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Reply  Message 1 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 10/11/2011 17:24
Por encima de los versículos 12-16 se refieren a la descripción del "Hijo del Hombre", como la del medio de los siete candeleros de oro, brillante como el sol en su fuerza, [v. 16]. This identifies the Sun, personified as Christ, [ Mal. Esto identifica al Sol, personificado como Cristo, [Mal. 4:2 ] holding seven stars, shining in the center of the seven branches of the candlestick. 4:02] la celebración de siete estrellas, brillando en el centro de los siete brazos del candelero. These seven celestial luminaries are associated with the angels of the seven churches in Rev. Estos siete luminarias celestes están asociados con los ángeles de las siete iglesias en Apocalipsis 1:20 . 01:20. Here God's Word draws a direct comparison, first, between the Sun in the center of the Candlestick, embodied in Christ. Aquí la Palabra de Dios establece una comparación directa, en primer lugar, entre el Sol en el centro de la vela, encarnado en Cristo. This sets the context wherein we can understand the symbolism of the other branches of the Menorah. Esto establece el contexto en el que podemos entender el simbolismo de las otras ramas de la Menorá. Secondly, the angels of the seven churches are embodied in Seven Stars held in Christ's right hand. En segundo lugar, los ángeles de las siete iglesias están incorporados en las Siete Estrellas celebrada en la mano derecha de Cristo. At this point, we should be reminded of the mythological roots of planetary symbolism, and how the planets Mercury-Gabriel, Mars-Michael, Saturn-Satan and the Sun and light of the world-Jesus Christ, also called the Covenant Angel named Wonderful [ Judg 13:18 ],are associated with these archangels. En este punto, debemos recordar las raíces mitológicas del simbolismo del planeta, y cómo los planetas Mercurio, Gabriel, Miguel Marte, Saturno y el Sol de Satanás y la luz del mundo Cristo-Jesús, también llamado el Ángel del Pacto llamado Maravilloso [Jueces 13:18], están asociados con estos arcángeles. The following quote from VP Wierwille, regarding the ancient Biblical symbolism of planets, establishes the basic context of our investigation of Biblical planetary symbolism: La siguiente cita de VP Wierwille, en relación con el antiguo simbolismo bíblico de los planetas, establece el marco básico de nuestra investigación del simbolismo bíblico del planeta:

" Writers have dealt at length with the spiritual significance of the constellations and their respective stars, but little has been said of the significance of the planets from a Biblical point of view. Mercury , the planet closest to the Sun, has long been characterized as the messenger god…In Acts 14:12 Paul as the chief speaker is called Mercurius . This same characteristic of being a message-bearer is attributed to Gabriel , God's archangel, whom God sent to Mary in Nazareth in Luke 1:26 . Venus…is known in Astronomy as the Morning Star because of its prominent position and brightness in the dawn sky. Biblically it is associated with Jesus Christ the “bright and morning star” in Rev. 22:16. Mars , the first planet farther away from the Sun than Earth is in mythology associated with war. In its genuine spiritual light this characteristic is best seen in the Archangel Michael, whom God commissions to stand and fight for His people; [ Dan. 12:1 ], and is seen fighting the Devil in Rev. 12:7. Jupiter in mythology was the father of the gods, the ruler and king who reigned over all else. Jupiter was associated with royalty. Interestingly, the Hebrew name for the planet Jupiter is zedeq , meaning “righteousness.” The Messiah who would come from David's genetic line was to be the “righteous branch,” according to Jeremiah 23:5 , who would reign as a king and execute righteousness...thus Jupiter has characteristics that would associate it with the Messiah, the Christ. Saturn’s significant associations have been obscured more than others, although Saturn is identified as the god responsible for agriculture and the harvest. In astrological lore, Saturn is an evil star signifying death and darkness. Likewise in Judean tradition, its usual signification is negative, for its associated with death, destruction, weeping, and grief. It was felt to have a hindering and inhibitive force in its negative aspect, especially when in Conjunction with another planet. Perhaps here is a clue to its association with Satan, the fallen archangel. The similarity between the names Saturn and Satan points to a possible common etymological origin. No known ancient beliefs surround Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the three remaining planets in our solar system, because being invisible to the naked eye, they were generally unknown to the ancients. The above associations and meanings proposed for the planets cannot be affirmed with finality. However they are very interesting when viewed in a Biblical light ." 3 "Los escritores han tratado extensamente el significado espiritual de las constelaciones y sus estrellas respectivas, pero poco se ha hablado de la importancia de los planetas desde un punto de vista bíblico. Mercurio, el planeta más cercano al Sol, ha sido caracterizada por ser el dios mensajero ... En 14:12 Pablo Hechos como el principal interlocutor se llama Mercurio. Esta misma característica de ser un portador del mensaje se le atribuye a Gabriel, el arcángel de Dios, enviado por Dios a María en Nazaret, en Lucas 1:26. Venus ... se conoce en astronomía como la estrella de la mañana, debido a su prominente posición y el brillo en el cielo del amanecer. Bíblicamente se asocia a Jesucristo, el "la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana" en Apocalipsis 22:16. Marte, el primer planeta más lejos del Sol que la Tierra en la mitología asociada con la guerra en su luz espiritual genuina esta característica se ve mejor en el Arcángel Miguel, a quien Dios comisiones de pie y luchar por su pueblo;. [Daniel 12:1.], y se ve la lucha contra el Diablo en Apocalipsis 12:7. Júpiter en la mitología era el padre de los dioses, el gobernante y el rey que reinó sobre todo lo demás. Júpiter se asocia con la realeza. Curiosamente, el nombre hebreo para el planeta Júpiter es zedeq, que significa "justicia". El Mesías que vendría de la línea genética de David iba a ser el "germen justo:" de acuerdo a Jeremías 23:05, que reinaría como un rey y ejecutar la justicia ... Por esto, Júpiter tiene características que lo asocian con el Mesías, el asociaciones significativas Cristo. Saturno se han oscurecido más que otros, aunque Saturno es identificado como el responsable de la agricultura y la cosecha de Dios. En la tradición astrológica, Saturno es una estrella del mal que significa la muerte y la oscuridad. Del mismo modo en la tradición Judea, su significación usual es negativo , por sus asociados con la muerte, destrucción, llanto y dolor. Se consideró que una fuerza de obstaculizar y de inhibición en su aspecto negativo, especialmente cuando está en conjunción con otro planeta. Tal vez aquí hay una pista de su asociación con Satanás, a los caídos arcángel. La similitud entre los nombres de Saturno y los puntos de Satanás a un posible origen etimológico común. No se conoce las creencias antiguas rodean Urano, Neptuno y Plutón, los tres restantes planetas de nuestro sistema solar, porque el ser invisible a simple vista, generalmente eran desconocidas para los antiguos. Estas asociaciones y significados propuestos para los planetas no se puede afirmar de forma definitiva. Sin embargo, son muy interesantes cuando se ve en una luz bíblica "3.

