in this way.


    The new piece of evidence could be the final proof that the creators of the ‘Tracing Board’ indeed intended to encode a Galactic Alignment with their mysterious picture.
    We may even raise the question of the Scottish Rite Freemasons are aware of this as well. The fact of the matter is that they could have used a dozen of other stars and clusters as a substitute of the Pleiades to denote a star or star clusters close to the summer solstice sun as Orion, but they have chosen to use the Pleiades.
    Freemasonry is said to be the survival of Atlantis and the “Lost Continent” of Mu. Winwood Reade in the “Veil of Isis”, also tried to claim a Druidic basis for Freemasonry.
    Apparently many brethren cannot bear to belong to an organization which connects itself to devil worship, but this group of medieval stone workers seem to extend further into antiquity than most realize.  Merely placing two stones together, one atop the other places the assertion that it must have been Masons is ludicrous but we must consider that the original group of High Priests in Egypt were Freemasons and even before this.
    Note: Carthagin (a secret Phoenician group) were said to inscribe a coin from 350 BC with scenes which could very well be a world map!

    Now let’s superimpose our Pleiades template on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and see if we can make a match first. To this end we align the stars on the orange base line in our template with the corresponding barrows at Stonehenge.


    It’s quit obvious from the picture above that the barrows do not perfectly fit the stars of the Pleiades. Although the stars of the Pleiades constellation take on the same contours of the barrows, the geometrical pattern of the constellation itself is somewhat distorted since it is stretched along the orange base line. Surly the ratios between our template and the actual ground plan of the Pleiades do not match. Over long periods of time stars drift and this may very well explain why the barrows don’t match up perfectly with the actual constellation of the Pleiades any longer thousands of years later. However the barrows that are running in a straight line from South West to North East will allow for the mapping and alignment of the Pleiades star map template onto the Winterbourne Stoke barrows.


    If our hypothesis is correct and the orange base line of the Pleiades is aligned with the barrows, the green line should be pointing towards Stonehenge! So let’s zoom out and see what we got:

    Stonehenge 1998 alignment

    The green line of our template is running straight through Stonehenge!
    The green line runs through Stonehenge and eventually ends up intersecting the Avon river. The intersection is the place where the ‘Sun is on the Milky Way’.
    Let’s double check our thesis in reverse order. First we take a picture of the skies at summer solstice 1998 when the Sun is on the Milky Way with the aid of the Stellarium software. Next we superimposed that picture onto


    Stonehenge making sure the Pleiades are superimposed on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and the Sun is residing on the Avon river like this:
    If we now zoom in on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows we find the same result:
    I think it’s safe to say that the coincidence of the near perfect alignment of the Winterbourne Stoke Barrows with Stonehenge, are beyond chance.
    Most likely Stonehenge represents the Sun itself. Since it could not be built into the river it was built on the land as a midpoint between the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and the Avon river. Stonehenge now became a way shower to the Sun and its purpose was to connect the Pleiades with the summer solstice Sun on the Milky Way.

    Stonehenge Alignment1

    Additional proof
    At summer solstice the Sun at Stonehenge rises at 50º azimuth in the North East while the Pleiades can be found at 75º azimuth. This means that at summer solstice sunrise the Pleiades can be viewed from Stonehenge right above the Avon river at the exact location where a line drawn from the Winterbourne Stoke barrows through Stonehenge intersects the Avon river. This location of course corresponds with the ‘Sun on the Milky Way’ in our thesis. In other words:
    At summer solstice sunrise the Winterbourne Stoke barrows, Stonehenge and the Pleiades align!
    Stonehenge is telling us that the Pleiades are pointing the way to the Sun on the Milky Way at summer solstice; in other words Stonehenge encodes a summer solstice Galactic Alignment!


    On Earth, the River Nile was the reflection of this great river in the sky, in accordance with the Hermetic principle “as above, so below.”

    8054 Vatikan Heiliger Stuhl

    Since the Greek inherited much of their wisdom from the Egyptians, it’s more than reasonable to suspect that the gate or portal mentioned in the Book of the Gates through which the pharaoh enters the Netherworld is, in fact, the Gate of God that the Greek writer Macrobius writes about. The Gate of God was also called the Golden Gate, while the Gate of Men was called the Silver Gate. The very same Egyptian cross symbolism used by the pharaohs associated with the Golden and Silver gates of the soul (and the Sun) can still be recognized in the coat of arms of the Vatican, consisting of two crossed keys; one Golden, one Silver.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:27


    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Stonehenge, Avebury y sitios relacionados
    UNESCO logo.svg Welterbe.svg
    Nombre descrito en la Lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
    Avebury henge and village UK.jpg
    Poblado y Avebury Henge.
    Coordenadas 51°25′43″N 1°51′15″O / 51.42861, -1.85417
    País Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Reino Unido
    Tipo Cultural
    Criterios i, ii, iii
    N.° identificación 373
    Región Europa y América del Norte
    Año de inscripción 1986 (X sesión)
    Vista general del círculo central en Avebury.

