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Messaggio 1 di 198 di questo argomento |
¿Por qué la Masonería utiliza diferentes calendarios para fechar sus documentos, distintos al calendario civil?
Respuesta: es un "uso y costumbre" de la Masonería, para distinguirse del mundo profano, puesto que nada justifica el uso de calendarios distintos al corriente. Es un método de reconocimiento entre Masones, que así pueden distinguir entre documentos "masónicos" y documentos "profanos".
¿Cual es el calendario masónico más utilizado?
Respuesta: la francmasonería tiene la costumbre de fechar sus documentos con el año de la creación del mundo, suponiendo que esta tuvo lugar 4000 años antes de la era cristiana. La mayoría de los Ritos Masónicos han adoptado el año Hebraico, que comienza con la luna de Nisan. Entonces decimos que al Año 2008 E.'. V.'. (Era Vulgar) le corresponde el Año 6008 "de la Creación del Mundo".
¿Cómo fechaba sus documentos la Orden de Misraim?
Respuesta: en el libro “DE LA ORDEN MASÓNICA DE MISRAIM" escrito por Marc Bedarride, Primer Gran Conservador de la Orden Masónica de Misraim para Francia, se obserba que al año vulgar le agregaba 4004 años y no 4000. En cuanto al mes de inicio, coincidía con el Rito Francés, el primero de marzo del año vulgar.
¿Cuando comienza el Año Masónico?
Respuesta: el Rito Francés, para simplificar su calendario, lo hace comenzar invariablemente el primero de marzo del año vulgar.
El Rito de Menfis lo hace comenzar cuando el Sol entra en el signo zodiacal de Leo. Para lo cual hay que consultar una tabla de Efemérides, pues la entrada del Sol en Leo varía de año en año. Para el año 2008, Sol ingresó en Leo el día 23 de julio a las 20 horas 4 minutos 24 segundos Hora Sideral (Sidereal Time).
¿Cómo es el Año Egipcio?
Respuesta: principiaba al comenzar la canícula (20 al 22 de julio a las 11), los meses eran invariablemente de 30 días y al fin del año se colocaban 5 días llamados EPAGONEMES, esto era el año isíaco o vago de los Egipcios, que además tenían un año lunar.
¿Cuales eran los nombres de los meses Egipcios?
Mes 01: THOTH Mes 02: PAOPHI Mes 03: ATHIS o ATHIR Mes 04: CHOCAC Mes 05: TYBI Mes 06: MECHIR Mes 07: PHAMENOTH Mes 08: PHARMUTHI Mes 09: PACHON Mes 10: PAGNI Mes 11: EPEPHI o EPIPHI Mes 12: MESORI
¿Puede dar un ejemplo?
Respuesta: en el libro "El Santuario de Memphis o Hermes", escrito por E. J. Marconis de Negre, fundador del Rito de Memphis, nos proporciona este ejemplo:
"El año 5849, de conformidad con el sistema Egipcio, comenzó el 21 de Julio de 1849, y fue como sigue: THOTH del 21 de Julio al 20 de Agosto PAOPHI del 21 de Agosto al 19 de Setiembre ATHIR del 20 de Setiembre al 19 de Octubre y así en adelante.
¿Qué dice el Gran Maestro Robert Ambelain al respecto?
Respuesta: en su libro "Franc Maconnerie d'autrefois, cérémonies et rituels des rites de Misraim et de Memphis" (Edit. Robert Laffont), en su Capítulo 4 "Ritual de la Ceremonia de Fundación de una Logia Masónica", introdujo un breve relato sobre el "Calendario Sagrado".
Allí dice que: "la Tradición Masónica propia del RITO DE MEMPHIS-MISRAIM, deseosa de mostrar, sino la eternidad del UNIVERSO, por lo menos la eternidad de la actividad divina, en el curso de la cual los Universos suceden a los Universos, las Creaciones a las Creaciones, esta Tradición utiliza generalmente la transcripción cronológica que sigue: "Año de la V.'. L.'. el 000.000.000". Lo que significa: "el Año de la VERDADERA LUZ el 000.000.000". Los nueve ceros significan entonces que se trata de la LUZ ETERNA, porque el cero es el símbolo que permite a todo número multiplicarse al infinito".
¿No existe una cronología de Memphis Misraim que viene del Faraón Ramsés II?
Respuesta: Robert Ambelain, en mismo libro y capítulo dice que "otra Tradición propia del RITO DE MEMPHIS MISRAIM hace nacer su cronología en el Año 1292 antes de nuestra era, fecha del ascenso al trono de Egipto de RAMSES II, primer gran rey de la Dinastía XX y último de los grandes Faraones, creador de los famosos Templos de Abou Simbel; casi la mitad de los santuarios egipcios que son todavía de nuestra admiración datan de su reino glorioso."
"En esta segunda Cronología, el año 1965 es entonces el Año 3257.
Lamentablemente, no proporcionó Ambelain la fuente de esta Cronología, que parece antojadiza. Ya que la misma no es mencionada en los libros escritos por los fundadores de los Ritos de Misraim y de Memphis.
¿Cómo es la cronología de los meses Egipcios según Robert Ambelain?
Respuesta: nuevamente en el libro mencionado, Ambelain hace comenzar el año egipcio con el mes THOT el día 29 de agosto. El último mes sería MESORI que va del 25 de julio al 23 de agosto. Queda un vacío de cinco días antes del primer día del mes de THOT que comenzaría el 29 de agosto. Estos son los CINCO DÍAS EPAGOMENES, en los cuales ciertos Dioses Egicios nacieron: OSIRIS, HORUS, SETH, ISIS, y NEPHTHYS.
Así los Dioses habrían nacido en los primeros Grados del Signo de la VIRGEN celeste de nuestro Zodíaco.
¿Pero no existe entonces una discrepancia, entre el inicio del Año Egipcio establecido por Marconis de Negre, fundador del Rito de Memphis, y lo que dijo Robert Ambelain?
Respuesta: efectivamente existe una discrepancia en la fecha de origen del Año Egipcio. Para Marconis de Negre este comenzaba alrededor del 20 al 22 de julio, basado en el ingreso del Sol en el signo zodiacal de Leo. En cambio, para Robert Ambelain, el inicio del Año Egipcio es el 29 de Agosto. Cave mencionar que Ambelain, lamentablemente, no dio ninguna explicación de su cronología.
¿Cómo era la cronología del Rito de Memphis de Norteamérica?
Respuesta: el Gran Maestro Calvin C. Bart, fundador del Rito Oriental de Memphis, en su libro "Egyptian Masonic History of the Original and Unabridged Ancient and Ninety-six Degree Rite of Memphis", simplificó la cuestión. Sencillamente yuxtapuso los meses cristianos a los meses egipcios, dando lugar a un nuevo uso y costumbre. Ejemplo:
¿En qué momento se introdujo el día 29 de agosto como inicio del Año Egipcio?
Respuesta: tras la final posesión de Egipto por Augusto, como provincia del Imperio Romano, se estableció el uso del Calendario JULIANO en Alejandría. Fijándose el primer día del nuevo calendario, el 29 de agosto, en el mes de Thoth del año en que esta innovación tuvo lugar. A esta manera de fechar documentos se la llama de AÑO ALEJANDRINO. De esta manera convivieron dos Calendarios en Egito, uno de ellos fue el FIJO o Alejandrino. Pues invariablemente comenzaba el 29 de Agosto. El otro Calendario era MOVIBLE o VAGO, pues dependía de la salida del orto helíaco de la estrella Sirio, que variaba según el año. Entonces tenemos que el AÑO COPTICO se corresponde con el CALENDARIO JULIANO, comenzando el mes de THOTH el día 29 de agosto.
¿Qué es el Calendario Juliano?
Respuesta: actualmente está en desuso, debido a la reforma del Calendario llamado GREGORIANO, que es el que utilizamos en la era actual en el mundo Occidental. Se implantó en el año 46 antes de cristo, por obra del astrónomo Sosígenes de Alejandría.
En 1876 el calendario GREGORIANO fue adoptado en Egipto.
¿Qué es el orto helíaco de la estrella Sirio?
Respuesta: se denomina "orto helíaco" de una estrella, el momento en que esta aparece en el horizonte, inmediatamente antes de la salida del sol. Para la estrella Sirio esto ocurre una vez al año, y coincide casi exactamente con la entrada del Sol en el signo de Leo.
¿Cuando se estableció que el primero de THOTH debía coincidir con el orto helíaco de Sirio?
Respuesta: durante la reforma del calendario egipcio ocurrida el año 238 antes de cristo. En la ciudad de Canopus, en el templo de los Dioses Evergetas, se reunieron los sacerdotes Hierogrammatistas para reformar el calendario. En esta asamblea de sabios sacerdotes, se decidió que el día primero del mes THOTH debía coincidir con el día del orto helíaco de la estrella Sirio. Esta era la fecvha que coincidía con el inicio de la crecida del río NILO.
Tabla del libro "Calendario Egipcio", de Roland N. L. Michell:
Podrá observarse con claridad en la tabla que se expone, que el SAGRADO AÑO SÓTICO, día primero de THOTH o TEHUTI, equivale al día 20 de julio para el calendario juliano.
Y que para el AÑO ALEJANDRINO, el día primero de THOTH corresponde al 29 de agosto actual.
¿En definitiva, cuál es el calendario que tenemos que usar?
Respuesta: el que cada Soberano Santuario decida usar, puesto que se trata de convenciones humanas.
¿Cual es el calendario que utiliza el Soberano Santuario Latinoamericano de los Ritos Egipcios?
Respuesta: como es difícil conseguir efemérides de la salida de la estrella Sirio para la localidad de la ciudad de Memphis, en Egipto, que sería el calendario más tradicional de nuestro Rito, hemos decidido usar el Calendario del Rito de Memphis, tal cual lo estableció Marconis de Negre, por su simplicidad, y por la posibilidad de contar siempre con efemérides astronómicas que nos permiten identificar el día en que EL SOL INGRESA EN EL SIGNO ZODIACAL DE LEO. No escapará para quienes tengan conocimientos de astrología, que el Sol es regente del signo de Leo. Y el Sol ha sido la más antigua representación de los Dioses en Egipto, basta pensar en Heliópolis por un lado, y en el Faraón Akhenatón por el otro. Y que seguramente Marconis de Negre pensó también en simplificar este problema de utilizar dataciones egipcias para los documentos del Rito.
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Messaggio 34 di 198 di questo argomento |
Sirius, aka Alpha Canis Majoris, aka Number One Big Dog Star, is the brightest star in the sky, blazing away at an apparent magnitude of -1.43. Sirius, también conocido como Alfa Canis Majoris, también conocido como Número Uno de Star Big Dog, es la estrella más brillante en el cielo, ardiendo de distancia en una magnitud aparente de -1.43. (The latter is meaningless to most folks... except to note that Sirius is so bright relative to the other stars that it's off the astronomer's magnitude scale. (Este último no tiene sentido para la mayoría de la gente ... pero se puede observar que Sirio es tan brillante en relación a las otras estrellas que está fuera de la escala de magnitud de los astrónomos. Siriusly.) Siriusly.) Sirius has a long history of observation (and speculation). Sirius tiene una larga historia de la observación (y la especulación). Its connection to ancient Egypt is perhaps the most notorious, but other cultures were heavily invested in an apparent appreciation of the star as well. Su conexión con el antiguo Egipto es quizás el más conocido, pero otras culturas se han invertido fuertemente en la apreciación aparente de la estrella también.
Astronomers at Louisville, Kentucky, noted the Dog Star's veneration in ancient Mesopotamia, where its “old Akkadian name was Mul-lik-ud” (“Dog Star of the Sun”) and in Babylonia, Kakkab-lik-ku (“Star of the Dog”). Los astrónomos en Louisville, Kentucky, señaló la veneración de la estrella del Can en la antigua Mesopotamia, donde su "nombre acadio antiguo se Mul-Lik-ud" ("Dog Star of the Sun") y en Babilonia, kakkab-Lik-ku ("Estrella de la the Dog "). Assyrians, not to be outdone, called Sirius, Kal-bu-sa mas (“the Dog of the Sun”), and in Chaldea, the star was Kak-shisha (“the Dog Star that Leads”) or Du-shisha (“the Director”). Asirios, para no ser menos, llamado Sirius, Kal-bu-sa mas ("el perro del Sol"), y en Caldea, la estrella fue Kak-shisha ("la estrella del Can que conduce") o Du shisha ( "el Director"). The later Persians referred to Sirius as Tir, meaning “the Arrow.” Los persas se refirió posteriormente a Sirius como Tir, que significa "la Flecha".
Sirius has been identified by some as the Biblical star Mazzaroth (the Book of Job, 38:32). Sirius ha sido identificado por algunos como el bíblico Mazzaroth estrella (el Libro de Job, 38:32). The Semitic name for Sirius was Hasil, while the Hebrews also used the name Sihor -- the latter an Egyptian name, learned by the Hebrews prior to their Exodus. El nombre semítico de Sirius era Hasil, mientras que los hebreos también utilizaron el nombre de Sihor - este último un nombre egipcio, se enteró por los hebreos antes de su éxodo. Phoenicians called Sirius, Hannabeah (“the Barker”.), a name also used in Canaan. Fenicios llamada Sirio, Hannabeah ("Barker".), Un nombre también se utiliza en Canaán. Meanwhile, The Dogon Tribe , from the Homburi Mountains near Timbuktu (West Central Sahara Desert in Africa), have an apparent lock on traditions as they were able to describe in detail the three stars of the Sirian system. Mientras tanto, la tribu Dogon , de las montañas de Homburi cerca de Timbuktu (centro-oeste del desierto del Sahara en África), tienen un bloqueo aparente en las tradiciones, ya que fueron capaces de describir con detalle las tres estrellas del sistema de Sirio.
But ancient Egypt provides the most regal history for Sirius. Pero el antiguo Egipto ofrece la historia más real de Sirius. Initially, it was Hathor, the great mother goddess, who was identified with Sirius. Inicialmente, se Hathor, la diosa de la gran madre, quien se identificó con Sirius. But Isis soon became the major archetype, sharing honors with the title of Sirius as the Nile Star. Pero Isis pronto se convirtió en el arquetipo de los principales, compartiendo honores con el título de Sirio como la estrella del Nilo Occidental. An icon of Sirius as a five-pointed star (shades of the Golden Mean ) has been found on the walls of the famous Temple of Isis/Hathor at Denderah. Un icono de Sirio como una estrella de cinco puntas (tonos de la Proporción Áurea ) se ha encontrado en las paredes del famoso Templo de Isis / Hathor en Dendera. [The latter is possibly well connected to the Starfire of Laurence Gardner 's research. [Este último es, posiblemente, muy bien conectado con el estelar de Laurence Gardner investigación 's. See, in particular, Gardner's book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark , HarperCollins, London, 2003; for some good stuff on Hathor and Denderah.] Véase, en particular, el libro de Gardner, Lost Secrets of the Ark Sagrado, HarperCollins, Londres, 2003; para algunas cosas buenas en Hathor y Denderah].
But Isis was not a lone goddess. Pero Isis no era una diosa solitaria. Instead, her husband was Osiris ( Orion ), and the Sirius star system is thought by some to be Isis (Sirius A), Osiris (Sirius B), and the Dark Goddess as Sirius C (which apparently exists, but has not be seen directly by anyone other than the mentor of the Dogons). En cambio, su marido era Osiris ( Orion ), y el sistema estelar de Sirio es considerado por algunos como Isis (Sirio A), Osiris (Sirio B), y la Diosa Oscura como Sirio C (que al parecer existe, pero no ser visto directamente por alguien que no sea el mentor de los dogones).