This foundational understanding of the Biblical symbolism of the five major planets in ancient Astrology and mythology has been corroborated from other independent scholarly sources, and authorities in the modern study of Astronomy . Esta comprensión básica de la simbología bíblica de los cinco planetas principales en la antigua astrología y la mitología ha sido corroborada por otras fuentes independientes de académicos y autoridades en el estudio moderno de la Astronomía . For example, much of the apparent value of Mayan Astronomy is found from our perspective, in how their tzolkin cycle correlates to the cycle of Venus , in her transit s and Morning/Evening Star cycles, and secondly to the other planets in their synodic returns. Por ejemplo, gran parte del valor aparente de Maya Astronomía se encuentra desde nuestra perspectiva, en la forma de su ciclo Tzolkin se correlaciona con el ciclo de Venus, en su tránsito s de la mañana / tarde ciclos de estrellas, y en segundo lugar a los otros planetas en sus declaraciones sinódico . We have already seen the relevance of certain aspects of Mayan Astronomy related to the Draconid Meteor Showers leading up to the birth of Christ, and we will consider other elements of the Maya in the section of our web-site dedicated to their expert Astronomy . Ya hemos visto la importancia de ciertos aspectos de Maya Astronomía relacionados con el Dracónidas Meteoro Lluvia previos al nacimiento de Cristo, y tendremos en cuenta otros elementos de los mayas en la sección de nuestra página web dedicada a su experto en astronomía . When correlated with the Solar cycle, we have a threefold spiritual witness of the Morning Star's dual aspects, first in relation to Lucifer the archaic Morning Star, and second in relation to Christ the ascendant Morning Star. Cuando se correlacionan con el ciclo solar, tenemos un triple testimonio espiritual de la doble dimensión de la Estrella de la Mañana, en primer lugar en relación con Lucifer, el lucero del alba arcaico, y el segundo en relación con el Cristo de la Estrella de la Mañana ascendente. Some additional background on the planets Mercury , and Venus will be helpful here for a fuller understanding of this symbolism. Algunos antecedentes sobre los planetas Mercurio y Venus serán útiles aquí para una mejor comprensión de este simbolismo.

Venus is the third brightest sky object next to the Sun and Moon, this bright and Morning Star , “ reaches its brightest magnitude as a Morning Star, in Virgo every 8 years . Venus es el tercer objeto más brillante del cielo al lado del Sol y la Luna, la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana ", llega a su momento más brillante de magnitud como una estrella de la mañana, en Virgo cada 8 años. This signifies Jesus' birth, while as an Evening star , Venus reaches its highest degree of magnitude in Capricorn , signifying his sacrifice for all mankind .” 4 Esto significa el nacimiento de Jesús, mientras que como una estrella de la tarde, Venus alcanza su más alto grado de magnitud en Capricornio, lo que significa su sacrificio por toda la humanidad "4.
Here we find another illustration of the sufferings and glory of the ascendant Morning Star. Aquí encontramos otro ejemplo de los sufrimientos y la gloria de la estrella de la mañana ascendente. The sufferings are shown in his sacrifice symbolized in Capricorn , while the glory of the Morning Star in rising, is seen in the new birth of Venus' cycle of brightness in Virgo every 8 years . Los sufrimientos se muestran en su sacrificio simbolizado en Capricornio, mientras que la gloria de la estrella de la mañana al levantarse, se ve en el nuevo nacimiento del ciclo de Venus en Virgo de brillo cada 8 años. These truths come to light as we take note of the sign of the zodiac wherein the planet in question appears. Estas verdades salen a la luz a medida que tome nota de la señal de la zodiac en la que el planeta en cuestión aparece. When we associate the planetary symbolism with the Biblical significance of the celestial sign where the planet appears, we find a combined message contained in the separate symbols of the planet associated with the Constellation s and their star names , as in a star atlas. Cuando asociamos el simbolismo planetario con el significado bíblico de la señal celestial, donde el planeta parece, nos encontramos con un mensaje combinado contenida en los símbolos separados del planeta asociado con la constelación de s y sus nombres estrella, como en un atlas estelar. Unlike other planets in our solar system, Venus' 225-day orbit around the Sun is counter-clockwise , always showing the same face to the Sun. A diferencia de otros planetas de nuestro sistema solar, de 225 días de Venus alrededor del Sol es a la izquierda, mostrando siempre la misma cara al sol. This provides an important example of mirror-rotational Symmetry Este es un ejemplo importante de un espejo de rotación simetría in the interwoven orbits of the planets of our solar system. en las órbitas entrelazadas de los planetas de nuestro sistema solar. Like Mercury , Venus shows lunar like phases in its orbital cycle, as it transit s across the face of the Sun, which has reminded some of Revelation 19:17 . Venus also is seen to fit into the Galaxy alignment scenario foretold in Mayan Astronomy on the last page of the Dresden Codex . Al igual que Mercurio, Venus muestra lunares como las fases de su ciclo orbital, ya que el tránsito s en la cara del Sol, que ha recordado a algunos de 19:17 Apocalipsis. Venus también se observa para encajar en el Galaxy escenario de la alineación anunciada en maya Astronomía en la última página del Códice de Dresde. The graphic below depicts Mayan glyphs for the Sun, Moon and Venus attached to the body of a large crocodile which represents their 260-day Tzolkin Calendar. El gráfico siguiente muestra glifos mayas para el Sol, la Luna y Venus unidos al cuerpo de un cocodrilo de gran tamaño que representa el de 260 días calendario Tzolkin. As the last page of the Mayan Long-Count Calendar, this foretells the end of the world, or their 5th Age, on December 21st, 2012 . Como la última página de la maya de cuenta larga del calendario, este predice el fin del mundo, o su edad de quinta, el 21 de diciembre de 2012.