    Avebury es el emplazamiento de un círculo de piedras datado hace más de 5.000 años. Está en el condado inglés de Wiltshire, cerca de la ciudad del mismo nombre. En 1986 fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco.

    Es de los mayores monumentos del neolítico de Europa, más antiguo que el de Stonehenge, localizado unos kilómetros más al sur.

    El monumento está compuesto por varios círculos de piedras. El círculo exterior tiene un diámetro de 335 metros y es el mayor de todos los monumentos prehistóricos encontrados. En origen estaba compuesto por 98 piedras; algunas de ellas pesan más de 40 toneladas. La altura de las piedras va desde los 3,6 a los 4,2 metros. Las pruebas del carbono las han fechado en los años 2800 al 2400 a. C.

    Cerca del centro del monumento hay otros dos círculos de piedras, separados entre sí. El círculo del norte mide 98 metros de diámetro aunque sólo quedan de pie un par de piedras de las que lo componían. Una cueva realizada con tres piedras está en el centro, con su entrada apuntando hacia el noroeste.

    El círculo del sur tiene 108 metros de diámetro. Está prácticamente destruido y algunas secciones están ahora entre los edificios del pueblo. Un monolito de 5,5 metros de alto estaba colocado en el centro junto con un alineamiento de pequeñas piedras que se destruyeron en el siglo XVIII.

    Muchas de las piedras originales se destruyeron en el siglo XVI para proveer de material de construcción y facilitar el cultivo de las tierras.

    Posible distribución original de las piedras.

    Enlaces externos[editar · editar código]

    Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 21 of 26 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/10/2013 22:46

    Avebury, círculos de piedras místicos

    4 de noviembre de 2011

    Estas aquí: Ser TuristaInglaterra

    Avebury es un monumento neolítico que se encuentra la villa del mismo nombre, en el condado de Wiltshire, que está en el suroccidente de Inglaterra. Este monumento está compuesto por tres círculos hechos con piedras en forma vertical, siendo uno de los más grandes del continente europeo, y uno de los más reconocidos de Gran Bretaña, después de Stonehenge.

    Este lugar, que en la actualidad es uno de los puntos favoritos de este estilo para muchos turistas y para algunos paganos modernos, fue construido alrededor del año 2.600 a.C., durante el Neolítico o la Nueva Era de Piedra, y es más antiguo que Stonehenge, que está a unos kilómetros al sur. Y es por la cercanía de estos dos, que muchos turistas los visitan en el mismo día.

    El sitio arqueológico de Avebury está hecho por un gran círculo que está rodeado por un canal dentro del cual hay otros dos círculos pequeños en todo su centro. El objetivo original de este sitio no se conoce con precisión, aunque los arqueólogos creen que era utilizado principalmente como un lugar para hacer rituales y ceremonias, y a pesar de que a través del tiempo se fue deteriorando, en el siglo veinte el arqueólogo Alexander Keiller se encargó de poner muchas rocas en su sitio.

    Además de las rocas en forma vertical de este lugar, que tienen unos cinco metros de alto en promedio, muchos turistas llegan allí a ver los paganos modernos que hacen sus ritos en este sitio y a vista de todas las personas. Esto ocurre en especial en el solsticio de verano, cuando se hacen rituales durante el día, y hasta allí también llegan creyentes en corrientes de la Nueva Era, que creen que allí pueden tener contacto psíquico con otras dimensiones.

    Y los alrededores naturales de este sitio también vale la pena recorrerlos, porque siendo el círculo mayor tan grande brinda a los visitantes la oportunidad de verlos un poco más a fondo. Así como las villas y casas típicas que están en las inmediaciones.


    Fotografías de Kurt Thomas Hunt, Barkaw, Bods, LoopZilla.

    Más destinos con turismo: , ,


    Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:31

    The Sun

    In the videos I identify 864 as the number of the Sun because the Sun has a diameter of 864,000 miles. But there are many other interesting things resonating with 864.


    The Earth

    One Earth rotation lasts 86,400 seconds. 24 x 60 x 60 = 86,400.


