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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 22 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 21/12/2014 01:05
20:1 El primer día de la semana, María Magdalena fue de mañana, siendo aún oscuro, al sepulcro; y vio quitada la piedra del sepulcro. (Siendo aun oscuro es un nexo con GENESIS 32 CON JACOB/ISRAEL cuando le fue cambiado el nombre y con EXODO 32 QUE ES EL VERDADERO PENTECOSTES. NOTEN LA RELACION BECERRO DE ORO/TAURO/PLEYADES CON PENTECOSTES. Sin lugar a dudas que el BECERRO DE ORO es un nexo con las PLEYADES CON FUERTE RELACION CON MARIA MAGDALENA. SI BIEN SE COMETIO IDOLATRIA CON EL BECERRO, la palabra es clara en RELACIONAR EL VERDADERO SHAVUOT CON EL MISMO. La aparicion del PRIMER DIA DE LA SEMANA (SUNDAY) DIA DEL SOL, es una obvia simbologia ESPIRITUAL CON PENTECOSTES QUE ES EN EL SOLSTICIO DE VERANO. La relacion CON EL DIA DEL SEÑOR DE APOCALIPSIS 1:10 EN CONTEXTO A LAS 7 ESTRELLAS es contextual a lo que estamos expresando. La "piedra" quitada del sepulcro ES UN NEXO CON PEDRO (PIEDRA SEGUN JUAN 1:42 Y MATEO 16:18) Y CON LA RESURRECCION DE LAZARO.

20:2 Entonces corrió, y fue a Simón Pedro y al otro discípulo, aquel al que amaba Jesús, y les dijo: Se han llevado del sepulcro al Señor, y no sabemos dónde le han puesto. (Es llamativa la aparicion de PEDRO Y EL DISCIPULO AMADO en todo este contexto)

20:3 Y salieron Pedro y el otro discípulo, y fueron al sepulcro.
20:4 Corrían los dos juntos; pero el otro discípulo corrió más aprisa que Pedro, y llegó primero al sepulcro.
20:5 Y bajándose a mirar, vio los lienzos puestos allí, pero no entró.
20:6 Luego llegó Simón Pedro tras él, y entró en el sepulcro, y vio los lienzos puestos allí,
20:7 y el sudario, que había estado sobre la cabeza de Jesús, no puesto con los lienzos, sino enrollado en un lugar aparte.
20:8 Entonces entró también el otro discípulo, que había venido primero al sepulcro; y vio, y creyó.
20:9 Porque aún no habían entendido la Escritura, que era necesario que él resucitase de los muertos.
20:10 Y volvieron los discípulos a los suyos.
20:11 Pero María estaba fuera llorando junto al sepulcro; y mientras lloraba, se inclinó para mirar dentro del sepulcro; (Esta es una escena repetida en la resurreccion de LAZARO. Observen que aqui la palabra le llama MARIA y no MARIA MAGDALENA)

20:12 y vio a dos ángeles con vestiduras blancas, que estaban sentados el uno a la cabecera, y el otro a los pies, donde el cuerpo de Jesús había sido puesto.
20:13 Y le dijeron: Mujer, ¿por qué lloras? Les dijo: Porque se han llevado a mi Señor, y no sé dónde le han puesto. (Aqui con la expresion "mi señor" hay un nexo con EVA Y SARA)
20:14 Cuando había dicho esto, se volvió, y vio a Jesús que estaba allí; mas no sabía que era Jesús.
20:15 Jesús le dijo: Mujer, ¿por qué lloras? ¿A quién buscas? Ella, pensando que era el hortelano, le dijo: Señor, si tú lo has llevado, dime dónde lo has puesto, y yo lo llevaré.
20:16 Jesús le dijo: ¡María! Volviéndose ella, le dijo: ¡Raboni! (que quiere decir, Maestro).

20:17 Jesús le dijo: No me toques, porque aún no he subido a mi Padre; mas ve a mis hermanos, y diles: Subo a mi Padre y a vuestro Padre, a mi Dios y a vuestro Dios. (Aqui hay una relacion con el PACTO ABRAHAMICO DE GENESIS 17 Y EL PACTO DE 2 DE SAMUEL 7:12, osea del linaje davidico. OSEA que MARIA MAGDALENA ES UNA NUEVA SARA, RAQUEL Y BETSABE, la madre de SALOMON.) 

20:18 Fue entonces María Magdalena para dar a los discípulos las nuevas de que había visto al Señor, y que él le había dicho estas cosas.
20:19 Cuando llegó la noche de aquel mismo día, el primero de la semana, estando las puertas cerradas en el lugar donde los discípulos estaban reunidos por miedo de los judíos, vino Jesús, y puesto en medio, les dijo: Paz a vosotros.
20:20 Y cuando les hubo dicho esto, les mostró las manos y el costado. Y los discípulos se regocijaron viendo al Señor.
20:21 Entonces Jesús les dijo otra vez: Paz a vosotros. Como me envió el Padre, así también yo os envío.
20:22 Y habiendo dicho esto, sopló, y les dijo: Recibid el Espíritu Santo. (Fuerte relacion con PENTECOSTES)
June 21:  Summer Solstice (Click for details)

- Ishtar's Day (Babylonian)

- Astarte's Day (Canaanite)

- Aphrodite's Day (Greek)

- Yemaya's Day (Brazilian)

- Aine's Day (Irish)



Stonehenge Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment

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  • 2012 Freemason Revelations

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  • Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment

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  • Part I - Welcome to The Key of Solomon

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    21 Dec 2008 – After all, the site is aligned to the dawning of the Summer Solstice Sun. ... the Winterbourne Stoke barrows at Stonehenge mimic the Pleiades, ...
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    Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/12/2014 01:06
    Ancient star map Stonehenge


    The Winterbourne Stoke Barrows mimic the Pleiades… and beyond all coincidence… Stonehenge is found in the precise position in which the pyramid replicating the mystery star in Egypt is found on a pyramid star map. Note also how Stonehenge has an outer circle with barrows that directy portray the obvious... a star with planets in orbit. Encrypted in the layout of Stonehenge is the stunning codex of the human form deciphered by the author. This is decoded from the age old Da Vinci Vitruvian man. The same codex can also be deciphered at Giza in Egypt and quite unexpectedly, also in a pyramid found at a place not of this world! The book reveals the ultimate solution to the pyramid enigma. The star maps have been designed to convey a crucial message to humankind… a message that is also corroborated by a series of anomalies not of this world… the pyramids on Mars. 


    The Winterbourne Stoke barrows represent the Pleiades and Stonehenge marks on the ground the 'x' star that marks the spot. The meaning of Stonehenge appears to be the representation of the star very near the Pleiades stars... the star of the 'gods' of the ancients so to speak... flesh and blood visitors... also tied in to our ancestors who were mistakenly worshipped as 'gods'.


    Wayne has identified the meaning of the Cursus. (see images below). The Cursus represents the ecliptic, the path of our Sun... Why?

    The reason is clear... Only a short portion of the ecliptic was celebrated. Both the Stonehenge causeway alignment and the Winterbourne Stoke wall alignments isolate a 'sacred' small portion of the ecliptic... they are most likely celebrating the rising of our Sun, with the Pleiades on one special day, then a few days apart, the ultimate celebration, the rising of the Sun-like star with our Sun viewed from Stonehenge!

    The two alignments are without doubt a few degrees different to each other and here is where it makes most sense.