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Reply  Message 72 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/01/2013 00:54

Reply  Message 73 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 12/01/2013 09:09

Reply  Message 74 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 05:21

Mysteries of Mars:

Mars Getting Closer to Earth

by Chuck Missler





The mysterious Red Planet is going to put on a show this month. It has been getting progressively closer to Earth each night and will continue to grow larger and brighter. By late August it will be about 191 million miles closer, and the reddish point of light will appear six times larger and shine some 85 times brighter than it normally does.

At 5:51 a.m. EDT on August 27, 2003, Mars will be within 34,646,418 miles of Earth, closer than it has been since the days of Hezekiah. (By some calculations, it will be closer than it has been in 73,000 years, but these are based on some commonly held assumptions that are suspect. It may have been closer on several occasions in the more recent past, as will be discussed below.)

On August 28, 2003, Mars will be at "opposition," the moment that the Sun, Earth, and Mars will form a straight line. Mars comes to opposition every 26 months. This time, the opposition will be superior to others because Mars will be at perihelion, its closest point to the Sun. Perihelic oppositions of Mars are rather infrequent, occurring about every 15-17 years. The last opposition, in 2001, involved a separation of more than 41 million miles. In 1995 the distance between the two planets was nearly double what it will be this month.

Though Mars' opposition will come on August 28, it will be closest to Earth on August 27. At the close approach, the Red Planet will be brighter than Jupiter and all the stars in the night sky, outshone only by Venus and the Moon.

Uniformitarianism Fallacy

Most scientists take for granted that the movements of the planets and other objects in our solar system manifest an unchanging uniformity through time. These movements, however, also manifest minute variations that have, so far, eluded any consistent conjectures.

Furthermore, careful observations of the objects in our solar system indicate that it has been-at least at times-a rather rough neighborhood. Take a look at the Moon through binoculars and you will see a lot of bruises. Or examine any of the photographs from our space probes. You see craters and other evidences of collisions and catastrophes.

There is evidence that the present orbits were not always so. And some of the changes appear to have occurred during the memory of mankind.

The Mysteries of Mars

Why did so many of the early cultures worship the Planet Mars? They were terrified of this strange planet. It was called the "God of War." Why? (The term "martial arts" is still in our working vocabulary.) And there are other mysteries that seem to be associated with this strange planet.

The 360-Day Year

All early calendars appear to be based on a 360-day calendar: the Assyrians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Hebrews, Persians, Greeks, Phoenicians, Chinese, Mayans, Hindus, Carthaginians, Etruscans, and Teutons all had calendars based on a 360-day year; typically, twelve 30-day months.

In ancient Chaldea, the calendar was based on a 360-day year. It is from this Babylonian tradition that we have 360 degrees in a circle, 60 minutes to an hour, 60 seconds in each minute, etc.

The Biblical Year Is 360 Days

It is also significant that the Biblical year is also based on a 360-day year reckoning.1 This critical insight unlocks several incredible prophecies which the reader is urged to discover-- in particular, the remarkable "70 Weeks" prophecy of Daniel 9, which is undoubtedly the most amazing passage in the Bible.2

All Calendars Change in 701 B.C.

In 701 B.C., Numa Pompilius, the second King of Rome, reorganized the original calendar of 360 days per year by adding five days per year. King Hezekiah, Numa's contemporary, reorganized his Jewish calendar by adding a month each Jewish leap year (on a cycle of seven every 19 years). 3

The Roman year began with March, the month named after Mars. (They later reorganized their calendar in 364 B.C. to begin on January 1st.) Most of the early cultures organized their calendars around either March or October. Why? Why was any change necessary after 701 B.C.? What happened to affect all the calendars after that year?

Mars Interferes?

The recent space age discovery of "orbital resonance"-the tendency of orbits to synchronize on a multiple of one another--has led to a fascinating conjecture that the orbits of the Earth and the Planet Mars were once on resonant orbits of 360 days and 720 days, respectively. A computer analysis has suggested that this could yield orbital interactions that would include a near pass-by on a multiple of 54 years, and this would occur on either March 25 or October 25. Such near pass-bys would transfer energy, altering the orbits of each. 4

In near proximity, such pass-bys would be accompanied by meteors, severe land tides, earthquakes, etc., and this would help explain why all the ancient cultures were so terrified by the Planet Mars5 and why calendars tended to reflect either March or October.6 A series of such pass-bys could also explain a number of the "catastrophes" of ancient history, including the famous "long day of Joshua" and several other Biblical episodes.7

Stability appears to have been attained during the last near pass-by in 701 B.C., resulting in Earth's and Mars' present orbits of 365 1/4 days and 687 days, respectively. Provocative, but where's the evidence?

Swift to the Rescue

This remarkable conjecture, that Mars made pass-bys near the Earth, would seem to be corroborated by Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) in his famous fantasy known as Gulliver's Travels. In his third voyage, Gulliver visits the land of Laputa, where the astronomers brag that they know all about the two moons of Mars.8 Their highly detailed description includes the size, the rotation, the revolutions, etc., of each of the two moons.

What makes this particular allusion so provocative is that the two moons of Mars were not discovered by astronomers until 151 years after Swift's publication of Gulliver's Travels in 1726. It was in 1877 that Asaph Hall, using a new telescope at the U.S. Naval Observatory, shocked the astronomical world by discovering the two moons of Mars.

What makes the two moons so difficult to see is that they are only about 8 miles in diameter and have an albedo (reflectivity) of only 3%. They are the darkest objects in the solar system: they are almost black. The two moons are also unique in their rotations and one of them is the only object in the solar system that orbits in reverse.9 For Swift to have "guessed" these correctly is absurd.

Yet the telescopes of his day were inadequate to have actually seen these objects. But then how could he have known what the astronomers of his day did not? Swift, in order to embroider his satirical fiction, undoubtedly drew upon ancient records he probably assumed were simply legends, not realizing that they were actually eye witness accounts of ancient sightings when Mars was close enough for the two moons of Mars to be viewed with the naked eye!

Other Implications

The possibility that the Planet Mars interacted with the Planet Earth may have implications beyond simply ancient perturbations of our calendar and the subsequent veneration of October 31 as Halloween. It has been widely noted that the ancient Stonehenge monument in England and the Great Pyramid at Cairo have astronomical implications.10 The geometric and mathematical mysteries of these fabled monuments have been the subject of much conjecture. Cairo was founded on August 5, A.D. 969 by conquering Fatimid armies and named, "Al Kahira," after Mars. Why?

And there are other enigmas.

