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Message 1 de 99 de ce thème |
Vamos a abrir un estudio muy polemico. ¿Cristo nacio en Navidad/Solsticio de Invierno o Janukah que muy probablemente tiene que haber caido en dicho solsticio? ¿Cristo nacio en Tabernaculos o Sukot?
Aqui presentamos una posicion de que Nuestro Señor fue concebido en Janukah y que nacio en Sukot
El Mesianismo y Jánukah
Cuando entramos al mes de Kislev, el noveno mes del calendario hebreo según la Toráh, entramos a un mes cuyo numero 9 desde la mentalidad bíblica y hebrea significa “nacimiento” o “comienzo” (Hageo 2:18-18). En el mes de Kislev Noé salió del arca y YAHWÉH hizo un pacto de vida con Noé y la humanidad, fue el día en que salió el arco iris, ¿Cómo definimos esto? Kislev es el séptimo mes contando desde Nisan que es el primero de los meses después de haber Di-s modificado el conteo de los meses, ya que antes a la salida de Israel de Egipto Kislev era el tercer mes. Su signo es un arco por ser que son muchos los días de este mes en donde llueve con sol y se ve el arco iris (Esto referido a Israel) También el primer arco iris sé vio en Kislev.
- "Y Yo para que sea un pacto entre la tierra y Yo". "Esta es la señal" Mostró el arco iris y dijo: "Esta es la señal de la cual hablé"
Esto fue dicho a Noé en el principio del mes de Kislev. Si la tierra se seca el 27 de Jeshván Noé salió del arca el 28 y construyó un altar. Tomo de todos los animales puros y de toda ave pura y la sacrificó. Cuando comenzó Kislev bendijo Di-s a Noé, lo cual nos indica la celebración del Rosh Jodesh y la separación entre animales aptos e impuros, Rosh Jodesh Kislev a veces son dos días y a veces es uno sólo. Noé en compañía de sus hijos ya conocía de los mandamientos y leyes de Di-s aunque estos aún no se habían dado por escrito. Le permitió la carne para comer y le prohibió derramar sangre de las personas. Formalizando "El pacto de la vida" y le mostró el arco iris en este mismo mes se celebra Jánukah. Es Kislev el mes que trae la lluvia en Israel, aquí comenzamos a ver el simbolismo profético, su nombre deriva de la palabra hebrea que quiere decir “seguridad” y “confianza”, este es el mes de Benjamín, es el mes de los arqueros los que son fuertes guerreros, es el mes para disparar el arco con seguridad.
Este mes de Kislev, es llamado también el Mes de lo Sobrenatural, muchos milagros sucedieron en el pasado en el mes de Kislev, el mayor de ellos y a lo que apuntaba la fiesta de Jánukah es el milagro de la encarnación del Mesías.
1.- Jánukah y la Encarnación del Mesías
YAHWÉH Elohim dijo que la venida de Yeshúa sería como la lluvia temprana y tardía sobre la tierra (Oseas 6:1-3; Joel. 2:23). Santiago el Justo, vincula la venida de Yeshúa Ha Mashíaj a la lluvia temprana y tardía (5:7). La muerte, sepultura y resurrección de Yeshúa fue en la primavera del año; el derramamiento del Espíritu de Santidad, después de la resurrección de Yeshúa, fue en la primavera del año; y todos los que creyeron fueron los primeros frutos de la cosecha completa y fueron una parte de la cosecha de primavera. La segunda venida de Yeshúa será en el otoño del año y el número más grande de creyentes creerán en ese tiempo. Yeshúa habló sobre esta gran cosecha del final de la presente edad (Olam HaZeh) en Mateo 13:39; 24:13; y Revelación 14:6,15-16. Ahora bien, hay conexión en la Escritura y una profunda enseñanza, el verso 23 de Joel 2 nos dice:
- Vosotros también hijos de Sión alegraos y gozaos en YAHWÉH vuestro Poderoso; por que os ha dado la primera lluvia a su tiempo y hará descender sobre vosotros la lluvia temprana y tardía como al principio.
La palabra que nos llama la atención es la de “Hará Descender” si la lluvia temprana y la lluvia tardía se refieren a la primera y segunda venida de Mashíaj ¿Cuándo descendió en su primera venida? En el mes de Kislev comienzas las lluvias en Israel. El anuncio de la encarnación de Mashíaj fue en el mes de Kislev justo al comenzar la fiesta de las luces, el 25 de Kislev el mes de lo sobrenatural en los días finales del mes, el ángel dijo a Yosef:
- Y dará a luz un hijo y llamarás Su Nombre Yeshúa porque el salvará a su pueblo de sus pecados. (Lucas 1:21)
Si tomamos en cuenta que el período de gestación de un bebe en el vientre de su madre es de 40 semanas y cada semana tiene 7 días estamos hablando de 280 días y si bíblicamente Yeshúa nació en al comenzar la fiesta de Sukkot, en el mes de Tishrei a los 15 días del mes (vea el estudio: Cuando Nació Yeshúa) el cual sería los días finales del noveno mes del embarazo de la doncella Miriam (María) echando cuenta de días atrás llegamos a la conclusión de que Yeshúa fue concebido en el vientre de Miriam justo el ultimo día de la fiesta de Jánukah. Para entenderlo con el calendario secular, la Fiesta de Janukáh siempre cae en el mes de Diciembre 9 meses antes de Septiembre cuando se celebra Sukkot - Tabernáculos y nace Yeshúa.
En las Escrituras leemos:
- En El estaba la vida y la vida era la luz de los hombres, la luz en las tinieblas resplandece y las tinieblas no prevalecieron contra ella… Este vino por testimonio para que diese testimonio de la luz, a fin de que todos creyesen por el. No era el la luz, sino para que diese testimonio de la luz. Aquella luz verdadera, que alumbra a todo hombre, venía a este mundo”
Ahora puede entender porque los judíos llaman a esta fiesta: La Fiesta de la Luz, Janukáh es la fiesta que conmemora la encarnación del hijo de Di-s y no su nacimiento, NO es ninguna navidad judía como algunos han pretendido hacer creer debido a que algunos acostumbrar adornar sus casas con lo que ellos se conoce como "luces navideñas" las cuales tienen su origen de Jánuka (roma tomo las luces de Jánuka y arbol de tamuz y los mezclo para su navidad que incluye una sukah - pesebre de Sukkot). Yeshúa fue concebido seis meses (como 25 semanas) después de la concepción de Yojanán. Esto significa que Yeshúa fue concebido alrededor de la semana 37 alrededor de Janukáh. Esto significaría que la luz del mundo fue concebida durante el tiempo de la Festividad de las Luces. Aquel verbo fue echo carne por el poder sobrenatural de Di-s para “dedicarse” (Janukáh) a salvar a los hombres.
2.- Mashíaj revelado en el dreidel
Tradicionalmente el dreidel tiene cuatro caras. Lo primero que notamos es que cada una tiene grabada una letra del alfabeto Hebreo:
nun ( נ ), guimel ( ג ), hei ( ה ) y shin ( ש )
Las iníciales de la frase “Un gran milagro ocurrió allí”, nes gadol haiá sham. (Zacarías 6:12) Es de destacar que el valor numérico de las cuatro letras es 358, N: 300, G: 5, H: 3 y SH: 50, el mismo valor numérico de la palabra hebrea Mashíaj: 8 + 10 + 300 +40
El motivo recurrente que encontramos en los significados ocultos del dreidel, es el Mashíaj y la redención, cambiar el mundo y hacerlo una morada adecuada para el Creador. En las generaciones pasadas, algunos judíos que vivían en la Tierra de Israel decidieron que era apropiado cambiar la última letra de “allá” (sham) por “aquí” (po), transformando la frase de acuerdo a estas iníciales en “Un gran milagro ocurrió aquí”. Según esta idea, las letras del dreidel, nun, guimel, hei, pei , suman 138, el valor de Menajém “El Consolador”, uno de los nombres del Mashíaj de acuerdo con nuestros sabios; y es también el valor de la palabra Tzemaj – Vástago traducido en la Reina Valera como Renuevo, el nombre del Mashíaj que aparece en el Tanak“Tzemaj es su nombre…” (Jeremías 23:5) (Zacarías 3:8) (6:12) (Isaías 4:2) (Jeremías 33:15)
Así que cada vez que jugamos el dreidel con las letras hebras anunciamos El Nombre de Mashíaj y sus dos venidas, recuerde que la palabra “dreidel” quiere decir exactamente: “de vuelta” o “a la vuelta”. El milagro de Jánukah es la encarnación del hijo de Di-s, el día que la luz del mundo fue introducida a este.
3.- La Vida En el Espíritu revelada en la Janukilla
Las luces del candelero de Jánukah son 9 en total, 8 por cada día de Jánukah y una mas por el milagro, la luz de en medio la primera en encenderse representa al Mesías, la Luz del mundo, mientras que el judío ortodoxo no puede ver lo ahí escondido, el creyente nacido del Espíritu Santo si puede comprenderlo. El nueve representa nacer de nuevo tener un nuevo comienzo pues todos los que han nacido de nuevo tienen los nueve 9 frutos del Espíritu Santo (Gálatas. 5.22) cuando el creyente vive estos frutos el mismo se convierte en una luz viviente. Algo más que tenemos en las luces de Jánukah son los nueve dones del Espíritu Santo, dice la Escritura que El que descendió es El mismo que también subió y repartió dones a los hombres (Efesios 4:8-19) en la lista de los dones del Espíritu encontramos una cantidad de 9 dones (1 Corintios 12:7-11) es de notar que el primer don mencionado es: “La Palabra de Sabiduría” y la primer fruto del Espíritu es “Gozo”, en las Escrituras vemos que sobre Yeshúa estaba el Espíritu Santo y la sabiduría de Di-s (Isaías 11:1-2) (1 Corintios 1:24) en ellas mismas notamos que cuando Yeshúa encarno en el vientre de la doncella ella manifestó gozo y no solo ella sino Yojanán en el vientre de su madre Elizabeth y ella misma (Lucas 1:39-56) por ello la primera luz representa al Mesías, el nombre que se ha puesto a esta vela es shamash que se a traducido como “servidor o ayudante” lo cual ya hemos visto en otro estudio que no debe ser llamada así, es mas correcto llamarle Abad o Ebed que se traducen como “servir o servidor” de donde viene “Ovadía” traducido como Abdías: “Siervo de Di-s”.
Personalmente le llamo la luz “EBED”, en la Escritura leemos: “Yoshúa Ben Nun Ebed YAHWÉH” que se traduce: “Josué hijo de Nun siervo de YAHWÉH”. En hebreo “Ben” significa “Hijo” y “Nun” significa “aumentar” “propagar” “retoñar” y “pez” en arameo significa “perpetuidad” “continuidad” “imperecedero”. YAHWÉH es el Abba “progenitor” NUN “imperecedero” y YESHÚA es su BEN “hijo” y además su EBED “siervo” quien entrego su vida por nosotros los “NUNIM” “peces”, para que nosotros igualmente pudiéramos NUN “retoñar” y vivir “NUN” imperecederamente, así que cada creyente experimente un KISLEV un tiempo de lo sobrenatural, y una Jánukah, pues al conocer a Yeshúa recibe un nuevo nacimiento y ahora vive en JÁNUKAH “dedicación” a Di-s.
En Juan 10:22 encontramos
- Celebrábase en Jerusalén la fiesta de la Dedicación (Jánukah) era invierno y Yeshúa andaba en el Templo por el pórtico de Salomón
Hay quienes pretenden decir que esta fiesta no fue celebrada por Yeshúa ya que Yeshúa andaba en el pórtico de Salomón y no en el altar que es donde se celebraba la fiesta, para comenzar esta fiesta era celebrada en todo Israel, para ampliar la Escritura menciona que la fiesta ya estaba en camino “Celebrábase” y para terminar ¿Por qué había subido Yeshúa a Jerusalén para esta fiesta? En los evangelios encontramos que el solo subía para fiestas importantes y permanecía en Jerusalén durante la duración de las mismas, los demás días el andaba compartiendo la Besoráh – Buenas Nuevas y perfilando la correcta interpretación y aplicación de la Toráh.
Si Yeshúa no celebraba esta fiesta ¿entonces que hacía en Jerusalén justo en esta fiesta ya que nuevamente repetimos el solo subía para fiestas importantes? Yeshúa tenía algo que hacer en esa fiesta tal como lo observamos en todo el capítulo 10 de Juan, hemos de recordar que Antíoco Epifanes (una sombra del anti-Mesías) había declarado ahí en el Templo que el era Di-s y sacrificado cerdos en el altar; aunque los macabeos había logrado la victoria sobre el paganismo y purificado los sacerdotes el Templo, en el mundo espiritual algo había quedado grabado, es por ello que ahí en esa fiesta Yeshúa declara: Ser El Hijo de Di-s, el dueño, amo y rey del Templo:
- Yo y El Padre uno somos, entonces algunos judíos tomaron piedras para apedrearle. Yeshúa les respondió: Muchas buenas obras os he mostrado de mi Padre ¿por cual de ellas me apedreáis? Le respondieron los judíos diciendo: por buena obra no te apedreamos sino por la blasfemia; porque tú siendo hombre te haces Di-s. Yeshúa les respondió: ¿No esta Escrito en la Toráh: Yo dije dioses sois? Si llamo dioses a aquellos a quienes vino la palabra de Di-s (y la Escritura no puede ser quebrantada) ¿Al que El Padre santifico y envió al mundo, vosotros decís: Tú blasfemas, porque dije: Hijo de Di-s soy?