[It is worth noting that Sirius B is a white dwarf star (one with the mass of our sun, packed into a sphere roughly four times that of the earth -- and thus with a density 3000 times that of diamonds, a hardness 300 times that of diamonds, and by virtue of its spinning on its axis every 23 minutes, the possessor of a huge magnetic field). [Vale la pena señalar que Sirio B es una enana blanca (uno con la masa de nuestro sol, todo en un ámbito más o menos cuatro veces la de la Tierra - y por lo tanto con una densidad de 3.000 veces mayor que la de los diamantes, una dureza 300 veces la de los diamantes, y en virtud de su gira sobre su eje cada 23 minutos, el dueño de un campo magnético enorme). Sirius B, then being the archetype of a collapsed star, appropriately describes the death and diminution of Osiris. Sirio B, a continuación, ser el arquetipo de una estrella colapsada, apropiadamente describe la muerte y la disminución de Osiris. The Dogon Tribe obviously had connections with those in the know!] La tribu Dogon , obviamente, tenía conexiones con los que lo conocen!]
It might also be noted that instead of the Dark Goddess, the third alleged member of the Sirian system may also be represented by Anubis, the dog or jackel-headed son/god of Isis and Osiris, who assisted in the passage of the souls into the underworld. También cabe señalar que en lugar de la Diosa Oscura, el tercer miembro supuestos del sistema de Sirio también puede ser representado por Anubis, el perro o el hijo Jackel de cabeza / dios de Isis y Osiris, que colaboraron en el paso de las almas en el inframundo. Anubis was the one who weighed the hearts of the dead to determine if their good deeds outweighed their not-so-good acts. Anubis era el que pesa los corazones de los muertos para determinar si sus buenas obras superan sus actos no son tan buenos. Thus both Anubis and the Dark Goddess were feared by the evil doers, most Republicans and Democrats, and a fair number of Independents. Así, tanto Anubis y la Diosa Oscura eran temidos por los hacedores del mal, la mayoría de los republicanos y los demócratas, y un buen número de independientes.
Sirius is also ancient Egypt's inspiration for one of its first Calendars , a solar one with 12 thirty day months. Sirius también es la inspiración del antiguo Egipto a uno de los primeros calendarios , un solar con un 12 treinta meses al día. In the Egyptian Sirius calendar, the year began with the helical rising of Sirius on or near the Summer Solstice (the first day of summer, the longest day of the year, and the day when the noon sun stood highest above the horizon). En el calendario egipcio de Sirio, el año comenzó con el ascenso helicoidal de Sirio en o cerca del solsticio de verano (el primer día de verano, el día más largo del año, y el día en que el sol del mediodía se puso más alto sobre el horizonte). This “helical rising” is named after the Greek word Helios for Sun. Esta "espiral ascendente" es el nombre de la palabra griega Helios para Sun.
The fact that the early Egyptian calendar only had 360 days might be of concern to anyone who notes that in a mere ten years, the calendar (and the harvest, flooding of the Nile, etc) would be roughly 53 days out of sync. El hecho de que el calendario egipcio temprano sólo contaba con 360 días puede ser de interés para todo aquel que señala que en sólo diez años, el calendario (y la cosecha, las inundaciones del Nilo, etc) sería de aproximadamente 53 días fuera de sincronía. Accordingly, at some point, five feast days were added to the end of the year. En consecuencia, en algún momento, cinco días de fiesta se añade al final del año. Interestingly, however, this is considerable evidence to suggest that at the time, the Earth did in fact rotate in 360 days. Curiosamente, sin embargo, esto es una evidencia para suponer que en ese momento, la Tierra, en efecto, girar en 360 días. Then, according to Immanuel Velikovsky , a close encounter by the Earth with Venus resulted in a change in the number of days in the year from 360 to 365.24. Entonces, de acuerdo a Immanuel Velikovsky , un encuentro cercano con la Tierra con Venus como resultado un cambio en el número de días en el año 360 a 365,24. At that point of Ages in Chaos , the five feast days were added. En ese momento de la Edad en el caos , los cinco días de fiesta se han añadido.
The feast days, by the way, “celebrated” the births of five gods (and goddesses): Los días de fiesta, por cierto, "celebró" el nacimiento de los cinco dioses (y diosas):
Day One: Osiris, Día Uno: Osiris,
Day Two: Horus (Heru-ur or Aroueris), Segundo día: Horus (Heru-ur o Aroueris),
Day Three: Set, Día Tres: Establecer,
Day Four: Isis, and Día cuatro: Isis, y
Day Five: Nephthys. Día Cinco: Neftis.
According to EA Wallis Budge, [ Egyptian Magic , London, 1901]. De acuerdo con EA Wallis Budge, [Egipto Magic, Londres, 1901]. The first, third and fifth feast days were considered unlucky. Los primeros días, fiesta de tercero y quinto se considera de mala suerte. This might have been due to the fact that Osiris was best known as the slain god, while Set and Nephthys were the dark god, dark goddess respectively. Esto podría haberse debido al hecho de que Osiris era el más conocido como el dios muerto, mientras que Set y Neftis eran el dios oscuro, la diosa oscura, respectivamente. The second and fourth days, however, were lucky, with both Horus and Isis being winged/ascended. El segundo y el cuarto, sin embargo, la suerte, tanto con Horus e Isis ser alado / ascendido. Apparently, being dead or dark was not much of a celebration. Al parecer, muertos o la oscuridad no era una gran celebración.
Bummer! Charlatán!
Sacred Geometry Geometría Sagrada The Great Pyramids Las grandes pirámides Orion Orión
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Messaggio 35 di 198 di questo argomento |
Adam Clarke By their armies – צבאתם tsibotham, from צבא tsaba, to assemble, meet together, in an orderly or regulated manner, and hence to war, to act together as troops in battle; whence צבאות tsebaoth, troops, armies, hosts. It is from this that the Divine Being calls himself יהוה צבאות Yehovah tsebaoth, the Lord Of Hosts or armies, because the Israelites were brought out of Egypt under his direction, marshalled and ordered by himself, guided by his wisdom, supported by his providence, and protected by his might. This is the true and simple reason why God is so frequently styled in Scripture the Lord of hosts; for the Lord did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their Armies.
Yahshua is YHWH tsevaot
Jos 5:14 And He said, No, for I now come as the Commander of the army of YHWH. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped. And he said to Him, What does my Lord speak to His slave? Isa 55:4 Behold, I gave Him a Witness to peoples, a Leader and Commander of peoples.
Rev 19:11 And I saw Heaven being opened. And, behold! A white horse, and He sitting on it having been called Faithful and True. And He judges and wars in righteousness. Rev 19:12 And His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head many diadems, having a name that had been written, which no one knows except Himself; Rev 19:13 and having been clothed in a garment which had been dipped in blood. And His name is called The Word of God. Rev 19:14 And the armies in Heaven followed Him on white horses, being dressed in fine linen, white and pure.
The Camp of Yisrael
Num 2:2 The sons of Israel shall encamp by their fathers’ house, every man with his own standard, according to the standards. They shall encamp around the tabernacle of the congregation, afar off. Num 2:3 And those who encamp on the east side, toward the sunrising, are of the standard of Judah’s camp, according to their armies, the ruler of the sons of Judah being Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
Num 2:9 All numbered of the camp of Judah were a hundred and eighty six thousand and four hundred, by their armies. They shall set forth first. Num 2:10 On the south side shall be the standard of the camp of Reuben, according to their armies; the ruler of the sons of Reuben being Elizur the son of Shedeur. Num 2:18 On the west side shall be the standard of the camp of Ephraim, according to their armies; the ruler of the sons of Ephraim being Elishama the son of Ammihud. Num 2:25 On the north side shall be the standard of the camp of Dan, according to their armies; the ruler of the sons of Dan being Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
The Camp of Yisrael was divided up as the 12 constellations
Standards of the Tribes
According to rabbinical tradition, the standard of Judah bore the figure of a lion, that of Reuben the likeness of a man, or of a man’s head, that of Ephraim the figure of an ox, and that of Dan the figure of an eagle; so that the four living creatures united in the cherubic forms described by Ezekiel were represented upon these four standards” (Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary on the Pentateuch, III, 17). A variant of this tradition gives as the standard of Reuben, “unstable as water” (Gen_49:4 the King James Version), a Man and a River, and of Dan, “Dan shall be a serpent in the way” (Gen_49:17), an Eagle and a Serpent. These four forms are also found in the constellations in the four quarters of the heavens. Aquarius, the man with a stream of water, and Leo were the original zodiacal constellations of the two solstices, Taurus was that of the spring equinox, and Aquila and Serpens were close to the autumnal equinox, the latter being actually upon the colure.
4 Living Creatures
Surrounding the throne of Elohim are the 4 living creatures which correspond to the 4 cardinal points of the zodiac and to the camp of Yisrael.
Eze 1:10 And the likeness of their faces: the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side to the four of them; and the face of an ox on the left to the four of them, and the face of an eagle to the four of them.
Rev 4:2 And at once I became in spirit. And, behold, a throne was set in Heaven, and One sitting on the throne. Rev 4:3 And the One sitting was in appearance like a jasper stone, and a sardius; and a rainbow was around the throne, in appearance like an emerald. Rev 4:4 And around the throne I saw twenty four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty four elders sitting, having been clothed in white garments. And they had golden crowns on their heads. Rev 4:5 And out of the throne come forth lightnings and thunders and voices. And seven lamps of fire are burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God; Rev 4:6 and a glassy sea before the throne, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne and around the throne were four living creatures, full of eyes before and behind. Rev 4:7 And the first living creature was like a lion; and the second living creature like a calf; and the third living creature having a face like a man; and the fourth living creature like an eagle flying. Rev 4:8 And the four living creatures each one had six wings around, and within being full of eyes. And they had no rest day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,” the One who was, and is, and is coming! Isa. 6:3 Rev 4:9 And whenever the living creatures shall give glory and honor and thanks to the One sitting on the throne, to the One living to the ages of the ages, Rev 4:10 the twenty four elders fall down before Him sitting on the throne; and they will worship the One living to the ages of the ages, and will throw their crowns before the throne, saying, Rev 4:11 Lord, You are worthy to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because You created all things, and through Your will they exist and were created.
Gospel/Word in the Heavens
Gen 1:14 And God said, Let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens, to divide between the day and the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years.
The signs of the heavens are a mark/reminder of the covenant with His people.
Jer 33:25 So says YHWH, If My covenant is not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of the heavens and earth, Jer 33:26 then I also will reject the seed of Jacob, and My servant David, not to take of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For I will bring back their captivity and have pity on them.
It is YHWH that created the mazzaroth/constellations
Job 26:13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent. Job 38:31 Can you bind the bands of the Pleiades, or loosen the cords of Orion? Job 38:32 Can you bring out the constellations in their season; or can you guide the Bear with its sons? Job 38:33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?
He has numbered & named the stars
Isa 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high and look: Who has created these? Who brings out their host by number? By greatness of vigor, and might of power, He calls them all by names; not one is lacking.
Psa 147:4 He appoints the number** of the stars; He calls to them all by names. **The Hebrew word for number here is mispar from the root saphar which means a record/scroll. Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew dictionary defines ‘mispar’ as a number or tale. A tale is an account telling a story. This is what the number of the stars does. It tells the story of the Gospel.
Rom 10:17 Then faith is of hearing, and hearing through the Word of God. Rom 10:18 But I say, Did they not hear? Yes, rather, “into all the earth their voice went out, and to the ends of the world their words.”
The constellations tell the story of the gospel through the names of the stars (Isaiah 40:26; Psalm 147:4). There are 12 constellations and 36 ‘decan’ constellations which further illustrate the meaning of the main mazzaroth.
VIRGO: Seed of the Woman, Desire of nations, Man of humiliation, becomes exalted Shepherd and Harvester.
LIBRA: The scales demand a price to be paid, Cross to endure, the Victim slain, a Crown purchased.
SCORPIO: A Conflict, Serpent’s coils, Struggle with the Enemy, the Evil Vanquisher.
SAGITTARIUS: The double-natured One triumphs as a Warrior, Pleases the Heavens, Builds fires of punishment, Casts down the Dragon.
CAPRICORNUS: Life comes from death, He’s the Arrow of God, Pierced, Springs up again in abundant life.
AQUARIUS: Life-waters from on High, Drinking the heavenly river, Delivering the Good News, Carrying the Cross over the earth.
PISCES: The Redeemer’s People multiplied, Supported and led by the Lamb, The Bride is exposed on earth, the Bridegroom is exalted.
ARIES: The Lamb is found worthy, the Bride is made ready, Satan is bound, the Breaker triumphs.
TAURUS: The conquering Ruler comes, the sublime Vanquisher, the great Judgment, the ruling Shepherd.
GEMINI: The Marriage of the Lamb, the Enemy is trodden down, the Prince comes in great Glory.
CANCER: The great Bride, the Church and Israel, are brought safely into the kingdom.
LEO: The Lion King is aroused for rending, the Serpent flees, the Bowl of Wrath is upon him, his Carcass is devoured.
http://littleguyintheeye.wordpress.com/tag/sihor/ |
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Messaggio 36 di 198 di questo argomento |
Bees & the Merovingian bloodline
Rome is said to have been founded by Romulus and Remus. L.A. Waddell in the ‘British Edda’ points out that in the Edda text Rom is another name for Edin or Eden. Rom or Romil was also a title of the Set and serpent worshippers of ancient Egypt. Waddell associates the ‘wolf tribe’ with the star Sirius (dog star).
British Edda L.A. Waddell pg 277 “Rome” Title for Eden & Mother-Son Cult
“Rom of the Edda is thus seen to have been a synonym for Eden and its Wolf-tribe priestess and Chaldee people. This now appears to explain the legend that the mythical founders of the new Rome in Italy, Romulus and Remus, were ‘wolf suckled,’ suggesting that they were of the Mother-cult of the Wolf-Tribe of the Roms….Moreover, Rom or Romit was the title of the Set-Wolf and Serpent worshipping aborigines of Ancient Egypt.”
Egyptian Serpent Worship
In the Temple of Serapeum in Alexandria (‘City of the Serpent’s Son’) which was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, Serapis was portrayed as a massive statue standing on a crocodile holding a staff with a serpent coiling around it. At the top of the staff were the heads of a lion, dog, and wolf, all symbols of the serpent cult. {Return of the Serpent’s of Wisdom pg 56}
While we know little about it, the Lupercalia seems to have been a curious Latin festival with mysterious Greek origins. Later Roman writers like Plutarch suggested that it originated in Arcadia in southern Greece, where Lykaian Pan was worshiped (lykos is the Greek word for wolf). The Roman poet Virgil would turn that same Arcadia into an ideal image of Paradise, a lost Golden Age.
The ‘lost Golden Age’ is speaking of the days of Noah/’Atlantis’/the age of SaturnSaturn Days of Noah.
The story of Romulus and Remus being nurtured and brought up by wolves is connected to other cultures and their claim that their rulers descend from dogs/wolves. It all traces back to the star Sirius.
When the Sun and Moon conjoined at the start of the Egyptian New Year a festival known as the “sacred marriage” was celebrated. This may relate to the Pyramid Texts which state that Pharaoh unites with Isis in a form of hieros gamos bringing forth Horus-Sopdu. In another passage, the royal-divine union is said to beget the Morning Star, and thus may connect Venus with Horus.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 121 “Sirius, the dog star, was called Sihor by the ancient Egyptians, who represented it as a dog-headed divinity, sometimes as a dog, representative of the god Anubis. The importance of the star in the ancient Egyptian culture cannot be overstated. Many Egyptian temples were oriented to the dog star in ancient times. The astronomer Norman Lockyer studied many of these orientations, and among the most interesting he published was the orientation of the Temple of Isis at Denderah, which was directed to Sirius….Sirius rose with the Sun on the Egyptian New Year. This, in mythological language, was the star goddess Isis mingling her light with that of the sun god, Ra.”