The Nebular Hypothesis

Most of us have been taught that the planets of our solar system came out of the sun. It may come as a surprise that there are serious scientific difficulties with this presumption. In fact, a careful analysis of existing evidence suggests some surprising alternative possibilities.

Immanuel Kant, in his General History of Nature and Theory of the Heavens, in 1755 in Germany, theorized that some four billion years ago, the sun had ejected a tail, or a filament, of material that cooled and collected and thus formed the planets. Kant is generally credited as the originator of what is commonly called the "Nebular Hypothesis," but the originator was actually Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772).

Swedenborg wrote his treatise on cosmology in 1734, in Latin: Prodromus Philosophiae Retiocinantis de Infinito et Cause Creationis. Some 21 years before Kant's publication, Swedenborg proposed that the planets were the result of condensations of a gauze or filament ejected out of the sun. Swedenborg was a mining engineer with a wide range of interests and also claimed to have psychic powers. Historians and biographers seem to take him quite seriously and a number of public incidents caused his fellow Swedes of Stockholm to regard him as irrefutable. He claimed confirmation of his nebular hypothesis from sances with men on Jupiter, Saturn and other places more distant.

(Some 20 years earlier, in 1712, when Swedenborg was 24 years old, he had the opportunity to visit with Edmund Halley at Cambridge, who described to him the various aspects of comets and their tails. Halley had made a study of the reports of various medieval comets, their orbital trajectories, dates, and descriptions, and, of course, is famous for his predictions regarding the comet that still bears his name.)

The famous mathematician Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827) lent his endorsement to Kant's theory, but without checking the mathematical validations he was capable of providing. Thus, the nebular hypothesis gained widespread respectability despite serious mathematical flaws. Subsequent writers have continued to develop variations of this view even though increasing difficulties render it increasingly doubtful.

Enigmas Increase

The sun contains 99.86% of all the mass of the solar system. Yet the sun contains only 1.9% of the angular momentum. The nine planets contain 98.1%. There is no plausible explanation that would support a solar origin of the planets.

James Jeans (1877-1946) pointed out that the outer planets are far larger than the inner ones. (Jupiter is 5,750 times as massive as mercury, 2,958 times as massive as Mars, etc.)

Other observations seem to raise even more provocative enigmas concerning our planetary history:


  • There are three pairs of rapid-spin rates among our planets: Mars and Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, and Neptune and Uranus, are each within 3% of each other. Why?


  • Earth and Mars have virtually identical spin axis tilts (about 23.5). Why?


    (From angular momentum and orbital calculations, it would seem that these three pairs of planets may have been brought here from elsewhere.)

  • Why does Mars have 93% of its craters in one hemisphere and only 7% in the other? It would appear that over 80% occurred within a single half-hour!


There are other mysteries and we certainly must take most of the conjectures in the field of cosmology as simply what they are: conjectures. But the more we learn, the more we have come to take the Word of God more seriously. After all, He made them all and ought to know! But He has left the thrill of discovery to us all if we will but trust Him:

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. - Proverbs 25:2

The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. -Deuteronomy 29:29

We hope that this brief article will provide some conversation for a warm summer evening.


Reply  Message 75 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 05:29

Día marciano

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

El día solar marciano es el período entre dos pasos consecutivos del Sol por un meridiano de Marte, y dura 24 horas 39 minutos 35,244 segundos. Es aproximadamente un 3% más largo que el día solar terrestre.

El día sideral marciano, definido como dos pasos consecutivos de una misma estrella fija por el meridiano del lugar, dura 24h 37m 22.663s, como comparación, en la Tierra dura 23h 56m 04,0905s.

La diferencia entre el día solar y el día sideral se debe en los dos planetas al movimiento del planeta alrededor del Sol y es una cuestión muy conocida. Supongamos que un día dado el día sideral y el Sol culminan en el mismo instante. El día sideral acabará cuando la estrella culmine al cabo de 24h 37m 22,663s, pero a causa del movimiento de traslación de Marte alrededor del Sol, el día solar no ha terminado. Como Marte tarda 668.5921 días marcianos en dar una vuelta al Sol, por término medio gira 360/668,5921 =0,53844489 º al día y este ángulo es lo que le falta girar para que el Sol culmine. En ello emplea un tiempo de 2m 12,58s así que el día solar medio dura 24h 37m 22,663s+2m 12,58s=24h39m 35,24s.

Otra manera de entender la misma cuestión es que si el planeta en un año da X vueltas sobre sí mismo, el Sol culmina una vez menos. Como la órbita no es circular y rige la segunda ley de Kepler o ley de las áreas hay que hablar de día solar medio pues el movimiento real del planeta sobre la órbita no es siempre el mismo y por tanto el día solar tiene una duración variable. Apliquemos lo dicho para:

La Tierra:
El día solar medio dura 24 horas y el año 365,2422 días. Así para la Tierra el día sideral dura Ts*366,2422=24h* 365,2422 es decir Ts=23,93447 h=23h56m4,1s
El periodo de rotación de Marte fue determinado por primera vez por Huygens en 1659 basándose en las manchas de albedo que se observan en su superficie. En 1666 Giovanni Cassini fijó su duración en 24h 40m valor aproximado al verdadero. Con base en dibujos hechos en un intervalo de observación de 300 años se halló para la revolución sideral el periodo 24h 37m 22,7s.
Sabiendo que el año en Marte dura 686.9726 días terrestres ¿Cuántos días solares medios tiene un año? ¿Cuándo dura el día solar medio T?
Sabiendo que 686.9726 días terrestres equivalen a 16487,3424 horas y teniendo en cuenta que Ts *(X+1)=T*X=16487,3424 horas, tenemos las incógnitas T y X.
Eliminando la incógnita T
X+1=16487,3424 horas/24h 37m 22.663s=669,59216.
Así que el año dura X=668,59216 soles. Por ello el día solar medio dura T=16487,3424 horas/668,59216 soles=24,6597902=24h39m35,24s, lo que equivale a 1,02749125 días terrestres.

Reply  Message 76 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 05:36

A truncated excerpt from "Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness" by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon

"According to these ancient observations, there was a perfectly resonant orbit between Mars and Earth. Mars took exactly 720 days to orbit the sun and Earth took 360 days to accomplish the same feat.

The scribes noted that the Ides of March (March 15th) and October 26th were the major fly-by dates of the two planets' orbits. Both of these dates became cardinal points on the calendar. The Ides of March marked the beginning of spring and the end of winter. The fly-by of Mars on October 26th marked the harvest and the end of the year for the ancient Celtics and other peoples.