    Wayne is convinced the reason for this Sunrise with sacred star celebration is the ancients way of trying to emphasize THE MEANING of the star maps - to acknowledge the 'Sun' of our ancestors, which is LIKE our 'Sun'. A Sun-like star solution. Yes one cannot see both Sun and stars at the same time, but their once very advanced star watchers as well as our modern astronomers would easily decipher the meaning.

    The oblong/rectangular-shaped barrow near Winterbourne Stoke has an important solution since publishing Wayne's book. Wayne says it is in the exact position correlating with another important Sun-like star that is now important to include and compare to the Templars and Freemason secrets... THREE Sun-like stars as a grouping... A Trinity. It mirrors an important Mars oval shaped anomaly. This 'extra' anomaly was excluded in Wayne's book because it complicated an already difficult story to follow, and it seemed too close for comfort to the Freemason star map which in 2002, (at the time of publishing, before the Da Vinci code book made its mark) seemed too risky to be writing about. The correlation match also closely resembles the Tikal historical site in Guatemala. The third mystery anomaly here is in a historically protected piece of woodland in the lower portion of the image above, matching the position of the D&M pyramid in the Mars star map. Wayne is appealing to anyone visiting the site (before his next trip) to take look there. There are a few mounds here but Wayne has heard one of them that is completely overgrown with trees has an odd shape. See website contact link.

    What interests Wayne here are the boundary lines of the farms which seem parallel or set along what appear to be ancient alignment walls between the three important sites. See the white alignment lines and note also how the motorway is parallel to what apparently was once the ancient road that passed through the middle of both Winterbourne and Stonehenge.


    Wayne has proposed what might be a geoglyph interpretation of Orion... or it might just be a coincidence. The theoretical geoglyph looks a lot like a large Orion man with old English helmet as a hunter with a bow and arrow. It is almost impossible to see in the new satellite images that have been released. The hourglass pattern is still very clear in the new satellite images and therefore seems more likely to be the solution here. Here is the less probable interpretation of all the old roads that wind around a strange coincidental relief pattern, that is linked to here only because another author has also found a completely different example of the very same interpretation style of Orion the Hunter pointing the way, but in a completely different area. This alone has Wayne scratching his head in wonder.

    Click here... Orion Hunter Interpretation.

    This geoglyph that looks like an hourglass symbol is astronomically placed in correct position and orientation matching the position of Orion as it appears in the sky with comparison to the position of the stars of the Pleiades. There is also a new interpretational development for what might correlate with the what is found common at other ancient sites for two other important Sun-like star correlations. One is inclusion of the Long barrow at the Winterbourne site and the other is the group referred to as the Lake district Barrows. The reason for the trees not being cut down there is because of the large earth mound hiding in the trees.

    Click here... Lake group barrow research by Julian Cope.

    There are other sites that reproduce the sacred star pattern:

    Click here... Egypt and Mars and the Maya on this menu listing here: New Star Maps

    There is a lot more to Stonehenge and its design which Wayne has found also matches the secret of the Yule tree, the Egyptian Senmut tomb and more importantly...

    ... the stones positions replicating the design on the Hebrew Solomon Key talisman.

    Click here...Key of Solomon website, part two, half way down the page.

    Reply  Message 5 of 6 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/07/2013 01:34

    Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/12/2014 01:16

    New Jerusalems

    Before I discuss New Jerusalems, let us step back and first examine Jerusalem itself. Solomon’s Temple was located somewhere on Jerusalem’s temple mount. However, there is debate as to the exact location of the “holy of holies” where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Was the holy of holies located on the Foundation Stone inside the Dome of the Rock or was it located elsewhere on the temple mount?

    In 1977 Dr. Asher Kaufman published a paper, ‘New Light upon Zion: the Plan and Precise Location of the Second Temple’ that located the most sacred place in Judaism about 100 yards north of the Dome of the Rock under a small dome formerly known as the Dome of the Tablets that I covered in SIPS Volume 1.

    Dome of the Tablets

    Dome of the Tablets from SIPS Volume 1

    The late John Michell discovered what he termed The Messianic Axis in Jerusalem that corroborated the Kaufman theory.

    The ark of the covenant held the 10 commandments, which actually sound a lot like spell 125 from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but that’s another story.

    Here is what the Messianic Axis looks like along with Michell’s 5×12 sacred geometric overlay. Richard Heath shows in his book Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization that the X’s mark the holiest places in Christianity and Judaism. I have shown how the 6:5 proportions of these X’s have a double-layered encoding in the metrology of Cubits. Curious how all these stories occurred along a line.

    Michell's sacred geometry of Jerusalem

    Michell’s sacred geometry of Jerusalem

    Jan Thulstrup noticed that the dome of St Peter’s Basilica has an inner radius of 20.736 meters. The cubit that measures Jerusalem is 20.736 inches in length. This coincidence is entirely fitting for the holiest places in Christendom. Rome is a New Jerusalem.



    The name Peter means rock. Speaking of domes and rocks, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is 3333.3 km from La Place de la Nation in Paris.


    The Tuileries Gardens in Paris shares Jerusalem’s 5×12 proportions. The Historical Axis of Paris exhibits the same pattern as the Messianic Axis of Jerusalem. The Sun King not only had but also built a messianic complex. Paris is a New Jerusalem.


    Putting these patterns together, here is what emerges:


    The Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées is 3652422 yards from the center of Jerusalem. The tropical year is 365.2422 days. The Rond-Point has 6 fountains arranged in a Star of David pattern. The heading from Jerusalem to Paris is 314° true north, recalling π. None of this is an accident but if it were, how amazing! What are the chances?

    New Jerusalems are not an original idea. The Book of Revelation introduces the heavenly, or as we might see it now, a higher-dimensional template of New Jerusalem:

    And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. -Rev 21:2


    Also later in Chapter 21 New Jerusalem’s cube-it dimensions are given:

    And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. -Verse 16

    12 thousand cubed is 1728 billion cubic furlongs. Michell calculated that the 5×12 rectangle in Jerusalem’s long side measures 1728 cubits. The cubits measure 6/5 feet cubed, or 1.728 feet. Therefore the heavenly new Jerusalem of the Bible is dimensioned using the template from the real Jerusalem or maybe it is the other way around.

    I showed in SIPS Volume 1 how DC is a New Jerusalem.


    New York’s Central Park is proportioned by double 5×12 rectangles which just so happen to also correspond to the proportions of the dollar bill with 98% accuracy.


    Urban Asplund measured the distance from the Round Fountain in the Tuileries, which corresponds to the holy of holies inside Solomon’s Temple, and discovered that it is exactly 6666.6 km to the center of Buckingham Fountain in Grant Park, Chicago.


    Look at how both complexes are fronted by water, with the sinuous Seine running through Paris and the Chicago River and Lake Michigan in Chicago. Both complexes feature fountains with sprays of water.

    In Revelation Chapter 22, John of Patmos’ described New Jerusalem as having a “pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God.”

    La Jérusalem nouvelle. Le Fleuve de Vie. c1047

    La Jérusalem nouvelle. Le Fleuve de Vie. c1047

    Could this water of life proceeding out of his seat refer to the spinal Kundalini energy discussed in Serpent Wisdom?

    Grant Park has the same 5×12 proportions. Amazingly, Buckingham Fountain is the official eastern terminus of US Historic Route 66.