    Stonehenge to Silbury Hill in the UK

    John Michell and Robin’s Heath’s important book The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth contains the following fact: the distance from the center of Stonehenge to the base of Silbury Hill is 864,000 feet. Both SH and Silbury were made about 5000 years ago. How was it that people apparently knew the size of the Sun in miles and used the English foot to encode this numerology on the ground? I suggest you listen to my Red Ice interview to find out how this can be explained.

    SH Silbury

    Place de la Concorde in Paris France

    Place de la Concorde is the largest square in Paris having an area of 86,400 square meters. The guillotine at the center was later replaced by the obelisk from the Temple of Luxor in Egypt. A Ferris Wheel shows up at the edge of the square there from time to time (shown in the satellite image below) to spook us with its all seeing Eye of Sauron and obvious Illuminati symbolism (compare with the London Eye).


    One Canada Square in London UK

    One Canada Square (aka the Canary Wharf Building) was originally designed to be 864 feet high but was reduced to 770 feet because the London City Airport is too close. Check out its pyramid roof. The square shaft with a pyramid on top is the form of the ancient Egyptian Benben of the Temple of the Phoenix in Heliopolis which was the precursor for later tapered obelisks.

    419px 1CanadaSquare

    (Above picture courtesy of MattD Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 license)

    The architect of 1 Canada Square (aka the Canary Wharf Tower) is Cesar Pelli. Here’s what he had to say about it on opening day (26 Aug 91):

    “According to Lao Tse, the reality of a hollow object is in the void and not in the walls that define it. He was speaking, of course, of spiritual realities. These are the realities also of the Canary Wharf Tower. The power of the void is increased and… with its supporting structure creates a portal to the sky … a door to the infinite.”

    Pelli seemed to be waxing poetic about the talismanic power of the structure, was he not?

    Does anyone know the significance of 26 Aug 91? I’d like to know.

    On the wikipedia page for this building, it says there are 108,000 deliveries made to the loading bay each year. Shyeah. 108 is the number of the Moon. The lunar radius is 1080 miles. The element silver which has always been associated with the moon has an atomic weight of 108g/mol. But I digress.

    The floor area of 1 Canada is 111,000 m2 which encodes the repetitive ones that Rik Clay talked so convincingly about. One Canada is now the second tallest building in the UK because it has been eclipsed by The Shard which is currently under construction. Perhaps not surprisingly The Shard has a matching floor area of 111,000 m2 This is an illuminati / masonic / archonic trigger number if you will.

    Fountain Place (designed by I.M. Pei) and the Trammel Crow building in Dallas Texas also have floor areas measuring 111,000 m2. I’ll talk a lot more about Daleth, ahem, Dallas in another post.

    One Canada Square was featured in the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter movie. The clip is rather dark but there is a moment when lightning brightens everything up (shown below). The lightning seems to hit the place where the United Grand Lodge of England is located (governing body of Freemasonry in the UK). Rowling provocatively says the thestrals that the kids are riding are only visible to those who have seen death.

    Order of Phoenix2

    (Fair use screen cap of Order of the Phoenix movie)

    Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco USA

    The Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco is 864 feet high if you count its pyramidion and mast.


    The building is quoted as being 853′ high, some 11 feet less than the magic number. There are those pesky repeating ones again. Masonic Center in San Francisco’s address is 1111 California Street. The Great Pyramid is 1/11th of a mile in height and its pyramidion that Herodotus mentioned which was made of electrum (alloy of gold and silver) measured 1-1/11 feet in height according to the metrology of Richard Heath in Sacred Number. Again I digress.


    Full Frame Sensors

    The 35mm camera was the most popular film camera ever used. Today the size of the 35mm negative is echoed in what is called the full frame CCD or CMOS sensor which has an area of – wait for it – 864 mm2. This is the sensor against which all others are measured. Full frame sensors are only available on the most expensive pro DSLRs currently.

    428px SensorSizes

    5:12 Rectangles

    I have a lot to say about pythagorean triangles in my videos. In particular I have found many references to 5:12:13 triangles and 5:12 rectangles (that’s 2 of the triangles put together) in Stonehenge and the whole region surrounding it, in Washington DC, Paris, and Jerusalem. Someone who listened to my first Red Ice interview contacted me with a major discovery he made in regards to the 5:12 proportion. Brace yourself…


    A rectangle measuring 5 feet by 12 feet has an area of 8640 square inches. This is something I can work with. I’m never going to be able to build an 864 foot solar Osiris talisman on a geodetic hot spot, but I think I can manage making a few raised garden beds measuring exactly 5 by 12 feet. And where I live in Canada (above 50 degrees North) can really use more resonance with the Sun.