March (which means Mars) was once the first month of the year. This fact is revealed in our Gregorian calendar which uses the following months: September, October, November, December. This means 7, 8, 9 and 10 respectively. In other words, September is seven months away from March, October is eight, etc.

Another pattern that the ancient historians noted was that Mars came frighteningly close every 108 years.

Eventually, during one of these close fly-bys, a major cataclysm occurred when the gravitational pulls became too close for comfort.

In the Battle of Beth-horun from the Book of Joshua, there is the Longest Day of Joshua where they did rituals in anticipation of the above moment. They marched around the wall every day until Sabbath. On that day, they marched around seven times and history records this as the day the sun stood still.

What happened was that the two planets almost collided and a very major cataclysm took place on Mars. Earth was shaken up as well and the walls of Jericho came down.

What happened on the day the sun stood still was that the geometrical physics of the situation created a twenty-eight hour day. As a consequence, the Earth gained velocity (like an electron) and more energy that eventually added approximately 5.25 days to our orbit. The Martian orbit changed from 720 days to approximately 686.5 days.

The astrologers (all astronomers were known as astrologers then) of the day began to calculate changes and soon realized that the commonly known equinoxes and solstices were not in the same place.

Accordingly, the beginning of Spring moved March 15th to approximately March 21st. This period of renewal was marked by the goddess Ishtar, identified with Venus. A pagan festival celebrated "Ishtar" at this time period and the very word "Easter" is derived from this goddess.

When 5.25 days were added to October 26th, this gave us October 31st as the day upon which to celebrate the harvest. This day is presently celebrated in the United States as All Hallows Eve or Halloween. This time period was very important to the ancients and November 1st was celebrated as Samhain or New Year's Day by the Druids. Thus, Halloween is really a celebration of Mars. It was additionally intended to symbolize a transmigration of souls from Mars to Earth."

[Note: According to some accounts, the planet Venus played a factor in the cataclysm of Earth and Mars]

[Note: The rabbit and eggs are the two most significant symbols of the festival and represent fertility, new life and spring. Henceforth, they represent Ishtar, goddess of fertility.]

Bottom line: The rabbit got there first! Easter belongs to the Pagans, not the Christians.

To learn more, read "Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness" by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon, available at Sky Books Publishing.

Official website: http://www.skybooksusa.com/

©2008 Sky Books Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


Reply  Message 77 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 05:46
The Day the Sun Stood Still PDF Print E-mail
Written by David Gaddy   
Monday, 23 June 2008 14:09

In Joshua 9 and 10 we read of an incredible battle with a miraculous ending. While protecting their newfound allies, the Israelites battle the five Amorite Kings in the valley of Aijalon. To finish the battle Joshua prays for more daylight and the sun stood still for almost a day. So how did God achieve this miracle? Did he stop the Earth's rotation, cause an eclipse, or is it more figurative than literal?

Urban Legend – First we should dispel the rumor that Nasa or Princeton discovered a “missing day” in their orbital calculations. This story usually reflects that scientists were trying to compute orbital calculations for the first satellites (some use the Apollo missions) and they were hitting a dead end in their calculations because they were "missing days" in their formulas. But once they enlisted the help of Bible scholars, they showed them the Long Day of Joshua (and sometimes the shadow of Hezekiah gets lumped in too). This new information allowed them to update their formulas and successfully launch into space. After hearing this story many times you begin to believe it as truth. After all it is used in the pulpit often. But upon further examination, it appears that this is simply unfounded and is nothing more than an urban legend. It doesn't even make sense scientifically. Orbital mechanics are not contingent upon any calculations that concern a number of days in our history. So we should cease from using this little piece of legend from our pulpits. The Bible stands up really well against scientific scrutiny without us having to use such methods that could come back to bite us. Please research things like this before using them. (Be a Berean (Acts 17:11))

Popular Theories:

  1. The Earth stopped rotating and God disrupted the laws of physics miraculously. -- God can do anything including this, but it appears to me that He likes to use his creation to fulfill His needs. We should acknowledge that it is even more impressive if God set in motion the things that would impact this day centuries earlier.
  2. The battle happened at night and Joshua was actually praying to prevent the sun from rising. Thus God answered with a heavy fog that obscured the rising sun or with an eclipse that hid the sun. -- The text doesn't support this theory, because it does not imply darkness, but says that the sun stopped.
  3. The passage is written in prose quoted from this “Book of Jasher”. Therefore it is simply figurative. -- Poetic structure doesn't imply figurative speech. God says what He means and means what He says even in poetry. The sun stopped in the sky.
  4. Astrophysicist Donald Patton's hypothesis (this is what we'll discuss in this study). His theory is based on scientific studies about how the Earth and Mars once interracted and how this eventually affected our calendar. Note that this doesn't try to explain the miracles of God away as mere natural occurances. To me, it shows us how well God planned everything from the foundation of time. It shows that since God created the laws of physics, He chose to use them to His advantages when He wanted to.

Our Calendar Changed, why?

14 different ancient calendars used to be based on 360 day years. This includes Egyptian, Chaldean, Jewish, Mayan, Teutonic, and more. Some might speculate that this was because they didn't know better. Well, that hardly makes sense because even though these men weren't technically advanced, they were still smart enough to calculate the cycles of the sun and moon. In fact, they were much more reliant on it than we are. This affected their planting times, their harvest times, their navigational calculations, and much more. If there was anything that the ancients were good at, it was calendar tracking. But everyone's calendar changed in 701 BC. The Roman calendar (our current system) added 5 ¼ days to the year (365 days a year + 1 every four years) and Hezekiah added a full month to the Jewish calendar seven times every nineteen years. Why the change? Obviously it had to because the change is still holding up today. So what happened in 701 BC that demanded a change?

Significance of Mars

Before we get to that, let's examine the influence of the planet Mars on the ancient world. Ancient cultures feared and worshipped the planet Mars (thought to be a powerful god). He was menacing and a god of War. This god/planet wasn't named Mars until the days of the Romans, before then he was called Aries by the Greeks and before that, Ba'al (2 Kings 23:5). The Tuetons called him Tues. Tuesday and March are named after this god. Why was there such a big deal made over a small planet in our night sky? Why did this planet scare people so much? Could you even pick it out of the night sky if you had to? But what if it wasn't always so little in the sky?