La declaración de Yeshúa en esa fiesta era necesaria, por ello el tendría que estar presente en el Templo antes de su sacrificio para con sus palabras y su autoridad cumplir lo que la sombra de Jánukah era y aún cumplirá lo que la sombra de Jánukah es.
Jánukah no solo es el nombre de una fiesta, sino es una palabra hebrea que significa “Dedicación”, en las Escrituras encontramos varias “janukim” “dedicaciones” (Números 7:10) (Esdras 6:16) (Nehemías 12:27) (El título del Salmo 30). El pueblo judío es un pueblo que tiene cultura, cada cosa nueva es “dedicada” al Eterno, como pueblo santo de Di-s todo lo suyo es santificado. Su cultura emana de la Toráh, a diferencia el pueblo cristiano no tiene cultura y si la tiene no es más que una mezcla de paganismo con santidad. Ninguna de las otras “janukim” fue decretada como fiesta cada año, sin embargo esta “Jánukah” la que tiene que ver con la derrota del paganismo, de la idolatría, si fue decretada y ahora podemos entender por que, porque Di-s que conocía y conoce los tiempos sabía lo que esta fiesta revelaba.
Por otra parte, hoy, mientras vivimos en un cristianismo sincretista que celebra la pagana navidad justo en los mismos días cuando cae Jánukah, a través de esta fiesta el Eterno hace un llamado a su pueblo a tomar una decisión, seguir al mundo con sus tradiciones y vivir bajo el concepto helenista y sincretista o seguir a Di-s con su cultura de vida establecida en la Toráh. Escogeos hoy a quien sirváis. Que testimonio vivo es poder abrir las ventanas de la casa y mientras que en el alrededor la gente celebra una fiesta pagana y católica llamada “navidad (incluyendo a algunos protestantes) hay un hogar que marca la diferencia y celebra algo distinto: Jánukah: Dedicación a Di-s.
Yeshua tambien celebraba Januka aunque no se nos detalle en la Biblia, ¿porque decimos esto? Los evangelios nos muestran que Yeshúa solo subía a Jerusalén para eventos de importancia, mientras tanto el estaba ocupado llevando las buenas nuevas de salvación ¿Porque había subido a Jerusalèn para Jánukah? Esto lo hemos respondido en otro estudio. Jánuka fue una victoria sobre la maldad para los Israelitas, por medio de Juda y su ejercito, y YESHUA es nuestra victoria sobre la maldicion del pecado, por medio del madero.
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Message 25 de 99 de ce thème |
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Message 26 de 99 de ce thème |
When Was Jesus Christ Born
According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus was born near the end of Herod's reign which would place his birth at 6-4 BCE. Luke tells us that Jesus was born around the time the Roman governor Quirinus took a census in Judea. That would place his birth at 6-7 CE, ten years from the end of Herod's death. Mark and John say nothing. As explained in the nativity legends, neither gospel has the qualities of real history.
We might wonder what Matthew and Luke imply when it was known at the time of Jesus' birth that he would be a savior. The answer is bound up in astrology, based on his place of birth and the alignment of the stars at his time of birth. Matthew does it by imputing the wise men (magi=astrologer), and Luke suggests shepherds were visited by an angel (angel=angle). (See Bible Astrology)
For reasons explained here, I am not sympathetic to the idea that Jesus was a real person. The date of his annual birth can be found in the stars because he was a mythologized sun hero. (See Gospel Zodiac) This page explains the astrological significance of December 25th and the age which marked the year of his original birth. The date of his original birth can be affixed at December 25, 7 BCE.
The clue to the timing of Jesus' first birth has to do with his association with fish. In what astrologers call a Great Year spanning 25920 years; it is divided into twelve Ages according to the constellations of the Zodiac, lasting 2160 years each. Because earth rotates with a wobble called precession, it does not return to the exact point of departure from the previous year. When the sun is at its highest position during the spring equinox, the constellation in its background determines the Age it is in. (For more detail, see Bible Astrology)
Technically, the Age of Jesus began when the sun entered Pisces on the spring equinox. At the beginning of spring for the last two thousand years, the sun appears to be drifting across the stars of Pisces with each passing year. Because this creeping process is so slow, it is not easy to make an exact determination when an Age begins and ends. But the timing of the beginning of the Age of Pisces fits nicely with the Bible's depiction of Jesus being born about 4-6 years before the beginning of the first century.
The Age of Jesus
On May 27, 7 BCE, shining as a beacon in the Western sky, a conjunction occurred among Jupiter (traditional king of the gods) and Saturn (ruling planet of Judah) in the constellation of Pisces the Fish (the House of the Hebrews). For a few days the two planets appear as if to be nearly touching. There was a second conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn on October 6 and a third Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 1.
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur about every twenty years. Triple Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur about every 139 years. And triple Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur in Pisces roughly once every 900 years. Jupiter is the fourth brightest planet after the Sun, Moon and Venus.
Figure 1. The Age of Jesus began with three Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Pisces.
Figure 2. Since then, the sun has been creeping across Pisces every spring for the last 2,000 years.
About 2012 the sun will enter the Age of Aquarius. Then it can be said that the Age of Jesus has past.
"I am with you always to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:20).
Divine conception
The next question is when was the Virgin Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit? By affixing the timing of Jesus' birth at December 25, she would have to have been conceived nine months earlier. That would be when the sun crosses the spring equinox on March 21.
By looking at the midnight sky at that time we see the constellation Virgo descending upside down as if she is in the missionary position. Allegorically, the sun has conquered the forces of evil because it is when daylight hours exceed nighttime hours. In the spring she is free of sin because it is the only season of the year when the sun has overpowered the retreating dark forces. Thus there is peace on earth.
Figure 3. The virgin being descended upon by the Holy Spirit on March 21.
The Nativity
Some sources say that this triple conjunction looks like a single bright star and depicts the wise men and the star of Bethlehem. No so! For a better fit we need three stars to represent the three gifts symbolizing the wise men. We also need an unusually bright star for the star of Bethlehem, and we need a yearly event that coincides with the sun's rising on December 25.
The candidate for the three wise men can be found in the constellation of Orion the hunter. It has three stars at its belt that align with Sirius. What makes Sirius the prime candidate for the star of Bethlehem is that it is the brightest star in the sky next to the sun.
At four o'clock in the evening, on December 25, Sirius rises above the horizon in Jerusalem. This was the first such event in the Age of Pisces. The three stars on the belt of Orion point down towards Sirius, the star of Bethlehem. Orion is not a trivial constellation; it plays the part of the Son of Man in the Gospels.
The significance of Bethlehem is another play on words. In Hebrew, "Bethlehem" means house of bread. As the picture of Virgo shows in the picture above, Virgo is holding stalks of grain. It symbolizes Mary in the house of bread. The name of "Mary" is etymologically related to water, the element of birth.
2The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. (Gen. 1:2)
Figure 4. The three wise following the Star of Bethlehem
In conclusion, the original date of Jesus' birth occurred on December 25, 7 BCE. The entry of the sun into the Age of Pisces was a one time event. Jesus' death and resurrection plays out each year with the sun's course through the four seasons.
An excellent explanation about the origins of the constellations can be found in Ancient Egypt. To the ancient Egyptians, Orion was their god Osiris. In the Gospels, Orion is the Son of man. To the Egyptians, Sirius was their most sacred star. Its brightness combined with its rising at the time of the spring equinox, marked off each new year.
Related links
For when Jesus was born: Star of Bethlehem
The gospel characters can be seen in the Garden Tour
Jesus' yearly sun cycle: Gospel Zodiac
Jesus Nativity Legends explains the lack of historicity of the gospels
Jesus Christ Sun of God by David Fideler
Link A view of Venus and Jupiter forming a triangle with the moon gives a sense of what ancients saw. |
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Message 27 de 99 de ce thème |
Cuadro: Alejandría, la Jerusalem egipcia
Anteriormente a los romanos, 300 años antes del nacimiento de Jesús, Alejandro Magno murió sin descendencia, por lo que su imperio se dividió entre sus generales, siendo Ptolomeo el que quedó a cargo del país de las pirámides. Con ello se creó un sincretismo entre los antiguos dioses egipcios y los helénicos. Toth pasó a ser Hermes, y su famoso libro dio origen a la famosa Tabla Esmeralda, e Imhotep, dios de la medicina, fue asimilado con Asclepios. Surgieron nuevos dioses como el adorado Serapis, dios artificial creado a partir del dios egipcio Asar-Hapis (Osiris-Apis), que pasó a ser el esposo de Isis, cuyo culto se desarrolló por todo el Mediterráneo. La adoración a Isis llevó consigo la celebración del nacimiento de Horus, conocido como Harpócrates por los griegos e identificado on ÇApolo y el Sol Invictus por los romanos.
San Marcos
Tras la muerte de Cleopatra (30 a.C.), quien fue una alta sacerdotisa de Isis, Egipto se convirtió en una provincia romana. Alejandría, capital cultural de Egipto, reunía una gran cantidad de filósofos griegos, romanos y judíos escapados de Judea, que fueron desarrollando un culto común en la creencia de que la inmortalidad se conseguía gracias a la iniciación de un “Hijo de Dios muerto y resucitado”, en donde la muerte y el renacimiento era simbolizado por el nacimiento de Horus. El Adonis fenicio, el Attis frigio, el Osiris Egipcio, el Serapis alejandrino todos ellos fueron hijos de dios. Los romanos habían importado de Egipto el culto de Mitra, “Hijo de Dios muerto y resucitado”, cuyo cumpleaños se celebraba el 25 de diciembre.
Con este escenario de creencias hace aparición en Alejandría el cristianismo. La fecha del nacimiento de Mitra fue adoptada por los primeros cristianos como fecha del nacimiento de Jesús, hecho asociado a la señal en el cielo que marcaba una estrella de oriente. Pese que el apóstol que evangelizó Egipto fue Marcos, padre de la iglesia copta, es el evangelio de Mateo el único que nos habla del viaje realizado por la Sagrada Familia a Egipto. Los expertos aseguran que dicho evangelio fue escrito en Alejandría entre los años 40 y 80 d.C. por personas que no podían mantenerse ausentes de los acontecimientos astronómicos que se celebraban desde los antiguos egipcios. Por aquellas fechas en la noche del 25 de diciembre se podía ver ascender por el horizonte las tres estrellas del cinturón de Orión, los tres “reyes” que antecedían la salida de la estrella de oriente, Sirio, que si antiguamente simbolizaba a Isis de la que nació Horus, se transformo en época cristiana en la Madona que daba luz al niño Jesús. Las tres estrellas se convirtieron en la tradición en los Reyes Magos de Oriente.
Por el efecto de la precesión de los equinoccios, la estrella Sirio permanece 72 días al año bajo el horizonte, por lo que no se puede ver. Después de este periodo la estrella vuelve a verse, momento en que se conmemoraba en el Antiguo Egipto el año nuevo. La simbología era la del nacimiento del Horus divino desde el vientre de su madre Isis, representada por dicha estrella. El acontecimiento astronómico varía 8,5 días cada 1000 años. Actualmente el orto helíaco de Sirio se produce el día 5 de agosto, mientras que época de Jesús el hecho se producía el 19 de julio. Es por ello por lo que cuando los romanos cambiaron su calendario lunar a otro solar, de la mano del astrónomo alejandrino Sosígenes, se nombró al mes de salida de la estrella de Sirio con el nombre de Julio César, en ese nuevo calendario “juliano” que no era otra cosa que la continuidad que tuvieron los egipcios durante 3300 años a la hora de medir el tiempo.
Fortaleza Babilonia, Iglesia
El misterio del nacimiento de Horus, nacido de la virgen Isis, tenía por tanto continuidad en la liturgia cristiana, ideas tradicionalmente aceptadas que favorecieron la expansión del cristianismo en tierras egipcias. Un concepto de muerte y resurrección que ha llegado hasta nuestros días ya que, por azares del destino o por causalidades misteriosas, en la pasada noche del 31 de diciembre del año 1.999, cuando todo el mundo se preparaba para la festividad de la entrada del tercer milenio, Sirio marcaba su culminación en el meridiano. Si el helicóptero hubiera colocado (cosa que al final no ocurrió) el piramidión dorado sobre la cúspide truncada de la Gran Pirámide, se podría haber visto mirando desde la cara norte del monumento a Sirio colocado sobre la cúspide, alineado correctamente con el canal sur de ventilación de la cámara de la Reina. Es seguro que muchas sociedades secretas, que muchos estudiosos de los cultos isíacos, considerasen ese momento como el que anunciara la segunda venida de Horus, o de Jesucristo.
Resulta curioso que el único de los discípulos que visitó Egipto fuese Marcos, cuando el único que en los evangelios habla de Egipto fuese Mateo. La tradición oculta esotérica, recogida en sectores de librepensadores, afirma que si por un lado Mateo configuraba las normas de la Iglesia Marcos ofrecía un cristianismo que fue acogido por las corrientes gnósticas.