    Do the Math

    864 is a multiple of 108. In fact here are some additional multiples that are very interesting:

    • 108 (interior angles of pentagon measure 108 degrees each)
    • 216 (= 6x6x6 =  33 + 43 + 53)
    • 432 (Kali Yuga = 432,000 years)
    • 864 (Dwapara Yuga = 864,000 years )
    • 1728 (number of the cube, = 12x12x12, also Satya Yuga of 1,728,000 years)
    • 3456 (number of Egyptian royal miles in polar radius of Earth)
    • 25920 (Earth’s precessional period)

    All of the above are referred to as precessional numbers because they are factors of 25,920 years.

    Please contact me if you find any more 864s, I’d love to hear from you.

    ©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:33

    New Jerusalems

    Before I discuss New Jerusalems, let us step back and first examine Jerusalem itself. Solomon’s Temple was located somewhere on Jerusalem’s temple mount. However, there is debate as to the exact location of the “holy of holies” where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Was the holy of holies located on the Foundation Stone inside the Dome of the Rock or was it located elsewhere on the temple mount?

    In 1977 Dr. Asher Kaufman published a paper, ‘New Light upon Zion: the Plan and Precise Location of the Second Temple’ that located the most sacred place in Judaism about 100 yards north of the Dome of the Rock under a small dome formerly known as the Dome of the Tablets that I covered in SIPS Volume 1.

    Dome of the Tablets

    Dome of the Tablets from SIPS Volume 1

    The late John Michell discovered what he termed The Messianic Axis in Jerusalem that corroborated the Kaufman theory.

    The ark of the covenant held the 10 commandments, which actually sound a lot like spell 125 from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but that’s another story.

    Here is what the Messianic Axis looks like along with Michell’s 5×12 sacred geometric overlay. Richard Heath shows in his book Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization that the X’s mark the holiest places in Christianity and Judaism. I have shown how the 6:5 proportions of these X’s have a double-layered encoding in the metrology of Cubits. Curious how all these stories occurred along a line.

    Michell's sacred geometry of Jerusalem

    Michell’s sacred geometry of Jerusalem

    Jan Thulstrup noticed that the dome of St Peter’s Basilica has an inner radius of 20.736 meters. The cubit that measures Jerusalem is 20.736 inches in length. This coincidence is entirely fitting for the holiest places in Christendom. Rome is a New Jerusalem.



    The name Peter means rock. Speaking of domes and rocks, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is 3333.3 km from La Place de la Nation in Paris.


    The Tuileries Gardens in Paris shares Jerusalem’s 5×12 proportions. The Historical Axis of Paris exhibits the same pattern as the Messianic Axis of Jerusalem. The Sun King not only had but also built a messianic complex. Paris is a New Jerusalem.


    Putting these patterns together, here is what emerges:


    The Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées is 3652422 yards from the center of Jerusalem. The tropical year is 365.2422 days. The Rond-Point has 6 fountains arranged in a Star of David pattern. The heading from Jerusalem to Paris is 314° true north, recalling π. None of this is an accident but if it were, how amazing! What are the chances?

    New Jerusalems are not an original idea. The Book of Revelation introduces the heavenly, or as we might see it now, a higher-dimensional template of New Jerusalem:

    And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. -Rev 21:2


    Also later in Chapter 21 New Jerusalem’s cube-it dimensions are given:

    And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. -Verse 16

    12 thousand cubed is 1728 billion cubic furlongs. Michell calculated that the 5×12 rectangle in Jerusalem’s long side measures 1728 cubits. The cubits measure 6/5 feet cubed, or 1.728 feet. Therefore the heavenly new Jerusalem of the Bible is dimensioned using the template from the real Jerusalem or maybe it is the other way around.

    I showed in SIPS Volume 1 how DC is a New Jerusalem.


    New York’s Central Park is proportioned by double 5×12 rectangles which just so happen to also correspond to the proportions of the dollar bill with 98% accuracy.


    Urban Asplund measured the distance from the Round Fountain in the Tuileries, which corresponds to the holy of holies inside Solomon’s Temple, and discovered that it is exactly 6666.6 km to the center of Buckingham Fountain in Grant Park, Chicago.


    Look at how both complexes are fronted by water, with the sinuous Seine running through Paris and the Chicago River and Lake Michigan in Chicago. Both complexes feature fountains with sprays of water.

    In Revelation Chapter 22, John of Patmos’ described New Jerusalem as having a “pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God.”

    La Jérusalem nouvelle. Le Fleuve de Vie. c1047

    La Jérusalem nouvelle. Le Fleuve de Vie. c1047

    Could this water of life proceeding out of his seat refer to the spinal Kundalini energy discussed in Serpent Wisdom?

    Grant Park has the same 5×12 proportions. Amazingly, Buckingham Fountain is the official eastern terminus of US Historic Route 66.