Many scientists believe that Mars and Earth were on slightly different resonant orbits. The Earth was 360 day orbit and Mars was 720 day. The orbits would have been more elliptical than they are today and slightly offset so that the orbit of Mars passed through the orbit of Earth. This would cause them to pass by near each other on several occasions at about 108 years intervals. This model would account for many catastrophic events in history that seem to occur about 108 years apart. The theory is that the gravitational affect on each planet during each near pass-by shifted the orbits slightly enough to help it stabilize in 701 BC. Note below, the events that God placed at even intervals. Oddly these intervals are usually divisible by 108 years.

  1. Flood of Noah (approximately 2484 BC)
  2. Tower of Babel (approximately 1944 BC) 540 years later (108 * 5)
  3. Long Day of Joshua (approximately 1404 BC) 540 years later (108 * 5)
  4. Elijah at Mt Carmel (approximately 864 BC) 540 years later (108 * 5)
  5. Hezekiah and the Shadow (Isaiah 38:7-8) / Calendars change (701 BC) 163 years later

During a near pass-by (108 years apart) Mars would come as close as 70,000 miles away (very close) and rise on the horizon 50 times bigger than the moon. This would cause huge earthquakes (land tidal shifts), lightning, meteor showers and generally scare everyone on Earth to death. Hence, a reason for pagans to worship Mars. This would also account for the needed calendar change in 701 BC. If the last near pass-by occurred in 701 BC and threw the planets into a more stable orbit, the number of days per year would've been affected. It is also interesting that Hezekiah was the one who changed the Jewish calendar. Remember the backward moving shadow miracle occurred with him in Isaiah 38. So what does Mars have to do with Joshua? We're getting there.

Prophetic Satire?

Johnathan Swift wrote Gulliver's Travels in 1726. In the 3rd voyage to Laputa it mentions two moons of Mars in strange detail that accurately describes the two moons proportionally as they actually exist. The details are strange because most moons do not behave like Mars' moons do. Yet Swift described them quite accurately. However, the moons of Mars were not discovered until 1877 due to their size and darkness (151 years after Swift's writing). In researching this, it appears that he apparently got his information from some ancient Chinese sketches that he probably viewed as mere folklore and myth to add some depth to his fantasy story. In reality these sketches were most likely eye witness accounts of a near pass-by of Mars. So taking the calendar into account along with Swift's usage of ancient writings, it appears that the Mars theory is completely plausible. So if this was occurring during the Long Day of Joshua, how does it account for the long day?

Well-planned Catastrophe

Each time one of these near pass-bys would occur the Earth's axis would shift over 5 degrees and thus increase the length of the day by approximately 8 hours. So from our relative point on the Earth, the sun would appear to "stand still" in the sky. There is magnetic polar evidence that indicates that this could have occurred hundreds of times in Earth's history. But the Book of Joshua says that there had never been another day like that before or since. If we continue reading that verse however, it explains that what really made that day unique wasn't the sun's activities. It was the fact that God harkened to the command of a man. He did not do that before or since. It is also interesting to note that resulting meteor showers and great lightning storms would occur prior to the rising of Mars during these pass-bys. It just so happens that the Bible mentions great stones falling from heaven during the battle (Joshua 10:11). Those stones only struck the Amorites. It is awesome to know that God is an expert in ballistics. He set those meteors in motion thousands of years ago so that they would reach Earth around 1404 BC and strike in the Valley of Aijalon and only on the enemies of God's chosen people.

God makes good on his promises.

To me this is awesome proof of God's power. Some may look at this type of scientific explanation as a way of diminishing the power of God's miracle. To try and explain away God's involvement through natural means. But to me it doesn't do that. The fact that those meteors only hit the Amorites alone removes "chance" from the event. No, this to me is God's divine architecture. It means that He knew the moment He flung the stars and planets into the universe that they would need to work in concert to achieve His will upon the Earth. With this in mind, it is also comforting to know that God is using His creation to keep his promises... always.

  1. I will bless them that bless thee (Gibeonites) and curse them that curse thee (Amorites). - Genesis 12:3
  2. And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee. - Joshua 10:8

I love the fact that God uses the past tense here when assuring Joshua of the outcome. For you see, God had already fired His missles and Joshua had won even before the battle began. Praise be to God.

Reply  Message 78 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 05:50

Reply  Message 79 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 05:53



 Astronomers, geographers, geologists and others search for theory that addresses the causation of mountains.  Mountain ranges, mountain systems, mountain cycles, volcanoes, and basaltic outflows all cast shadows over a culture unable to explain their existence. The origin of mountain ranges, mountain systems, volcanoes, etc., comes under the general term "crustal deformation". Other like terms are "mountain uplifts," and "orogeny "

 Most of the ideas suggested for crustal deformation over the last 150 years offer explanation for only one type of deformation They cannot address the variety on our planet These crustal deformations include upthrust, shear, stress, compression, tension, tilting, dip or slip, and riding. Even of greater importance is the basic underlying question, "What is the source of the energy and force causing change?"

 The following ideas have been advanced over the years, sometimes only tentatively, other times with more conviction (alphabetically):

Convection currents of magma;

Differential rotation;

Planetary Contraction (and crustal shortening);

Planetary Expansion (and crustal stretching);

Plate Tectonics;

Polar wandering (and Equator bulge relocation)

 Each of the above theories assumes the presence of only one important planetary gravitational field, the Earth's.  Of course, there is the Moon, which creates a twice daily crustal tide of up to 1.5 inches in addition, the Sun creates a twice daily crustal life of up to 1. 5 inches But the Moon is too small and the Sun is too distant to explain mountain uplifting.  When working together they can create a crustal tide of only 4. 5 inches

A rational theory must provide for a massive uplifting force, a crustal tide of thousands of feet, not just a few inches.


 A Common feature of these theories is their dependence upon "gradualism. "  In the parlance of geology, the dogma of gradualism is called "Uniformitarianism. " This eight syllable word embraces the idea of millions of years for accomplishing anything involving crustal deformation. Explanations based on gradualism always omit rigorous force and stress analysis.

Our Model of Planetary Catastrophism

Close flybys of the planet Mars created on the Earth the following phenomena:


Immense oceanic tides, flooding continents;

Earth spin axis "precessions" causing spin axis shifts;

Recharges of the Earth's geomagnetic field strength;

Paleomagnetic polarity reversals;

Orbit perturbations or 'warps" for both Earth and Mars;

Meteor-type impacts on Earth (since Mars had a rocky ring system, of which only Deimos and Phobos survive).