Hasta el nacimiento del cristianismo todos los adeptos a las diferentes liturgias debían pasar por una iniciación más o menos extensa. El cristianismo rompió esa tradición ya que para pertenecer al grupo sólo se debía profesar la creencia como acto de fe. Fue entonces cuando se produjo la ruptura entre los que, como los antiguos egipcios, el conocimiento era el camino hacia la iluminación, y los que dejaban en manos de la incipiente Iglesia su “salvación”. Una diferenciación que, a lo largo del tiempo, se convirtió en verdaderas persecuciones de los poderosos contra los sectarios y produjo el oscurantismo religioso y científico cuyos flecos han llegado hasta nuestros días pese a los esfuerzos realizados durante el Renacimiento.
En Alejandría se gestó, o pudo gestarse el pensamiento que ha predominado los últimos dos milenios. Los sabios que moraban en sus casas tuvieron la capacidad de combinar el hábito por la meditación con el desarrollo de la cosa pública, algo que iba en contra de unos poderes a los que no interesaba que el pueblo tuviera un acceso a la divinidad distinto al que propocionaba sus arcas. Y cuando en marzo del año 415 los cristianos enardecidos por el patriarca de Alejandría asesinaron a Hipatia no sólo acabaron con la mujer más notable de la Antigüedad, sino que obligaron a los herederos de la filosofía griega, a los seguidores de Horus, a refugiar su culto a ojos profanos. En Belén nació Jesús, en Alejandría volvió a nacer, como lo había hecho varias veces a lo largo de los tiempos.
http://manueljosedelgado.wordpress.com/tag/jesus-en-egipto/ |
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The Stars Over Bethlehem
On December 25th, 2 BC, in "The Stars over Bethlehem," Jupiter became stationary for six days in Virgo, due to its annual retrograde motion during the Feast of Dedication, which was the third day of Hannukah, at the time of the Winter .Solstice Mars and Venus are in Ophiuchus, with the Sun in Capricorn. Saturn was in Taurus' horns, with Mercury and the Moon in Sagittarius, and the Moon is occulting the star Nunki.
"The Star of Bethlehem," as it has been known in tradition for centuries, has caused untold confusion with regards to the birth-date of Jesus Christ. Much of this confusion is due to the fact that the Magi actually presented their gifts to the child Jesus on this date, who was about 15 and one half months old by this time. This holiday via Roman Catholic tradition, related to the previous pagan holiday Saturnalia, which became recognized and celebrated as "Christ-mass," once Christianity became the official state religion of Rome, but those with any knowledge of this subject realize this was not Chist's birthday. The Sun standing still in Capricorn marks the lamb of God, found and honored in Bethlehem by the Magi. Upon leaving the massing of planets in August of 2 BC, Jupiter continued in its westerly retrograde motion observed intently by the Magi in their normal early morning observations. It entered Virgo in early December of 2 BC, where it took up a Meridian position during the union of Venus & Mars. Earnest Martin states:
"…This apparent westward motion of Jupiter each day could have indicated to the to proceed in the same westward direction toward Jerusalem.Magi" During their visit with Herod, the Magi were directed to Bethlehem by the input of the Judean Scribes." 1
Matthew 2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
As Wierwille states;
" Herod had directed them to Bethlehem because of a scriptural prophecy. Now the star confirmed this location by appearing directly before them as they approached the city of David. Both Scripture and the Heavens were directing them. Interestingly, their journey brought them to Jerusalem in December, at which time a joyous festival called the Feast of Dedication, Hanukkah, took place. The significance of this time is apparent when one considers that the Feast of Dedication marked the restoration of worship in the Temple after a period of foreign occupation. Now, the were coming to pay respect to, or worship, the young King of the Judeans, who was the true Temple.Magi" 2[emphasis mine]
John 2:19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
The Feast of Dedication in the reference above, memorialized the removal of idols and idolatry from the Temple during the period of the Maccabees. This is interesting when we realize that directly prior to making this statement in John 2:19 above, Jesus’ response to the religious leaders of Israel, who asked him for a sign, was cleansing the Temple from the corruption involved in the illicit sales of inferior quality sacrificial goods in the Temple’s courts. This cleansing of the Temple would have been necessary in the proper preparation and sanctification for the upcoming Passover feast. God’s providence never ceases to amaze us as we realize the perfect timing and orchestration of the heavenly bodies in this celestial showcase of signs surrounding the birth of Christ. Even more engaging is the Magi’s involvement, a group of Gentile astronomers, who alone identified and acted with believing on their discernment of these celestial announcements of Jesus’ birth. The history of the Magi both before and after the death of Zoroaster, marks two distinct groups or Magian sects, the first group more popularized, following the idolatrous teachings of Astrology, and "magic," rooted in Sun worship. The other group became acquainted with the updated teachings of the coming King of the Judeans under the tutelage of the prophet Daniel [Daniel 5:11], during the Babylonian captivity. Daniel built on the rich traditions of Zoroastrianism, setting the standard for revealing the spiritual significance of celestial phenomena according to the principles of the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs. As Wierwille states:
"The truth regarding "his star" became accessible knowledge to the when the Persians took over the Babylonian Empire {Daniel 5:31}. As recorded in Daniel 6, at the time of the take-over, Daniel retained the high position he had held under Babylonian rule… MagiAccording to Daniel 6:3, Daniel was again set over the Magi, and therefore could fully instruct them in the accurate knowledge of Biblical prophecy written in the stars. Thus, the Judeans in the courts of Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian, and Darius the Persian passed their knowledge of the spiritual significance of the Constellations to the Magi who preserved it and hence were aware of the promise of the birth of the Judean King." 3
As Gentile astronomers in recognition of the promised seed, the were some of the first non-Judeans to realize the coming glory of the Son of God, as Isaiah 60:3 indicates: And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising., . Their realization also foreshadowed the mystery of the body of the Church of Grace revealed in Ephesians 3:6 where; the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel. This was indicated by Jesus’ reference in John 2:19, and here by the Magi who sought out the promised seed in Bethlehem to pay respect to, or worship, the young King of the Judeans, who was the true Temple. God working with these Gentiles here, also speaks to the deep corruption of the Judean religious leaders in Jerusalem, seen also with their confrontation by both Jesus and John the Baptist. In a footnote of this same reference V.P. Wierwille states:Magi
"Since there was no prohibition of work for the Judeans, or a holy convocation, the Magi, though being Gentiles, were able to secure all the aid they required from the Judeans to find the child. The first day of the feast was on Kislev 25 of the Hebrew calendar, and continued for eight days. In the year 2 B.C., this was from December 22 to 29." 4[emphasis mine]
Matthew 2:9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.
Wierwille goes on to say that: "According to astronomical calculations, Jupiter was not visible crossing the Meridian, the "high point" over Bethlehem from September through November of 2 BC …However by December 4 of 2 BC, Jupiter became visible at the Meridian shortly before dawn…the eclipse that shortly preceded Herod’s death occurred on January 9, 1 BC. Thus it was sometime during this five week period from December 4th to January 9th that the journeyed from Jerusalem to Bethlehem and saw the star ofMagi Matt. 2:9."5 [emphasis mine]
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Wierwille also points out in reference to "came and stood over" that:
"Astronomically, stars and planets are similar to the sun in that they rise in the east and set in the west. Furthermore, a star or planet is like the sun in that it will reach a high point in the sky in relation to the observer. At this point it is on the Meridian (longitude) of the observer. During the day, the sun reaches this point at noon. Consider the stars and planets in their nightly courses. They rise in the east. At some time during the night each will reach its highest point in relation to the observer, the Meridian. If this occurs in the southern sky as one is travelling south, as with the travelling from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the star would appear to come and stand over one’s destination.Magi"6
We should recall at this juncture Jupiter’s annual activities including its retrograde motion, which began according to Martin, on December 25 in 2 BC Martin states: "Jupiter arrived at its ordinary time for retrogression and it became stationary among the stars. But this time something unusual happened. In 2 BC as viewed from Jerusalem, Jupiter came to its normal stationary position directly over Bethlehem on December 25th…not only that, the planet assumed its stationary position while in the middle of the Constellation of Virgo, the Virgin." 7
Thus, according to Martin, the same astronomical phenomena that initiated Jupiter’s three Conjunctions with Regulus, its annual retrogression, or retrograde motion would have caused Jupiter to stand still in the heavens for about six days near the intersection of the ecliptic and the Meridian mid-body in Virgo. This occurred in week of the celebration of the Feast of Dedication in December of 2 BC. Also recall the relationship between the cycles of the Sun and Jupiter, and that it was the Sun, mid-bodied in Virgo for the twenty-day period, from August 27th to September 15th, marking the birth of the promised seed.
Martin goes on to say that: "on December 25th, 2 BC at the ordinary time for the Magi’s pre-dawn observations, Jupiter would have been seen in Meridian position (directly over Bethlehem) at an elevation of 68 degrees above the southern horizon. This precise position would show the planet shining directly down on Bethlehem while it was stationary among the stars." 8
These were important celestial indicators for the Magi, who would have seen the spiritual significance of "his star"—Jupiter, "clothing" Virgo during the month of December in 2 BC, directly over Bethlehem, indicating the birthplace of the King of Kings, who would inherit David’s throne. In this light, we can understand Balaam’s great prophecy in Numbers 24, as a reference to this. Num. 24:17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh, there shall come a star out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and he shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.
"Star out of Jacob and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel"- Star = H3556 (kowkab) figuratively an illustrious Prince who is the star to rise out of Jacob, holding the scepter as ruler over Israel. We should take notice of the figure of speech polysyndetyn utilized in this verse regarding the "many ands" which emphasize each aspect of the verse appearing between the ands. This "star" was associated with the sceptre rising out of Israel, is a celestial reference to the sign of Leo the Lion with specific implications for it’s brightest luminary, Regulus the king star, the brightest star on the ecliptic also known as the "heart of the Lion." The King's sceptre is the symbol of his power over the heathens and those who oppose his purposes, by which he will rule over them with an unbending authority or "rod of iron," [Ps. 2, Rev. 19:15]. Regulus was known by the ancients as the only king star which is linked with this scepter. This fulfills Jacob’s prophesy, that one holding this scepter would arise out of Judah according to Genesis 49. Secondly, the regal authority of this star is established in the king planet-Jupiter, whose authority as we have just seen, was symbolized by Leo the Lion, of the tribe of Judah that provided the regal stock from which the kingly line of Israel arose, first in King David, and ultimately in Jesus Christ from the "root of David" [Rev. 5:5]. The triple planetary Conjunction of the king planet Jupiter, with the king star Regulus in Leo from 3-2 BC, thus aligns specifically with the prophecy of Genesis 49:8-10, which shows the maturation of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Balaam’s revelation here in Numbers 24:17 provides the Scriptural basis for the connection between the "star of Jacob" [Jupiter] and the "Sceptre," to the advent of Christ the King, who came forth out of Jacob’s genealogical line. Secondly, there is a celestial double meaning in the phrase: Star out of Jacob, with connotations for both the general and specific aspects of our Celestial Prelude. The complete details of the correlation between the triple Conjunction of Jupiter and Regulus in 3-2 BC and the record in Gen. 49, is available through our bookstore on the DVD "The Biblical of the Birth of Christ.Astronomy" This unique teaching provides the in-depth instruction on the celestial pagentry of the birth of Christ, along with the history of the Magi and numerous related Biblical Astronomy topics which space does not allow on the website.
As we have shown, the ecliptic is structured so that each of the 12 primary signs of the zodiac of 30 degrees has three decans associated with them, of 10 degrees each. The first decan of Virgo was called Coma, which is depicted in the Dendera zodiac as a seated mother nourishing her infant son. Coma is the Hebrew name of this Constellation which means "the desired." The Egyptian name for this decan of Virgo was Shes-nu the desired son, [Hagg. 2:7]. It was in the head of this child, the desired of the nations, as Haggai prophesied him to be, that a supernova appeared over 100 years prior to the birth of Christ. E.W. Bullinger refers below, to the popular belief regarding this general sign that was prevalent in and before the first century BC:
"a traditional prophecy well known in the East, carefully preserved and handed down, that a new star would appear in this sign [Coma] when he whom it foretold, would be born." 9
This tradition is was based on Balaam’s declaration in Numbers 24, meaning that Balaam’s prophecy holds additional import. First, The new star, or supernova in the head of the infant in Coma, visible for a total of over 250 years, was the general sign that prepared the Magi to be on watch for specific aspects of the second part of the Celestial Prelude, involving the series of celestial signs from 7-5 BC. These signs surrounding the triple planetary Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in 7-6 BC would set the stage for the Magi's recognition of the triple planetary union of Jupiter-Regulus from 3-2 BC, that would mark the long prophesied birth of the promised seed. Here we see the third aspect of Balaam’s prophecy in relation to the scepter, symbolic of the reign of the king planet Jupiter. As we have seen in our study, Jupiter is the planet that the Magi referred to as "his Star" in Matt. 2:2.