    The western terminus of Route 66 is the end of the Santa Monica Pier, which I discussed in SIPS Volume 2 (watch to learn how it connects to Baalbek, Century City and Hollywood). The distance from the end of the pier, the official “end of the trail” of Route 66 to the Dome of the Tablets in Jerusalem is 6600 nautical miles.

    Route 66 snakes its way from Chicago to LA, over 2000 miles, all the way. Highways are like rivers. I see Route 66 symbolizing the water of life flowing to the Pacific ocean.

    With all the repeating 6’s in the measures of these New Jerusalems I should point out a few more. The distance from the Round Fountain in the Tuileries Gardens to the obelisk in La Place de la Concorde is 666 meters. It’s like the template in microcosm.


    The Kaaba in Mecca is 666.6 nautical miles from the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. These are the official two most sacred spots in Islam and Judaism, respectively. Clearly these encoded distances transcend any one particular religious tradition. Perhaps there is something or someone deeper, patterning the world.

    "Sacred Sites" from Quantification

    “Sacred Sites” from Quantification

    Kevin McMahon posted this graphic on Facebook today. He also discovered that it is 777.7 miles from Grant Park Buckingham Fountain to the entrance of the IPG at a heading of 314° true north.


    If you saw SIPS Volume 1, you might recall that Stonehenge has its station stones which describe a 5×12 rectangle.

    from SIPS Volume 1

    from SIPS Volume 1

    Stonehenge is also 33.33° from Solomon’s Temple.

    Stonehenge Solomon's Temple

    Perhaps Stonehenge was the template for Jerusalem? Food for thought.

    Asplund made the following connections. I call it the “Esoteric Metro”. All four sites are in an alignment and thus in a sense, they all resonate as New Jerusalems.


    Some massive integration is going on lately. Here are two more stations in the esoteric metro. The two paths from Ellora and Carnac converging on the Freemason Emblem Building at the International Peace Garden meet at a 45° angle. The IPG is located at 100°3’33.33″W.


    Did you know the highest concentration of lightning on Earth (20,000 strikes per night) occurs in a specific location? This happens over a spot called Aguas Muertas where the Catatumbo River empties into Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.

    So bright and reliable is the lightning that this location has been called the Maracaibo Lighthouse for hundreds of years.

    The phenomenon is characterized by almost continuous lightning, mostly within the clouds, which is produced in a large vertical development of clouds that form electric arcs between 2 and 10 km in height (or more).

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if people could harness that raw power? It might light up the planet in terms of providing for our electrical needs.


    An average bolt of negative lightning carries an electric current of 30,000 amperes, and transfers 15 coulombs of electric charge and 500 megajoules of energy. Large bolts of lightning can carry up to 120,000 amperes and 350 coulombs of charge. -Source

    Doing the math, I calculate that a single large bolt apparently provides the energy of 11,666,666,666 joules. :)

    The Lighthouse of Maracaibo is 6666 miles from Heliopolis, which is in turn 3333 miles from the highest point on Earth. That is some serious Earthupuncture! It reminds me of moxybustion. The City of the Sun sure seems to be sited well for accumulating earth energy. It was built long before Jerusalem existed. In fact all that remains of Heliopolis above ground is this one granite needle.


    The sacred geometry of Jerusalem (1728 cubits of 1.728 feet each) is encoded in our very units of measure, a secret in plain sight. One cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches.

    The Earth’s diameter is 7920 miles. 7920 inches = 1 furlong. 17280 furlongs = 2160 miles. The Moon’s diameter is 2160 miles. We are living in the ‘heavenly’ New Jerusalem…

    Earthrise in the Matrix

    Earthrise in the Matrix


    Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/12/2014 01:20

    Marcos 2

    1. Entró Jesús otra vez en Capernaum después de algunos días; y se oyó que estaba en casa.
    2. E inmediatamente se juntaron muchos, de manera que ya no cabían ni aun a la puerta; y les predicaba la palabra. (STAR GATE)
    3. Entonces vinieron a él unos trayendo un paralítico, que era cargado por cuatro.
    4. Y como no podían acercarse a él a causa de la multitud, descubrieron el techo de donde estaba, y haciendo una abertura, bajaron el lecho en que yacía el paralítico.
    5. Al ver Jesús la fe de ellos, dijo al paralítico: Hijo, tus pecados te son perdonados.
    6. Estaban allí sentados algunos de los escribas, los cuales cavilaban en sus corazones:
    7. ¿Por qué habla éste así? Blasfemias dice. ¿Quién puede perdonar pecados, sino sólo Dios?
    8. Y conociendo luego Jesús en su espíritu que cavilaban de esta manera dentro de sí mismos, les dijo: ¿Por qué caviláis así en vuestros corazones? (Una referencia espiritual al PENTECOSTES adonde son purificados los corazones)
    9. ¿Qué es más fácil, decir al paralítico: Tus pecados te son perdonados, o decirle: Levántate, toma tu lecho y anda?
    10. Pues para que sepáis que el Hijo del Hombre tiene potestad en la tierra para perdonar pecados (dijo al paralítico): (Hijo del hombre o Hijo de Adan)
    11. A ti te digo: Levántate, toma tu lecho, y vete a tu casa.
    12. Entonces él se levantó en seguida, y tomando su lecho, salió delante de todos, de manera que todos se asombraron, y glorificaron a Dios, diciendo: Nunca hemos visto tal cosa. (La gloria es para Dios)
    13. Después volvió a salir al mar; y toda la gente venía a él, y les enseñaba.
    14. Y al pasar, vio a Leví hijo de Alfeo, sentado al banco de los tributos públicos, y le dijo: Sígueme. Y levantándose, le siguió.
    15. Aconteció que estando Jesús a la mesa en casa de él, muchos publicanos y pecadores estaban también a la mesa juntamente con Jesús y sus discípulos; porque había muchos que le habían seguido.
    16. Y los escribas y los fariseos, viéndole comer con los publicanos y con los pecadores, dijeron a los discípulos: ¿Qué es esto, que él come y bebe con los publicanos y pecadores? (El fariseo demoniza. El mismo no tiene amor. Lo unico que le interesa al mismo es el poder. Se disfraza de buenito pero es todo lo contrario. Eso se llama hipocresia y era lo que mas odiaba el señor)
    17. Al oír esto Jesús, les dijo: Los sanos no tienen necesidad de médico, sino los enfermos. No he venido a llamar a justos, sino a pecadores.
    18. Y los discípulos de Juan y los de los fariseos ayunaban; y vinieron, y le dijeron: ¿Por qué los discípulos de Juan y los de los fariseos ayunan, y tus discípulos no ayunan?
    19. Jesús les dijo: ¿Acaso pueden los que están de bodas ayunar mientras está con ellos el esposo? Entre tanto que tienen consigo al esposo, no pueden ayunar. (La boda es una referencia a el matrimonio entre el sol y la luna, osea a Jacob=Israel y Raquel, los padres de Jose)
    20. Pero vendrán días cuando el esposo les será quitado, y entonces en aquellos días ayunarán.
    21. Nadie pone remiendo de paño nuevo en vestido viejo; de otra manera, el mismo remiendo nuevo tira de lo viejo, y se hace peor la rotura.
    22. Y nadie echa vino nuevo en odres viejos; de otra manera, el vino nuevo rompe los odres, y el vino se derrama, y los odres se pierden; pero el vino nuevo en odres nuevos se ha de echar. (El vino es una referencia a la sangre de Cristo, osea el linaje. Lo que no logro entender el porque la relacion con el Grial en el contexto a Pentecostes.)
    23. Aconteció que al pasar él por los sembrados un día de reposo, sus discípulos, andando, comenzaron a arrancar espigas. (Se repite el patron de Mateo 12, osea VIRGO=RAQUEL, osea el linaje de Jacob en Raquel, osea Jose y Benjamin. Recordemos que VIRGO tiene en la mano una espiga de Trigo.)
    24. Entonces los fariseos le dijeron: Mira, ¿por qué hacen en el día de reposo lo que no es lícito?
    25. Pero él les dijo: ¿Nunca leísteis lo que hizo David cuando tuvo necesidad, y sintió hambre, él y los que con él estaban;
    26. cómo entró en la casa de Dios, siendo Abiatar sumo sacerdote, y comió los panes de la proposición, de los cuales no es lícito comer sino a los sacerdotes, y aun dio a los que con él estaban?
    27. También les dijo: El día de reposo fue hecho por causa del hombre, y no el hombre por causa del día de reposo. (Esta haciendo una referencia en contexto a Pablo cuando dice que LA MUJER FUE HECHA POR CAUSA DEL HOMBRE Y NO EL HOMBRE POR CAUSA DE LA MUJER, es obvio que el SHABBAT ES LA MISMA MUJER, OSEA MARIA MAGDALENA)
    28. Por tanto, el Hijo del Hombre es Señor aun del día de reposo. (Una referencia a GENESIS 3:15,16)
    857. 1 Corintios 11:8: Porque el varón no procede de la MUJER, sino la MUJER del varón,