    The western terminus of Route 66 is the end of the Santa Monica Pier, which I discussed in SIPS Volume 2 (watch to learn how it connects to Baalbek, Century City and Hollywood). The distance from the end of the pier, the official “end of the trail” of Route 66 to the Dome of the Tablets in Jerusalem is 6600 nautical miles.

    Route 66 snakes its way from Chicago to LA, over 2000 miles, all the way. Highways are like rivers. I see Route 66 symbolizing the water of life flowing to the Pacific ocean.

    With all the repeating 6’s in the measures of these New Jerusalems I should point out a few more. The distance from the Round Fountain in the Tuileries Gardens to the obelisk in La Place de la Concorde is 666 meters. It’s like the template in microcosm.


    The Kaaba in Mecca is 666.6 nautical miles from the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. These are the official two most sacred spots in Islam and Judaism, respectively. Clearly these encoded distances transcend any one particular religious tradition. Perhaps there is something or someone deeper, patterning the world.

    "Sacred Sites" from Quantification

    “Sacred Sites” from Quantification

    Kevin McMahon posted this graphic on Facebook today. He also discovered that it is 777.7 miles from Grant Park Buckingham Fountain to the entrance of the IPG at a heading of 314° true north.


    If you saw SIPS Volume 1, you might recall that Stonehenge has its station stones which describe a 5×12 rectangle.

    from SIPS Volume 1

    from SIPS Volume 1

    Stonehenge is also 33.33° from Solomon’s Temple.

    Stonehenge Solomon's Temple

    Perhaps Stonehenge was the template for Jerusalem? Food for thought.

    Asplund made the following connections. I call it the “Esoteric Metro”. All four sites are in an alignment and thus in a sense, they all resonate as New Jerusalems.


    Some massive integration is going on lately. Here are two more stations in the esoteric metro. The two paths from Ellora and Carnac converging on the Freemason Emblem Building at the International Peace Garden meet at a 45° angle. The IPG is located at 100°3’33.33″W.


    Did you know the highest concentration of lightning on Earth (20,000 strikes per night) occurs in a specific location? This happens over a spot called Aguas Muertas where the Catatumbo River empties into Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.

    So bright and reliable is the lightning that this location has been called the Maracaibo Lighthouse for hundreds of years.

    The phenomenon is characterized by almost continuous lightning, mostly within the clouds, which is produced in a large vertical development of clouds that form electric arcs between 2 and 10 km in height (or more).

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if people could harness that raw power? It might light up the planet in terms of providing for our electrical needs.


    An average bolt of negative lightning carries an electric current of 30,000 amperes, and transfers 15 coulombs of electric charge and 500 megajoules of energy. Large bolts of lightning can carry up to 120,000 amperes and 350 coulombs of charge. -Source

    Doing the math, I calculate that a single large bolt apparently provides the energy of 11,666,666,666 joules. :)

    The Lighthouse of Maracaibo is 6666 miles from Heliopolis, which is in turn 3333 miles from the highest point on Earth. That is some serious Earthupuncture! It reminds me of moxybustion. The City of the Sun sure seems to be sited well for accumulating earth energy. It was built long before Jerusalem existed. In fact all that remains of Heliopolis above ground is this one granite needle.


    The sacred geometry of Jerusalem (1728 cubits of 1.728 feet each) is encoded in our very units of measure, a secret in plain sight. One cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches.

    The Earth’s diameter is 7920 miles. 7920 inches = 1 furlong. 17280 furlongs = 2160 miles. The Moon’s diameter is 2160 miles. We are living in the ‘heavenly’ New Jerusalem…

    Earthrise in the Matrix

    Earthrise in the Matrix


    Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/02/2015 00:09

    Freemasonry, Astrology, and the Washington D.C. Street Plan

    During the 1790s French Freemason Pierre L’Enfant designed the street plan and architectural layout of Washington D.C. to include many occult talismans. If you see D.C. from an aerial view, you may be shocked to find things like an iron cross (used by Hitler), the Star of David (used by the Rothschilds), an upside down (satanic) pentagram pointing to the White House, and even a pyramid with a huge owl sitting atop at the Capitol building. The Egyptian hieroglyph for the Illuminati Goddess Isis/Sirius is a star, an oval, and an obelisk all drawn together. In Washington D.C. there just happens to be the Washington Monument obelisk, the Oval office, and a pentagram encoded in the streets/architecture.