"there shall come a star out of Jacob"- In Numbers 24:17, when "Jacob" is referred to, it refers not only to the seed of Jacob, but also the land promised to him, in his covenant with God. Bullinger states in reference to this star in Numbers 24:17 that the word "come" is, come forth (as in the Revised Version). He translates " there shall come a Star out of Jacob," as: "There shall come forth a star at or over the inheritance or possessions of Jacob," thus indicating the locality which would be on the Meridian of this star."10 [emphasis mine]
This "Star out of Jacob" would not only be unique due to its Messianic symbolism, of the Promised Seed, but also because of the terrestrial link of his birthplace-Bethlehem of Judea, in the Promised Land of Jacob’s inheritance. This holy land, especially the town of Bethlehem, was specifically marked out by his star-Jupiter, as God guided the Magi to the birthplace of both David and Christ. Rolleston has an notable remark regarding this:
"The forewarned that the star must appear over Jacob, over his inheritance, would see that star in Coma passing over the center of that inheritance: but as it would also appear to pass vertically over every part of it that was nearly in the Latitude of Jerusalem, they could not at once fix on the spot of the Messiah’s birth, therefore they went to inquire; the Latitude, as it were, being given by the star, the longitude by the prophecy." Magi11
Rolleston’s quote reveals that she also fell victim to the confusion between the general and specific signs of the Celestial Prelude. It was not the new star in Coma that led the Magi to Bethlehem, which had been shining brightly for over 100 years, but the Scepter-Jupiter in Virgo stationary due to its retrograde motion during the winter Solstice that stood over Bethlehem, the inheritance of Jacob, that inspired the great joy of the Magi. It was the dual triple Conjunctions of Jupiter that identified the king planet as "His Star," and this was the same star that got them started on their caravan which led them to Jerusalem in August of 3 BC. Since Coma is the "L"-shaped decan of Virgo, pictured below, adjacent to it in the heavens, the Magi saw both the supernova in Coma, AND Jupiter in Virgo, simultaneously aligned on the Meridian in the same part of the skies over Bethlehem. We have depicted this graphically in the banner for this section of our web-site.
Here we see the witness of the stars, and the Scriptures, working together to bring the Magi to the toddler Jesus, because their alert observation of "his star" brought them to Jerusalem and the scribes declaration from Micah 5:2, when Herod questioned them, sent the Magi south towards Bethlehem. Tracking again the historical references to the Coma supernova, Ignatius, one of the Church Fathers and the Bishop of Antioch, in about 69 AD, records that: "At the appearance of the Lord a star shone forth brighter than all other stars." If we are careful not to confuse this reference with the planet Jupiter, we can deduce that this supernova was still visible to Ignatius over 200 years after it first appeared, thus marking the general timeframe of Jesus’ birth. Seiss has some viable historical references which narrow down the period wherein this was visible: supernova
Martin’s assertion that Jupiter began its retrograde motion on December 25th, 2 BC, agrees with the parameters set by V.P. Wierwille regarding the beginning of the Feast of Dedication, that year which was from December 22 to 29. Wierwille, also points out that; As the Magi left Jerusalem, they saw Jupiter on its nightly course. Looking south they saw it high in the sky, nearing its apex on the Meridian of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Thus, the king planet-Jupiter was clothing Virgo, as the Sun did during the birth of the promised seed, mirroring the movement of the light of the world, while clearly marking the birthplace of the King of the Jews for the Magi. |
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Message 32 de 99 de ce thème |
" Hipparchus about one hundred twenty-five years before Christ, observed it [the Coma supernova] as a new star, and was led by it to draw up his catalogue of stars. Ptolemy, about one hundred and fifty years after Christ, refers to it as having been observed by Hipparchus, but as having become so faint as hardly to be any longer distinguishable." 12
A point of interest here regarding Hipparchus is that he is generally credited with the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes by modern science in about 134 BC. He reportedly came upon this discovery while studying the star Spica, on a celestial map produced by his predecessor, Timocharis. He noticed that Spica was about 2 degrees away from it’s location on the star map, and decided that it was moving an average of 1 degree every 75 years; [close to the actual 72 years]. This is a key to remember in our study of Dendera’s zodiac related to Spica, and this general sign detailed in other sections of our website. Rolleston also records the appearance of this bright new star in 125 BC, so bright that it was visible during the day.
The Magi would have witnessed both this star shining brightly in Coma, in the head of the young desired son, seen as alreadly standing on his mother's lap, not as an infant in a manger! Just below Coma in Virgo, Jupiter was in retrograde motion standing still on the Meridian , on December 25th during their early morning observations around 4:25am in 2 BC, Jupiter was standing high over-head, directly above Bethlehem, as the Magi approached from Jerusalem, the general sign in harmony with the specific. This gives another reason why the Magi were the only group to recognize the specific celestial signs of the Messiah’s birth, because the general sign was a fixture in Coma from about 128 BC to 150 AD, marking the general period the Promised Seed would appear. The typical person wouldn’t have noticed anything out of the ordinary in the heavens, because it would not stand out unless coupled with the knowledge of the specific signs, regarding Jupiter, which brought the Magi to Israel in the first place. This is another reason why the Magi were so over joyed when they saw "his star" over Bethlehem. Also of interest, is the truth that the Gentile arrived during Hannukah-the festival of lights, which is also recognized as the second Feast of Tabernacles in Israel, allowed for those who missed the first one in September. It is fitting that the initial Gentile recognition and response to the light of the world should take place during this appropriate time, indicating God's Grace to mankind. The timing of the winter Solstice is also significant here because the Gentile Magi appeared at the time of the expected birth of the heathen sun-god, but honored the true Son of God instead, marking a much needed transition from the world's idol practices, to the true veneration of the Promised Seed-Jesus Christ. This understanding of the distinction between the general and specific signs surrounding the birth of Christ should clear up the majority of the confusion and controversy related to this topic of study, if the Bible is recognized as the standard of truth, supported by history and the accuracy of the Biblical Astronomy as it has been detailed here.
With both Mars and Venus in Ophiuchus, during this sign in December of 2 BC, we can see the archangel Mars-Michael, standing to protect the ascendant morning star-the infant Jesus Christ, during this time when the enemy was on the attack. A noteworthy point here is Jupiter standing still in the heavens for about six days during the Hanukkah celebration, near the intersection of the ecliptic and the Meridian in Virgo. This emphasizes the path of Jupiter intersecting the ecliptic; the path of the Sun, and points out the celestial relationship between Jupiter and the Sun, not to mention their kindred symbolism.Magi
Martin states that:
… while Jupiter was in its "standing still" position over Bethlehem, the Sun was also "standing still." All know that December 25th is in the usual period of the Winter Solstice. The word Solstice means "Sun stands still." These stationary coincidences of Jupiter and the Sun are quite related, and would have appeared significant… 13
Malachi 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
The word "arise" in verse 2, is not only used of the Sun and light in general, but it and two of it's derivatives occur in Isaiah 60:1-3, Jer. 23:5. As we have seen in regards to Jer. 23:5, the planet Jupiter, the sedeq planet is associated with the Messiah, Jesus Christ the righteous zemach-branch, and is one of five primary Old Testament prophecies pertaining to this Branch, as the coming promised seed. However, with these stationary coincidences of Jupiter and the Sun, we have an additional Messianic-solar association. The reference of "arise" above, is very interesting when considered not only from the aspect of Jupiter standing still, in Virgo, but also referring to the setting time of the star Spica in Virgo, which bears the ancient Hebrew star name "Al Zemach." Thus it serves as a singular celestial marker of the moment of Christ’s birth, which followed on the heels of Sunset in Virgo, during the first moments of Tishri 1, in 3 BC! Virgo provided the context for both Jupiter standing still on the Meridian as a reference to Bethlehem, the birth-place of Jesus Christ, and the star-set of Spica in reference to the birth-time of Jesus Christ, at the beginning of New Year’s day, Tishri 1, of the calendar of Israel.
We have already considered the relationship between the Sun and the planet Jupiter apparent above, in light of the celestial kinship between these two heavenly bodies. The Messianic-solar relationship is seen not only in Malachi 4:2 above, but also in Revelation 21, where Jesus Christ appears as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Rev 21:22-23 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. [23] And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.
As the manifested glory of God on the level of the senses, Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God, the light of the world, will illuminate the city of righteousness, the New Jerusalem with his unified four dimensional ministry as the capstone and cheif corner stone of the body of Christ. There will be no need of a Temple at that time, because even as the Magi were coming to pay respect to, or worship, the young King of the Judeans, in 2 BC, so will all the inhabitants of the earth in that day, for every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to him, who is the head of the Church, the true Temple.
Mercury and the Moon were located in Sagittarius during this sign, indicating Gabriel’s publishing of the king that was honored and gifted by the Magi. These gifts financed the trip to Egypt that the angel of the Lord instructed Joseph to take. This record is found in Matthew.
Matt. 2:11-15 11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. 12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. 13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. 14 When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: 15 And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.
Sagittarius indicates both the conflict and victory of the Son of God, over all the devices of the adversary. Despite these evil devices, Saturn remained in Taurus, in many of these signs, including this one, under the unfailing righteous judgement of God, and His agents of Light. The Moon was also in Sagittarius for the second time during these signs, occulting the star Nunki-symbolizing the Prince of Peace. During this early Gentile recognition of the King of Kings by the Magi, we see the first evidence of what the Apostle Paul would later write in the Book of Ephesians.
Ephesians 2:11-22
11 Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; 12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: 13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. 14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 16 And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: 17 And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. 18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. 19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: 22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit
The long awaited and prophesied King had finally arrived, who would make peace between the Judeans and the Gentiles, the prince of peace and the true temple in the Lord.
In summary, Martin’s contention that the annual retrograde motion of Jupiter, which caused "his star" to stand still beginning on December 25th 2 BC, would explain much of the confusion traditionally associated with this date as the birth of Christ. Martin states that; This may have been the time when the presented their gifts to Jesus. This could be a reason why people in the later Christian Church said that December 25th was a day associated with the giving their gifts to the newborn Jesus. MagiMagiAs more people awake to these truths, we no longer need to remain bound in the dark shackles of tradition regarding the birth of Christ.
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Message 33 de 99 de ce thème |
También de interés, la verdad es que los gentiles Magos llegaron durante Hannukah-la fiesta de las luces, que también es reconocida como la segunda fiesta de los Tabernáculos en Israel, permitido para aquellos que se perdieron el primero de septiembre. It is fitting that the initial Gentile recognition and response to the light of the world should take place during this appropriate time, indicating God's Grace to mankind. Es muy conveniente que el reconocimiento inicial de los gentiles y la respuesta a la luz del mundo debería tener lugar durante este tiempo apropiado, lo que indica la Gracia de Dios a la humanidad. The timing of the winter Solstice is also significant here because the Gentile Magi appeared at the time of the expected birth of the heathen sun-god, but honored the true Son of God instead, marking a much needed transition from the world's idol practices, to the true veneration of the Promised Seed-Jesus Christ. El momento en que el invierno Solsticio también es importante aquí, porque los gentiles Magos apareció en el momento del nacimiento se espera de los paganos dios-sol, pero honrado el verdadero Hijo de Dios, en vez, marcando una transición muy necesaria de las prácticas de ídolo en el mundo, a la verdadera veneración de la prometida de la semilla de Jesús Cristo. http://try-god.com/view_page.asp?id=126 |
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Chanukah and the Conception of Yahshua (Jesus)
Yahshua HaMaschiach (Jesus the Messiah) of the House of David
New King James Version
By Robert D. Mock MD
Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights - December, 2000
Reedited - Hanukkah, December 20, 2003,
Picture Edited – Chanukah, December 25 eve, 2005
Part One
The Festival of Lights
The Conception, Birth and Circumcision Dates for John and Jesus
Simhat Torah – Circumcision of the ‘Living Torah’ at the Temple.
The Meaning of Christmas
The Festival of Lights
Chanukah during the Holocaust by Toby Knobel
The air is damp and foggy. The atmosphere feels surreal and mystic as I drive down a tree-lined lane. ‘Silent Night, Holy Night’ floats across the dashboard of my Camero, jolting my memory; this is the season celebrating the birth of the Christ child. My memory immediately revisits the grand Parisian art museum, the Louve in Paris, and the scenes there of the Madonna and the Christ child which are so indelibly imprinting in the Christian consciousness.
There the 13th century masters painted Mary in velvets of blue, green and scarlet, with the naked Christ child nestled against her bosom, set against a backdrop of Italian Renaissance architecture and Venetian cultured landscape. Though beautiful, is this the most accurate picture of the birth of the Christ child that we have, cloaked in medieval iconoclastic style? Do we even have a mental grasp of who Yahshua ben Joseph was, what his culture was like, and who sis family was? The Almighty had a time, place and purpose for His Chosen Son. Does our religious imagery reflect the life he really lived? Our understanding of Jesus begins with his early life, so I ask you to join me in taking another look at the birth of Jesus.
The story of the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke begins in the Temple of God, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Here, the Herodian genius and ambition combined to construct the largest and most monumental structure in the entire Roman Empire and bring glory and honor to Jerusalem, God’s (Hashem’s) Holy City and the Temple of the Lord.