Among the Sumerians, the sacred marriage took place between the priest-king and Inanna, the latter probably represented by the Lukur priestess, who was in turn linked with the daughters of dog-headed Bau. Inanna again has as her planet Venus and Sirius as one of her fixed stars. The king during this ritual stands for Dumuzi, the husband of Inanna, and every year near the rising of Sirius in the summer, the Kelabim or dog priests of Dumuzi (Tammuz) held rites for the god.
The sex rites of Lupercalia trace back to this mystery Babylon worship.
Adonis had similar rites, and Carl Kerenyi believes that the orgia festivals celebrated in honor of Dionysos were also linked with the Sirius cycle.
Further to the east we find numerous myths of the marriage of a dog to a goddess or queen in the totemic histories of numerous peoples. Especially in Central Asia, South China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific the concept of part-dog or wolf ancestry is prevalent. From Assam in the West to Mongolia in the North and Java in the South, eastward to New Guinea and other Pacific isles in Oceania and northward again to the Ryukus and Bering Sea, the sacred dog-human marriage motif is found.
Over and over the association with the dog/wolf and sexual rites and marriage is seen in ancient cultures. Why? Many ancient cultures believed that ‘gods’ came from heaven and mated with human women. This is spoken of in Genesis 6 during the days of Noahclick here . Many of these cultures have myths and legends which point back to the dog star Sirius being the place where these ‘gods’ came from. After the Flood, Nimrod reintroduces the mystery religion to mankind. The holidays that the majority of mankind celebrates today, especially the holidays that come out of Roman Catholicism, trace back to these times. When studying the origins of these holidays, all of them will point back to Nimrod. Nimrod did not invent his ‘religion’, he was trying to reform the ‘golden age’ that came before the Flood so the rituals will ultimately trace back to the days of Noah.
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom pg 25 states that the symbol of the Sirians (from Sirius) in Atlantis was a triangle, sometimes with an eye in the middle. This all seeing-eye symbol traced through Egypt as the eye of Horus/Osiris/Ra/Isis which is what is seen on the back of the dollar bill.
On a statue to Isis the following was described “I am all that has been, that is, or shall be, and none among the mortal has hiterto taken off my veil.”
The all-seeing eye, on a deeper level, connects to the pineal gland which was discussed above.
Interestingly, it is believed by some people such as Robert Bauval and Robert Temple that the Giza pyramids are a mirror image, the Earthly representation of the Belt of Orion.
Uriel’s Machine pg 137 “The word ‘Nephilim’ is of uncertain origin, but it has been observed by specialist scholars that the root Aramaic word nephila is the name of the constellation Orion, and therefore, Nephilim would seem to mean ‘those that are of Orion.’ …the Australian Aborigines identified that their own version of Watchers (the Nurrumbunguttias) had come to earth from Orion.”
*The ‘ark’ that landed in Egypt that the Dogons describe may trace back to the ‘mystic egg’ of Astarte…More on this in the section on Easter.
Two Babylon’s pg 106
Cupid’s Greek name is Eros, and he is armed with a bow and arrow; this was a real and lethal weapon in the ancient world. Like Dionysusclick here , he was sometimes referred to as Eleutherios, “the liberator”.
Two Babylons pg 169 In the Church of Rome a new kind of devotion has of late been largely introduced, in which the beads play an important part, and which shows what new and additional strides in the direction of the old Babylonian Paganism the Papacy every day is steadily making. I refer to the “Rosary of the Sacred Heart.” It is not very long since the worship of the “Sacred Heart” was first introduced; and now, everywhere it is the favourite worship. It was so in ancient Babylon, as is evident from the Babylonian system as it appeared in Egypt. There also a “Sacred Heart” was venerated. The “Heart” was one of the sacred symbols of Osiris when he was born again, and appeared as Harpocrates, or the infant divinity, * borne in the arms of his mother Isis.
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Messaggio 37 di 198 di questo argomento |
Mary as Goddess:
"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! More delightful is your love than wine! Your name spoken is a spreading of perfume -- that is why the maidens love you. Draw me -- We will follow you eagerly! Bring me, O King, to your chambers."
--Song of Songs 1:1-4
Spiritual Marriage
The archetype of Spiritual Marriage is present in nearly every religion in the historical record through the present day, and the Bible is no exception. Bride and Bridegroom imagery pervades both the Old and New Testaments. One of the most popular passages in the Old Testament, The Song of Songs (also known as The Song of Solomon) is a joyful celebration of erotic love. This passage is strongly associated with Mary, and is read on her feast days. How did the Blessed Virgin become associated with physical love? How did the Mother of Christ become the Bride of Christ? We will explore these questions here.
The Bride of Christ The Bride of God in the Old Testament The Sacred Marriage & Ancient Goddesses Mary & Love Goddesses References
The Bride of Christ In light of the knowledge that ancient goddesses often had a Mother/Lover relationship to their Divine Sons, perhaps the notion of Mary as both Mother & Bride of Christ shouldn't seem strange. But Christianity diverges from the Old Religions most sharply in its denial of sexuality. Isn't it extraordinary, then, that Mary, celebrated for her lack of sexuality, has come to claim the title of Bride, just as the ancient goddesses did? How did this happen?
Modern devotees of Mary Magdalene are convinced that Jesus was married to and fathered a child with the Magdalene, his earthly bride. Evidence suggests that The Song of Songs celebrated Mary Magdalene in early Christianity, not Mother Mary. But after worship of the Magdalene was suppressed, all devotions to her were officially transferred to Mother Mary. This is one theory.
Another theory suggests that the ancient definition of Virgin was retained in cultural consciousness. An ancient virgin was not celibate, only autonomous, and thus many of the ancient love goddesses were also hailed "Virgin."
Added to this is the Spiritual archetype of Marriage, an archetype which reflects a union of separate parts (separate selves) into a whole, a union of Self with The Divine. It is this definition of Spiritual Marriage that the orthodox Church claims in endowing Mary with the title "Bride of Christ."
However, Mary was viewed as a real-life bride too, the bride of Joseph, as this painting "Marriage of the Virgin" affirms. Perhaps more than any other factor, it was the need for real-life spiritual models that molded Mary into a Bride.
Regardless of the reasons, in 370 Ambrose officially identified Mary as the Bride in The Song of Songs, linking her with Paul's symbol of The Christian Church as Bride (A, B). The title "Bride of Christ" was soon extended to nuns and to each Christian's soul (B). Thus, both Christ and Mary became Spiritual Lover. |
The Bride of God in the Old Testament Hosea, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah all describe Israel, The Chosen People, as The Bride of Yahweh/Jehovah. These prophets paint God as Divine Husband, at times angry and jealous, at times loving and joyous (B). The Israelites were surrounded with images of a Divine Husband and Wife from the "heathen" cultures around them. The Goddess "Asherah (sometimes called Ashtoreth, Astarte, or Anat) and her Divine Consort, Baal, appear multiple times throughout the Old Testament as the Israelite prophets seek to eradicate their influence -- not very successfully, judging from their own accounts.
Asherah from Sacred Source
Strong archeological evidence suggests that the Israelites incorporated Asherah into Judaism, worshiping her as Wife of Yahweh (B, C, D *). In fact, the Biblical record shows that Solomon encouraged worship of Asherah in the Jerusalem temple:
The king defiled the high places . . . which Solomon, king of Israel, had built in honor of Astarte . . . Then the king commanded the high priest . . . to remove from the temple of the Lord all the objects that had been made for Baal, Asherah, and the whole host of heaven . . . . From the temple of the Lord he also removed the sacred pole [a symbol of Asherah] . . . . and tore down the apartments . . . which were in the temple of the Lord and in which the women wove garments for the Asherah.
II Kings 23:13; 4-7
The Sacred Marriage & Ancient Goddesses Heiros Gamos, the Sacred Marriage, was an ancient ceremony in which a king must wed The Goddess symbolically through a priestess. Thus the King gained power to rule the land, and the fertility of the land was ensured.
Through participating in the ritual, the king agreed to sacrifice his life for his people. Sometimes the king's life was called for, and he was ritually sacrificed.
In some of the oldest surviving literature, written on clay tablets in Sumeria, the rite of Heiros Gamos is described (E). The rite includes mourning the dead king, recalling images of the Pieta, shown here. Mary Magdalene is associated with this rite as well (F). |
Mary & Love Goddesses In the age of the Troubadours, Mary was praised as the object of courtly love, the untouchable beauty to be praised above all others (B). Many paintings of this era portrayed Mary as a sensuous woman, like the portrait shown here. Offerings of love to her were common. One legend tells of a man who gave Mary a crown of 50 roses every day (G). Multitude songs of love were written to Mary. St. Anselm addresses her in his Meditations:
"Mary, thou art beautiful to gaze upon, desireable to embrace, delightful to see, for the greatest joy next to God is to look on thee and to take delight in thy praises." (G)
Just as nuns wed Christ, so monks and priests wed Mary. Hopeful knights were known to place a ring on Mary's finger. If the statue gripped the ring firmly, the knight considered himself her Bridegroom and entered a religious order. In Greece, men who worshiped Venus performed the same ritual. Venus was also known to firmly grip the rings of the men she loved. One Friar, Alain de la Roche, claimed that many saints and angels witnessed his wedding to Mary who placed on his finger a ring made of her woven hair (a common love custom at that time.) (H) |
In addition, Mary shares titles with Love Goddesses. Aphrodite and Mary are both hailed "Star of the Sea." Mary and Venus share the title "Morning Star." Inanna (the primary Goddess of the Sacred Marriage) and Mary are both "Queen of Heaven."
References http://northernway.org/twm/mary/bride.html |
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Messaggio 38 di 198 di questo argomento |
Misiones del Clan del Dragón y el pájaro
How the Nusantao maritime trading network influenced the world. ¿Cómo la red de comercio marítimo Nusantao influido en el mundo.
Friday, January 20, 2006 Viernes, 20 de enero 2006
Dog Star (Glossary) Dog Star (Glosario)
The dog star has through the ages been associated with Sirius and/or less frequently the planet Venus. La estrella del perro a través de los siglos se ha asociado con Sirio y / o con menos frecuencia el planeta Venus. The name of Sirius probably is derived from the Egyptian word seir meaning "prince," and related also to Hebrew sar . El nombre de Sirius probablemente se deriva de la palabra egipcia que significa Seir "príncipe", y también relacionado con el hebreo sar. Another possibility is that the word comes from the Greek form for Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld. Otra posibilidad es que la palabra proviene de la forma griega de Osiris, el dios egipcio del inframundo. The star is the brightest in the heavens and was called Kasista "Leader" by the ancient Akkadians. La estrella es más brillante en el cielo y se llamaba Kasista "Líder" por los acadios antigua. The Persians knew it likewise as Tistar "Chieftain" or Zeeb "Leader." Los persas lo sabían también que Tistar "Cacique" o Zeeb "Líder". It was pictured in cultures throughout the world as a dog or wolf situated in the southern sky and associated with the hot or "dog days" of summer. Fue representado en las culturas de todo el mundo como un perro o un lobo situado en el cielo del hemisferio sur y se asocia con los "días de perro" o caliente del verano. Sirius is also often connected with the image of a hunter. Sirius también está a menudo relacionada con la imagen de un cazador. Among the Sumerians, Ninurta, the hunter, and husband of the dog goddess Bau (Gula), was linked with Sirius, while his wife had Venus associations. Entre los sumerios, Ninurta, el cazador, y el marido de la perro diosa Bau (Gula), fue vinculado con Sirio, mientras que su esposa había asociaciones de Venus. Later, when Inanna absorbs Bau's attributes she is likewise viewed as a huntress with links both to Venus and Sirius. Más tarde, cuando Inanna absorbe atributos Bau, ella es también vista como una cazadora con enlaces tanto a Venus y Sirio. In Greek myth, Sirius formed the head of the hunter Orion's dog, the constellation Canis Major. En la mitología griega, Sirius formó la cabeza del perro del cazador Orión, la constelación de Canis Major. According to Monier-Williams, the dog star was known among Hindus as Lubdhaka and Mrgavyadha both meaning "hunter" and referring to the god Siva or Rudra. Según Monier-Williams, el perro estrella era conocido entre los hindúes como Lubdhaka y Mrgavyádha tanto significa "cazador" y refiriéndose al dios Siva o Rudra. Another association of Sirius connects the star with the Milky Way, known often as the "Way of Souls" or the "Way of the Dog/Wolf." Otra asociación de Sirius se conecta con la estrella de la Vía Láctea, conocida a menudo como el "Camino de las Almas" o el "Camino del perro / lobo." In this sense, Sirius is viewed as one or more dogs or wolves guarding the path taken by departed souls. En este sentido, Sirius es considerada como uno o más perros o lobos guardando el camino tomado por almas de los difuntos. In ancient Egypt, the heliacal rising of Sirius was central to the yearly calendar. En el antiguo Egipto, la salida de Sirio fue central en el calendario anual. Sirius and Orion are personified respectively by the deities Sopdet and Sah, who are in turn manifestations of Isis and Osiris. Sirio y Orión se personifican respectivamente por el Sopdet deidades y Sah, que se encuentran en las manifestaciones a su vez de Isis y Osiris. Sopdet and Sah beget Sopdu, who is the manifestation of Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, and the patron deity of Egyptian royalty. Sopdet y Sah engendrar Sopdu, que es la manifestación de Horus, el hijo de Isis y Osiris, y la deidad patrona de la realeza egipcia. Sopdet is sometimes portrayed as a large dog, or as riding side-saddle on a dog (during the Roman period). Sopdet veces se describe como un perro grande, o como silla de montar a caballo en un perro (en la época romana). When the Sun and Moon conjoined at the start of the Egyptian New Year a festival known as the "sacred marriage" was celebrated. Cuando el Sol y la Luna unidos en el inicio del Año Nuevo de Egipto un festival conocido como el "matrimonio sagrado" fue celebrado. This may relate to the Pyramid Texts which state that Pharaoh unites with Isis in a form of hieros gamos bringing forth Horus-Sopdu. Esto puede relacionarse con los Textos de las Pirámides que se afirma que el Faraón se une con Isis en una forma de dar a luz hieros gamos Horus-Sopdu. In another passage, the royal-divine union is said to beget the Morning Star, and thus may connect Venus with Horus. En otro pasaje, la unión real-divina se dice que engendró la estrella de la mañana, y por lo tanto se puede conectar a Venus con Horus. Among the Sumerians, the sacred marriage took place between the priest-king and Inanna, the latter probably represented by the Lukur priestess, who was in turn linked with the daughters of dog-headed Bau. Entre los sumerios, el matrimonio sagrado se llevó a cabo entre el rey-sacerdote y Inanna, esta última probablemente representada por la sacerdotisa Lukur, quien a su vez vinculados con las hijas de cabeza de perro Bau. Inanna again has as her planet Venus and Sirius as one of her fixed stars. Inanna vuelve a tener como su planeta Venus y Sirio como una de sus estrellas fijas. The king during this ritual stands for Dumuzi, the husband of Inanna, and every year near the rising of Sirius in the summer, the Kelabim or dog priests of Dumuzi (Tammuz) held