    “The Egyptian hierogram for the star Sirius consists of three shapes: a five-pointed star, an oval, and an obelisk. Amazingly, this is just what we find in stone in Washington D.C. The entire city is dedicated astromantically to the star Sirius and its occult deities. Astrology is good enough for the ruling Plutocrats it seems. Pity that when the ordinary person seeks to use the divination arts for their own personal physical and spiritual empowerment, they are considered freaks and devil-worshippers.” -David Ovason, “Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol”

    “Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do.” -J. P. Morgan

    In Washington DC we have the phallic "Monument" facing the female "Oval" office, plus the pentagon and L’Enfant’s pentagrams. In Paris we find “Cleopatra’s Needle” another obelisk in front of the Notre Dame ("Virgin" Mary’s) Cathedral. The Vatican has another masculine obelisk surrounded by a feminine circular building structure. In London, New York, and many other places you will find the same. The Brotherhood has placed their sexual architecture at key geomantic points all over the Earth.

    “The obelisk and the dome are common sights in the monuments and buildings of the Brotherhood. The obelisk is an ancient phallic symbol of the male energy and solar energy and the dome represents the female or moon energy. Often they are placed together or close to each other. This is the symbolism of the Oval Office (the womb, female) in the White House which looks out on the Washington Monument, the vast stone obelisk (phallic, male). These symbols attract and generate the energy they represent: they are a physical thought form. The obelisk also symbolizes the penis of the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. According to legend, after Osiris had been sliced into pieces by his rival, Set, the Queen Isis found all the pieces except his willy. An obelisk claimed to come from Alexandria in Egypt stands in Central Park, New York, and its twin was erected in the 19th century, during the reign of Queen Victoria, on the former Templar lands alongside the River Thames not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is known as Cleopatra’s Needle and originally stood in On (Heliopolis), the Egyptian City of the Sun, from at least 1500 BC, before it was moved to Alexandria... A sphinx has been placed on either side at its London location. Another Egyptian obelisk which was built in Luxor 3,200 years ago now stands in the Place de Concorde in Paris, less than a minute’s drive from the scene of Diana’s crash. On the other side of the crash scene is the Eiffel Tower, another gigantic obelisk in disguise. The Washington Monument in Washington DC is a colossal obelisk. The dome (from a Greek word meaning Place of the Gods) draws in and harnesses energy, as does the pyramid.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (354)

    They also keep the secrets of ancient ley lines and continue building along them. For instance the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. are all on a perfect diagonal that continues down to Teohitican and all the way up to Stonehenge, Troy, and Baalbak. London to Giza and Paris to Dendera are almost equidistant parallel lines as well. This geomantic knowledge was understood and kept hidden by ancient builders/Masons and remains that way today.

    “Has anyone ever asked themselves why a war memorial nearly always has to be an obelisk? And why do you think the Washington monument in the centre of Washington DC is a giant obelisk? Because obelisks, like all these symbols and geometrical shapes, generate the energy they represent. I remember climbing some stone steps inside a big obelisk near Hebden Bridge in England and feelig enormous male sexual energy all around me. I wondered what on Earth was happening until I remembered where I was ... inside a male penis in effect. What a symbol is built to represent is the energy it will generate, because symbols are a physical manifestation of the thoughts which create them. These guys don’t put their symbols everywhere just for fun. They do it because it helps to re

    Freemasonry, Astrology, and the Washington D.C. Street Plan

    During the 1790s French Freemason Pierre L’Enfant designed the street plan and architectural layout of Washington D.C. to include many occult talismans. If you see D.C. from an aerial view, you may be shocked to find things like an iron cross (used by Hitler), the Star of David (used by the Rothschilds), an upside down (satanic) pentagram pointing to the White House, and even a pyramid with a huge owl sitting atop at the Capitol building. The Egyptian hieroglyph for the Illuminati Goddess Isis/Sirius is a star, an oval, and an obelisk all drawn together. In Washington D.C. there just happens to be the Washington Monument obelisk, the Oval office, and a pentagram encoded in the streets/architecture.

    “The Egyptian hierogram for the star Sirius consists of three shapes: a five-pointed star, an oval, and an obelisk. Amazingly, this is just what we find in stone in Washington D.C. The entire city is dedicated astromantically to the star Sirius and its occult deities. Astrology is good enough for the ruling Plutocrats it seems. Pity that when the ordinary person seeks to use the divination arts for their own personal physical and spiritual empowerment, they are considered freaks and devil-worshippers.” -David Ovason, “Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol”

    “Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do.” -J. P. Morgan

    In Washington DC we have the phallic "Monument" facing the female "Oval" office, plus the pentagon and L’Enfant’s pentagrams. In Paris we find “Cleopatra’s Needle” another obelisk in front of the Notre Dame ("Virgin" Mary’s) Cathedral. The Vatican has another masculine obelisk surrounded by a feminine circular building structure. In London, New York, and many other places you will find the same. The Brotherhood has placed their sexual architecture at key geomantic points all over the Earth.