Zacharias, meets Gabriel in the Temple
The Angel Gabriel Appearing to Zacharias, ca.1799–1800 William Blake (British, 1757–1827) –Metropolitan Museum
Standing before the altar of incense of the Lord during the week prior to Pentecost (Shavuot), sometime between 7 B.C.E and 5 B.C.E, was Zacharias, a Levite in the priestly lineage of Abijah. This was his spring, weekly tour of duty in the Temple, the seventh course (week), along with all the other members of the family of Abijah. No, it was not the seventh week since the beginning of the Levitical New Year, on Nisan 1 in the spring of the year. All Levites were required to serve in the Temple during the spring and fall Festivals of Passover (Pesach), Pentecost (Shavuot) and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth), in order to minister to immense crowds which came to Jerusalem as required by the Torah for all living male Israelites above the age of bar mitzvah. The eight day festival of Passover (Pesach) occurred in the third week, so now, seventh week course of Abijah, actually was the eighth week after Spring New Years.
Lots were cast, and Zacharias’ duty for the week was to sprinkle incense on the golden altar before the Temple of God. Below him, the Temple crowds were assembled in adoration and prayer before Adonai, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Yes, these crowds were getting larger as early arrivals to the upcoming Spring Festival of Pentecost (Shavuot), the following week on the sixth day of Sivan, were beginning to assemble. During the Pentecost celebration, the theme of the festival was focused on the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.
Suddenly, Zacharias, now a Levite priest of many years, met face to face with the awesome glory reflected by an other-dimensional being recognized as the Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel, the signet Archangel for Israel, was instructed to bring direct messages from the Almighty, sitting on His celestial throne envisioned by the mystic sages as the sixth heaven called Makon.
Whereas the Apostle Paul claimed he visited the third heaven in an out-of-body experience, according to the Torah sages, Gabriel resided in the second heavenly hall of Rakiyah also called the ‘firmament’. Here in the second heaven was where tzaddiks, when in a state of spiritual purity were able to conversed and commune with the angels. It was here the ‘signs of heaven’ were revealed to the prophets. It was to this second heaven, divine messages were sent by the Almighty God (Hashem). The prophet would be brought up in ‘vision’ to meet God’s emissary. Here Elijah, Daniel and John the Revelator were taken in vision as they were revealed the ‘hidden messages’ of the Lord.
Zacharias was informed that his barren wife, Elizabeth (Elisheva), also of the Tribe of Levi, was to be blessed and have a son. He was stunned, incredulous and now speechless. The curse of being barren would be over; not only that, this son would be specially chosen as a messenger of God, and given the ‘mantle’ of Elijah (Elias), the great Prophet of Israel. It would only be safe to presume that Zacharias wanted to rush to his home to be with Elizabeth. Did he not have a ‘holy mission’ to accomplish?
Unable to speak, Zacharias not only had to fulfill his priestly duties the remainder of the week, but he still had to remain on Temple for another two days, until the Feast of Pentecost (Shavuot) on Sivan 6 and 7, was completed. So, what was the first day that John the Baptist (Johannan ben Zacharias) could have been conceived? The first potential date would have been the 8th day of Sivan, the date most equivalent to the end of May. There is no doubt those arthritic knees of Zacharias made great haste to his home. According to the Holy Writ, “soon after” (Luke 1:24), the sperm and egg were united and the cellular division of the ovum marked the conception of life of that mighty messenger of God who was to prepare the ‘way of the Lord’. From his birth (womb), he was “filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:15) and his duty was to bring back many Israelites to the Lord their God…., to reconcile father and child, to convert the rebellious to the ways of the righteous, to prepare a people that shall be fit for the Lord.” (Luke 1:16-18)
During the first and second trimester, Elizabeth (Elisheva) lived in seclusion. For five months, she told no one, not even her family. Yet the sixth month after the conception of John the Baptist, near the end of October, Gabriel once again delivered a message from the celestial Throne of God in the sixth heaven. Once again, Gabriel penetrated the inter-dimensional veil of the first heaven called Vilon, this time bringing Mary, a young maiden about fourteen years of age, into the visionary world of pure spirit.
Miriam meets Gabriel in Nazareth
Mary (Miriam), a young maiden living in Galilee in the town of Nazareth, was betrothed to an older man, Joseph, a resident of the town of Bethlehem, from the tribe of Judah. Mary (Miriam) was a relative of Elizabeth (Elisheva); therefore she was at least of one lineage of the tribe of Levi. The Lucian lineage of Jesus through his grandfather, Heli, was a Davidian lineage so Miriam’s relation with Elizabeth was through her maternal lineage.
The Arch-angel Gabriel appears to Miriam
Gabriel, now speaking to Mary (Miriam), in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s conception, would place the date of this visit in the month of December. Let us look at the evidence: the month of Sivan would have been the middle of May to the middle to the end of June. Then we have Tamuz (1st month), Av (2nd month), Elul (3rd month), Tishri (4th month), Cheshvan (5th month), and so Kislev 8 (6th month) of this visit would be in the in the middle of December.
Yet it is important to note that Mary (Miriam) was not pregnant at the time of Gabriel’s visit, for it was stated by the Archangel,
Luke 1:30 - “Do not be afraid, Mary, for God has been gracious to you; you shall conceive and bear a son, and you shall give him the name Jesus.”
This prophecy given to Miriam by the angel Gabriel was before Yahshua was conceived was later confirmed at the eighth day of Jesus’ birth when He was circumcised in the Temple, and His father Joseph’s gave Him His name.
Luke 2:21 - “He was given the name Yahshua, the name given by the angel before he was conceived.
It is this name, Yahshua, given in Aramaic, which is linguistically similar to Hebrew that Jesus was given by the archangel Gabriel. It will be name, Yahshua, that we will call Jesus the rest of this manuscript.
Then the Archangel said to Miriam,
Luke 1:28-35 - “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son, and shall call his name Yahshua. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and God (Hashem) will give him the throne of his father David. And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end. And the angel answered and said to her, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.”
To confirm this message, Gabriel said,
Luke 1:36-37 - “Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. “For with God nothing will be impossible.”
When the Fullness of Time has Come
If the time for the first conceivable date for the conception of John was truly the 8th of Sivan, and the archangel Gabriel came to Miriam on the 6th month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, the 8th of Kislev, then given a latitude of about two weeks from this date for the moment in time when the “Power of the Highest” would “overshadow” Miriam, then the most appropriate time and the most appropriate Jewish celebration festival for this miraculous conception of Miriam would have been the second day of Hanukkah, the 25th of Kislev (the month of December), which is celebrated as the “miracle of Light”.
Antiochus Epiphanes IV and the Desecration of the Temple
On the 24th of Kislev, 167 B.C., the menorah was lit in the newly cleansed Temple of God. The was one of the great moments in Jewish history for the forces of Antiochus Epiphanes IV of Syria had been driven from the land of Judea. It all began when the Hellenistic ruler used his imperial rule to force the inhabitants of his kingdom to convert to Hellenism, known as the Greek Metrology. Many Jews found this to be a very civilized way of life. Yet the Torah observers and especially the Torah observing priests in the temple of Zerubabbel in Jerusalem refused to observe the Greek customs and to incorporate Hellenistic ways of worship. When the Torah observing Jews refused to quit worshipping on the Sabbath (Saturday), practicing circumcision and observing the kosher laws of clean meats, they were threatened with death, the temple was desecrated, and the vessels, the altar, the menorah were defiled by sacrificing a pig on the altar of the Lord. Then the worship to the Greek god Zeus was instituted. This was the Abomination of Desolation.
The rumor in the land was that a revolt was in the making and immediately Antiochus ordered his troops to the town of Modi’in, the home of the priest Mattathias and his five sons. There the family of Mattathias revolted, Mattathias was killed and under the leadership of Judah, nicknamed “Maccabee” or ‘The Hammer’, they killed the Syrian soldiers and a full scale guerrilla revolt began that eventually led to the expulsion of all the forces of Antiochus Epiphanes IV from the land of Judea.
The temple was cleaned up, repaired and re-cleansed according to the commands of God given to Moses (Moshe). The golden menorah was ransacked from the temple and a new menorah had to be built from inferior metals, yet with great love and care, the temple was ready for its dedication. Yet there was a crisis. When the menorah in the temple was lit on that day of Dedication, only one day of the sacred lighting oil was available in the City of David, Jerusalem and it would take another eight days to prepare new oil. Even so, to celebrate the victory of their independence, they chose instead to light the menorah and let God provide the rest. By a miracle of the Divine, the menorah remained lit for eight days, burning only on one days worth of oil.
Therefore, the miracle of light occurred on the ‘second’ day or the 25th day of Kislev, as there was one days worth of oil, but none for the second day and beyond. The Feast of Dedication was celebrated throughout the land and Hanukkah entered the festival cycle of the Jews.
25th of Kislev – The Conception of Yahshua (Jesus)
On the 25th day of Kislev, Elizabeth (Elisheva) would have entered her sixth month, third trimester, of pregnancy, from day 164th to the 172nd day after conception. If the sacred texts could be redacted on the meaning of the “Miracle of Light”, then on the 2nd day of Hanukkah, Miriam was overshadowed by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and Yahshua (Jesus), the ‘Light of the World’ was conceived. So on this Christmas celebration, that miraculous event, was not the birth of Jesus, but the “Mystery of God” and the Incarnation was the infusion of the world of the Divine by the Holy Spirit upon the ovum of Mary. This was a Mystery which is not comprehensible even today by modern genetic or gynecological scientists.
Nativity - School of Stephan Lochner (ca. 1410-1451) - Munich, Bavarian state collection
So when was Jesus born if it was not on Christmas morning? First, let us return to the developing fetus of Johannan ben Zacharias (John the Baptist) who, in utero, was awaiting his birth. Fifteen and one half weeks after Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, Johannan ben Zacharias, the Baptist, was born on the first day of Passover, on the 273rd to the 280th day of pregnancy, a ‘full-term’ for a woman of advanced years. As such, Johannan (John) would have been circumcised on the 8th day of Passover. As John the Baptist carried the mantle of Elijah in the 1st century, even to this day, the Orthodox Jews will set a place for Eliyahu (Elijah) during the Passover Seder meal.
Exactly six months after Passover (Nisan 15), the first day of Sukkoth, the Feast of the Tabernacles, began. For a young female with a first gestational pregnancy (primipara), Miriam, if she conceived on the 24th day of Kislev, the first day of Hanukkah, then on the 25th day of Kislev, the second day of Hanukkah, cellular division of the ovum began and the “Miracle of Light” occurred. Two hundred eighty five days later, (285 days), on Tishri 15, the first day of Sukkoth, the Feast of the Tabernacles, the infant, Yahshua (Jesus), was born on this earth.
So here is the revelation given for over 3500 years in the Hebrew traditions of the Festivals. Culmination in the ‘progressive revelation’ of God (Hashem), we can now understand the addition of Hanukkah to the Festivals of the Lord. Even to the Jews, the remnant of the chosen ones of God, divine revelation continued to be witnessed. This idea was not canonized in the TaNaKh, but the Jews did believe and relived it yearly in their festivals of the Lord.
The Conception, Birth and Circumcision Dates for John and Jesus
Gabriel meets Zacharias in Vision Week Prior to Pentecost, 27 Iyar – 5 Sivan
Conception of Johannan (John the Baptist) Week after Pentecost, 8-15 Sivan
Conception of Yahshua (Jesus) Hanukkah, second day – 25 Kislev (December)
Birth of Johannan (John the Baptist) Passover, first day, 15 Nisan.
Circumcision of Johannan (John the Baptist) Passover, eighth day, 22 Nisan
The Birth of Yahshua (Jesus) Feast of Tabernacles, first day, 15 Tishri
Circumcision of Yahshua (Jesus) Simhat Torah, eighth day - 22 Tishri
http://www.biblesearchers.com/hebrews/festivals/hanukkah.shtml |
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The Birth of Jesus
With this historical picture in mind, we no longer have to think of shepherds herding sheep on the hillsides of Judea during the winter sleet and ice storms, and throngs of people traveling across the land to the place of their birth to be counted on a national census (and taxation) during the mid winter snowfall. We now can imagine throngs of people; in fact the province of Judea was on foot, for all the men of the land were required to go to the House of the Lord, the temple of God in Jerusalem to celebrate Sukkoth.
The Birth of Yahshua in the Basilica of Fourviere
This was called the season of our rejoicing (zeman simhateinu). The harvest was now completed, the days of repentance during the Days of Awe, leading up to the Great Day of the Lord, Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement, was over. The people in the land could now have a sense of security and fulfillment. They were at peace with themselves, their neighbors, and their God.
Here within the throngs, Joseph and the very pregnant, Mary (Miriam), were traveling. No doubt they were singing, praising and enjoying the fellowship with all their friends and fellow pilgrims. That is, as well as you could enjoy it when the first signs of contractions began, suggesting that the birth of a child was near. The fellow travelers were probably also excited, and the mothers and grandmothers were giving the best of their maternal advice to the new arrival to the world of motherhood. Mariam was but a young teenager about fourteen years of age. All the soothing words of comfort could not overcome the fears of impending motherhood. Will I be a good mother? Can I tolerate the pains of childbirth? How am I going to handle raising a child, destined to be a messiah, a tzaddik (righteous man), the Son of God? She no doubt wanted to shout to all who would hear; Don’t you know, I am giving birth to One who is to be destined the King of kings and Lord of lords? Yet she pondered these things and kept them in her heart.
The Festival of Sukkoth
Sukkoth was simply called, ha-had, or ‘the Festival’ (1 Kings 12:32). The land was in a festive mood and pilgrims traveled in caravans, singing and dancing to the rhythmic lyrics of praise to Adonai, their Lord and Savior.