     This essay addresses primarily the first topic above, immense Subcrustal Tides of 6 hour Duration. Geographically, the primary zone of action (and damage) was hemispheric, that is, the side of the Earth facing Mars, although other secondary effects were global in scope.

     Our model of the Mars-Earth Wars extends geographical techniques to astronomical scenes, well beyond the Earth's surface, including to the orbit and to the surface of Mars. Figure I illustrates our model in astronomy.

1. Mass of Mars. Mars is 11 percent of Earth's mass.

 2. Geometry and Harmony. In our model, Mars, when close, always made an 'inside flyby,' that is, it followed a path between the Earth and the Sun . The Moon was always at or near full, and it was away from the path of Mars. (Inside flybys by an outer planet, in celestial mechanics, result in orbit warps for both planets that tend to be mutually self perpetuating .)

 3. Relative velocity. Mars approached and passed the Earth-Moon system at a velocity of 28,000 mph. (This means that flyby upthrusts and general damage occurred in a timeframe of under 250 minutes, not tens of millions of years.)

 4. Orbit crossroads placed in space. Each flyby distance of Mars varied, because the planets Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune warped the orbit of Mars in various directions and amounts from flyby to flyby. Thus, these three planets altered the place in space where the two orbits intersected. They could alter the orbit crossing place and the flyby distance by an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 miles.

 5. Resonance slot. In the Catastrophic Era, the Earth had a 92.25-million mile orbit radius, not today's 93.0 million miles. (This "slot" in space puts the Earth's orbit in a 12:1 orbit timing resonance with Jupiter and a 30:1 resonance with Saturn, also 85:1 with Uranus. This explains the 360 day (not 365 day) ancient year and ancient calendar; 360 day calendars were the norm in ancient societies.

 6. Orbit Hot Spot. The closest point in a planet's orbit to the Sun is its "perihelion' (Greek, peri = near, helios = Sun). Mars had a perihelion of 66 million miles in our model, and thus its perihelion was well inside Venus' orbit space.

7. Orbit Cold Spot. The remotest point in a planet's orbit to the Sun is its 'aphelion"
(Greek, ap = far from). Mars had a 225-million mile aphelion and when there, Mars penetrated well into the region of asteroids.

8. Paired Orbit intersections. Since the orbits of Mars and the Earth are, and were, coplanar, there were two orbit intersection locations, not one. One orbit enossroads was October 24 and the other was March 21, the historic Passover of Judaism. Early Romans of the 5th century B.C. called March 21 their 'tubulustrium" (day of trouble), and they called October 24 their "armilustrium" (day of alarms). The early Hebrews called October 24 "The Day of the Lord,' very much dreaded, like their Passover.

 9. Mars Orbit Period. The orbit of Mars required 720 days, while one orbit of the Earth required 360 days in the Catastrophic Era. In addition, the Moon's orbit at that time was 30 days, not the modern 29.54 days. This means the Moon, too, was in orbital resonance with Mars at 24:1.

 10. Alternating Geometries. Close Mars flybys alternated between the ascending intersection (October 24) and the descending (March 20-21) crossroads. Close flybys rocked back and forth in 108-year cycles, like a rocking chair. This has several implications, one of which is that Mars, in sequential flybys, tortured the Earth's Eastern and Western Hemispheres alternately.

 Figure I illustrates our model of the catastrophic orbit of Mars. Mars began a rounding-out process, and Mars achieved its modern orbit in a few decades. The Earth's orbit changed, or expanded, from a 360 day to a 365.25-day regime. The orbit of Mars contracted from a 720-day orbit to the modern 687 day orbit. Reciprocally, the Earth's orbit expanded. Energy was conserved, as was angular momentum. Nevertheless, both Venus and Jupiter were involved in the energy/angular momentum exchanges.1


Reply  Message 80 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 05:56
Joshua and the Harvest Moon
Prophecy - Signs
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wendy Wippel

Aahh, October.  Pleasant days, a nip in the night air and a plump fall moon hanging low on the horizon.  With a blood-red Mars behind it, fifty times larger than even the harvest moon.  At least if you were Joshua.

Mars seems to have inspired fear in ancient cultures.  Ares, the Greek god of War (known as Mars to the Romans) was accompanied by two sons, Deimos (meaning “panic”) and Phobos (meaning fear), also the names of Mars' two moons.  The Sumerians called it Enlil and believed it caused the Great Flood.  The Canaanites, Chaldeans, and Phoenicians held ceremonies to appease Mars under the name Baal.  So did the Israelites under later kings. 

In Greek mythology he is a destructive force to be propitiated; The Greek name "Ares" means "bane, ruin, or curse”.  Mars features prominently in the Iliad by harnessing his horses, "Panic" and "Rout" to wreak havoc on earth.

So why is Mars, the God of War in mythology?  One of our clues is that Mars looks like it has been through a war itself.  It has hundreds of thousands of impact craters, but they all occur on one side.

In other words, they were all formed in a very short amount of time.

Something catastrophic happened in the past and it involved Mars.  And that something apparently gave Mars its two moons.  Irregularly shaped chunks of rock (unlike our spherical moon), they appear to be asteroids or remnants of a fragmented planet that got captured by the Mars' gravitation.

And those two moons are our second clue. 

Have you ever read Gulliver's Travels?  One of the places Gulliver visits is a flying island known as Laputa, inhabited by intellectuals and scientists.  The residents of this island had discovered how to levitate the island magnetically and had discovered the two moons of Mars:

"They [the Laputians] have likewise discovered two lesser stars, or satellites, which revolve about Mars, whereof the innermost is distant from the center of the primary planet exactly three of its diameters, and the outermost five; the former revolves in the space of ten hours, and the latter in twenty-one and a half; so that the squares of their periodical times are very near the same proportion with the cubes of their distance from the center of Mars".  

These scientists also reveal that one although Deimos rises in the east on Mars, like every other moon in our solar system, Phobos rises in the west.

Which is startlingly accurate information, given that Swift wrote Gulliver's Travels in 1726, and astronomers didn't official discover the two moons of Mars until 1877.

So what happened with Mars that struck fear into ancient hearts, and allowed descriptions of it moons 150 years before they were ever observed in a telescope?

Scientist Don Patten has a theory: orbital resonance.

