G R E A T V I D E O !!!!
Hey Vision...your masterful support on this forum and over in wankerville, Peak Oil, is about to pay off dude ... BIG BIG BIG TIME ...
You may want to supply a link to this thread for those dinks over at PO.
Hypothesis confirmed.
The swastika and all it implies is divine and sacred and currently its powers are being used against humanity.
I always knew at the end of the story, there would be a profound twist to the narrative.
The final jewel or should I say wewel in the crown, that we have been seeking is in fact theHOLY GRAIL.
What Hitler and Himmler and all others have failed to find.
Yes I know most people will doubt these words.
VisionMaster this is the jewel in our crowning glory, and it is called Wewelsburg Castle.
By entering this castle, we will understand that little has changed in over 7000 years.
Milo Wolff and me have both identified this simple archetype using different languages.
But that is allowed.
Isn’t it?
Clockwise and Counterclockwise according to Milo Wolff are the only two movements or spin possible creating either In Waves and Out Waves
S I M P L E is beautiful and when you go back in time toward a hypothetical Big Bang things in fact become more simple/less complex and more dense.

Clockwise and Counterclockwise
Here is the KEY to Universal movements, not only on the quantum microcosmic level as Milo has observed, but also on a macrocosmic celestial level as the astronomers, astrologers and physicists have also observed when mapping the Milky Way.
As the above image called a Digital Sky Survey illustrates.
So two different fields of science are suggesting a similar model can be applied to both the Milky Way and an atom/electron/positron?
The Dalai Lama wrote a book called The Universe in an Atom.
Do you think science could meet him halfway?
But wait what else can the above archetypal model apply to?

Equinoxes and Solstices?
Precession of the Equinoxes or the Great Year perhaps?
The above image on the left is the 3 STEP program according to a Freemason.
The image I drew on the right is an archetypal model, the same cycle can be found in both the Greek and Chaldean Zodiacal Crosses, and on a plate from Samarra Iraq circa 5000 BCE.

And as we can see Milo Wolff's model suggests the same movements.
Two valances move outward and the third valance moves inward.
How cool is that?
What does Leonardo DaVinci, the Freemasons, quantum physicist Milo Wolff, Marko Rodin and his torus and 369, a Polynesian navigational tool, Hitler, Himmler, the NAZIs, and my journey all have in common?
Did I mention the swastika is in fact the common denominator; it is the only divine symbol from antiquity that is both chiral and asymmetric … just like all biological systems, that get their start from chiral asymmetric DNA.
Clockwise and Counterclockwise
Seems we keep coming back to the movements of a ‘clock’.
The motions are stated relative to the ‘hands of a clock’.
Are Time and the Calendar important considerations in how humanity evolved?

Go to 5:31 of this video and tell me if you can see this clock?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLXImzFu ... re=relatedIs the fat lady about to start singing?
What other coincidences exist between the Vatican and the Nazis?
We must take a visit to the center of the NAZI Universe to see that they embraced all of the above when building their archetypal temple for entry into Valhalla.
This is truly enlightening.
Within this castle we will find the archetypal HOLY GRAIL.
Within the castle Wewelsburg is a ‘crypt’ and now I realize this crypt is Room 1258.
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... room-1258/The HOLY GRAIL can be identified and understood using the archetypes that transcend time, space and motion and it also helps to pay attention to what mathematicians call the transcendental numbers.
Pi, phi and Phi.
Divine archetypes that keep resurrecting themselves, no matter how much nature and man attempt to conceal or veil these ‘secrets’.
They will always be revived because the archetype does not die. The archetype plays a role in the revival, perpetually being updated is the intent of this process.
Both the creation and destruction process is itself a most powerful archetype.
The creation of an electron and positron is divine.
Milo Wolff can describe the Holy Grail in scientific terms.
He calls it Standing Wave Theory.
S I M P L E thus beautiful.
The simplicity of the theory is a fine clue that Milo Wolff is full on.
I. Edward Clark a Freemason wrote a most profound book called The Royal Secret.
The best $25 I ever spent on esoteric revelations via Freemason perspective.
http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Roy ... ch_organicIt is a gem filled with secrets... i.e. suppressed knowledge.
I. Edward Clark and Manly P. Hall are two Freemasons whose work I highly respect.
I will reproduce Chapter IX from The Royal Secret in its entirety at the end of this post...it discusses the 3 steps we shall see later in the Wewelsburg crypt.
You will see how I.E. Clark cuts through the Freemason bullshit that was used to veil the mysteries.
And I.E. Clark's work is a fine Freemason's interpretation of the mysteries that have been preserved as archetypal rite and ritual, helping to document this cycle of time.