    858. 1 Corintios 11:9: y tampoco el varón fue creado por causa de la MUJER, sino la MUJER por causa del varón.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:07
    STONEHENGE - The Marriage of the Sun and Moon
    by Robin Heath

    Ed. N.: Robin Heath is a full-time consultant astrologer in West Wales. He presents here a resume and the results of his chief book, Sun, Moon & Stonehenge. In appendix, an other text, "Exploring Preliterate Sources of Astrology". I thank him for his participation to C.U.R.A.

    It is well established, because it is objectively true, that the axis of Stonehenge aligns approximately to the midsummer rising sun azimuth. In addition, also objectively true, the station stone rectangle is constructed perpendicular to the axis and has a ratio of 5:12. In Megalithic yards, this is 40:96, i.e. the units of the rectangle's ratio are expressed in 8 MY 'quanta'.

    A rectangular structure may align to extreme sunrises and opposite extreme moonrise azimuths (the 'lunstices') only within half a degree of the latitude of Stonehenge. A 5:12 rectangular structure further aligns to the quarter day sunrises and sets - those days lying between the two solstices. Finally, from station 94 through stone 'B' on the axis, we find an equinoctial alignment to the rising sun. (Figure 4.3, Sun, Moon & Stonehenge, page 64)

    The secret of the calendar (and eclipse prediction) is to be able to find the exact number of lunar months in the solar year. (Psst! - it's 12.368, almost 7/19ths). The over-run is 0.368 of a lunation, which is 10.875 days. It is objectively true that the two main features of Stonehenge are built to the ratio 7/19. The Aubrey circle is 104 MY in diameter (283 feet), whilst the Sarsen circle has an outer diameter of 104 feet. The fraction is 0.367.

    This same fraction may be found from a rope marked with 30 equal divisions. Peg out a 5:12:13 triangle, divide the '5' side into '3' and '2'. At this 3:2 point, a constructed hypotenuse to the apex has a length of 153, which is 12.369 units. One could even use the station stone rectangle, where the divisions are eight Megalithic yards. I have called the construction the Lunation Triangle, as it appears not to have been discovered and named previously by modern culture. However, there appears to be a story containing the lunation triangle in the last chapter of St John's Gospel.

    The plot now thickens. When using this triangle with units as Megalithic yards or multiples thereof, the 0.368 fractional component will automatically fall out as one foot (12") or multiples thereof. Thus it is true that the Megalithic yard splits into a foot and a Royal cubit (20.64 inches). If the Megalithic yard is understood to represent the time elapsing between 12 and 13 lunations (full moons), i.e. between 354.367 days and 383.89 days, then where the foot meets the cubit is found to be 365.2 days - the solar year, or 12.368 lunations. (Table 5.1, Sun, Moon & Stonehenge, page 85)

    I have, for years, used Stonehenge to calibrate ropes whereby I can subsequently derive a soli-lunar calendar for years in advance and predict eclipses ( see later). I have termed 0.368 ( very nearly 7/19) the Silver Fraction. Of course, astronomically, 12.368 is the metonic cycle expressed as an annual figure. [Metonic cycle: In nineteen years there are exactly 235 lunations. 235/19 is 12.368. Named after a 4th century AD astronomer, it appears that the phenomenon was known about by the builders of Stonehenge, i.e. before 2500 BC]

    Some Thoughts on Moving Stones

    The Sarsen Stones were moved over 20 miles from the Marlborough Downs, adjacent to Avebury. The smaller bluestones came originally from Carn Menyn in the Preseli Mountains of West Wales. Some think they came by glacier, others that they were lugged to Milford Haven, then rafted. Recent Chlorine 36 analysis (Bowen, UCW Cardiff) favours human transport, and the glaciation of southern Pembrokeshire suggests it unlikely that the bluestones would have been carried towards the south-east. However, my argument is that the large altar stone at Stonehenge is made from a sparkly sandstone found adjacent to the Haven (at Cosheton) - did a glacier then transport it from sea level uphill to Salisbury Plain? It is thought very unlikely that glaciation reached to the Haven.

    Whatever this debate brings in the future, it is objectively true that the sarsens were moved by human effort and, as we shall now discover, it is not actually very improtant how the bluestones got to Stonehenge but why they assumed such importance.

    The original latitudes for the bluestones and the sarsens is 364/7 and 360/7' degrees respectively. The centre of the henge at Avebury is placed exactly at 360/7 degrees, i.e. at one seventh of a circle as latitude. So exact is this figure that I suggest it was no accident or coincidence. The builders had a technique to calculate latitude to seconds of a degree.

    It is of note that the Sarsen circle may be precisely placed by constructing a seven sided star ( heptogram) from the Aubrey circle. The star-arms cross at 100.8 feet, the mean diameter of the Sarsen circle. (Figure 7.11, Sun, Moon & Stonehenge, page 137) Of course, we all know that the midsummer azimuth of sunrise is approximately a seventh of a circle and that Stonehenge's actual latitude is within 15 minutes of a degree of a seventh of a circle.


    The large Lunation Triangle, shown incorporated into a huge cardinally aligned 5:12 rectangle, includes the location of the bluestone site, and the exact north-south and east-west lines complete a right angled triangle via Lundy and Caldey Island. In Old Welsh, Lundy is called Ynys Elen, the 'island of the elbow, or right-angle'. I suggest that this may be the reason why Stonehenge is located where it is - as the only man-made construction in this geomantic message about calendar wisdom? (Figure 5.2, Sun, Moon & Stonehenge, page 76)

    Eclipse Prediction

    Anyone who has ever tried to make a model of how the Sun and Moon move around the Zodiac will end up, most simply, with a circle of 28 markers around a central earth. Moving a 'Moon-marker' one position per day and a 'Sun-marker' once every 13 days, provides a calendar accurate to 98%. (Figure 3.3, Sun, Moon & Stonehenge, page 52)

    Every year, for about 34 days, the full and new moons occur near the Sun's path (the ecliptic) and eclipses result. These two times, which are 173 days apart, move backwards around the calendar taking 18.6 years to complete a revolution. The precise two points where the moon crosses the apparent path of the sun through the zodiac ( the ecliptic) are called the lunar nodes.