rites for the god. El rey en este ritual es sinónimo de Dumuzi, el esposo de Inanna, y cada año cerca de la salida de Sirio en el verano, el Kelabim o perro de los sacerdotes de Dumuzi (Tamuz), celebrado los ritos del dios. Adonis had similar rites, and Carl Kerenyi believes that the orgia festivals celebrated in honor of Dionysos were also linked with the Sirius cycle. Adonis había ritos similares, y Carl Kerényi cree que los festivales orgia celebra en honor de Dionisos también estaban vinculados con el ciclo de Sirio. Further to the east we find numerous myths of the marriage of a dog to a goddess or queen in the totemic histories of numerous peoples. Más hacia el este encontramos numerosos mitos de la unión de un perro a una diosa o una reina en la historia totémico de numerosos pueblos. Especially in Central Asia, South China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific the concept of part-dog or wolf ancestry is prevalent. Especialmente en Asia Central, China meridional, Asia sudoriental y el Pacífico, el concepto de parte-perro o lobo ascendencia es frecuente. From Assam in the West to Mongolia in the North and Java in the South, eastward to New Guinea and other Pacific isles in Oceania and northward again to the Ryukus and Bering Sea, the sacred dog-human marriage motif is found. De Assam, en el oeste de Mongolia en el norte y Java en el sur, hacia el este de Nueva Guinea y otras islas del Pacífico, en Oceanía y el nuevo hacia el norte hasta el Mar de Bering y Ryukus, el perro-humano sagrado motivo del matrimonio se encuentra. David Gordon White in Myths of the Dog-Man discusses the motif found among the Chinese, Hmong-Mien and Southeast Asian peoples of a heavenly dog who comes to earth following catastrophic floods bringing the gift of rice agriculture. David Gordon White en los mitos del hombre-perro analiza el motivo de encontrarse entre los chinos, hmong-mien y el sudeste de Asia los pueblos de la celestial perro que viene a la tierra tras las inundaciones catastróficas con lo que el don de la agricultura del arroz. These resemble closely the Kapampangan tales of Tala who rescues the flooded inhabitants of Central Luzon by teaching them riziculture. Estos se parecen mucho los cuentos Kapampangan de Tala que rescata a los habitantes inundados de Luzón Central, enseñándoles riziculture. White mentions a "tradition, dating from the Shang dynasty, that connects a dog with the ancient rice god Shang-ti, and a Ch'in and Han period sacrifice called the lei (a term for which the Chinese characters are "dog," "rice," and "head") that involved the offerings of dog's flesh and rice, by which a dismembered Shang-ti was ritually reintegrated and resurrected." White menciona una "tradición, que data de la dinastía Shang, que conecta a un perro con el antiguo dios del arroz Shang-ti, y un sacrificio periodo Qin y Han llamado la lei (un término para que los caracteres chinos son "perro" "arroz" y "cabeza") que participan de las ofrendas de carne de perro y el arroz, por el cual un desmembrado Shang-ti se reintegró ritual y resucitado ". Shang-ti becomes associated with T'ien (Heaven) during the Zhou (Chou) dynasty and the Shih-chi states that the god in the form of the "Ti-Dog" was the ancestor of the Hou Chih and T'ai peoples. Shang-ti se asocia con T'ien (Cielo) durante la dinastía Zhou (Chou) y la dinastía de los estados de Shih-chi que el dios en forma de "Ti-Dog", fue el antepasado de los pueblos y Hou Chi Tai . Although Sirius (known as the Heavenly Wolf in China) is not mentioned in these legends, the idea of a heavenly dog coming after the summer floods indeed could represent a link with the dog Star. A pesar de Sirius (conocido como el Lobo Celestial en China) no se menciona en estas leyendas, la idea de un cielo de perro viene después de las inundaciones del verano de hecho podría representar un vínculo con el perro estrella. The heliacal rising of Sirius during the summer heralds the flooding season in the monsoon climate region. La salida heliaca de Sirio durante el verano, anuncia la temporada de inundaciones en la región de clima monzónico. The descent of Sirius or Venus from Heaven in the form of a dog bringing agriculture and uniting in divine marriage all fit in the Sirius myth pattern. El descenso de Sirius o de Venus desde el cielo en la forma de un perro llevando la agricultura y la unión en matrimonio divino todos encajan en el patrón de mito Sirius. The flooding of the Nile after the rising of Sirius was essential to good harvests in ancient Egypt. Las inundaciones del Nilo después de la salida de Sirio era esencial para las buenas cosechas en el antiguo Egipto. The image of Phan Hu descending from Heaven and swimming across the flooded earth with a rice plant in his mouth, to later marry the Chinese emperor's daughter and father the Yao people is an ideal form of the Eastern myth. La imagen de Phan Hu descender del cielo y la natación a través de la tierra inundada con una planta de arroz en la boca, a casarse más tarde la hija del emperador chino y el padre de la gente de Yao es una forma ideal del mito oriental. While various explanations have been given for the canine attributes bestowed to the star Sirius, the link with a culture-bearing ancestor is the one proposed here. Mientras que las explicaciones se han dado varios de los atributos canina otorgado a la estrella Sirio, el vínculo con la cultura de un ancestro de soporte es el que aquí se propone. In this sense, the heliacal rising of Sirius would herald the advent of the canine hero linked in this case with the cataclysmic eruption of the cosmic mountain. En este sentido, la salida de Sirio se anuncie el advenimiento del héroe canino vinculada en este caso con la erupción cataclísmica de la montaña cósmica. In ancient symbology, this involved the Sun and Moon, not simply conjunct as in the Egyptian New Year festival, but in solar eclipse represented by the Crescent Sun. En la antigua simbología, esto implicó el Sol y la Luna, no sólo en conjunción como en la fiesta de Año Nuevo de Egipto, pero en el eclipse solar representado por el Sol la Media Luna Roja. Venus in inferior conjunction or transit is represented as a star in the center or next to the Crescent Sun. Venus en conjunción inferior o de tránsito se representa como una estrella en el centro o al lado del sol la Media Luna Roja. These celestial bodies should be placed above or emerging from a mountain, hill, mound, stupa, triangle, pyramid, person's head or some other symbol of the cosmic axis. Estos cuerpos celestes deben estar por encima o saliendo de una montaña, colina, montículo, stupa, triángulo, pirámide, cabeza de la persona o algún otro símbolo del eje cósmico. In some cases, one can also see to the left of these symbols another star or stellar symbol that should be taken as representing Sirius. En algunos casos, también se puede ver a la izquierda de los símbolos de otra estrella o un símbolo estelar que se deben tomar como representación de Sirius. Left in this case means to the south as ideally the celestial configuration should be in the West, the direction of Pinatubo. La izquierda en este caso significa que el sur, idealmente, la configuración celeste debe estar en el Oeste, la dirección del Pinatubo. Regards, Saludos, Paul Kekai Manansala Pablo Kekai Manansala Sacramento Sacramento
Friday, January 20, 2006
Dog Star (Glossary)
The dog star has through the ages been associated with Sirius and/or less frequently the planet Venus. The name of Sirius probably is derived from the Egyptian word seir meaning "prince," and related also to Hebrew sar. Another possibility is that the word comes from the Greek form for Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld. The star is the brightest in the heavens and was called Kasista "Leader" by the ancient Akkadians. The Persians knew it likewise as Tistar "Chieftain" or Zeeb "Leader." It was pictured in cultures throughout the world as a dog or wolf situated in the southern sky and associated with the hot or "dog days" of summer. Sirius is also often connected with the image of a hunter. Among the Sumerians, Ninurta, the hunter, and husband of the dog goddess Bau (Gula), was linked with Sirius, while his wife had Venus associations. Later, when Inanna absorbs Bau's attributes she is likewise viewed as a huntress with links both to Venus and Sirius. In Greek myth, Sirius formed the head of the hunter Orion's dog, the constellation Canis Major. According to Monier-Williams, the dog star was known among Hindus as Lubdhaka and Mrgavyadha both meaning "hunter" and referring to the god Siva or Rudra. Another association of Sirius connects the star with the Milky Way, known often as the "Way of Souls" or the "Way of the Dog/Wolf." In this sense, Sirius is viewed as one or more dogs or wolves guarding the path taken by departed souls. In ancient Egypt, the heliacal rising of Sirius was central to the yearly calendar. Sirius and Orion are personified respectively by the deities Sopdet and Sah, who are in turn manifestations of Isis and Osiris. Sopdet and Sah beget Sopdu, who is the manifestation of Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, and the patron deity of Egyptian royalty. Sopdet is sometimes portrayed as a large dog, or as riding side-saddle on a dog (during the Roman period). When the Sun and Moon conjoined at the start of the Egyptian New Year a festival known as the "sacred marriage" was celebrated. This may relate to the Pyramid Texts which state that Pharaoh unites with Isis in a form of hieros gamos bringing forth Horus-Sopdu. In another passage, the royal-divine union is said to beget the Morning Star, and thus may connect Venus with Horus. Among the Sumerians, the sacred marriage took place between the priest-king and Inanna, the latter probably represented by the Lukur priestess, who was in turn linked with the daughters of dog-headed Bau. Inanna again has as her planet Venus and Sirius as one of her fixed stars. The king during this ritual stands for Dumuzi, the husband of Inanna, and every year near the rising of Sirius in the summer, the Kelabim or dog priests of Dumuzi (Tammuz) held rites for the god. Adonis had similar rites, and Carl Kerenyi believes that the orgia festivals celebrated in honor of Dionysos were also linked with the Sirius cycle. Further to the east we find numerous myths of the marriage of a dog to a goddess or queen in the totemic histories of numerous peoples. Especially in Central Asia, South China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific the concept of part-dog or wolf ancestry is prevalent. From Assam in the West to Mongolia in the North and Java in the South, eastward to New Guinea and other Pacific isles in Oceania and northward again to the Ryukus and Bering Sea, the sacred dog-human marriage motif is found. David Gordon White in Myths of the Dog-Man discusses the motif found among the Chinese, Hmong-Mien and Southeast Asian peoples of a heavenly dog who comes to earth following catastrophic floods bringing the gift of rice agriculture. These resemble closely the Kapampangan tales of Tala who rescues the flooded inhabitants of Central Luzon by teaching them riziculture. White mentions a "tradition, dating from the Shang dynasty, that connects a dog with the ancient rice god Shang-ti, and a Ch'in and Han period sacrifice called the lei (a term for which the Chinese characters are "dog," "rice," and "head") that involved the offerings of dog's flesh and rice, by which a dismembered Shang-ti was ritually reintegrated and resurrected." Shang-ti becomes associated with T'ien (Heaven) during the Zhou (Chou) dynasty and the Shih-chi states that the god in the form of the "Ti-Dog" was the ancestor of the Hou Chih and T'ai peoples. Although Sirius (known as the Heavenly Wolf in China) is not mentioned in these legends, the idea of a heavenly dog coming after the summer floods indeed could represent a link with the dog Star. The heliacal rising of Sirius during the summer heralds the flooding season in the monsoon climate region. The descent of Sirius or Venus from Heaven in the form of a dog bringing agriculture and uniting in divine marriage all fit in the Sirius myth pattern. The flooding of the Nile after the rising of Sirius was essential to good harvests in ancient Egypt. The image of Phan Hu descending from Heaven and swimming across the flooded earth with a rice plant in his mouth, to later marry the Chinese emperor's daughter and father the Yao people is an ideal form of the Eastern myth. While various explanations have been given for the canine attributes bestowed to the star Sirius, the link with a culture-bearing ancestor is the one proposed here. In this sense, the heliacal rising of Sirius would herald the advent of the canine hero linked in this case with the cataclysmic eruption of the cosmic mountain. In ancient symbology, this involved the Sun and Moon, not simply conjunct as in the Egyptian New Year festival, but in solar eclipse represented by the Crescent Sun. Venus in inferior conjunction or transit is represented as a star in the center or next to the Crescent Sun. These celestial bodies should be placed above or emerging from a mountain, hill, mound, stupa, triangle, pyramid, person's head or some other symbol of the cosmic axis. In some cases, one can also see to the left of these symbols another star or stellar symbol that should be taken as representing Sirius. Left in this case means to the south as ideally the celestial configuration should be in the West, the direction of Pinatubo. Regards, Paul Kekai Manansala Sacramento References Kerenyi, Carl. Dionysos: Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life, Princeton University Press, 1996. McGahey, Robert. The Orphic Moment: Shaman to Poet-Thinker in Plato, Nietzsche, and Mallarme, SUNY Press, 1994. Sasaki, Chris. Constellations: Stars & Stories, Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 2003, p. 32ff. Shaw, Ian. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, Oxford University Press, 2002.
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Messaggio 39 di 198 di questo argomento |
Busqueda para seir
1. Génesis 14:6: y a los horeos en el monte de SEIR, hasta la llanura de Parán, que está junto al desierto.
2. Génesis 32:3: Y envió Jacob mensajeros delante de sí a Esaú su hermano, a la tierra de SEIR, campo de Edom.
3. Génesis 33:14: Pase ahora mi señor delante de su siervo, y yo me iré poco a poco al paso del ganado que va delante de mí y al paso de los niños, hasta que llegue a mi señor a SEIR.
4. Génesis 33:16: Así volvió Esaú aquel día por su camino a SEIR.
5. Génesis 36:8: Y Esaú habitó en el monte de SEIR; Esaú es Edom.
6. Génesis 36:9: Estos son los linajes de Esaú, padre de Edom, en el monte de SEIR.
7. Génesis 36:20: Estos son los hijos de SEIR horeo, moradores de aquella tierra: Lotán, Sobal, Zibeón, Aná,
8. Génesis 36:21: Disón, Ezer y Disán; estos son los jefes de los horeos, hijos de SEIR, en la tierra de Edom.
9. Génesis 36:30: Disón, Ezer y Disán; estos fueron los jefes de los horeos, por sus mandos en la tierra de SEIR.
10. Número 24:18: Será tomada Edom, Será también tomada SEIR por sus enemigos, E Israel se portará varonilmente.
11. Deuteronomio 1:2: Once jornadas hay desde Horeb, camino del monte de SEIR, hasta Cades-barnea.
12. Deuteronomio 1:44: Pero salió a vuestro encuentro el amorreo, que habitaba en aquel monte, y os persiguieron como hacen las avispas, y os derrotaron en SEIR, hasta Horma.
13. Deuteronomio 2:1: Luego volvimos y salimos al desierto, camino del Mar Rojo, como Jehová me había dicho; y rodeamos el monte de SEIR por mucho tiempo.
14. Deuteronomio 2:4: Y manda al pueblo, diciendo: Pasando vosotros por el territorio de vuestros hermanos los hijos de Esaú, que habitan en SEIR, ellos tendrán miedo de vosotros; mas vosotros guardaos mucho.
15. Deuteronomio 2:5: No os metáis con ellos, porque no os daré de su tierra ni aun lo que cubre la planta de un pie; porque yo he dado por heredad a Esaú el monte de SEIR.
16. Deuteronomio 2:8: Y nos alejamos del territorio de nuestros hermanos los hijos de Esaú, que habitaban en SEIR, por el camino del Arabá desde Elat y Ezión-geber; y volvimos, y tomamos el camino del desierto de Moab.
17. Deuteronomio 2:12: Y en SEIR habitaron antes los horeos, a los cuales echaron los hijos de Esaú; y los arrojaron de su presencia, y habitaron en lugar de ellos, como hizo Israel en la tierra que les dio Jehová por posesión.)
18. Deuteronomio 2:22: como hizo Jehová con los hijos de Esaú que habitaban en SEIR, delante de los cuales destruyó a los horeos; y ellos sucedieron a éstos, y habitaron en su lugar hasta hoy.
19. Deuteronomio 2:29: como lo hicieron conmigo los hijos de Esaú que habitaban en SEIR, y los moabitas que habitaban en Ar; hasta que cruce el Jordán a la tierra que nos da Jehová nuestro Dios.