    “The obelisk and the dome are common sights in the monuments and buildings of the Brotherhood. The obelisk is an ancient phallic symbol of the male energy and solar energy and the dome represents the female or moon energy. Often they are placed together or close to each other. This is the symbolism of the Oval Office (the womb, female) in the White House which looks out on the Washington Monument, the vast stone obelisk (phallic, male). These symbols attract and generate the energy they represent: they are a physical thought form. The obelisk also symbolizes the penis of the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. According to legend, after Osiris had been sliced into pieces by his rival, Set, the Queen Isis found all the pieces except his willy. An obelisk claimed to come from Alexandria in Egypt stands in Central Park, New York, and its twin was erected in the 19th century, during the reign of Queen Victoria, on the former Templar lands alongside the River Thames not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is known as Cleopatra’s Needle and originally stood in On (Heliopolis), the Egyptian City of the Sun, from at least 1500 BC, before it was moved to Alexandria... A sphinx has been placed on either side at its London location. Another Egyptian obelisk which was built in Luxor 3,200 years ago now stands in the Place de Concorde in Paris, less than a minute’s drive from the scene of Diana’s crash. On the other side of the crash scene is the Eiffel Tower, another gigantic obelisk in disguise. The Washington Monument in Washington DC is a colossal obelisk. The dome (from a Greek word meaning Place of the Gods) draws in and harnesses energy, as does the pyramid.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (354)

    They also keep the secrets of ancient ley lines and continue building along them. For instance the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. are all on a perfect diagonal that continues down to Teohitican and all the way up to Stonehenge, Troy, and Baalbak. London to Giza and Paris to Dendera are almost equidistant parallel lines as well. This geomantic knowledge was understood and kept hidden by ancient builders/Masons and remains that way today.

    “Has anyone ever asked themselves why a war memorial nearly always has to be an obelisk? And why do you think the Washington monument in the centre of Washington DC is a giant obelisk? Because obelisks, like all these symbols and geometrical shapes, generate the energy they represent. I remember climbing some stone steps inside a big obelisk near Hebden Bridge in England and feelig enormous male sexual energy all around me. I wondered what on Earth was happening until I remembered where I was ... inside a male penis in effect. What a symbol is built to represent is the energy it will generate, because symbols are a physical manifestation of the thoughts which create them. These guys don’t put their symbols everywhere just for fun. They do it because it helps to resonate the energy field to the vibrational frequency they want. In turn, this affects the thoughts and feelings of the people.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (136)

    “The extraordinary truth is that the very existence of the Washington Monument is intimately linked with the Egyptian star, Sirius the Sihor, which the ancients represented in their sacred hieroglyphics as an obelisk as well as a star. How is it possible that this most important star of the ancient world should find itself, as it were, resurrected in the architecture of the United States. …in the course of that day, when the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid, the Sun would have passed over Sirius … Computations clearly show that on the day the Declaration of Independence was agreed in Philadelphia, the Sun was on Sirius. The Mason who first signed the Declaration of Independence would have been aware of the particular significance of July 4 as a cosmic event. The day was the second in the so-called dog days…which begin on July 3. The dog days are so-called because they refer to the rising of the star Sirius.” -David Ovason, "Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol"

    sonate the energy field to the vibrational frequency they want. In turn, this affects the thoughts and feelings of the people.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (136)

    “The extraordinary truth is that the very existence of the Washington Monument is intimately linked with the Egyptian star, Sirius the Sihor, which the ancients represented in their sacred hieroglyphics as an obelisk as well as a star. How is it possible that this most important star of the ancient world should find itself, as it were, resurrected in the architecture of the United States. …in the course of that day, when the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid, the Sun would have passed over Sirius … Computations clearly show that on the day the Declaration of Independence was agreed in Philadelphia, the Sun was on Sirius. The Mason who first signed the Declaration of Independence would have been aware of the particular significance of July 4 as a cosmic event. The day was the second in the so-called dog days…which begin on July 3. The dog days are so-called because they refer to the rising of the star Sirius.” -David Ovason, "Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol"


    Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 01:36


    My thanks to Alec Ratcliffe for discovering another Secret in Plain Sight where he lives in Bolton, UK. He discovered that Bolton is the midpoint of an alignment connecting Stonehenge to Rosslyn Chapel.