Rabbi Lazer Brody in his Succa binding his Lulav
What is of interest is that the Feast of Tabernacles, and specifically Simhat Torah, the last or eighth day of the festival, was the one feast and the one week which commemorated the Shekinah (Sh’chinah), the Glory of God, as ‘tabernacling among men’ and the last day of the feast was when the Torah itself would ‘come to life’. The Torah was to come in the flesh. The Torah was to dwell among men. Truly, Yahshua was the “Torah in the Flesh.”
The colorful Temple ceremonies and rites at the festival were designed for an uplifting festive spirit with the large number of sacrifices, the great clouds of incense giving fragrance to the air and the choruses of priests singing and chanting. All the human senses were stimulated with the ceremonies and pageantry. The changes of season with cool daytime breezes and crisp evenings invigorated the body. Living a life of Torah to the observant Hebrew was a celebration.
Within all festive celebrations, loneliness was be more penetrating, especially to Miriam who could not afford to be transparent about what is really happening to her. Security in the lands was in highest alert and Roman soldiers lined the Roman roads, to some a symbol of safety and security and to others a symbol of oppression and the yoke of servitude. To be a child born in the lineage of David was a dangerous thing to be. Those in the lineage of David were recognized as a threat to the Roman government and to Herod, the king in the land, who was known for his ruthless and merciless suppression of any potential aspirant to the throne of Judea. Shouting King of the Jews would be like shouting out ‘bomb’ in a modern American airport. It would give you attention you could do without.
This Festival, called the Festival of Booths or Festival of Tabernacles. It was the third of three fall festivals in the month of Tishri in the months of September or October. Many refer to these three festivals, Rosh Ha Shannah (Festival of Seventh Trumpet), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and Sukkoth (Festival of Tabernacles) as the Second Advent.
On the other hand, the three spring festivals were called the First Advent; the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Passover sacrifice and Seder and the Festival of First Fruits, in the month of Abib or Nissan. When Yahshua (Jesus) was condemned in spite of his innocence, died as an outcast man and was buried and then arose from the dead as the “first fruits of the resurrection”, he fulfilled every literal typology of Passover. For seven days and seven nights, the Passover reminded the Hebrews of their ancestors, who for 40 years lived in the wilderness, in shelters no better than those constructed for their animals. In fact, the Hebrew word, ‘Sukkoth’ was used to describe ‘stables’ or lodging places for animals.
Genesis 33:17 - “And Jacob journeyed to Sukkoth, built himself a house, and made sukkoths (booths) for his livestock. Therefore the name of the place is called Sukkoth.”
Five miles from Jerusalem, in the city of Bethlehem, Joseph and Mary (Miriam) would seek shelter. For the Sukkoth season, the most important ritual was to live for eight days in a Sukkoth, a temporary structure, covered with tree branches. Being on the outskirts of Jerusalem, throngs of pilgrims, unable to find accommodations in the Holy City, moved to the suburbia. As such, the homes of the Bethlehem residents were available for hire for the pilgrims coming in for the festival. A room was sold a premium, for there always were more pilgrims than accommodations. Literally, there was “no room in the inn”.
We can use a little ‘divine imagination’ to suggest that with the progressive contractions, the pace of Joseph and Mary (Miriam) slowed down and they soon found themselves lagging behind the groups of traveling pilgrims and no longer were with their friends and associates.
Blowing the Shofar Blown on Sukkot by Gilabrand
To the inhabitants, the pilgrims represented monetary income with their rooms for hire, yet sometimes too much is too much, and pretty soon, they begin to feel, please go away. For most inhabitants of the village of Bethlehem, the festivities were to be celebrated in their own Sukkoth, where they talked, celebrated and fulfilling the final mitzvoth (commandment), to rejoice unto the Lord.
When Miriam and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, she might have been in full labor, but there was a problem. The town was full, not only full, but packed full. Where are you going to put another family, especially a woman in full labor, among throngs and crowds singing, talking and celebrating? The homes were full, the privately built Sukkoths were full, and where else but the real ‘sukkoths’, the dwelling places for the animals could they stay? Even so, in the canon, there is no reference to caves or barns, yet there is a reference to a manger, a feeding trough for the animals could have easily been brought to a Sukkoth and later transferred into a make-shift crib in a village home. And so it was stated by John;
John 1:14 - “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Here we see the birth of the messiah, and the time when ‘we beheld His glory’, who literally was tabernacling or dwelling among men within the booths of Sukkoth, yet resided in the sukkoths of the animals.
Shepherds watching over their Flocks by Night
This was the last few weeks before the harsh winters would set in, and the shepherds spent a lot of time allowing the sheep to fatten up before winter. The dreaded heat of summer was over, and the evenings were cool, crisp and pleasant.
Shepherd Visiting the Baby Yahshua in an Animal Succoth
A squalling infant, now wrapped in swaddling clothes for protection in the cool breezes of evening and the curious stares of the domestic animals is a scene familiar to all Christendom. Nearby, shepherds on a grassy sloped hillside suddenly found them serenaded by a chorus of supernatural choristers, singing,
Luke 2:8-10 - “Glory to God in the Highest and on earth, Peace, Good Will towards all men on whom his favor rests...”
Actually, this was not the first thing that happened, once again that inter-dimensional gateway into the world of the Divine opened and again there “stood before them an angel of the Lord, and the splendor of the Lord shone round them. They were terror-stricken…” (Luke 2:8-10) First there was Zacharias, then Miriam, afterwards Joseph, and now the shepherds. What was the message of the angelic messenger? “Fear not!” That is consoling.
Luke 2:10-12 - “I have good news for you: there is great joy coming to the whole people. Today in the city of David a deliverer has been born to you - the Messiah, the Lord. And this is your sign: you will find a baby lying wrapped in his swaddling clothes, in a manger.
Quickly, they headed to town, winding in and out among the multitude of Sukkoths, asking, have you seen a newborn child? Guess what? My guess is that there was only one birth in Bethlehem that evening. When they found Joseph and Miriam, “they recounted what they had been told about this child; and all who heard were astonished at what the shepherds said.” (Luke 2:17-18)
Simhat Torah – Circumcision of the ‘Living Torah’ at the Temple.
What is of interest is that the Feast of Tabernacles, and specifically Simhat Torah, the last day, or eighth day of the festival, was the one feast and the one week which commemorated the Shekinah (Sh'chinah), the Glory of God, as ‘tabernacling among men’ and the last day of the feast was when the Torah itself would ‘come to life’.
Simhat Torah at the Kotel (Wailing Wall) by artist Jacques Soussana
Simhat Torah, the 22nd of Tishri, in the Jewish festival year, commemorated the advent of the Torah, and literally means “the rejoicing of the Torah”. On this day, the Torah scroll would be taken from their sacred place by the rabbi and they would dance with the Torah around the synagogue and even into the streets as though the Torah was coming to life. There is even enacted a symbolic wedding, including a wedding procession, with the Torah and a chosen member of the congregation.
And so it was stated by John,
John 1:14 - “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth”.
Here we see the birth of the messiah, and the time when ‘we beheld His glory”, who literally was tabernacling among men within the booths of Sukkoth. Then on the eighth day, Simhat Torah, he became ‘alive’, recognized in Jewish life as a live birth, when he was circumcised, and his name was given to him, a name selected by his Heavenly Father.
As a male born child, Yahshua was circumcised at home because His mother, Miriam, was undergoing the forty days of ritual purification.
Leviticus 12:2-4 - If a woman has conceived and borne a male child, then she shall be unclean seven days; as in the days of her customary impurity she shall be unclean. And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. She shall then continue in the blood of her purification thirty-three days. She shall not touch any hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary until the days of her purification are fulfilled."
This would be the same messiah, who would later point his followers toward the Torah as a Torat Chayim (Living Torah). Jesus, as the true and fullest emanation of the Torah (The Word of God), now alive as a Torat Chayim (Living Torah), would truly be recognized as ‘divine’, that is literally meaning “of or from the vine” or as the “Agent of the True Vine, Hashem (God). These may be mystical concepts, but they are also profound thoughts on the nature of Jesus, the messiah.
So on that day, as foretold by the angel Gabriel, Joseph obeyed the command of the Lord and named His son a name that came from the Hebrew root word, Yasha, meaning ‘to save’.
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Message 37 de 99 de ce thème |
Matthew 1:21 – "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."
Here Joseph, the adopted father, named his son and thereby claimed him as his own.
Matthew 1:18 – "Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he (Joseph) called His name Yahshua."
While the family of Jesus was introducing their young son in the rites of circumcision, the pilgrims were completing the most awesome ritual of the festival season. They were celebrating in marching, dancing and singing the moment in time in which the Lord of hosts would come down in the flesh and dwell among them.
The memories of the ancient processional marching around the city of Jericho were still vivid in the Jewish consciousness. Once a day for six days they marched around the city of Jericho and then seven times on the seventh day, the Israelites walked around the ancient city of Jericho. With a blast of the shofars, the walls came tumbling down.
It was this type of processional marching called Hakkofot that was performed on Simhat Torah. On this day, all the Torah Scrolls were removed from each of their Arks in the synagogues and carried on the central platform and seven time the priests would march the scrolls around the temple altar. This was accompanied with dancing and acrobatic feats of ecstatic joy.
The Dedication of Jesus
The Dedication of the Babe Jesus
It was on the forty days after the birth of Yahshua, on the 4th day of Kislev, during the first week of December; this Torah observant Jewish family, Joseph and Miriam, brought Yahshua to be dedicated at the Temple Mount proper. As is written in the laws of Hashem (God of Israel)
Luke 1:21-25a - “Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to Hashem (God)”
No, they did not return from Nazareth, rather they were still residing in the city of David, called Bethlehem. This dedication of Yahshua came after his mother, Mary, had spent forty days in seclusion and returned to the temple for her rites of purification. Here the parents of Jesus were fulfilling in complete obedience to the Laws of Moses and the halachah (teachings and customs) of the Jews.
Leviticus 12:6 – "When the days of her purification are fulfilled, whether for a son or a daughter, she shall bring to the priest a lamb of the first year as a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtledove as a sin offering, to the door of the tabernacle of meeting."
Provisions were made for the poor and those unable to bring a lamb to the temple.
Leviticus 12:8 – "And if she is not able to bring a lamb, then she may bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons – one as a burnt offering and the other as a sin offering. So the priest shall make atonement for her, and she will be clean.'"
At the temple in Jerusalem there was a just and pious man whose name was Simeon, who was waiting for the Consolation of Israel.” (Luke 2:21-25a) Here we see prophetically the mission and purpose of the life of Jesus. The major theme of the Prophets looking for the Consolation of Israel was the calling for the reunification of the House of Israel (Northern Kingdom) with the House of Judah (Southern Kingdom).
So on the steps of the beautiful Temple of Herod, we see Simeon, holding the infant Jesus, and “the Holy Spirit was upon him as it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit, that he would not see death before he had seen Hashem’s (God’s) messiah. So Simeon came by the Spirit into the Temple. When the parents brought in the messiah, to do for him according to the custom of the Torah, he took him up into his arms and blessed God and said,
Luke 2:25b-32 - “Hashem, now you are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.”
There on the Temple Courtyard, the mission of Jesus was foretold. He was to be
(1) a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles and
(2) the glory of your people, Israel”
Simeon only paraphrased the words of Isaiah:
Isaiah 49:5-6 - “And now Hashem says, Who formed me from the womb to be His servant, to bring Jacob back to Him so that Israel is gathered to Him, for I shall be glorious in the eyes of Hashem, and my God shall be my strength, indeed He says, ‘It is too small a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the ‘natzri’ (preserved ones) of Israel; I will also give you as light to the Gentiles, that you should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.’”
The Three Magi
The Magi have always been a source of mystery to the events surrounding the birth of Jesus. Is it any wonder that the Wise Men are the focal point of drama in the modern day Christmas day plays? Everyone loves the glitter, color and pageantry the Magi bring to what would otherwise be a rather dull looking play.
The Three Magi and the Madonna with Child
Yet who were the Magi, the Wise Men, and the Astrologers, according to various Biblical translations? What we do know is that to the north and east of the Euphrates, in the remnant of the ancient Persian Empire, was several small kingdom states. This was the same area where Daniel governed for Cyrus and Darius, when the power center changed from Babylon to Persapolis, in modern day Iran. What was not considered is that the populations within this area, according to Josephus “comprised the vast hordes of the assimilated Northern Kingdom who had escaped Assyrian exile.” Here we have a prince of Judah, Daniel, governing over the people of Judah, taken in the Babylonian captivity, and also governing over large population of Israelites inhabiting a large area of the central Persian empire.
In the first century, it was the Parthian empire, known as the ‘Anvil’ in which all the other mid-eastern states, Commagene, Edessa, Osrhoene, Pontus and Armenia, were compressed in the political vice with the ‘Hammer’ of the Roman Empire. What is fascinating is that all of these small independent principalities were called “Lion States” in which their rulers or kings recognized the constellation of Leo as their Royal insignia. This is not unusual, for the Kingdom of Judah, was also a “Lion State”, the origins which went way back to Sinai, when the tribes with their insignias, camped around the Tent Sanctuary of the God of Jacob. The order of the twelve tribes around the sanctuary was in accordance with the twelve stations of the Zodiac.