20. Deuteronomio 33:2: Dijo: Jehová vino de Sinaí, Y de SEIR les esclareció; Resplandeció desde el monte de Parán, Y vino de entre diez millares de santos, Con la ley de fuego a su mano derecha.
21. Josué 11:17: Desde el monte Halac, que sube hacia SEIR, hasta Baal-gad en la llanura del Líbano, a la falda del monte Hermón; tomó asimismo a todos sus reyes, y los hirió y mató.
22. Josué 12:7: Y estos son los reyes de la tierra que derrotaron Josué y los hijos de Israel, a este lado del Jordán hacia el occidente, desde Baal-gad en el llano del Líbano hasta el monte de Halac que sube hacia SEIR; y Josué dio la tierra en posesión a las tribus de Israel, conforme a su distribución;
23. Josué 15:10: Después gira este límite desde Baala hacia el occidente al monte de SEIR; y pasa al lado del monte de Jearim hacia el norte, el cual es Quesalón, y desciende a Bet-semes, y pasa a Timna.
24. Josué 24:4: A Isaac di Jacob y Esaú. Y a Esaú di el monte de SEIR, para que lo poseyese; pero Jacob y sus hijos descendieron a Egipto.
25. Jueces 3:26: Mas entre tanto que ellos se detuvieron, Aod escapó, y pasando los ídolos, se puso a salvo en SEIRat.
26. Jueces 5:4: Cuando saliste de SEIR, oh Jehová, Cuando te marchaste de los campos de Edom, La tierra tembló, y los cielos destilaron, Y las nubes gotearon aguas.
27. 1 Crónicas 1:38: Los hijos de SEIR: Lotán, Sobal, Zibeón, Aná, Disón, Ezer y Disán.
28. 1 Crónicas 4:42: Asimismo quinientos hombres de ellos, de los hijos de Simeón, fueron al monte de SEIR, llevando por capitanes a Pelatías, Nearías, Refaías y Uziel, hijos de Isi,
29. 2 Crónicas 20:10: Ahora, pues, he aquí los hijos de Amón y de Moab, y los del monte de SEIR, a cuya tierra no quisiste que pasase Israel cuando venía de la tierra de Egipto, sino que se apartase de ellos, y no los destruyese;
30. 2 Crónicas 20:22: Y cuando comenzaron a entonar cantos de alabanza, Jehová puso contra los hijos de Amón, de Moab, y del monte de SEIR, las emboscadas de ellos mismos que venían contra Judá, y se mataron los unos a los otros:
31. 2 Crónicas 20:23: Porque los hijos de Amón y Moab se levantaron contra los del monte de SEIR, para matarlos y destruirlos; y cuando hubieron acabado con los del monte de SEIR, cada cual ayudó a la destrucción de su compañero.
32. 2 Crónicas 25:11: Esforzándose entonces Amasías, sacó a su pueblo, y vino al Valle de la Sal: y mató de los hijos de SEIR diez mil.
33. 2 Crónicas 25:14: Volviendo luego Amasías de la matanza de los edomitas, trajo también consigo los dioses de los hijos de SEIR, y los puso ante sí por dioses, y los adoró, y les quemó incienso.
34. Isaías 21:11: Profecía sobre Duma. Me dan voces de SEIR: Guarda, ¿qué de la noche? Guarda, ¿qué de la noche?
35. Ezequiel 25:8: Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: Por cuanto dijo Moab y SEIR: He aquí la casa de Judá es como todas las naciones;
36. Ezequiel 35:2: Hijo de hombre, pon tu rostro hacia el monte de SEIR, y profetiza contra él,
37. Ezequiel 35:3: y dile: Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: He aquí yo estoy contra ti, oh monte de SEIR, y extenderé mi mano contra ti, y te convertiré en desierto y en soledad.
38. Ezequiel 35:7: Y convertiré al monte de SEIR en desierto y en soledad, y cortaré de él al que vaya y al que venga.
39. Ezequiel 35:15: Como te alegraste sobre la heredad de la casa de Israel, porque fue asolada, así te haré a ti; asolado será el monte de SEIR, y todo Edom, todo él; y sabrán que yo soy Jehová. |
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Messaggio 40 di 198 di questo argomento |
Sumeria Historia y Religión
Freelance Writing by Kelly Maynard (Academic Writing Excerpts) Freelance por Kelly Maynard (Extractos escritura académica)
Ancient Sumeria is the world's first known literate culture. La antigua Sumeria es el mundo de la cultura primero sabido leer y escribir. Over five thousand years ago, scribes pressed cuneiform characters onto clay tablets and created literature. Más de cinco mil años atrás, los escribas presionado caracteres cuneiformes en tablillas de arcilla y creó la literatura. Over 250,000 of these tablets have been discovered so far (Boren 31-32). Más de 250.000 de estas pastillas se han descubierto hasta el momento (Boren 31-32). Although more than ninety percent contain governmental or economic material, there is also a substantial cache of myths, hymns, and poetry (Kramer, The Sumerians 165). Aunque más del noventa por ciento contienen material gubernamentales o económicos, también hay un caché considerable de mitos, himnos, y la poesía (Kramer, Los sumerios 165). Through this literature, one may gain an understanding of Sumerian religion and its vast pantheon, including the goddess Inanna. A través de esta literatura, se puede obtener una comprensión de la religión sumeria, y su vasto panteón, como la diosa Inanna. "Inanna played a greater role in [Sumerian] myth, epic, and hymn than any other deity" (Kramer, From the Poetry of Sumer 71). "Inanna jugado un papel más importante en [Sumeria] mito épico, y el himno que cualquier otra deidad" (Kramer, de la poesía de Sumer 71). Who was this exalted goddess? ¿Quién fue esta diosa exaltado? To gain an understanding of Inanna, and her importance, attributes, and role in religious literature, one must look first to the Sumerians themselves. Para tener una idea de Inanna, y su importancia, los atributos, y su papel en la literatura religiosa, uno debe mirar primero a los propios sumerios. Where, when, and how they lived and worshipped will provide the necessary background; this, combined with a study of Inanna's portrayal in Sumerian literature, will begin to answer the question "Who was Inanna?" ¿Dónde, cuándo y cómo vivían, y adoraron a proporcionar los antecedentes necesarios, lo que, combinado con un estudio de la representación de Inanna en la literatura sumeria, comenzará a responder a la pregunta "¿Quién era Inanna?" Inanna is often viewed, like her Akkadian counterpart Ishtar, as simply the goddess of love, but her domain was in actuality much vaster than that. Inanna se ve a menudo, al igual que su homólogo acadia Ishtar, simplemente como la diosa del amor, pero su dominio fue en realidad más vasta mucho más que eso. She did indeed represent love, and its corresponding areas, including sexuality, fertility, creativity, and marriage (particularly divine, or kingly, marriage). Ella, efectivamente, representan el amor, y sus correspondientes áreas, como la sexualidad, la fertilidad, la creatividad, y el matrimonio (sobre todo lo divino o real del matrimonio,). She was, too, the goddess of war and of the storm; connected, through her sister Ereshkigal, with the underworld; one of Sumeria's main deities, and the favorite of both gods and people alike. Fue, también, la diosa de la guerra y de la tormenta, conectado, a través de su hermana Ereshkigal, con el bajo mundo, una de las principales deidades Sumeria, y la favorita de los dioses y las personas por igual. Rivkah Harris believes that Inanna "was a paradox....she represented both order and disorder, structure and anti-structure....she confounded and confused normative categories" (263). Rivkah Harris cree que Inanna "era una paradoja .... ella representaba el orden y el desorden, la estructura y la lucha contra la estructura .... ella confundió y confunde categorías normativas" (263).
Kramer describes Inanna as the "bright, shining...brave, crafty, ambitious, aggressive, desirable, loving, hating `Queen of Heaven'" ("Poets and Psalmists" 16), thereby emphasizing the many and differing aspects of her character. Kramer describe Inanna como "brillante, brillante ... valiente, astuto, ambicioso, agresivo, deseable, amar, odiar 'Reina del Cielo" ("Los poetas y los salmistas" 16), subrayando con ello los múltiples aspectos y diferentes de su personaje . Baring and Cashford give headings successively referring to Inanna as "the Great Mother," "Hierodule," "Queen of Heaven," "Goddess of the Storm" and "of War"; involved with "The Laws," "Her Son-Lover," "The Sacred Marriage," "The Descent" to the underworld, and "The Sacrifice of the Son-Lover" (191-219). Baring y Cashford proporcionar encabezamientos de forma sucesiva se refiere a Inanna como "la Gran Madre", "hieródula", "Reina de los Cielos", "Diosa de la Tormenta" y "de la guerra", involucrado en "las leyes", "su hijo-amante "," El Matrimonio Sagrado "," The Descent "a los infiernos, y" El sacrificio del Hijo-Amante "(191-219). Stone goes so far as to say that "Inanna's increasingly popularized image assimilated many of the aspects and rituals known under other Goddess-names in various towns and communities" (Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 241), thus giving a possible explanation for the breadth of the goddess' character and functions. Piedra va tan lejos como para decir que "Inanna es cada vez más popularizado la imagen asimilado muchos de los aspectos y los rituales conocidos bajo otros Diosa nombres en diferentes ciudades y comunidades" (antiguos espejos de la Feminidad 241), dando así una posible explicación de la amplitud de la carácter de diosa y funciones. These aspects will be examined as they arise in the Sumerian literature to be discussed; however, an overview of Inanna's worship will be considered first. Estos aspectos serán examinados a medida que surgen en la literatura sumeria para ser discutido, sin embargo, una visión general de la adoración de Inanna se tendrán en cuenta en primer lugar.
As mentioned earlier, Inanna functioned as patron deity to the city of Uruk, "identified with the biblical Erech,...on the Euphrates River," where structures date back to the fourth millenium BCE Inanna's temple, the Eanna, "House of Heaven," "is the oldest preserved temple at Uruk" (Gadon 117). Como se mencionó antes, Inanna funcionó como la deidad patrona de la ciudad de Uruk ", identificado con el bíblico Erech, ... sobre el río Eufrates", donde las estructuras se remontan al templo del cuarto milenio aC de Inanna, la Eanna "Casa del Cielo , "" es el templo más antiguo conservado en Uruk "(Gadon 117). Uruk is, as well, the first known site both of writing and of the potter's wheel (Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 245), giving it a long and prestigious history. Uruk es, así, el primer sitio conocido tanto de la escritura y de la rueda del alfarero (antiguos espejos de la Feminidad 245), lo que supone una larga y prestigiosa historia. Inanna was worshipped throughout Sumer, and even acted as the patron deity of another city, Kish (The Sumerians 55), but Uruk remained the center of her worship. Inanna era adorado en todo Sumer, e incluso actuó como la deidad patrona de otra ciudad, Kish (Los sumerios 55), pero Uruk continuó siendo el centro de su culto.
The exact details of the nature of Inanna's worship at Uruk remain blurred at best. Los detalles exactos de la naturaleza de la adoración de Inanna de Uruk permanecer borrosa en el mejor. Harris notes that "[t]o date, no theologicohistorical study of [Inanna's] festivals has been made" (273). Harris señala que "[l] o la fecha, ningún estudio theologicohistorical de los festivales [Inanna] se ha hecho" (273). One may, however, present a tentative sketch of worship at Eanna. Uno puede, sin embargo, presentan un esquema tentativo de la adoración en Eanna. Stone believes that "offerings of wheat and fruit, of fish and animals," were placed at the feet of a high priestess or representative of Inanna in the temple. Stone cree que "la oferta de trigo y frutas, de pescado y animales", se colocaron a los pies de una sacerdotisa o representante de Inanna en el templo. Eanna was also the site of the Sacred Marriage ritual on the New Year (Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 244). Eanna era también el sitio del ritual del matrimonio sagrado en el Año Nuevo (antiguos espejos de la Feminidad 244). It is also possible that prophesizing, perhaps with snakes, took place at the temple (When God Was A Woman 210). También es posible que profetiza, tal vez con las serpientes, se llevó a cabo en el Templo (Al Dios era una mujer 210).
Kramer presents evidence that "in the temple of every major city daily sacrifices were offered...foods, libations..., and the burning of incense" (The Sumerians 140). Kramer presenta evidencia de que "en el templo de todas las ciudades importantes sacrificios diarios se ofrecieron ... alimentos, libaciones ..., y la quema de incienso" (Los sumerios 140). His listing of temple workers (including singers, poets, musicians) hints intriguingly at boisterous temple celebrations (142), a theme enlarged upon by Harris, who characterizes the celebrations as "carnivalesque," "institutionalized license." Su lista de los trabajadores del templo (incluyendo cantantes, poetas, músicos) sugiere curiosamente en las celebraciones del templo bullicioso (142), un tema ampliado por Harris, que caracteriza a las celebraciones de "carnavalesco", "licencia institucional". This carnival atmosphere included "[p]ornographic language" and "[r]itual obscenity," masking, songs, dancing[6], and possible participation by eunuchs, transvestites, and the ancient world's ubiquitous hierodules, or temple prostitutes (273-77). Esta atmósfera de carnaval incluye "[p] idioma ornographic" y "[r] la obscenidad itual," enmascaramiento, canciones, baile [6] la participación y posible gracias a los eunucos, travestis y hieródulas ubicua del mundo antiguo, o prostitutas del templo (273 - 77).
Hierodules were a part of almost every known goddess cult in ancient times.[7] According to Stone, "sex was Her [the goddess'] gift to humanity. It was sacred and holy." Hieródulas eran parte de casi todos culto a la diosa conocida en la antigüedad. [7] Según Stone, "era el sexo Su regalo de [la diosa] a la humanidad. Es sagrado y santo." Even women who were not hierodules sometimes participated in ritual sex at local temples (When God Was A Woman 154-55). Incluso las mujeres que no eran hieródulas veces participó en el sexo ritual en los templos locales (Cuando Dios era una mujer 154-55). Stone calls the women who lived at the temples nu-gig, which translates as "pure or spotless" (217). Stone llama a las mujeres que vivían en los templos nu-concierto, que se traduce como "puro o sin mancha" (217). Elsewhere Stone explains this apparent contradiction by labelling the women's services as "love sanctified" (Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 245). En otras partes de piedra, explica esta aparente contradicción, mediante el etiquetado de servicios de las mujeres como "el amor santificados" (antiguos espejos de la Feminidad 245). It was a hierodule who enacted the role of Inanna during the Sacred Marriage at New Year (The Sumerians 141). Fue un hieródula que promulgó el papel de Inanna en el Matrimonio Sagrado en el Año Nuevo (Los sumerios 141). The hierodules were, after all, emulating Inanna in every possible respect. El hieródulas, después de todo, emulando Inanna en todos los aspectos posibles. Inanna was, says Harris, "the harlot of Heaven" (271). Inanna era, dice Harris, "la ramera del Cielo" (271).
As a matter of course, all of the major deities interacted with one another, both positively and negatively, and Inanna was no exception. Como cuestión de rutina, todas las divinidades más importantes interactuaban entre sí, tanto positiva como negativa, e Inanna no fue la excepción. For example, in "Inanna and the Huluppu-Tree," "The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi," and "The Descent of Inanna," a close but ambivalent relationship can be seen between Inanna and her brother Utu, the sun god (Wolkstein and Kramer 166). Por ejemplo, en "Inanna y el árbol de Huluppu", "El Cortejo de Inanna y Dumuzi", y "El descenso de Inanna," puede existir una estrecha relación ambivalente, pero visto entre Inanna y su hermano Utu, el dios del sol (Wolkstein Kramer y 166). Kramer reports in From the Poetry of Sumer that Inanna also "had her troubles with...Enlil, the supreme deity of the Sumerian pantheon," incurring his wrath at least once, although for reasons unknown (91). Kramer en los informes de la poesía de Sumer que Inanna también "tenía sus problemas con ... Enlil, el dios supremo del panteón sumerio," incurrir en su ira por lo menos una vez, aunque por razones desconocidas (91).