    By doubling the sun-moon calendar to 56 markers, we can obtain an accuracy of 99.8%, and meet the handy convenience that 18.6 x 3 is almost the same as 28 x 2. Now a 3:2 ratio enables eclipses to be predicted to high accuracy, as the picture shows. (Figure 3.6, Sun, Moon & Stonehenge, page 58)

    For the past twelve years I have been running a model of the 'Aubrey Calendar'. It has predicted lunar and solar eclipses accurately to the day, shown instantly the position of the sun and moon against the stars, indicated lunar phase at a glance and, with a 24 hour clock placed in the centre, enabled the state of the tides to be known.

    Thus it is, that my ambition to produce a 'Service Manual' for Stonehenge has borne some fruit in the twelve years I have been researching the megalithic culture. Readers who wish to understand more are invited to read one of my books:

    - Sun, Moon & Stonehenge (Published by Bluestone Press, 1999, Cwm, St Dogmaels, Cardigan, Pembrokeshire, Wales, SA43 3JF. Softback, 256 pages, colour cover. RRP (UK) £12.99)
    - A Key to Stonehenge (Bluestone Press, 1993, out of print)
    - Stonehenge (Wooden Books, 2000)
    - A Beginner's Guide to Stone Circles (Hodder & Stoughton, 1999)
    - Sun, Moon & Earth (Wooden Books, 1999)

    My email address is skyhenge@zetnet.co.uk. You may order signed copies of the above books here. Please be brief. I am also able to undertake lecturing and demonstration seminars, based on a large collection of working and practically based models. In the first instance please inquire via the email address above.

    APPENDIX: Exploring Preliterate Sources of Astrology

    All of our astrology originated from astronomical observation. Similarly, the derivation of a mythology concerning the interactions of planetary gods can only come about when the cycles of those gods are understood by a culture. For example, correlations of the orbital behaviour of Mars with events on Earth can only be integrated after Mars has been observed for a considerable length of time. Thus, the corpus of information linking Mars and what we would call "Martian events" and "Martian behavioural patterns" can be "read" from a direct and non-abstracted table of observations, which, presumably, has been compared side by side with contemporary events. From such things, astrology was almost certainly born.

    In the Sumerian cultures, we can trace these former tables of planetary motion back to almost the third millennium B.C.E., along with other tables, also inscribed on clay tablets, which cover the essential mathematical functions - reciprocation, squares, square roots, cubes, and so on.[1]  Here we can discover records for hundreds of years concerning the orbital placements of the luminaries and the visible planets.[2]  This correlation and this historical record are not in doubt simply because the culture involved - from which we derive nearly all of our astrological root sources - possessed two advantages. The first was earned. The Babylonian culture wrote things down - they were literate. The second advantage was fortuitous. In addition to writing, they were lucky enough to use as a writing medium something that has withstood over 4,000 years of aging without rotting away or severely deteriorating - clay tables that have endured the passage of time very well indeed. Bark books and papyri have not.

    Many Eggs and Many Baskets

    Historical commentary tells us that other contemporary cultures probably were not literate at this time; therefore, no one bothers to look very hard for any vehicle that would have preserved the cultural artifacts and traditions of these cultures. Thus, it is widely believed that they never wrote anything down because they could not write. And so we go on believing that Western culture began with writing, and therefore, began with the clever lot in Mesopotamia, thence via Egypt to Greece and Rome.

    This is a pretty and cozy myth, and one that is obviously wearing thin. Long before 2,000 B.C.E., there was a complete cultural flowering in Northwestern Europe that built enduring stone monuments instead of writing on clay tablets. These monuments have been shown to relate to astronomical alignments, particularly of the Sun and Moon cycles. Yet, so far, hardly anyone has taken the trouble to read what this unusual form of "writing" is telling us. Western astrologers still prefer to look eastward for their cultural parenting; the rest of the world also prefers to remain comfortable with the other cultural and biblical remnants of the Middle East. We all go on measuring time using Babylonian sexigesimal (60-based) arithmetic. We all measure angles using Babylonian degrees (which tell us that there are 360 days in the year). And we all use calendars based on a Roman design that produces irrational numbers all over the place when one attempts to divide weeks of seven days into it, twelve months into it, or four (seasons or weeks in the month, take your choice) into it.

    As a form of preserving or pickling important cultural information, we forget with ready amnesia that there was an oral tradition that was ever so strong in Britain, Ireland, and along the Celtic seaboard. Clay tablets are obviously hardware (to use our contemporaneous term for such things), and more so are megalithic monuments, whilst the myths and legends of Celtic and proto-Celtic history are software. It is suggested that we can rerun the original program only through the interface of someone who understands how to load this software into the original computer. Whilst today we prefer silicon semiconductor slices to define our hardware, putting Intel Inside our software-recall machines, there is not one of us who would not recognise the importance of the software in making the machine perform. Yet how many astrologers ever break free and search for the nuggets of gold that lie within the oral traditions and stone circles of those first astronomers of Northwest Europe? Before 3,000 B.C.E., these astronomers had erected huge monuments that show they understood all the salient motions of the Moon, including the 18.62-year nodal period and the 9-minute declination wobble. What can these monuments - this colossal hardware - and these oral traditions tell us about astrology? Shall we try and run some of this ancient program?

    The Myth of the Solar Hero

    There are many myths that deal with the myth of the solar hero, and our psychological astrology has embraced the Sun in this context. As one positive consequence, we are now all encouraged to be heroes, whose chart placement of the Sun by sign, house, and aspect can tell us much about the kind of journey and territory our heroic quest will take. We use the twelve-sign, allegedly Sumerian, zodiac. Our houses are usually mortgaged with the Placidean Building Society, and our aspects are all based on the division of the year-circle by whole numbers. Only this latter technique may be found demonstrated within the megalithic cultures - indeed they were apparently obsessed with such things. Their geometry appears to have been more important to them than writing. So, what can we possibly glean from looking at their hero myths? Quite a lot!

    The very ancient stories of the Tuatha de Danaan in Ireland tell us that the first battle of Mag Tuired was fought by their saviour-hero Lug and 32 other leaders. Alongside this, we may also read of the company of 33 men, all apparently 32 years of age, who sit at the tables in the other-world island castle in Perlesvaus. In the same vein, Nemed, another hero, reached Ireland with only one ship, having lost 33 on the way; Cuculainn slays 33 of the Labriads in the Bru battle, whilst a late account of the second battle of Mag Tuired names 33 leaders of the Fomore - 32 plus their highest king.

    This material contains one clear and obvious common theme. Repeatedly, it hammers home what was an originally oral message, which told the knowing listener to look to the number 33 as something relevant to a hero, a saviour. In the analysis of the Welsh White Book of Rhydderch, we read that, "Both three and eleven were equally symbolic, the multiplicant thirty-three particularly so. It has frequently been used to imply supra-human attributes, regal authority and deification."

    This is very interesting, if only because the Western world has, for nearly two millennia, chosen to base its own hero myth, and hence its belief system, on the story of Jesus. Here, our solar hero, "officially" born very appropriately at the winter solstice, dies and is resurrected at 33 years of age. Immediately, we recognise that this story has commonality with the earlier European oral traditions, and immediately we can begin to do some original research - a megalithic or preliterate Project Hindsight, if you like. So, what is a biblical account of a major hero within a major world religion doing drawing attention to the same number 33 that Irish and British heroes were resonating to over 2,000 years previously? The plot thickens!