The ruling royal class in Parthia was known as the “Kings of Kings”. It was the “Kings of Kings” and the Magi, the wise men of the empire, who chose the next King of Parthia. Was it the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, on July 29, 7 BC, producing the largest known stellar body known astronomical history, occurring also in conjunction with the rising Sun, the planet Mercury, all in the Constellation of Leo with the giant red star, Regulus, the King Star, that suggested to these Magi, and a special event was in progress? Knowing and respecting full well the ancient prophecy in the Torah about the blessing of Jacob to his son Judah that the “scepter (or rule) should not depart from Judah (Genesis 49:10) suggested to these nations that even they should be ruled by the chosen “King of Kings” from the House of David in Judea. This would have been an appropriate time, as two months later on October 3, 2005 near the festival of Succot, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn reappeared.
What is of interest is that Jerusalem is in the inherited land of the tribe of Benjamin, but Bethlehem, five miles away is in the inherited land of Tribe of Judah. Were these Magi looking for a potential candidate to someday rule over Parthia, Commagene, Edessa and/or Armenia?
'The Journey of the Magi' by James Tissot, French. Watercolor, 1894.
What we do know is that the visitation of the Magi from the East did not occur at Sukkoth, nor were Mary and infant Yahshua still in the Sukkoth at the time of their visit. Modern descriptions of Magi entering the stables miss entirely the Biblical story. In the Gospel of Matthew (Mattathias), which is the only source for this account, states,
Matthew 2:11 - “Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and bowed to the ground in homage to him; then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
We also note that this visit was some time after his birth, circumcision and dedication. When the Magi first came to the court of Herod, thinking rightly so that the birth would be within the royal family household, they inquired of King Herod about any new royal birth. This was the King Herod who was known for his paranoia and manic rages as he killed any potential aspirant to the throne including the Hasmonean family of the Maccabean and especially any potential rivals from the House of David.
Herod inquired of the chief priests and lawyers concerning the prophecies concerning a future anointed one. There within the Oracles of God (Hashem) they read him the prophecy,
Shrine of the Three Magi at the Köln (Cologne, Germany) Cathedral
Matthew 2:5-6 - “Bethlehem in the land of Judah, you are far from least in the eyes of the rulers of Judah; for out of you shall come a leader to be the shepherd of my people Israel.”
With this information, Herod summoned the Magi for a private conference. The prime purpose of the meeting was to obtain the astronomical data from these eastern astrologers to determine the date of birth of the infant child. This was critical information, for the subsequent massacre of all children in Bethlehem and the surrounding villages two years of age and younger, was determined by “the time he had ascertained from the astrologers.” (Matthew 2: 16) The Christ Child was any age up to the age of two, determined by the first sighting of the Star in the East.
So now, we have a nucleus for the story of the Magi. Learned scholars in the wisdom sciences of the East, possibly representing several different countries or principalities, were looking for a potential ruler, a ‘special’ ruler from the Lion Tribe of Judah. Yahshua would be recognized as a ruler in waiting. The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were not only fit for royalty, but providentially given as provisions to sustain the family of Joseph during their future exile to Egypt.
King Herod became ill, according to Josephus, immediately following an act of impiety against the priesthood, at which time an eclipse of the moon occurred on March 13, 4 B.C. Was this ‘act of impiety’ the slaughter of the male infants in Bethlehem, whom the priest suggested to be the domicile of the future King of kings? What we do know is by the fall of 4 B.C., Herod had died and the political environment in Judea would now be safe for the return of the family of Joseph with the young child, Jesus.
The Meaning of Christmas
I sit before the fireplace with a manger scene before me. What is the meaning of all of this? Is this the picture God (Hashem) wants us to understand as we contemplate the most significant moment in the history of this world, when God (Hashem) intercepts our three dimensional world and incarnates a portion of the World of the Divine into the ovum of a young maiden, one called “Most favored one.” (Luke 2:28)
Angels Serenading the Babe Yahshua
Has the meaning of Christmas and Hanukkah been hidden for centuries by the will of God (Hashem)? Is there a meaning for this special season of the year that is waiting for those willing to listen to God (Hashem)? Did the Almighty specifically design in the celebrations and Festival of the Hebrews, first in the Torah and later in progressive revelation with the Jews, the coming of His Son and the timing of His coming? Does it make a difference whether Jesus birth is set in medieval architecture, or why not a modern ghetto, or a western cowboy barnyard rather than in the proper cultural context of the fall festival of Tabernacles? Is there a reason He came to the Jews, the remnant of God’s chosen people, during the celebration of the Lord, near the Temple of God in God’s Holy City?
Part Two – Sukkot – the day Yahshua came to Dwell with Man
With Joy and Dancing, Fall Festival of Succot Began
The Festivals of the Lord
The Festival of Sukkot
Living in a Sukkoth
The Arrival of the Family of Joseph to Bethlehem
The Word (Torah) was made Flesh and Tabernacled (Dwelt) among Us
The Shepherds were watching over their Flocks by Night
Simhat Torah – when the Torah became Alive
The Dedication of Yahshua (Jesus)
The Promised Messiah
The Appointed Time
“When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son.”
Jesus the Messiah (Yahshua HaMaschiach) of the House of David
Part One – Chanukah and the Conception of Yahshua (Jesus)
Part Two – Sukkot – the day Yahshua came to Dwell with Man
Part Three – Born of a Virgin
Part Four – The House of Joachim and Anna, the Parents of Mary
Part Five – Was Joseph Betrothed or Espoused to Mary?
Part Six – Joseph of Arimathea, the genetic link between Mary and Joseph
Part Seven – The Birth of Yahshua, was this another Fallen Angel Story?
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Réponse |
Message 38 de 99 de ce thème |
On What Day Was Jesus Born?
While much of the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ on the 25th of December, can the actual day of Jesus' birth be determined from scripture? This question will be explored in some detail, and will yield a result that is quite intriguing. The first passage we will consider begins with the father of John the Baptist, Zacharias:
Luke 1:5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
Luke 1:8 And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest's office before God in the order of his course, ...
Luke 1:23 And it came to pass, that, as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. Luke 1:24 And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, ...
The clue given to us here is that Zacharias was of the "course" of Abia.
The 24 Courses of the Temple Priesthood.
7. But David, being desirous of ordaining his son king of all the people, called together their rulers to Jerusalem, with the priests and the Levites; and having first numbered the Levites, he found them to be thirty-eight thousand, from thirty years old to fifty; out of which he appointed twenty-three thousand to take care of the building of the temple, and out of the same, six thousand to be judges of the people and scribes, four thousand for porters to the house of God, and as many for singers, to sing to the instruments which David had prepared, as we have said already. He divided them also into courses: and when he had separated the priests from them, he found of these priests twenty-four courses, sixteen of the house of Eleazar, and eight of that of Ithamar; and he ordained that one course should minister to God eight days, from sabbath to sabbath. And thus were the courses distributed by lot, in the presence of David, and Zadok and Abiathar the high priests, and of all the rulers; and that course which came up first was written down as the first, and accordingly the second, and so on to the twenty-fourth; and this partition hath remained to this day. — Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book 7, Chapter 14, Paragraph 7.
King David on God's instructions (1 Chr 28:11-13) had divided the sons of Aaron into 24 groups (1 Chr 24:1-4), to setup a schedule by which the Temple of the Lord could be staffed with priests all year round in an orderly manner. After the 24 groups of priests were established, lots were drawn to determine the sequence in which each group would serve in the Temple. (1 Chr 24: 7-19). That sequence is as follows:
1 Chr 24:7 |
1. Jehoiarib |
2. Jedaiah |
1 Chr 24:8 |
3. Harim |
4. Seorim |
1 Chr 24:9 |
5. Malchijah |
6. Mijamin |
1 Chr 24:10 |
7. Hakkoz |
8. Abijah |
1 Chr 24:11 |
9. Jeshuah |
10. Shecaniah |
1 Chr 24:12 |
11. Eliashib |
12. Jakim |
1 Chr 24:13 |
13. Huppah |
14. Jeshebeab |
1 Chr 24:14 |
15. Bilgah |
16. Immer |
1 Chr 24:15 |
17. Hezir |
18. Aphses |
1 Chr 24:16 |
19. Pethahiah |
20. Jehezekel |
1 Chr 24:17 |
21. Jachim |
22. Gamul |
1 Chr 24:18 |
23. Delaiah |
24. Maaziah |
1 Chr 24:19 These were the orderings of them in their service to come into the house of the LORD, according to their manner, under Aaron their father, as the LORD God of Israel had commanded him.
Now each one of the 24 "courses" of priests would begin and end their service in the Temple on the Sabbath, a tour of duty being for one week (2 Chr 23:8, 1 Chr 9:25). On three occasions during the year, all the men of Israel were required to travel to Jerusalem for festivals of the Lord, so on those occasions all the priests would be needed in the Temple to accommodate the crowds. Those three festivals were Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, and Tabernacles (Deut 16:16).
The Yearly Cycle of Service in the Temple.
The Jewish calendar begins in the spring, during the month of Nisan, so the first "course" of priests, would be that of the family of Jehoiarib, who would serve for one week, Sabbath to Sabbath. The second week would then be the responsibility of the family of Jedaiah. The third week would be the feast of Unleavened Bread, and all priests would be present for service. Then the schedule would resume with the third course of priests, the family of Harim. By this plan, when the 24th course was completed, the general cycle of courses would repeat. This schedule would cover 51 weeks or 357 days, enough for the lunar Jewish calendar (about 354 days). So, in a period of a year, each group of priests would serve in the Temple twice on their scheduled course, in addition to the 3 major festivals, for a total of about five weeks of duty.
The Conception of John the Baptist.
Now back to Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist.
Luke 1:23 And it came to pass, that, as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. Luke 1:24 And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, ...
Beginning with the first month, Nisan, in the spring (March-April), the schedule of the priest's courses would result with Zacharias serving during the 10th week of the year. This is because he was a member of the course of Abia (Abijah), the 8th course, and both the Feast of Unleavened Bread (15-21 Nisan) and Pentecost (6 Sivan) would have occurred before his scheduled duty. This places Zacharias' administration in the Temple as beginning on the second Sabbath of the third month, Sivan (May-June).
1st Month |
2nd Month |
3rd Month |
Abib - Nisan (March - April) |
Zif - Iyyar (April - May) |
Sivan (May - June) |
First Week |
Jehoiarib (1) |
Seorim (4) |
All Priests (Pentecost) |
Second Week |
Jedaiah (2) |
Malchijah (5) |
Abijah (8) |
Third Week |
All Priests (Feast of Unleavened Bread) |
Mijamin (6) |
Jeshuah (9) |
Fourth Week |
Harim (3) |
Hakkoz (7) |
Shecaniah (10) |
Having completed his Temple service on the third Sabbath of Sivan, Zacharias returned home and soon conceived his son John. So John the Baptist was probably conceived shortly after the third Sabbath of the month of Sivan.
The Conception of Jesus Christ.
Now the reason that the information about John is important, is because according to Luke, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the sixth month of Elisabeth's pregnancy:
Luke 1:24 And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months, saying, Luke 1:25 Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men. Luke 1:26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, Luke 1:27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
Note that verse 26 above refers to the sixth month of Elisabeth's pregnancy, not Elul, the sixth month of the Hebrew calendar, and this is made plain by the context of verse 24 and again in verse 36:
Luke 1:36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.
Mary stayed with Elizabeth for the last 3 months of her pregnancy, until the time that John was born.
Luke 1:56 And Mary abode with her about three months, and returned to her own house. Luke 1:57 Now Elisabeth's full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son.
Now working from the information about John's conception late in the third month, Sivan, and advancing six months, we arrive late in the 9th month of Kislev (Nov-Dec) for the time frame for the conception of Jesus. It is notable here that the first day of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated on the 25th day of Kislev, and Jesus is called the light of the world (John 8:12, 9:5, 12:46). This does not appear to be a mere coincidence. In the book of John, Hanukkah is called the feast of dedication (John 10:22). Hanukkah is an eight day festival of rejoicing, celebrating deliverance from enemies by the relighting of the menorah in the rededicated Temple, which according to the story, stayed lit miraculously for eight days on only one day's supply of oil.
The Birth of John the Baptist.
Based on a conception shortly after the third Sabbath of the month of Sivan, projecting forward an average term of about 10 lunar months (40 weeks), we arrive in the month of Nisan. It would appear that John the Baptist may have been born in the middle of the month, which would coincide with Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. It is interesting to note, that even today, it is customary for the Jews to set out a special goblet of wine during the Passover Seder meal, in anticipation of the arrival of Elijah that week, which is based on the prophecy of Malachi:
Mal 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
Jesus identified John as the "Elijah" that the Jews had expected:
Mat 17:10 And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? Mat 17:11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. Mat 17:12 But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. Mat 17:13 Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist.
The angel that appeared to Zacharias in the temple also indicated that John would be the expected "Elias":
Luke 1:17 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
So then, the Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th day of the 1st month, Nisan, and this is a likely date for the birth of John the Baptist, the expected "Elijah".
The Birth of Jesus Christ.