Inanna did, however, have a special relationship with the water god, Enki; Kramer describes her as "a high favorite" of his (From the Poetry of Sumer 91-92). Inanna, sin embargo, tienen una relación especial con el dios de las aguas, Enki, Kramer le describe como "una de las favoritas de alta" de su (de la poesía de Sumer 91-92). That Inanna and Enki had such a bond is somewhat unusual, given Inanna's trickery on at least one occasion. Que Inanna y Enki había dicho bono es algo inusual, teniendo en cuenta el engaño de Inanna por lo menos en una ocasión. The major myth concerning both of them, called "The Transfer of the Arts of Civilization from Eridu to Erech" or "Inanna and the God of Wisdom," to be examined in detail later, demonstrates Inanna's deviousness. El gran mito sobre dos de ellos, llamado "La transferencia de las artes de la civilización de Eridu a Uruk" o "Inanna y el Dios de la Sabiduría", que se examinarán en detalle más adelante, demuestra astucia de Inanna. Nonetheless, "Enki, to judge from several [other] myths, remained ever friendly and gracious to the goddess" (From the Poetry of Sumer 75). Sin embargo, "Enki, a juzgar por algunos [otros] los mitos, se mantuvo siempre amables y atentos a la diosa" (de la poesía de Sumer 75).
Inanna is most often thought of as the goddess of love[8], in spite of her many other associations, but even this single association contains within itself multiple aspects. Inanna es a menudo considerada como la diosa del amor [8], a pesar de sus muchas otras asociaciones, pero incluso esta asociación solo contiene dentro de sí múltiples aspectos. Inanna is the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Inanna es la Reina del Cielo y la Tierra. She is the goddess of the morning and the evening star (Venus). Ella es la diosa de la mañana y la estrella vespertina (Venus). She is the goddess of sexual love and fertility as well as of marriage, particularly royal marriage. Ella es la diosa del amor sexual y la fertilidad, así como del matrimonio, el matrimonio real en particular. Simultaneously, Inanna is called "virgin," a word originally meaning unmarried, rather than physically chaste.[9] As Baring and Cashford put it, virginity "had nothing to do with sexual `purity'....The goddess is virgin because she carries within herself her own fertilizing power" (192). Al mismo tiempo, Inanna se llama "virgen", una palabra que originalmente significaba solteros, en lugar de casta físicamente. [9] Como Baring y Cashford decirlo, la virginidad "no tiene nada que ver con la pureza sexual`'.... La diosa es virgen porque ella lleva en sí su propio poder fertilizar "(192).
Inanna is a moon goddess because she is daughter of a moon god and a moon goddess, but she is also "incarnated in the morning and evening star and in the star Sirius." Inanna es una diosa de la luna porque ella es hija de un dios de la luna y una diosa de la luna, pero ella también está "encarnado en la estrella de la mañana y por la tarde y en la estrella Sirio." Thus is Inanna the Queen of Heaven. Así es Inanna la Reina del Cielo. These lunar and stellar asssociations connect her with the waxing and waning of life, and therefore fertility (Baring and Cashford 191). Estos asssociations lunar y estelar de su conexión con la creciente y menguante de la vida, y por lo tanto la fertilidad (Baring y Cashford 191).
Inanna's earthiness and sexuality (and hence her title Queen of Earth) are amply demonstrated in Sumerian literature. Terrenal de Inanna y la sexualidad (y de ahí su título de Reina de la Tierra) son ampliamente demostrado en la literatura sumeria. There are the tales of her relationship with her husband Dumuzi (cf. Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 244; Baring and Cashford 207-15; From the Poetry of Sumer 77-82, 93-96; Furlong 16, 19-20; Gadon 127-28; Hooke 34-35; Jacobsen 180-82; The Sumerians 250-53). No son los cuentos de su relación con su esposo Dumuzi (cf. espejos antiguos de la Feminidad 244; Baring y Cashford 207-15, de la poesía de Sumer 77-82, 93-96; Furlong 16, 19-20; Gadon 127 - 28, 34-35 Hooke, Jacobsen 180-82, 250-53 Los sumerios). In the story "Inanna and Shukalletuda," a mortal gardener takes sexual advantage of Inanna while she is sleeping (From the Poetry of Sumer 77; cf. Kirk 103-05, The Sumerians 162-63). En la historia "Inanna y Shukalletuda", un jardinero mortal toma ventaja sexual de Inanna mientras duerme (de la poesía de Sumer 77;. Cf Kirk 103-05, 162-63 Los sumerios). The other very important aspect of Inanna's sexuality lies in the hieros-gamos, or Sacred Marriage ceremony, mentioned above. El otro aspecto muy importante de la sexualidad de Inanna se encuentra en el hieros gamos-o ceremonia de matrimonio sagrado, ya mencionado.
Inanna's connection with the Underworld is two-fold. Conexión de Inanna con el Inframundo es doble. Her older sister, Ereshkigal, is the Underworld's queen, and one of the major Inanna-myth, to be discussed in detail later, tells of her descent to the Underworld. Su hermana mayor, Ereshkigal, es la reina del inframundo, y uno de los principales Inanna-mito, que se discutirá en detalle más adelante, habla de su descenso a los infiernos. Although it is not her domain, Inanna shows no fear of this dark world of the dead, and manages to escape safely (Furlong 17-19). Aunque no es su dominio, Inanna no muestra miedo de este oscuro mundo de los muertos, y se las arregla para escapar en forma segura (Furlong 17-19).
Another of Inanna's many functions was as the goddess of war (cf. Baring and Cashford 204; Kirk 225; Harris 264-68). Otra de las muchas funciones de Inanna fue como la diosa de la guerra (cf. Baring y 204 Cashford; Kirk 225, Harris 264-68). This is demonstrated by a myth in which "the vengeful goddess...destroys Mt. Ebih, a region to the north of Sumer that had failed to do her homage." Esto se demuestra por un mito en el que "la diosa vengativa ... destruye monte Ebih, una región al norte de Sumer que había dejado de hacer su homenaje." As well, Inanna's "vindictive aspect" is revealed in "Inanna and Shukalletuda," and may be seen in her relationship with Dumuzi (From the Poetry of Sumer 75-77, 83). Además, "aspecto vengativo" Inanna se revela en "Inanna y Shukalletuda", y puede ser visto en su relación con Dumuzi (de la poesía de Sumer 75-77, 83). The priestess Enheduanna complains about Inanna's wrath, and even the ever-faithful god Enki worries about the goddess' temper and strives to placate her (87-88, 91). El Enheduanna sacerdotisa se queja de la ira de Inanna, e incluso el siempre fiel de Dios se preocupa por Enki carácter de la diosa y se esfuerza por aplacar su (87-88, 91). Oppenheim labels her "a battle-loving, armed goddess, who gives victory to the king she loves" (197). Oppenheim etiquetas de su "batalla amante de la diosa armada, que da la victoria al rey que ama" (197)
Sumerian History and Religion
Freelance Writing by Kelly Maynard (Academic Writing Excerpts)
Ancient Sumeria is the world's first known literate culture. Over five thousand years ago, scribes pressed cuneiform characters onto clay tablets and created literature. Over 250,000 of these tablets have been discovered so far (Boren 31-32). Although more than ninety percent contain governmental or economic material, there is also a substantial cache of myths, hymns, and poetry (Kramer, The Sumerians 165). Through this literature, one may gain an understanding of Sumerian religion and its vast pantheon, including the goddess Inanna. "Inanna played a greater role in [Sumerian] myth, epic, and hymn than any other deity" (Kramer, From the Poetry of Sumer 71). Who was this exalted goddess? To gain an understanding of Inanna, and her importance, attributes, and role in religious literature, one must look first to the Sumerians themselves. Where, when, and how they lived and worshipped will provide the necessary background; this, combined with a study of Inanna's portrayal in Sumerian literature, will begin to answer the question "Who was Inanna?" Inanna is often viewed, like her Akkadian counterpart Ishtar, as simply the goddess of love, but her domain was in actuality much vaster than that. She did indeed represent love, and its corresponding areas, including sexuality, fertility, creativity, and marriage (particularly divine, or kingly, marriage). She was, too, the goddess of war and of the storm; connected, through her sister Ereshkigal, with the underworld; one of Sumeria's main deities, and the favorite of both gods and people alike. Rivkah Harris believes that Inanna "was a paradox....she represented both order and disorder, structure and anti-structure....she confounded and confused normative categories" (263).
Kramer describes Inanna as the "bright, shining...brave, crafty, ambitious, aggressive, desirable, loving, hating `Queen of Heaven'" ("Poets and Psalmists" 16), thereby emphasizing the many and differing aspects of her character. Baring and Cashford give headings successively referring to Inanna as "the Great Mother," "Hierodule," "Queen of Heaven," "Goddess of the Storm" and "of War"; involved with "The Laws," "Her Son-Lover," "The Sacred Marriage," "The Descent" to the underworld, and "The Sacrifice of the Son-Lover" (191-219). Stone goes so far as to say that "Inanna's increasingly popularized image assimilated many of the aspects and rituals known under other Goddess-names in various towns and communities" (Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 241), thus giving a possible explanation for the breadth of the goddess' character and functions. These aspects will be examined as they arise in the Sumerian literature to be discussed; however, an overview of Inanna's worship will be considered first.
As mentioned earlier, Inanna functioned as patron deity to the city of Uruk, "identified with the biblical Erech,...on the Euphrates River," where structures date back to the fourth millenium B.C.E. Inanna's temple, the Eanna, "House of Heaven," "is the oldest preserved temple at Uruk" (Gadon 117). Uruk is, as well, the first known site both of writing and of the potter's wheel (Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 245), giving it a long and prestigious history. Inanna was worshipped throughout Sumer, and even acted as the patron deity of another city, Kish (The Sumerians 55), but Uruk remained the center of her worship.
The exact details of the nature of Inanna's worship at Uruk remain blurred at best. Harris notes that "[t]o date, no theologicohistorical study of [Inanna's] festivals has been made" (273). One may, however, present a tentative sketch of worship at Eanna. Stone believes that "offerings of wheat and fruit, of fish and animals," were placed at the feet of a high priestess or representative of Inanna in the temple. Eanna was also the site of the Sacred Marriage ritual on the New Year (Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 244). It is also possible that prophesizing, perhaps with snakes, took place at the temple (When God Was A Woman 210).
Kramer presents evidence that "in the temple of every major city daily sacrifices were offered...foods, libations..., and the burning of incense" (The Sumerians 140). His listing of temple workers (including singers, poets, musicians) hints intriguingly at boisterous temple celebrations (142), a theme enlarged upon by Harris, who characterizes the celebrations as "carnivalesque," "institutionalized license." This carnival atmosphere included "[p]ornographic language" and "[r]itual obscenity," masking, songs, dancing[6], and possible participation by eunuchs, transvestites, and the ancient world's ubiquitous hierodules, or temple prostitutes (273-77).
Hierodules were a part of almost every known goddess cult in ancient times.[7] According to Stone, "sex was Her [the goddess'] gift to humanity. It was sacred and holy." Even women who were not hierodules sometimes participated in ritual sex at local temples (When God Was A Woman 154-55). Stone calls the women who lived at the temples nu-gig, which translates as "pure or spotless" (217). Elsewhere Stone explains this apparent contradiction by labelling the women's services as "love sanctified" (Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 245). It was a hierodule who enacted the role of Inanna during the Sacred Marriage at New Year (The Sumerians 141). The hierodules were, after all, emulating Inanna in every possible respect. Inanna was, says Harris, "the harlot of Heaven" (271).
As a matter of course, all of the major deities interacted with one another, both positively and negatively, and Inanna was no exception. For example, in "Inanna and the Huluppu-Tree," "The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi," and "The Descent of Inanna," a close but ambivalent relationship can be seen between Inanna and her brother Utu, the sun god (Wolkstein and Kramer 166). Kramer reports in From the Poetry of Sumer that Inanna also "had her troubles with...Enlil, the supreme deity of the Sumerian pantheon," incurring his wrath at least once, although for reasons unknown (91).
Inanna did, however, have a special relationship with the water god, Enki; Kramer describes her as "a high favorite" of his (From the Poetry of Sumer 91-92). That Inanna and Enki had such a bond is somewhat unusual, given Inanna's trickery on at least one occasion. The major myth concerning both of them, called "The Transfer of the Arts of Civilization from Eridu to Erech" or "Inanna and the God of Wisdom," to be examined in detail later, demonstrates Inanna's deviousness. Nonetheless, "Enki, to judge from several [other] myths, remained ever friendly and gracious to the goddess" (From the Poetry of Sumer 75).
Inanna is most often thought of as the goddess of love[8], in spite of her many other associations, but even this single association contains within itself multiple aspects. Inanna is the Queen of Heaven and Earth. She is the goddess of the morning and the evening star (Venus). She is the goddess of sexual love and fertility as well as of marriage, particularly royal marriage. Simultaneously, Inanna is called "virgin," a word originally meaning unmarried, rather than physically chaste.[9] As Baring and Cashford put it, virginity "had nothing to do with sexual `purity'....The goddess is virgin because she carries within herself her own fertilizing power" (192).
Inanna is a moon goddess because she is daughter of a moon god and a moon goddess, but she is also "incarnated in the morning and evening star and in the star Sirius." Thus is Inanna the Queen of Heaven. These lunar and stellar asssociations connect her with the waxing and waning of life, and therefore fertility (Baring and Cashford 191).
Inanna's earthiness and sexuality (and hence her title Queen of Earth) are amply demonstrated in Sumerian literature. There are the tales of her relationship with her husband Dumuzi (cf. Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 244; Baring and Cashford 207-15; From the Poetry of Sumer 77-82, 93-96; Furlong 16, 19-20; Gadon 127-28; Hooke 34-35; Jacobsen 180-82; The Sumerians 250-53). In the story "Inanna and Shukalletuda," a mortal gardener takes sexual advantage of Inanna while she is sleeping (From the Poetry of Sumer 77; cf. Kirk 103-05, The Sumerians 162-63). The other very important aspect of Inanna's sexuality lies in the hieros-gamos, or Sacred Marriage ceremony, mentioned above.
Inanna's connection with the Underworld is two-fold. Her older sister, Ereshkigal, is the Underworld's queen, and one of the major Inanna-myth, to be discussed in detail later, tells of her descent to the Underworld. Although it is not her domain, Inanna shows no fear of this dark world of the dead, and manages to escape safely (Furlong 17-19).
Another of Inanna's many functions was as the goddess of war (cf. Baring and Cashford 204; Kirk 225; Harris 264-68). This is demonstrated by a myth in which "the vengeful goddess...destroys Mt. Ebih, a region to the north of Sumer that had failed to do her homage." As well, Inanna's "vindictive aspect" is revealed in "Inanna and Shukalletuda," and may be seen in her relationship with Dumuzi (From the Poetry of Sumer 75-77, 83). The priestess Enheduanna complains about Inanna's wrath, and even the ever-faithful god Enki worries about the goddess' temper and strives to placate her (87-88, 91). Oppenheim labels her "a battle-loving, armed goddess, who gives victory to the king she loves" (197).