    Our first clues are an obvious solar hero myth; a repeated number, 33; and a resurrection after 33 years. There are some other suggested clues, the main one being that the major activity taking place in Western Europe when the oldest stories associated with this myth are thought to have originated was coincident with the beginning of cultural astronomy through the accurate placement of huge stone monoliths and the erection of calendar buildings. Time and again, these are shown to relate to extreme Sun and Moon risings and settings against the local horizon.

    Marking the Resurrection

    The practical solar year is 365 days long. I say practical because folks who haven't ever thought the matter through will often tell you there are 365 and a quarter days in the year. This is abstracted cerebral slush - one can never experience a quarter day, and years come in packets containing 365 days, except that every fourth year an extra day slips in to make it 366 days. In four years there are thus 1,461 days. It is fairly easy to observe the Sun's behaviour and thereby measure this number. Anyone who attempts this task will immediately be pitched into the correct mental space to solve our solar hero problem.

    An equinoctial sunrise marker, of which many still exist on moorland and fell, will, each year, deliver the vernal equinox sunrise from a slightly different position on the horizon. The quarter "day" effect means that each year the Sun is displaced about a quarter of a (Babylonian) degree from the marker stone, which is as easy to measure as the gap between the two asterisks at the end of this sentence (* *). During three years of observation, the Sun appears to be slipping ever more away from the alignment until, at the fourth year, two remarkable and very observable things happen simultaneously: the Sun rises more closely to the marker stone when the day count - the tally - for the year is found to be 366, not 365, days.

    Observation does not stop there. A good human eye can detect much more minuscule angular changes than a quarter of a degree [3]  from watching sunrises. And although we may wonder why our present history books waffle and flounder along with apocryphal stories about heliacal risings of Sirius offering the Egyptians a 360-day year, the truth about solar-year measurements done at the equinox is that one always gets 365 days, unless sustained observations are done over many years, whence, after four years, you have the 365.25 days that our present calendar is based upon.[4] 

    For longer time periods, something else happens. Every once in a whole number of years, one gets the chance to obtain the year to even more precise accuracy by observing certain key years when, once again, the Sun rises precisely behind the foresight, be this a stone marker or a distant mountain peak - in other words, a perfect repeat solar cycle.

    In our modern mathematical world, we can calculate in advance when these important years are going to occur. But this is only because we can look up the exact length of the solar tropical year within astronomical constant books, and because we have access to $5 calculators that multiply two numbers together. Historically, in those Babylonian clay tablets, we can find precision arithmetical tables dating back into the megalithic era we are dealing with. However, we daren't assume, on present evidence, that ancient Europeans were capable of multiplying two numbers. What we may assume, courtesy of their enduring architecture, is that they at least knew the length of the solar year to two decimal places. They could do this by marking 1461 equal lengths on a rope - the tally count of days in four years - and then folding it in half twice to get 365.25. The 1461 is a given - gleaned from simple observation and tally counting over four years.

    As astrologers, we are supposed to be very interested in cycles, aren't we? When that cycle involves our Sun, one might expect us to be even more interested. So here's a long-term Sun cycle we all appear to have forgotten - after 33 years one can observe an exact repeat of the original equinoctial rising behind the marker stone. Those of you who own computers can quickly check out this "super" solar return chart for your 33rd birthday. You'll find that the houses - the horizon alignments - are all aligned much as they were for your natal chart. To a megalithic soul, this same phenomenon would have translated as an exact repeat rising (or setting) behind a marker.

    Here we appear to have the solution to our original riddle. Our adopted cultural solar hero, Jesus, at age 33, rose from the dead, witnessed at "the rising of the sun" [5]  by Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus.[6]  They noticed that the large stone standing in the entrance of the tomb, which held the body of our erstwhile dead hero, had been rolled away. This is enough evidence to link the astronomical phenomenon to the scriptural account, although these latter texts also inform us that this particular resurrection took place at Easter - a festival tagged onto the much older one of the equinox, which then locates the marker, and hence the sunrise in question, as being exactly due East of the observer.

    A Plagiarised Resurrection

    Whatever else these over-translated, censored, and strange gospels tell us about the life of Jesus, the resurrection story does concern itself with a solar hero rising again at the same place with the sunrise, at Easter, after 33 years. There is a very large stone blocking the tomb - the entrance to the underworld - which rolls away to reveal the resurrected form and his entrance back into the visible world. Thus, this simple research would apparently seem to have solved our task about why the number 33 assumed such importance in folklore and the oral traditions, many of which probably date back to the late Stone Age. What we have also done, of course, is to stir up a potential hornet's nest, because it is now suggested that the Jesus story, whatever else it may be for Christians around the world, rides on the back of an historical and astronomical account of what have come to be called pagan practices in megalithic Europe. Ironically, those very same practices were stamped out ruthlessly by the later Christian Church.

    The Need to Explore Alternative Cultural Sources

    Unless we include this European megalithic dimension within our cultural paradigm, we cannot really understand the inner meaning of these scriptures, and, therefore, we must ask a vitally important question: what else are we failing to understand for the same lack of interest in such material? Similarly, as astrologers, unless we understand something of the culture of this original source of astronomical data, we are unlikely to ever understand certain cycles within our own specialism, which have now become abstracted within ephem- erides and computer programs. The direct experience of observing Sun and Moon rises and sets produces strange effects on modern western folk, effects the author has both experienced and observed over the past twelve years in himself and his clients.

    So, what was your solar super-return at 33 years all about? Set it up and you will discover that the Ascendant and, therefore, the houses are also returned to the same place. That's a strong return, isn't it - ignore it at your peril! I took my Faculty of Astrological Studies examinations on my 33rd solar return, an event that altered the course of my life. You have just read one of the outcomes from these changes.

    Important Solar Returns behind a Horizon Alignment

    Number of Years Number of Days Time Difference from Whole Number
    4 1,460.968796 45 minutes
    21 7,670.086179 124 minutes
    33 12,052.99257 10.7 minutes (18 seconds of a degree)
    62 22,645.01634 23.53 minutes

    The tropical solar year is 365.242199 days in length. (Source: Sir H. Spencer Jones, General Astronomy, London: Edward Arnold, 1922 (3rd edition 1951.) Multiply this by whole numbers (of years) and look for products where the fractional part of the result tends toward zero or one. There are several contenders, shown above.

    The daily angular sunrise change along the horizon in Southern Britain at the equinox is about 0.7degrees. This is considerably more than one solar disc diameter (about 0.6 degrees).