    SH Bolton RC

    The road that leads to the centre of Bolton is the A666 which was nicknamed the “Devil’s Highway” due to its number and appalling accident rate. Bolton’s city council renamed the A666 “St. Peter’s Way”, lowered the speed limit, and made safety improvements to reduce the death toll which was three times higher than other motorways in the borough. -Source

    Winter Hill Bolton 666

    The phone number of the Bolton Town Hall is 333333. Are you starting to get the picture?

    Right of way

    Image courtesy Alec Ratcliffe

    The above signs mark a public right of way that is actually an ancient right of way leading over Bolton’s Winter Hill:

    Sunday morning

    Image courtesy Alec Ratcliffe

    The top of Winter Hill has the highest television transmitting antenna in the UK at 1035 feet in height. Take a look at its very long shadow.

    Winter hill

    The transmitter on the top of the Winter Hill antenna is 777m above sea level.

    Support wires, to hold the mast vertical, are pitched at 120° when viewed from above. These are connected at 5 heights, reminding one of pyramids.

    Antenna wires

    Image courtesy Alec Ratcliffe

    Gratings on the roads in Bolton have rhombi and pyramids on them. Hmm.

    Grating road

    Image courtesy Alec Ratcliffe

    The coat of arms for the Bolton County Borough Council features an Elephant and Castle on top:

    Bolton County Borough Council

    Image source

    The pediment of the town hall shows the Elephant and Castle on the shield the Queen is holding.

    Queen elephant

    Image courtesy Alec Ratcliffe

    In fact Elephants and Castles are all over Bolton. Here’s another:

    Elephant castle

    Image courtesy Alec Ratcliffe

    There is a major road intersection in South London called Elephant and Castle which is shaped like an inverted pentagon with respect to true North. The Michael Faraday Memorial within this pentagon has a swastika-like form from above. It contains an electrical substation that powers the London Underground.

    Elephant London

    Elephant and Castle, South London

    “Elephant and Castle” is derived from a coaching inn of that name on the site. The earliest surviving record of this name relating to the area is in the Court Leet Book of the Manor of Walworth. This local court had met at “Elephant and Castle, Newington” on 21 March 1765. Previously the site was occupied by a blacksmith and cutler – the coat of arms of the Worshipful Company of Cutlers [knife makers] features an elephant with a castle. -Source

    “Worshipful Companies” are livery companies of the City of London.

    The active livery companies play an important part in social life and networking in the City of London, and have a long history of cultural patronage, and control of the City of London Corporation. -Source

    I talked a bit about the City of London Corporation and the Lord Mayor in my London video episode.

    The senior officer of a Masonic Lodge is normally addressed and referred to as the “Worshipful Master.” The office of Worshipful Master is the highest honor to which a lodge may appoint any of its members.

    Following my intuition I pondered the connections between Bolton and the freemasons. After finding so many Secrets in Plain Sight in my last few posts in New York I have wondered about its namesake in York and the York Rite of freemasonry.

    I discovered that the oldest freemasonic lodge in York, Lodge 236, used to meet in a place called Elephant & Castle in the 19th century. Lodge 236 was established on 7/7/1777. -Source

    All those sevens tie in well with Bolton having Elephants and Castles all over the town and the Winter Hill transmitting station being 777m above sea level.

    Are these all just coincidences? Here are a few more:

    • In my post on 666, I mentioned Cergy-Pontoise has an area of 77.7 square kilometers.
    • In my post on One Times Square I mentioned that the Time Ball drops 77 feet on New Year’s eve.
    • Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11.

    The Knights Templar is an autonomous body within the York Rite. Thus the order still exists today in freemasonic form. Here is the symbol of the Knights Templar order:

    Knights Templar Logo Freemasonry

    In Hoc Signo Vinces is Latin for “In this Sign You Will Conquer.”

    The sign shown below is the infamous Nazi iron cross. Hitler conquered for a time using the swastika at the center of this very similar symbol.

    EK 1class

    Luz from Columbia sent me this picture yesterday of an artificial intelligence chip IBM has just developed. See here. I don’t know if the Templars are connected to artificial intelligence at this point but I have a great respect for the illuminating power of coincidence. My friend Rick counted and there are indeed 33 lines on each edge of this neurosynaptic core chip:


    Image source

    Will artificial intelligence conquer our minds? Man vs machine is a common theme in popular television series and movies.

    Everything is connected. Following the connections through alignments, numbers, and symbols sometimes leads to profound insights.

    Perhaps the Faraday Memorial at the center of the inverted pentagram within Elephant and Castle is a clue. If the London Elephant & Castle sends power underground, then what is the highest transmitting antenna in the UK sending through the air?

    Television is the most successful device ever devised to control the mind.

    Mind control

    Artwork by Scott Onstott

    ©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 18:45

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    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/04/2015 00:52

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