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Messaggio 41 di 198 di questo argomento |
Accadeic diosa, venerada en Mesopatamia. One of the most important gates to Babylonia (Babel = Gate of the God) was the Isjtar gate. Una de las puertas más importantes de Babilonia (Babel = Puerta de Dios) fue la puerta Isjtar. Her name means 'star' or 'womb'. Su nombre significa "estrella" o "vientre". She is a fighter, the goddess of war and of wisdom, destroyer of the land. Ella es una luchadora, la diosa de la guerra y de la sabiduría, el destructor de la tierra. She is an accadaic goddess, mostly known in Babylonia. Ella es una diosa accadaic, conocido sobre todo en Babilonia. She is also called 'Irninitum', meaning raging lion, as well as 'Iabattu' (Lyoness) and complainer. También es llamada "Irninitum ', que significa león furioso, así como" Iabattu (Lyoness) y se queja. Isjtar is the wargoddess as the morning star 'Dilbah' and goddess of love as the evening star 'Zib' (=Venus). Isjtar es el wargoddess como "Dilbah" la estrella de la mañana y la diosa del amor como "Zib" la estrella de la tarde (= Venus). The Zodiak and the rainbow are here symbols. El Zodiak y el arco iris está aquí símbolos. Her title is Erua, also known as Inanna. Su título es Erua, también conocida como Inanna. She chose the king for her sacred marriage and took care of babies being born. Ella eligió el rey por su matrimonio sagrado y se hizo cargo de los bebés que nacen. She is often mentioned as daughter of Anu, the god of the heavens. Ella es a menudo mencionada como hija de Anu, el dios de los cielos. Her beloved dies and resurrects every year in the sheperd god Tammoetz or Adon Tammoetz, Adon meaning 'Lord'. Su amada muere y resucita cada año en el Tammoetz pastor dios o Tammoetz Adon, Adon significa "Señor". The priestesses of Enheduanna, daughter of king Sargon, the founder of the city of Accad, made her equal to the Sumerian Inanna. Las sacerdotisas de Enheduanna, hija del rey Sargón, el fundador de la ciudad de Acad, la hizo igual a la sumeria Inanna.
Her texts date back to 2,300 BCE, they are the oldest known texts with an autobiograhpichal character. Sus textos se remontan al 2300 aC, son los textos más antiguos conocidos, con un carácter autobiograhpichal. Isjtar is the goddess of het fertile fields and herds, she is the mistress of the souverain land. Isjtar es la diosa de la het fértiles campos y rebaños, ella es la dueña de la tierra Souverain. Her titles are 'Lady of Birth', 'Lady of the Bright Moon', 'Lady of the Morning and Evening Star', 'Goddess of Battle', 'Bringer of Justice and Law', 'Protector of the weak', 'Mother of fertile breasts', 'Happy Looking Lady of Passion and Desire'. Sus títulos son 'Señora de nacimiento', 'Señora de la Luz de Luna "," Señora de la Estrella de la Mañana y la Tarde "," Diosa de la Batalla "," Portador de la Justicia y el Derecho "," protector de los débiles "," Madre de los senos fértil ',' Señora feliz mirando a la Pasión y el Deseo ". She is also called Sharrat Shame (Queen of the Heavens). Ella también se llama vergüenza Sharrat (Reina de los Cielos). She is the goddess of war and blessing, compared with the Hindu goddess Durga. Ella es la diosa de la guerra y la bendición, en comparación con la diosa hindú Durga. She is virgin and mother, goddess of love and sex. Ella es virgen y madre, la diosa del amor y el sexo.
Isjtar is identified as the star Sirius. Isjtar se identifica como la estrella Sirio. On a Assyrian role dating back to 700 BCE she is pictured standing on a lion, with bow and arrow in her hands. En un papel asirio que data de 700 aC que se representa de pie sobre un león, con arco y flecha en sus manos. She is surrounded by stars. Ella está rodeada de estrellas. The position of Sirius in conjuncion with the constellation of Lion in the monthe of July was the sign that the dry and hot season was coming. La posición de Sirio en conjuncion con la constelación del León en el Monthe de julio fue la señal de que la estación seca y caliente que se avecinaba. With her bow and arrow Inanna (Isjtar) destroyed the earth and the people. Con su arco y la flecha Inanna (Isjtar) destruyó la tierra y el pueblo. The month was named after Isjtars dead lover: Tammoetz. El mes fue nombrado después de amante Isjtars muertos: Tammoetz.
To her the lions, dragons, griffins and the bull of heaven belong. Para ella los leones, dragones, grifos y el toro de los cielos pertenece. She wore a eight pointed star on her shield. Llevaba una estrella de ocho puntas en su escudo. Her vulva is symbolized by objects made by lapis lazuli and gold. Su vulva es simbolizado por objetos hechos por el lapislázuli y oro. She wore the water, representing the rain she would send again after the dry season. Llevaba el agua, lo que representa la lluvia iba a enviar de nuevo después de la estación seca. As the planet Venus she represents a triade with the moon (Sin) and the sun (Sjamasj). A medida que el planeta Venus, que representa una tríada con la Luna (Sin) y el sol (Sjamasj).
Isjtars' father is the god of heaven Anu. Isjtars padre "es el dios del cielo Anu. She was the patroness of Uruk, her anual marriage with the Lord of Uruk was meant to keep feritility safe. Ella era la patrona de Uruk, su matrimonio anuales con el Señor de Uruk fue la intención de mantener feritility seguro. The ritual was held on newyears day with the following text: "My parts are well wetted lands. Who will drive the oxes?" El ritual se llevó a cabo en newyears día con el siguiente texto: "Mis piezas son tierras húmedas y quien conducirá el bueyes.?" Her story and that of Inanna are not completely similar. Su historia y la de Inanna no son del todo similares. According to some versions the king is to be offered at the ending of his rule, just like in the story of Gilgamesj, who refuses to marry Isjtar. Según algunas versiones el rey se va a ofrecer en el final de su gobierno, al igual que en la historia de Gilgamesj, que se niega a casarse con Isjtar.
Accadeic goddess, worshipped in Mesopatamia. One of the most important gates to Babylonia (Babel = Gate of the God) was the Isjtar gate. Her name means 'star' or 'womb'. She is a fighter, the goddess of war and of wisdom, destroyer of the land. She is an accadaic goddess, mostly known in Babylonia. She is also called 'Irninitum', meaning raging lion, as well as 'Iabattu' (Lyoness) and complainer. Isjtar is the wargoddess as the morning star 'Dilbah' and goddess of love as the evening star 'Zib' (=Venus). The Zodiak and the rainbow are here symbols. Her title is Erua, also known as Inanna. She chose the king for her sacred marriage and took care of babies being born. She is often mentioned as daughter of Anu, the god of the heavens. Her beloved dies and resurrects every year in the sheperd god Tammoetz or Adon Tammoetz, Adon meaning 'Lord'. The priestesses of Enheduanna, daughter of king Sargon, the founder of the city of Accad, made her equal to the Sumerian Inanna.
Her texts date back to 2,300 BCE, they are the oldest known texts with an autobiograhpichal character. Isjtar is the goddess of het fertile fields and herds, she is the mistress of the souverain land. Her titles are 'Lady of Birth', 'Lady of the Bright Moon', 'Lady of the Morning and Evening Star', 'Goddess of Battle', 'Bringer of Justice and Law', 'Protector of the weak', 'Mother of fertile breasts', 'Happy Looking Lady of Passion and Desire'. She is also called Sharrat Shame (Queen of the Heavens). She is the goddess of war and blessing, compared with the Hindu goddess Durga. She is virgin and mother, goddess of love and sex.
Isjtar is identified as the star Sirius. On a Assyrian role dating back to 700 BCE she is pictured standing on a lion, with bow and arrow in her hands. She is surrounded by stars. The position of Sirius in conjuncion with the constellation of Lion in the monthe of July was the sign that the dry and hot season was coming. With her bow and arrow Inanna (Isjtar) destroyed the earth and the people. The month was named after Isjtars dead lover: Tammoetz.
To her the lions, dragons, griffins and the bull of heaven belong. She wore a eight pointed star on her shield. Her vulva is symbolized by objects made by lapis lazuli and gold. She wore the water, representing the rain she would send again after the dry season. As the planet Venus she represents a triade with the moon (Sin) and the sun (Sjamasj).
Isjtars' father is the god of heaven Anu. She was the patroness of Uruk, her anual marriage with the Lord of Uruk was meant to keep feritility safe. The ritual was held on newyears day with the following text: "My parts are well wetted lands. Who will drive the oxes?" Her story and that of Inanna are not completely similar. According to some versions the king is to be offered at the ending of his rule, just like in the story of Gilgamesj, who refuses to marry Isjtar.
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Messaggio 42 di 198 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 43 di 198 di questo argomento |
Philadelphia – The Keystone state
The keystone in Masonry represents the stone which the builders rejected. It is a counterfeit of Messiah.
Psa 118:20 This is the gate of YHWH, the righteous shall enter into it. Psa 118:21 I will thank You, for You answered me, and You are my salvation. Psa 118:22 The Stone which the builders rejected has become the Head of the Corner. Psa 118:23 This is from YHWH, it is marvelous in our eyes.
Act 4:10 let it be known to all of you, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, in this name this one stands before you whole. Act 4:11 This One is the Stone counted worthless by you the builders, the One who has come to be into the Head of the Corner; Psa. 118:22 This rejected stone is the foundation of the body of Messiah Eph 2:19 So, then, you are no longer strangers and tenants, but you are fellow citizens of the saints and of the family of God, Eph 2:20 being built up on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the cornerstone, Eph 2:21 in whom all the building being fitted together grows into a holy temple in the Lord, Eph 2:22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
1Pe 2:7 Then to you who believe belongs the preciousness. But to disobeying ones, He is the “Stone which those building rejected; this One became the Head of the Corner,” Psa. 118:22 1Pe 2:8 and a Stone-of-stumbling, and a Rock-of-offense” to the ones stumbling, being disobedient to the Word, to which they were also appointed. Isa. 8:14
“Symbolically, the stone is the last placed, completing the arch created by the pillars Jachim and Boaz. It is analogous to coagulation in the alchemical process, an emblem of completion. Astrologically, the keystone represents the summer solstice- the sun entering the sign of Cancer at its highest point in the northern sky, as illustrated below:”
Cancer is the symbol of regeneration (Secret Teachings of All Ages pg 153)
Next we see the keystone linked to 3 hexagrams…666
- Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor pg 245
This portion of the Royal Arch Degree is speaking of the Lost Word that Masonry has preserved. The Lost Word of Masonry is the Sacred Name of YHWH, the ‘divine Logos.’ The initiate is then given this Lost Word, which has been passed down as Jahbulon and the 3 times 3 ritual is done.
Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor 249
“Each one takes hold with his right hand of the right wrist of his companion on the left, and with his left hand takes hold of the left wrist of his companion on the right. Each one then places his right foot forward with the hollow in front, so that the toe touches the heel of his companion on the right. This is called “three times three;” that is, three right feet forming a triangle, three left hands forming a triangle, and three right hands forming a triangle. They balance in the same manner, and then, with hands raised, repeat the words Jah-buh-lun, Jehovah, G-o-d, at low breath, as described before.”
- Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor 225
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 117 “The number 27 is the Masonic three times three, a reference to the ‘Living Arch’ which, according to revelations of the secrets of Masonry published by Avery Allyn in 1831, symbolized the human Royal Arch. This was an arch formed by Masons when ritualistically pronouncing or portraying the secret name of God.
The symbolism was fairly obvious. There was a triple bonding of right arms above the heads of the participants, a triple bonding at the heart level, and a triple touching at the feet, which were arranged to form a triangle upon the floor. Symbolically, the three levels of Creation united: the Trinity of Heaven passed through the Trinity of Man to form a Trinity on the Earth.”
The three times three ritual is a picture of the triquetra which is a form of the number 666. The triquetra is also a symbol of the triple helix of DNA which will be discussed in more detail, Yah willing, in the last section of this series on DNA.
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Messaggio 44 di 198 di questo argomento |
The Fibonacci Sequence
Studied along time ago, God's numbers.People love to leave God out of these numbers,study the human body-ALL PROPORTIONS ARE GODS NUMBERS.Fingers, to toes, to nose.A starter;
Another notable example is human body.In human body, the ratio of the length of forearm to the length of the hand is equal to 1.618, that is, Golden Ratio. Another well-known examples on human body are:
The ratio between the length and width of face Ratio of the distance between the lips and where the eyebrows meet to the length of nose Ratio of the length of mouth to the width of nose Ratio of the distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head to the head length Ratio of the distance between the navel and knee to the distance between the knee and the end of the foot Ratio of the distance between the finger tip and the elbow to the distance between the wrist and the elbow
Read more: http://scienceray.com/mathematics/th...#ixzz0vyU32DdS
--------------------- Fibonacci Numbers and Nature This page has been split into TWO PARTS. This, the first, looks at the Fibonacci numbers and why they appear in various "family trees" and patterns of spirals of leaves and seeds.
The second page then examines why the golden section is used by nature in some detail, including animations of growing plants.
http://www.maths.surrey.ac.uk/hosted...ci/fibnat.html --------------------------------------------------------- The Human Head
Human beauty is based on the Divine Proportion. Many experiments have been carried out to prove that the proportions of the top models' faces conform more closely to the Golden Ratio than the rest of the population. The human face is based entirely on Phi .The head forms a golden rectangle with the eyes at its midpoint. The mouth and nose are each placed at golden sections of the distance between the eyes and the bottom of the chin. The ear reflects the shape of a Fibonacci spiral. Even the dimensions of our teeth are based on phi. The front two incisor teeth form a golden rectangle, with a phi ratio in the heighth to the width. The ratio of the width of the first tooth to the second tooth from the center is also phi. The ratio of the width of the smile to the third tooth from the center is phi as well.
The Human Finger Joints and Hand
Each segment of each finger, from the tip to the base of the wrist, is larger than the preceding one by about the Fibonacci ratio of 1.618. In other words, the smallest segment is 2, the next 3, the next 5, and the back of your hand is 8. By this scale, your fingernail is 1 unit in length. You also have 2 hands, each with 5 digits, and your 8 fingers are each comprised of 3 sections. All Fibonacci numbers! Your hand creates a golden section in relation to your forearm, as the ratio of your forearm to your hand is also 1.618, the Divine Proportion. Furthermore, your hand and forearm together are a golden section in relation to the entire length of your arm.
The Human Body
The ventricles of the human heart reset themselves at the Golden Ratio point of the heart's rhythmic cycle.
Leonardo Da Vinci found that the total height of the human body, from toes to top of head, and the height from the toes to the navel depression are in Golden Ratio. Also the height from toes to navel and from the navel to the top of the head are in Golden Ratio. This has been confirmed by measuring 207 students at the Pascal Gymnasium in Munster Germany, where the perfect value of 1.618 was obtained for the first ratio average and 1.619 was obtained for the second. This value held for both girls and boys of similar ages ("Golden Mean of the Human Body" by T. Antony Davis and Rudolf Altevogt).
But there is more. From the top of the head to the bottom of the feet is the body's total height A. From the top of the head to the bottom of the fingertips is a golden section B of the total height A. From the top of the head to the navel and elbows is a golden section C of the golden section B. From the top of the head to the pectorals and armpits, the width of the shoulders, the length of the forearm and shinbone is a golden section D of the golden section C. From the top of the head to the base of the skull and the width of the abdomen is a golden section E of the golden section D. The width of the head and half the width of the chest and the hips is the golden section F of the golden section E.
The human body is also based on the number 5: The torso has 5 appendages, in the arms, legs and head., In turn, each of these has five appendages, in the fingers and toes and 5 openings on the face. and 5 senses in sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. The golden section is also based on 5, as the number phi, or 1.6180339 is computed from the square root of 5 multiplied by .5 plus .5 = Phi.