    References and Notes

    [1]  See Evan Hadingham, Early Man and the Cosmos, London: Heinemann, 1983. « Text

    [2]  Ibid., p. 13. « Text

    [3]  Alexander Thom quotes a 40th of a degree as demonstrable resolution at megalithic sites incorporating long foresights to distant peaks. See Alexander Thom, Megalithic Sites in Britain, Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, p. 168. « Text

    [4]  The astronomer, J. Norman Lockyer, wrote in The Dawn of Astronomy, (Cambridge), pp. 245-246, "Had ignorance led to the establishment of a year of 360 days, yet experience would have led to its rejection in a few years... If observations of the Sun at solstice or equinox had been alone made use of, the true length of the year would have been determined in a few years." The hoary old chestnut about the Egyptians measuring the length of the year by observing the heliacal rising of Sirius, which marked the commencement of the annual Nile flood, is also rubbish. Precession would make the synchronicity of these two events drift ever further apart, as one is a sidereal phenomenon and the other tropical or seasonal. « Text

    [5]  Matthew [Ch. 28;1] says, "...as it began to dawn, towards the first day of the week..." This is Sunday morning. « Text

    [6]  Here, the use of italics suggest that mother may be taken to mean the origin of the process. In other words, the first measurement or alignment with the stone marker is 33 years previous. « Text


    Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:11

    (note: "NW" denotes link currently not working - apols)

    STONEHENGE - STATION STONES                                                                  

    Sites marked SS - 91, 92, 93 and 94 - represent the four Stonehenge Station Stones (the diagram is from Castleden).  Of these four sites, only one now boasts a stone accurately in situ, 93, and only one other site, the 91 'recliner', has a stone of any sort.  For all that, much has been made of the four sites and the rectangle they appear to produce.

    1. SS93                  2. SS91                      3. Detail from Doutre showing a rectangular shape (of sorts).
    Now the line connecting SS93 to SS91, the rectangle's hypotenuse (or one of them) is interesting, to some, it seems.  According to Bonnie Gaunt, THE MAGNIFICENT NUMBERS OF STONEHENGE AND GIZA, that line is at angle of 118 degrees East of North and pursuing it in that direction from the centre of Stonehenge and you'll end up at the Great Pyramid in Egypt:
    Note also that a line at right angles to the longer sides of the rectangle seems to pick out the Midsummer Solstice Sunrise.  It was William Stukeley, FRS, who first noticed this solar orientated axis for the site, apparently, 1740 AD: "whereabouts the sun rises when the days are longest". 
    And that's not all: according to Robin Heath, for one, the rectangle's sides pick out the Northmost Moonset, the Southernmost Moonrise and the four Cross-Quarter or High Cross-Quarter days, notably Imbolc (circa Feb. 1st), Beltane (circa May 1st), Lugnasadh (circa Aug. 1st) and Samhain (circa Nov. 1st).

    (2500 BC, or so, Charles Webster tells us, moreover, looking from the centre out over SS93 on the March 21st Equinox gave you Arcturus with the same star visible over SS94 at the Summer Solstice - and over SS91 on Nov.21st.  SS92 is mentioned in a lunar context.  The idea is based on computer interrogation using Skymap. I 've put a link to a freebie download version of this below: SkyMap Pro 8).  Consider, too, Noah's Ark! http://www2b.abc.net.au/science/k2/stn/newposts/3563/topic3563035.shtm

    From Robin Heath, STONEHENGE - The Marriage of Sun and Moon.  See it and text more clearly! at  http://cura.free.fr/decem/06heath.html
    Note, too - as Heath does - the right-angle twixt moon and sun (which only happens in the latitudinal area of Stonehenge: about 35 miles either side of Lat. 51 degrees - roughly Portsmouth to Bristol). apparently.  Heath, himself, comments on Midwinter and Midsummer rises and sets not being "exactly" opposite below - despite the indication they do given by him above.  Cross Quarter Days - as Sig Lonegren reminds us - evoke the Celtic Cross.  See his excellent  www.geomancy.org for the full exposition of the idea - the actual link is http://www.geomancy.org/astronomy/quarter-cross-quarter/index.html 
    See also Crichton Miller for the idea that this cross represents a navigational tool of yore: http://www.crichtonmiller.com (NW), and, also, compare the Wheel of the Year distribution of the 'elements' of Fire, Air, Water and Earth, the directions North, South, East and West, and the Four Seasons, with those generated by the tradition of the four Royal Fixed Star Watchers
    (www.geoffss.plus.com/royalwatchers.htm), the Jachin and Boaz (and alchemical) tradition, the Biblical Four Horsemen and the four Humours of Galen (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholy).*
    All in all, interesting stuff!  But there's trouble in this Station Stone paradise. According to Dr. Aubrey Burl, BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGY No. 35, June 1998, 'STONEHENGE ANGLES', the right-angle claim obtains at Lat. 50.485 (underwater and not around Lat. 51 degrees).  I looked at this on NAO and found the lack of decimals a hindrance, obtaining a solar value of 40 degrees northernmost moon and a solar sunrise of 49 degrees = 89 degrees.  But GeoAstro gives 49.5 for the latter ... 89.5 and closing?  Burl calls the lunar alignment 'imprecisely directed' (if intentional), anyway, and calls the right-angle idea 'superficial' (but I note possible typos et al therein re. data):   http://www.britarch.ac.uk/ba/ba35/ba35lets.html
    And there's another more serious problem with the Heath model, for one - and it is one acknowledged by 'guru' Alexander Thom, for one: it just doesn't work as regards the four Cross-Quarter Days. Not, that is if the assumption is that it is the solstices and equinoxes they divide.*

    * But if the assumption is that they divide the "Quarter Days", then they are Dec 25th, March 25, June 24th and Sept. 29.  Now this dates to 1752 AD. We jumped from Julian to Gregorian then:  "Give us back our ... days!" rang the protests.  Before this they were on Xmas Day (Jan. 6th), 6th April, 6th July and 11th Oct. (in Scotland it's 2nd Feb, 15th May, 1st August and 11th Nov - closer to the Cross-Quarter Days).  Imbolc, say, hardly divides either of the relevant two of these English days!  The Quarter Days were payment settlement dates - legal concepts. (BREWERS)


    Why not?  Well, Midwinter opposes Midsummer much as the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes oppose each other (well, fairly nearly, anyway)*, but the two sets of Cross-Quarter Days don't.  Beltane is a different number of days from Midwinter and Midsummer to Lugnasadh as Imbolc is different to Samhain.  But they have to be the same for the idea to work.*  It is a necessary condition.**  NAO tells us sunrise Feb 1st this year is azimuth 117 degrees.  Logically, to oppose this, Nov. 1st sunset should be (360 - 117) 243 degrees.  But we get 248.  And May 1st is 65 degrees, giving (360 - 65) 295.  But we get 301 degrees.
    *  http://websurf.hmnao.com/is the data source I used - its one drawback is it has no decimals so derived values of relative positions (of, say, the Midsummer sunrise to the northernmost Moonset) can have nearly plus/minus 1 degree of error.  There's also GeoAstro (j giesen) etc.
    **In fairness to Sig, he addresses the X-Quarter Day "mismatch" on his site. Here's an example, though, of the problem:
    NAO Websurf data sunrise/set for Stonehenge 2009:
    June 21    49       311
    Dec 21   128       232
    Mean      88.5     271.5
    Equinox  89        271 