Above is GOSECK, an important clue to the archetypal Aryan / Nordic ‘Valhalla’.
GOSECK is a German Wood/Stone Henge....from 4800 BCE.
From the same epoch as this plate found in Samarra from 5000 BCE.
This blog shows the profound intimate connections...what everything is pointing toward.
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... milky-way/
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... te-of-god/Please note they have identified 3 openings/GATES in the structure in GOSECK.
Wewelsburg was mainly Himmler's vision...and it was Himmler who was the driving force behind the arcane / occult methods of the SS.
Himmler actually saw himself as a reincarnation of King Heinrich who initiated the First Reich.
Wewelsburg was their 'occult' hangout.
Wewelsburg was their entry into Valhalla.
Wewelsburg was the seen by Himmler as the center of the Nazi SS Universe.
Remember to the Roman Catholic SS = the Holy Spirit or St. Peter and St. Paul.
Wewelsburg confirms my 3 GATES hypothesis.
Wewelsburg confirms that the Knight's Templar, the Freemasons and Hitler/Himmler's SS all shared the same 'vision', based on the same underlying archetypal truth that even Plato discussed when describing the archetypal Atlantis.
Which brings us back AGAIN to what all of the important archetypes are pointing us toward.
Precession of the Equinoxes / The Great Year / The Platonic Year / a Grand cycle of Time tracking the movement of the SUN….
Shall we step inside the archetypal temple/crypt at Wewelsburg?
Here is a must see video.
So let’s go pilgrims you are now ready to enter Valhalla / Solomon’s Temple / Eden etc etc etc.
Go to 8:05 of this video. Part IV.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odpfOS4r ... re=relatedPlease watch this video folks.
Please please please do yourself a favor, today's flavor of the day is quite sweet.
Please the truth is so easily revealed.
What the grand conspiracy conceals is a most simple TRUTH.
The truth can be revealed in many ‘languages’.
i.e. myth, math, astronomy, astrology, scriptures, art and archetype (mi field of interest).
When you have a chance, watch the entire 5 parts.
Don't be discouraged by the lack of knowledge the fella leading the tour of the crypt in the video displays.
He apparently doesn't have a clue what that room represents, what those 12 plinths are for, those 3 Steps and then he takes one more step into the center?
Geesh fella...12 represents the 12 constellations that sit on the ecliptic?
Can I have your job dude?

Wewelsburg and the 3 GATES.
How would those 3 Gates operate?
Is this a clue?
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... tiodromia/Only 3 GATES?
It is mentioned that the Wewelsburg crypt is situated under the NORTH Tower.
This is an important clue.
North does not receive sunlight like the 3 other directions, east, south and west.
North is the direction that the Hopi suggested was blocked and they had no access.

The Polynesian mattang also shows that one direction appears 'blocked' with a stick.
See the extra stick?
The Polynesian mattang was used to identify different kinds of waves.
The Polynesian mattang I feel might help us navigate through the 2012 'stargate'.

Knights Templar Magic Square is a clue to how the ancients navigated the oceans.
And a navigational tool or GPS 2000+ years ago would have been very very valuable.

SOLOMON's KNOT the symbol that represents the manifestation of universal movements...beside it is the quatrefoil often used in Gothic churches which were built and designed by who?
Freemasons and the Knights Templar are the rumors.
So the symbol that represents these universal inward/outward movements is universally recognized, it is ancient, it is often illustrated with 3 ribbons, it is found worldwide and it is associated with the Swastika and all divine sacred temples.

Clockwise and Counterclockwise
And in Part V, in the final minute of the video, this comment is made.
"...these men were engaged in a project to rewrite the record of the past in order to influence the future course of history"
So are you folks concerned about CERN and, about these men who are engaged in a project to do what exactly?
p.s. Here is The Royal Secret Chapter IX.