Relative Planetary Distances
The relative planetary distances average to Phi. The average of the mean orbital distances of each successive planet in relation to the one before it approximates phi: The mean distance is in million kilometers per NASA. If Mercury is 1, these are the relative mean distances Mercury 57.91 (1.00000) Venus 108.21 (1.86859) Earth 149.60 (1.38250) Mars 227.92 (1.52353) Ceres (the largest asteroid) 413.79 (1.81552) Jupiter 778.57 (1.88154) Saturn 1,433.53 (1.84123) Uranus 2,872.46 (2.00377) Neptune 4,495.06 (1.56488) and Pluto 5,869.66 (1.30580) The total is 16.18736 and so if we divide by 10, we get the average which is1.61874. Phi is1.61803.
The Fibonacci Series also predicts accurately the distances of the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus from each one's respective parent planet. Individual offsets can be attributed to planetary densities. Jupiter has 12 moons. Saturn has 9 moons and Uranus has 5 moons. For actual plotted graphs of these amazing results refer to the Fibonacci Quarterly October 1970, vol. 8, Number 4.
The Greatest Human Achievements Include the Golden Ratio
The dimensions of the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt are based upon the Golden Ratio. The Great Pyramid's vertical height and the width of any of its sides are in Golden Sections. The architect, Le Corbusier designed his Modulor system around the use of the ratio; the painter Mondrian based most of his work on the Golden Ratio; Leonardo Da Vinci included it in many of his paintings and Claude Debussy used its properties in his music. So did Bela Bartok. The Golden Ratio also is found in widescreen televisions, postcards, credit cards, and photographs which all commonly conform to its proportions. Like the brilliant Pythagoras before him, Leonardo had made an in-depth study of the human figure, showing how all of its major parts were related to the Golden Ratio. The Mona Lisa's face fits inside a perfect Golden Rectangle. The Golden Rectangle is found in his painting called The Last Supper also. Many other Renaissance artists did the same. After Leonardo, artists such as Raphael and Michelangelo made great use of the Golden Ratio to construct their works. Michelangelo's beautiful sculpture of David conforms to the Golden Ratio, from the location of the navel with respect to the height and placement of the joints in the fingers. The builders of the medieval and Gothic churches and cathedrals of Europe also made these structures conform to the Golden Ratio. The Golden Rectangle is one whose sides are in the proportion of the Golden Ratio. This means the longer side is 1.618 times longer than the shorter side. The front of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece can be framed within a Golden Rectangle. Da Vinci's drawing of the Vitruvian Man has the outlines of a rectangle based on the head, one on the torso, and another over the legs.
The Golden Ratio In The Bible
The Ark of the Covenant is a Golden Rectangle. In Exodus 25:10, God commands Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant, in which to hold His Covenant with the Israelites, the Ten Commandments, saying,"Have them make a chest of acacia wood -- two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high." The ratio of 2.5 to 1.5 is 1.666..., which is as close to phi (1.618 ...) as you can come with such simple numbers and is certainly not visibly different to the eye. The Ark of the Covenant is thus constructed using the Golden Section, or Divine Proportion. This ratio is also the same as 5 to 3, numbers from the Fibonacci series.
Noah's Ark uses a Golden Rectangle. In Genesis 6:15, God commands Noah to build an ark saying,"And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits."Thus the end of the ark, at 50 by 30 cubits, is also in the ratio of 5 to 3, or 1.666..., again a close approximation of phi not visibly different to the naked eye. Noah's ark was built in the same proportion as ten arks of the covenant placed side by side.
Exodus 27:1-2 mentions the dimensions of the altar -- constructed according to phi: "Build an altar of acacia wood, three cubits high; it is to be square, five cubits long and five cubits wide."
Furthermore, the location of Jerusalem is 31 degrees 45 minutes north of the equator. God said Jerusalem is "the city which I have chosen to put my name there" (1 Kings 11:36). Why did God select this location? First build a rectangular building in Jerusalem with sides that exhibit the golden rectangle ratio. The longer two sides (1.618) must run from east to west. The shorter two sides (1) must run from north to south. Then at each of the four corners place a flag pole. Make the roof flat. Remember that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Now if you draw one diagonal line from the northwest to the southeast corner, and another diagonal line from the northeast to southwest corner, you will create angles of 31 degrees 45 minutes with respect to the straight line joining the two southern corners of the building. At the summer solstice, the sun is over the Tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north of the equator. At this point the shadows will point most easterly and westerly. At the winter solstice, the sun is over the Tropic of Capricorn, 23.5 degrees south of the equator. At this point the shadows will point most northerly. On the spring (March 21) and fall (Sept. 23) equinoxes, when the sun is directly over the equator, the shadows created by sunrise and sunset will fall exactly on these diagonal lines. This method can be used at any latitude with rectangles of different proportions. But a rectangle with the proportions of "the golden section " will only give this result at the exact latitude of Jerusalem. It is important to know when the equinoxes occur each year in order to celebrate God's festivals. We are to take the first new moon on or after the spring equinox as New Year's Day. No complex postponement rules or calculated calendar is necessary. Babylon is about one degree further north than Jerusalem. The pyramids of Gizeh are further south and Mecca still further south.
Fibonacci Numbers In The Musical Scale
The musical scales are based on Fibonacci numbers. The piano keyboard scale of C to C has 8 white keys in an "octave" and 5 black keys, making 13 keys total. The 5 black keys are divided into groups: of 2 keys and 3 keys. A scale is comprised of 8 notes, of which the 5th and 3rd notes create the basic foundation of all chords, and are based on whole tone which is 2 steps from the root tone, that is the1st note of the scale. Although there are only 12 notes in the scale, if you don't have a root and octave, a start and an end, you have no means of calculating the gradations in between, so this 13th note as the octave is essential to computing the frequencies of the other notes. The word "octave" comes from the Latin word for 8, referring to the eight whole tones of the complete musical scale, which in the key of C are C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C.
In a scale, the dominant note is the 5th note of the major scale, which is also the 8th note of all 13 notes that comprise the octave. This provides another instance of Fibonacci numbers in key musical relationships. Interestingly, 8/13 is .61538, which approximates phi. What's more, the typical three chord song in the key of A is made up of A, its Fibonacci & phi partner E, and D, to which A bears the same relationship as E does to A. This is analogous to the "A is to B as B is to C" basis for the golden section, or in this case "D is to A as A is to E."
Musical frequencies are based on Fibonacci ratios Notes in the scale of western music have a foundation in the Fibonacci series, as the frequencies of musical notes have relationships based on Fibonacci numbers: A440 Hertz is an arbitrary standard. The American Federation of Musicians accepted the A440 as standard pitch in 1917. It was then accepted by the U.S. government its standard in 1920 and it was not until 1939 that this pitch was accepted internationally. Before recent times a variety of tunings were used. It has been suggested by James Furia and others that A432 be the standard. A432 was often used by classical composers and results in a tuning of the whole number frequencies that are connected to numbers used in the construction of a variety of ancient works and sacred sites, such as the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The controversy over tuning still rages, with proponents of A432 or C256 as being more natural tunings than the current standard.
Musical compositions often reflect Fibonacci numbers and phi Fibonacci and phi relationships are often found in the timing of musical compositions. As an example, the climax of songs is often found at roughly the phi point (61.8%) of the song, as opposed to the middle or end of the song. In a 32 bar song, this would occur in the 20th bar.
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Messaggio 45 di 198 di questo argomento |
- A little more about the symbolic significance of the JFK Jr. plane crash: As mentioned before, the incident was the continuation and confirmation of the airplane-Grail/Ark pattern discussed in '1999: The Ark of Sirius'. A new piece of data further corroborates this view: JFK Jr. was sometimes called the 'Prince of Camelot' (though I don't know why exactly), and of course 'Camelot' figures prominently in the tale of King Arthur - in which we find the story of the quest for the Holy Grail.
So, since this event of the JFK Jr. plane crash occurred in July, the "seventh month", one might wonder whether this was the fulfillment of the infamous X-72 quatrain. Since my approach doesn't focus on just single event but look at the grand underlying pattern of events, I don't point to one event and identify it as the fulfillment of this or that quatrain/prophecy. But I will say that the event does have a quite direct correlation to X-72, especially the often-quoted second line "From the sky will come a great 'King of terror', because the Gaelic word 'uther' which is linked with the name 'Arthur' (=> JFK Jr.) means 'terrible'. In other words, the JFK Jr. plane crash can be described as: 'terrible prince/king came down from the sky', i.e. the Line 2 of X-72.
Then one naturally wonders how the next line, "To resurrect the great King of Angolmois", would fit into this scenario. The "To resurrect the great King" part can be correlated with the date of the crash, July 16, being the date of Apollo 11's historic launch - the culmination of the space program initiated by the father of the prince (JFK Jr.), President Kennedy, the "great King". As mentioned before, 'Apollo' could be seen as the Greek counterpart of the Egyptian sun-god Horus, the son of Osiris/Orion (note that the patch of the Apollo program showed the constellation of Orion); and upon death the Horus-king (i.e. Pharaoh) was considered to become Osiris. In other words, the death of Horus (JFK Jr.) can be seen as the rebirth/resurrection of Osiris (JFK). Thus, the death of JFK Jr. 'resurrected the great King', his father (JFK/Osiris), fittingly on the date 7/16 on which the fulfillment of the father's dream (i.e. Apollo 11 mission) began.
To strengthen this view, let me reference the Egyptian 'opening of the mouth' ritual which involved the new Horus-king opening the mouth of the mummified dead king. In the ritual, the son(s) of the dead king splits open the mouth of the king using a metallic tool ('adze') to free/resurrect the soul (i.e. resurrection of Osiris). And the shape of the adze has been linked to the constellation Ursa Major or Minor. Recall that Ursa Major figured in my '1999: Ark of Sirius' in conjunction with the theme of 'ark'. Also, it should be pointed out that Ursa Major/Minor is the celestial 'bears', and 'bear' happens to be what the name 'Arthur' ('arth') may have derived from. Furthermore, Beta Ursa Minor happens to be where the northern 'air shaft' of the Great Pyramid's Queen's Chamber (see 'The Orion Mystery' or 'The Message of the Sphinx' by Bauval w/ Gilbert/Hancock) was targeted toward in the Pyramid Age c. 2500 BC (the other shaft from Queen's Chamber on the south side is targeted toward Sirius - another key theme). Additionally, as Bauval/Gilbert point out, the shape of the northern shaft resembles the shape of the sacred adze. It seems from the strong correlation that I have to bring back the issue of '39' that has been deleted from the 7/17 update (see previous update for detail). The angle of the Queen's Chamber's northern shaft is 39 degrees, and even though JFK Jr. was 38 years old, he was living his '39'th year thus in this way matching the angle.
Now, as for 'Angolmois' of Line 3, I found a web page that provided an intriguing interpretation of the word - that 'Angolmois' is an anagram for 'sang lion' (French) meaning' 'blood of the lion'. And that would again refer to the Holy Grail, the blood of Jesus - which in turn represents the Davidic bloodline, and David is of Judah which was symbolized by the 'lion', thus the 'blood of the lion'.
Seeing all these connections, I'm very curious at this point as to whether the bloodline of the Kennedys is linked to the Messianic branches in Europe (coming from the Merovingians).
- The spaceshuttle Columbia scheduled to be launched on the key Sirian date, July 20, was delayed and lifted off early July 23. This is not unexpected and that is why I carefully used the phrase "attaching a special space mission to [the date July 20]" in my 7/7 Update to indicate that the shuttle does not necessarily have to be launched on that date but that the scheduling itself is significant enough.
The main mission of this shuttle was the deployment of the Chandra X-ray observatory - one of the most powerful space observatories ever put into orbit. The name 'Chandra' appears to continue the reference to the Apollo mission (recall that the name of the first-ever woman commander, Eileen, is derived from a word meaning 'sun' => Apollo the sun god) as 'Chandra' means 'moon'.
- Instead of spaceshuttle Columbia, the NASA July 20 "ritual" was done with the Liberty Bell space capsule that came out of the water after spending 38 years at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. This correlates with the resurrection of the Saturnian realm or "Atlantis" discussed in my '1999: Final Solution'.
- It is also interesting that Colombia's Independence Day is July 20. The name "Colombia" almost matching the name of the spaceshuttle 'Columbia' (pronounced the same and derived from the same root word 'Columbus', well at least that's the 'official' claim), and both would relate to 'Columba' the dove of Noah's Ark as mentioned before. Interestingly, one of the most important rivers in Colombia is named 'Magdalena', an obvious reference to Mary Magdalene (=> Grail, as discussed before, and comparable to Isis/Sirius). And one of its major cities is named 'Medellin' - also a likely reference to the Magdalene (as the name 'Madeline' is derived from Magdalene).
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Messaggio 46 di 198 di questo argomento |
First, May happens to be the traditional Mary's month in many cultures. It's associated with an old tradition called Tricesimum, or 'Thirty Day Devotion to Mary', originally held from August 15 to September 14 (closely overlapping the period of the Athens Olympic Games this summer). Because of the central role the Venus-Isis-Mary (or Venus-Sirius) complex plays in the 'Lucifer Time Code', it is very fitting that this particular month should be dedicated to Mary (= Isis). No wonder I was already moving in this direction as I commented in the previous update on May 11: '...perhaps it's really the entire month of May...'
So this begins to explain why there appeared to be no overwhelming emphasis placed on the ~May 8 window with a high-impact event. The May-timing issue is turning out of be more of a 'month' thing rather than a 'day' thing. So it actually makes more sense to emphasize the beginning of May, for instance, just as the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal did... as did Schwarzenegger - by visiting Israel.
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Messaggio 47 di 198 di questo argomento |
Marian Seeds
The heliacal rising of Sirius is the central element in all this that 'anchors' the 'Lucifer Time Code'. And we've already discussed how it is symbolically inseparable from the resurrection of Osiris or the conception/birth of Horus. This 'Horus' corresponds to various things such as Christ, Antichrist, Schwarzenegger, the Great Sphinx... and Mars.
It is the womb of Isis-Mary-Venus that facilitates the continuation of the Osirian seed. This is the key element of the story of the Holy Grail - or the 'Blood Royal'. What is curious here is that the combination of Mars and the notion of seeds invokes 'Panspermia', the theory that life may be transferred from one planet to another through, for example, meteorites. Since NASA claimed they found evidence of life in a Martian meteorite in 1996 (on August 6/7, of course), scientists have come to take seriously the idea that life on Earth was originally 'seeded' by rocks from outer space, particularly Mars.
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Messaggio 48 di 198 di questo argomento |
As the Sun went down in Los Angeles (or Simi Valley), the Sun was seen rising on the horizon somewhere - more or less the opposite side of the earth. Then I remembered a comment posted by an Etemenanki reader 'Alfredo', pointing out that the Olympic torch currently going around the world was at Giza/Cairo on June 11, i.e. the same date as Reagan's funeral. I found this intriguing because of its relevance to Schwarzenegger. As noted in Part 1, the 'rise of Arnold' cannot be separated from Giza/Cairo, the notion of fire, and the Olympics:
- Schwarzenegger's dramatic election announcement on Aug. 6, 2003 was apparently designed to coincide with the heliacal rising of the star Sirius as seen from Giza/Cairo - a celestial event that signaled for ancient Egyptians the beginning of the annual life-giving flood of the Nile, signifying the resurrection of Osiris/birth of Horus.
- The term 'Sirius' is linked to the notion of 'scorching' (thus also with fire); the term 'pyramid' is also etymologically linked to fire.
395. Hechos 2:3: y se les aparecieron lenguas repartidas, como de FUEGO, asentándose sobre cada uno de ellos.
396. Hechos 2:19: Y daré prodigios arriba en el cielo, Y señales abajo en la tierra, Sangre y FUEGO y vapor de humo;
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