Since Jesus was conceived six months after John the Baptist, and we have established a likely date for John's birth, we need only move six months farther down the Jewish calendar to arrive at a likely date for the birth of Jesus. From the 15th day of the 1st month, Nisan, we go to the 15th day of the 7th month, Tishri. And what do we find on that date? It is the festival of Tabernacles! The 15th day of Tishri begins the third and last festival of the year to which all the men of Israel were to gather in Jerusalem for Temple services. (Lev 23:34)
Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Immanuel means "God with us". The Son of God had come to dwell with, or tabernacle on earth with His people.
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), occurs five days after the Day of Atonement, and is a festival of rejoicing and celebration of deliverance from slavery in Egypt (Leviticus 23:42-43).
Luke 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Luke 2:9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Why was there no room at the inn? Bethlehem is only about 5 miles from Jerusalem, and all the men of Israel had come to attend the festival of Tabernacles as required by the law of Moses. Every room for miles around Jerusalem would have been already taken by pilgrims, so all that Mary and Joseph could find for shelter was a stable. During Tabernacles, everyone was to live in temporary booths (Sukkot), as a memorial to Israel's pilgrimage out of Egypt - Lev. 23:42-43. The birth of the Savior, in what amounted to a temporary dwelling rather than a house, signaled the coming deliverance of God's people from slavery to sin, and their departing for the promised land, which is symbolized by Tabernacles.
Also of note is the fact that the Feast of Tabernacles is an eight day feast (Lev 23:36, 39). Why eight days? It may be because an infant was dedicated to God by performing circumcision on the eighth day after birth:
Luke 2:21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
So the infant Jesus would have been circumcised on the eighth and last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, a Sabbath day. The Jews today consider this a separate festival from Tabernacles, and they call it Shemini Atzeret.
The Baptism of Jesus
There is another indication in scripture as to when Jesus was born.
Mark 1:14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
Jesus said this after His baptism, upon emerging from 40 days in the wilderness, when He began His preaching ministry. The book of Daniel gives us the "time" or prophesy Jesus was speaking about.
Dan 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. Dan 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, ...
The 70th week of Daniel, a period of 7 literal years, began with "Messiah the Prince". Messiah means anointed, and Jesus was publically anointed by the Holy Spirit at His baptism. Daniel 9:26-27 tells us that the Messiah would be "cut off" (crucified) in the "midst of the week", which is to say the Messiah would be crucified 3 1/2 years after His baptism. It is very likely that by understanding this prophecy the wise men knew when to look for the Christ child.
Luke 3:22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. Luke 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, ...
Luke hints that at His baptism Jesus became about thirty, so it was likely that His birthday coincided, more or less, with His baptism. This agrees with the time of Tabernacles, and 3 years and 6 months later at Passover, Jesus was crucified exactly and precisely as Daniel had prophesied.
So, if you have followed the above reasoning, based on the scriptural evidence, a case can apparently be made that Jesus Christ was born on the 15th day of the month of Tishri, on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, which corresponds to the September - October timeframe of our present calendar!
Jewish month | Begins the New moon of | John the Baptist | Jesus |
1. Abib / Nisan |
March-April |
Birth of John 15 Nisan |
2. Zif / Iyyar |
April-May |
5 |
3. Sivan |
May-June |
Conception of John after 3rd Sabbath
6 |
4. Tammuz |
June-July |
1 |
7 |
5. Ab / Av |
July-August |
2 |
8 |
6. Elul |
August-September |
3 |
9 |
7. Ethanim / Tishri |
September-October |
Birth of Jesus 15 Tishri
8. Bul / Marheshvan / Heshvan |
October-November |
5 |
9. Chisleu / Chislev / Kislev |
November-December |
Conception of Jesus 25 Kislev ?
10. Tebeth / Tevet |
December-January |
7 |
1 |
11. Shebat / Shevat |
January-February |
8 |
2 |
12. Adar |
February-March |
9 |
3 |
Tabernacles Future Fulfillment
It is also interesting to note that Tabernacles was a feast of ingathering of the Harvest (Exo 23:16 and 34:22). If Jesus' first coming was indeed on 15 Tishri, the first day of Tabernacles, then it is quite reasonable to presume that the harvest of this earth, the ingathering of the second coming of Jesus Christ, will also occur on precisely the same date. The unknown factor would be the year that this would happen.
Réponse |
Message 39 de 99 de ce thème |
¿En qué mes nació Jesús? II
¿Cuándo cae Hanukkah? En diciembre.
¿Por qué esta fiesta iba a enfatizar la luz? Según el libro histórico 2da de Macabeos el cual refleja las costumbres de la época intertestamentaria dice los siguiente 2da Macabeos 10:6-7.( Biblia de Jerusalén )
Lo celebraron con alegría durante ocho días, como en la fiesta de las Tiendas, recordando cómo, poco tiempo antes, por la fiesta de las Tiendas, estaban cobijados como fieras en montañas y cavernas. 7 Por ello, llevando tirsos, ramas hermosas y palmas, entonaban himnos hacia Aquél que había llevado a buen término la purificación de su lugar.
Es decir, que la fiesta de Hanukkah se celebraba casi igual a la fiesta de losTabernáculos.
La fiesta de los Tabernáculos se celebraba a mediados de septiembre, y la fiesta de Hanukkah (Dedicación) se celebraba a mediados de diciembre.
De acuerdo a 2da de Macabeos 10, ambas fiestas se celebraban de la misma forma.
Vayamos al Deseado de todas las Gentes, pág. 428 (Capítulo 51).
Otra vez, pues, Jesús les habló, diciendo: Yo soy la luz del mundo. El que me sigue no andará en tinieblas, mas tendrá la luz de la vida." (V.M.)
Cuando pronunció estas palabras, Jesús estaba en el atrio del templo especialmente relacionado con los ejercicios de la fiesta de las cabañas. En el centro de este patio se levantaban dos majestuosas columnas que soportaban portalámparas de gran tamaño. Después del sacrificio de la tarde, se encendían todas las lámparas, que arrojaban su luz sobre Jerusalén. Esta ceremonia estaba destinada a conmemorar la columna de luz que guiaba a Israel en el desierto, y también a señalar la venida del Mesías. Por la noche, cuando las lámparas estaban encendidas, el atrio era teatro de gran regocijo. Los hombres canosos, los sacerdotes del templo y los dirigentes del pueblo, se unían en danzas festivas al sonido de la música instrumental y el canto de los levitas.
Por la iluminación de Jerusalén, el pueblo expresaba su esperanza en la venida del Mesías para derramar su luz sobre Israel.
¿Qué conmemoraba la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos? La venida del Mesías para derramar su luz sobre su pueblo.
Continuando con El Deseado de Todas las Gentes, pág. 428:
Por la iluminación de Jerusalén, el pueblo expresaba su esperanza en la venida del Mesías para derramar su luz sobre Israel. Pero para Jesús la escena tenía un significado más amplio. Como las lámparas radiantes del templo alumbraban cuanto las rodeaba, así Cristo, la fuente de luz espiritual, ilumina las tinieblas del mundo. Sin embargo, el símbolo era imperfecto. Aquella gran luz que su propia mano había puesto en los cielos era una representación más verdadera de la gloria de su misión.
El énfasis de la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos estaba en la luz.
Ahora vayamos a Juan 1:1-3
En el principio era el Verbo, y el Verbo era con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios. 2 Este era en el principio con Dios. 3 Todas las cosas por él fueron hechas, y sin él nada de lo que ha sido hecho, fue hecho.
Aquí describe a Jesús en el cielo.
Sigamos con Juan 1:4-5
En él estaba la vida, y la vida era la luz de los hombres. 5 La luz en las tinieblas resplandece, y las tinieblas no prevalecieron contra ella.
¿Qué fiesta conmemoraba la venida del Mesías? La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos.
Después de leer Juan 1:1-5 el cual se refiere a Jesús divino que vendría como la luz al mundo, a partir del versículo 6 este libro comienza a hablar del hijo de Elizabeth y Zacarías de quienes hablamos al principio del tema en Lucas 1. Ese hijo se llamó Juan el bautista.
Veamos Juan 1:6-9
Hubo un hombre enviado de Dios, el cual se llamaba Juan. 7 Este vino por testimonio, para que diese testimonio de la luz, a fin de que todos creyesen por él. 8 No era él la luz, sino para que diese testimonio de la luz.
9 Aquella luz verdadera, que alumbra a todo hombre, venía a este mundo.
¿Por qué en el evangelio de Juan se enfatiza tanto que Jesús es la luz del mundo y que su precursor es Juan el bautista?.
Vayamos a Juan 1:14
Y aquel Verbo fue hecho carne, y habitó entre nosotros (y vimos su gloria, gloria como del unigénito del Padre), lleno de gracia y de verdad.
La palabra “habitó” en griego es “Tabernaculó”.
¿En qué mes nació Jesús? En septiembre
¿Qué fiesta se estaba celebrando en ese mes? La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos que apuntaba hacia la venida del Mesías.
Por tanto, nosotros debiéramos celebrar el nacimiento de Jesús en el tiempo que indica la Biblia, en la fecha de la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos que corresponde a septiembre.
¿Cuándo es que Cristo tomó la humanidad, cuando fue concebido, o cuando nació? Cuando fue concebido.
Jesús fue concebido en diciembre, en el mes en que se celebraba la fiesta de la luces (Hanukkah). Es decir, la concepción de Jesús y el nacimiento de Jesús apuntaban proféticamente por la Fiesta de la Dedicación (Hanukkah), la Fiesta de las Luces, indicando que el Verbo se había hecho carne y su nacimiento cumple la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos cuando también la luz resplandecía en el atrio del santuario en señal de que la gente estaba esperando al Mesías venidero.
Por eso debemos hacer dos fiestas: Una en septiembre, y otra en diciembre.
Patriarcas y Profetas, pág. 582
Como la pascua, la fiesta de los tabernáculos era conmemorativa. En recuerdo de su peregrinación por el desierto, el pueblo debía dejar sus casas y morar en cabañas o enramadas hechas con "gajos ... de árbol hermoso, ramos de palmas, y ramas de árboles espesos, y sauces de los arroyos." (Ley. 23: 40, 42, 43.) El primer día era una santa convocación, y a los siete días de la fiesta se añadía otro octavo que se observaba de la misma manera.
En estas asambleas anuales, los corazones de jóvenes y ancianos recibían aliento para servir a Dios, al mismo tiempo que el trato amistoso de los habitantes de las diferentes partes de la tierra reforzaba los vínculos que los unían a Dios y unos a otros. También hoy sería bueno que el pueblo de Dios tuviera una fiesta de las cabañas, una alegre conmemoración de las bendiciones que Dios le ha otorgado. Como los hijos de Israel celebraban el libramiento que Dios había concedido a sus padres, y también como los había protegido milagrosamente a ellos mismos durante sus peregrinaciones después de la salida de Egipto, así debiéramos recordar con gratitud los diferentes medios que él ideó para apartarnos del mundo y de las tinieblas del error y para llevamos a la luz preciosa de su gracia y de su verdad.
No sabemos el día exacto en que Jesús nació, pero sí sabemos que fue en septiembre, según la Biblia.
Volvamos a Luc. 1:78-80
Por la entrañable misericordia de nuestro Dios,
Con que nos visitó desde lo alto la aurora,
79 Para dar luz a los que habitan en tinieblas y en sombra de muerte;
Para encaminar nuestros pies por camino de paz.
80 Y el niño crecía, y se fortalecía en espíritu; y estuvo en lugares desiertos hasta el día de su manifestación a Israel.
La palabra aurora en griego es “anatolé helíus” y significa “de donde se levanta el sol”.
¿Tiene una gran importancia la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos que se celebraba a mediados de septiembre?
¿Tiene una gran importancia la Fiesta de la Dedicación (Hanukkah) que se celebraba a mediados de diciembre? Sí, porque ambas conmemoran la concepción y el nacimiento de Cristo para traer luz a los que se encontraban en tinieblas.
¿De qué se acuerda mayormente la gente en diciembre? De comer, de beber, de comprar, de regalar, de bailar, y si acaso, en Jesús.
Nosotros debemos concentrarnos en las fiestas que indican la luz del mundo, Cristo Jesús.
La forma y la fecha en que se celebra la navidad es incorrecto ya que Jesús, según la Biblia nació en septiembre y no el 25 de diciembre, el cual era el día más corto del año y en que todas las naciones paganas adoraban ese día al dios sol, símbolo de Lucifer, el lucero de Isaías 14:12.
¿Qué es lo más importante de este estudio? Que permitamos que la luz de Cristo entre a nuestros corazones y nos dé vida.
Juan 8:12
Otra vez Jesús les habló, diciendo: Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue, no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida.
La luz trae vida. Cristo es la luz y la vida.
Ef. 5:8-14
Porque en otro tiempo erais tinieblas, mas ahora sois luz en el Señor; andad como hijos de luz 9 (porque el fruto del Espíritu es en toda bondad, justicia y verdad), 10 comprobando lo que es agradable al Señor. 11 Y no participéis en las obras infructuosas de las tinieblas, sino más bien reprendedlas; 12 porque vergonzoso es aun hablar de lo que ellos hacen en secreto. 13 Mas todas las cosas, cuando son puestas en evidencia por la luz, son hechas manifiestas; porque la luz es lo que manifiesta todo. 14 Por lo cual dice:
Despiértate, tú que duermes,
Y levántate de los muertos,
Y te alumbrará Cristo.
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