    Equinox   89        271
    June 21    49        311
    Mean       69        291
    May 1      64!       296! - the "Cross-quarter Days" are all like this! April 22 data obtains here.
    In Lockyer, 1901, I find the more sensible 8 part division (and explanation)  http://www.lundyisleofavalon.co.uk/stonehenge/lockyer03.htm
    Next, the rectangle itself.  In Martin Doutre it's not even regular, the shorter sides being of different lengths, and, if  Doutre's wrong, then is this rectangle the product of ('Pythagorean') 5-12-13 maths or of Octagonal maths ... or some other design, say that of Gaunt?  Thing is, they're all SO VERY SIMILAR - but yet not the same. If we take data from Gaunt and compare it to the M L Saunders/J Neal/H H Franklin Octagon and the R Heath/J Neal/Ralph Ellis 5-12-13 we'd find that the '5-12-13' triangle would become 5-12.07-13.064 would become 5-11.458- 12.5 (working back). Put another way, Heath would have an angle of of 22.62 degrees with his 5-12-13 compared to an octagonal 22.5 degrees and Gaunt's 23.5-6 degrees.  One degree covers them all.
    Semi-organising my online reference library I was reminded of Heath's    http://www.skyandlandscape.com/Article%20by%20Robin%20Heath.htm (NW) - 'Sky and Landscape'.  Robin mentions numbers that chime here: 23.52 and 33, and c/o of him, we come across 'near perfect rectangle' with the 'long side aligned to the (northernmost) moonset'!?
    But that's not the biggie: I read of the Station Stones providing a 5 : 12 : 13 in one place and of them providing an octagon in another.  Neat trick!  Or, put another way, which one is it, if any at all?   Or is it both?
    Assuming the positioning of the Station Stones was other than decorative in intent, then all the ideas proposed are viable - given we only have the one stone in situ and that this stone is nearly 4 and a quarter times smaller than the 'recliner', anyway (and "one of these may not be original." acc. witcombe)!  Not much here to provide anyone with proof positive ...*
    *From English Heritage (thanks to Mrs Finola Andrews, PA to the Stonehenge Director) comes this data:
    91      2.6    1.5    1.1    13.1
    92      1.9    1.3    1         8.1
    93      1.2    1       0.7      3.1
    94      1.9    1.3    1         8.1
    You are looking at heights, widths and thicknesses (all metres) and weights (tons).  91 and 93 are in bold because they actually exist.  Data for 92 and 94 is pure speculation.  There is no reason to suppose they were utterly identical, for instance.
    And that brings us to the actual rectangle dimensions themselves.  They vary (almost as theory to theory).  If we take the hypotenuse value, say, then English Heritage measures the distance at about 279' (from memory) to Bonnie Gaunt's 288'.  Most values are in the 281'-283' range with Thom (and Heath) just slightly larger at 283.6 and I think Chris Witcombe carried 285' on his excellent and informative Sweet Briar College site (details below).  Obviously, given Octagonal maths, 5-12-13 or even PhiSq (as mentioned above!), one dimension informs the rest.  Doutre, however is trapezium (UK def.) rather than rectangle proper, with shorter sides given of 112' and 113.4' compared to, say, Gaunt's 115.1-ish'.  Ralph Ellis, THOTH: ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE (2001), carries measurements of the shorter, or sides: 108.75984 ..' by Flinders Petrie and 109.25196867 ..' for Atkinson, this second being explicitly centre to centre (insofar as that is possible as imperial values being derived by me from the metric given.  Given the adherence of Ellis to the 5-12-13 model, the longer sides necessarily have to be 261.0236 or 262.2 .. whilst the hypotenuse value has to be either 282.775584 or 284.0551 ..  The first, or Petrie value, falls within the normal range determined (by me) above. Jon Michell carries a side longer length of 260.851643 by a shorter one of 108.617428 (see pp. 83 and 85) between faces and carries Thom's (asymmetrical) side lengths of 260/260.25' and 111.1/110.2' (THE MEASURE OF ALBION, 2004, later, THE LOST SCIENCE ... , 2006, co-authored with Robin Heath)*:


    *Note (geoffss, 17-02-11) - E Herbert Stone, STONES OF STONEHENGE, 1922, p. 113, THE FOUR STATIONS: "symmetrical", "22.5 degrees", 284' hypotenuse ... equals sides of 108.68' and 266.08' sides.


    And the 118 degree azimuth (angle) to the Great Pyramid?  Well, the different models produce outcomes of  117 degrees*, 117.1 degrees, 117.2 degrees, 117.38 degrees, 117.415 degrees and Gaunt's 118 degrees (for a Station Stones' hypotenuse). ML Saunders gives the bearing 118.1255 for Stonehenge-Giza itself using "spherical geometry" (on a not quite spherical Earth) but a different value, of 116.75 degrees, for the relevant Station Stone midface to midface, with plus or minus 0.75 degrees for the SS edges. 

    I note that NAO supports a Midwinter sunrise azimuth of 117 degrees for Cairo, near Giza, for 14th to the 30th of December, and an Imbolc value of 117 degrees for a Stonehenge sunrise.** 

    *Doutre gives SS91 at an azimuth of 115 degrees and SS93 at 114.8-116.8.  James Q Jacobs kindly supplied me with a value just less than 117 degrees (from memory - mine, that is!) .
    **Not forgetting the plus/minus 0.5 degree possibility.

    The actual obtaining azimuth of Khufu from Stonehenge (off north) is about 118.22 degrees over a distance of 2234.309 miles.  For these figures see  input coordinates Stonehenge -1.82641 and 51.17886; Khufu 31.132505 and 29.9789953 (geoffss, 20-06-08).  At www.satsig.net/ssazran.htm

    I'll add in a nicety from Morph (Paul Ashworth - and thanks!): on Midsummer 2500 BC, Orion stood at azimuth 118 degrees to Stonehenge whilst Sirius was at 116-117 degrees to the Sphinx.  So 116-118 covers the lot with Regulus rising with the Sun at this period.  In about 2576 BC, Regulus, essentially, WAS the Sun.

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    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/10/2011 01:11

    Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 22 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2015 03:12
    l día más largo del año
    Encendamos las hogueras: llega el solsticio de verano

    Amanecer - Solsticio de verano en Stonehenge

    © simbolosysignos.wordpress

    Esta es la fecha en que el sol se encuentra en su punto más al norte sobre el horizonte en el amanecer, y es cuando aquí en el hemisferio norte disfrutamos del día más largo del año. Lo llamamos “solsticio de verano”, y los antiguos celtas lo celebraban danzando alrededor de las hogueras (en el hemisferio sur, por el contrario, es el día más corto del año, y allí es el “solsticio de invierno).

    Este día recibe su nombre de las palabras latinas “sol” (igual a nuestro “sol”) y “sistere” (permanecer inmóvil). El astro rey alcanza su punto más al norte sobre el horizonte, y permanece momentáneamente allí antes de comenzar nuevamente su marcha hacia el sur, donde eventualmente alcanzará el punto más al sur en el llamado “solsticio de invierno”, para desde allí rehacer su camino hacia el norte, en un ciclo que se repite año tras año.

    El sol al amanecer según las estaciones del año. En marzo y en septiembre asoma por el este (equinoccios de primavera y otoño), en junio hacia el noreste (solsticio de verano) y en diciembre hacia el sureste (solsticio de invierno).


    Por supuesto, no es que realmente el sol se mueva hacia el norte o hacia el sur a lo largo de las estaciones, sino que parece hacerlo. Es la inclinación del eje axial de la Tierra lo que hace que el sol cambie su posición en el cielo mientras la Tierra orbita en torno al sol a lo largo del año.

    Es una fecha celebrada especialmente en el antiguo folclor europeo, y el lugar más famoso de los relacionados con este fenómeno astronómico está en Stonehenge, donde el sol ha sido adorado durante miles de años.


    Stonehenge: alineación al amanecer en el solsticio de verano.


    Este año, el 21 de junio de 2011, el sol alcanzará su punto más boreal a las 17:16 UTC (19:16 horas en el horario de verano español). A partir de ese momento, los días se harán cada vez más cortos hasta que en diciembre, en el solsticio de invierno, festejemos el cercano retorno del calor y de la vida.


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