Orbital resonance is a phenomenon in which heavenly bodies, when their orbits approach each other, create gravitational influence greater than the sum of their individual gravitational pulls.  This phenomenon, occurring through  the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter, is believed to have caused the reverse of the positions of the planets Uranus and Neptune in the past.  Some situations of orbital resonance manage to stabilize, but most eventually result in a change in position that alleviates the recurrent gravitational stress.

Enter Mars.  Computer simulations of such an interaction between Mars and Earth suggest that Earth and the Planet Mars were once on resonant orbits of 360 days and 720 days, respectively, a situation that would result in very close flybys every 53 years, alternating flybys in March and October.  Such flybys would eventually result in an alteration of the orbits of one or the other or both.

Hmm.  The Festivals of Mars in Greek and Roman cultures were in March and October.

And, starting some time before 701 BC, ancient cultures started changing their calendars from a 360-day year, which was the ancient standard, to a 365 day year.  The Roman Empire, in its infancy, added five days.  Hezekiah added a Jewish leap year that included a whole extra month.

What apparently happened was that Mars got kicked out of an orbit in which, every 54 years, it was a huge and terrifying presence in the night sky of earth, accompanied by tidal surges, meteor showers, and other natural phenomenon that caused "fear and panic" on earth, kicked back into the benign one it occupies now.  And earth's orbit changed enough to require an extra five days in the year.

And that explains the long day of Joshua.  Each time one of these near pass-bys would occur the Earth's axis would putatively shift over 5 degrees and thus increase the length of the day by approximately eight  hours.  So from our relative point on the Earth, the sun would appear to "stand still" in the sky.  It also explains the meteor shower and other natural events that Joshua records.

Remember that other piece of Greek mythology regarding Phaeton?  He persuaded his father to let him drive the chariot of the sun across the sky but lost control and fell into the sea.

The Roman poet Ovid, working from ancient sources, put the story in writing about 50 BC.  In the original version, from Phoenician legends, Phaeton’s wanderings around the sky resulted in the sun remaining in the sky for an extra day.  The story also records that Phaeton’s sisters were turned into the first amber. 

Is it coincidence that the Phoenicians were the world’s principal source of amber in ancient times and just happened to be the enemy that Joshua was fighting on the day that he prayed that the sun would stand still?

Egyptian, Indian, and Chinese legends also describe a long day about the same time. 

And legends of American Indian tribes, as well as the Aztecs and Mayans, describe a long night.  The Omaha legend says a rabbit caught the sun in a trap.

Intriguingly, natives of the Fiji islands, ostensibly halfway in between the western and eastern hemispheres, have a legend of a long sunset.

There are a whole lot of things that are really remarkable about this.  God answered Joshua's prayers.  The most preposterous stories of the Bible, when you dig around a little, are always corroborated by science and history.  If we lived in the time of Joshua, we could see Mars hanging in our October sky, 50 times bigger than that orange moon we're used to.

But the most remarkable thing of all is that when God put the planets in motion, he had it timed, factoring in the exact minute when the tension created by orbital resonance between Mars and Earth would launch Mars further out into space, so that somewhere pretty close to 701 BC the sun would stand still-- at the exact moment that Joshua cried out to his God.

That omnopotent, omniscient God loves his people.  And he answers prayer!

And we serve that same God today.

About Wendy Wippel

Last week: God's Astrological Signs


Reply  Message 81 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 05:57

Reply  Message 82 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 06:05


En este planeta de cuatro elementos, de cuatro colores (azul, verde, pardo y blanco) y de cuatro estaciones, cada una dura 13 semanas: 13 x 7 días. También cada 7 días (1 semana) el planeta que flota en el Espacio se desplaza cubriendo una distancia en la que el Sol cabe 13 veces (13 soles) de modo que durante 13 semanas (una estación, un cuarto de año) la Tierra cubre la distancia equivalente a 13 x 13 soles. Nuestro año de 364 días es estructurable con precisión en 13 meses de 4 semanas (52 semanas = 13+13+13+13 semanas) y en 4 estaciones de 13 meses y sobra un día y cuarto.

13 meses de 4 semanas = 4 periodos de 13 semanas

La Luna también da 13 órbitas completas (y el 40% de otra) a la Tierra durante esas 13+13+13+13 semanas ó 13 meses.

El 13 también es un patrón relacionado con los ciclos de sincronización de órbitas entre planetas, al menos entre la mayoría. El ciclo de sincronización de órbitas se mide por el número de órbitas que dan dos planetas hasta volver a encontrarse en el mismo punto alineados al mismo lado del Sol.

Los periodos de órbita de los planetas se miden en años (o ciclos orbitales de la Tierra). Son estos:

88 días 1 : 0,24
224,7 días 1 : 0,61
Aire Agua Tierra
365,2422 días (1 año) 1
1,88 años (687 días) 1 : 1,88
11,86 años (4.332 días) 1 : 11,86
29,5 años (10.775 días) 1 : 29,5
84 años (30.680 días) 1 : 84
165 años (60.265 días) 1 : 165
248 años (90.580 días) 1 : 248

El caso más directo en el que está involucrado nuestro propio planeta es con Venus, pues Venus ha de dar 13 órbitas al Sol (la Tierra da 8 órbitas, 8 años nuestros); durante estas órbitas se encuentran 5 veces, pero no exactamente en el punto inicial (pues la dinámica del Universo no es la precisión milimétrica de nuestra razón), al cual llegan tras esas 13 órbitas de Venus (y 8 de la Tierra).

También Júpiter en su relación con su vecino Marte (en órbitas contiguas), pues para que Marte y Júpiter vuelvan a alinearse en el mismo punto de sus órbitas Júpiter ha de dar 13 órbitas al Sol y Marte da 82 (y la Tierra da 154 órbitas, 77+77).

En relación con Saturno, la Tierra da 383 órbitas mientras Saturno da 13.

También ocurre entre los vecinos Júpiter y Saturno (5ª y 6ª órbitas desde el Sol), aunque con la particularidad de que el número de órbitas que Saturno ha de dar es múltiplo de 13, es decir, 39 órbitas, 13 x 3 .

También en órbitas no contiguas, Mercurio da 13 x 3 órbitas en relación con Marte (que da 5).

Quizá podríamos incluir también a la Tierra en su relación con Marte, pues para que ambos se encuentren en el mismo punto de sus órbitas la Tierra ha de dar 79 órbitas, que es 78 + 1, es decir (13 x 6) + 1.

Incluso múltiplos de 13 los encontramos en el periodo de alineamientos de Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno cada 4.628 años, pues 4.628 años de 365,2422 días cada uno son 1.690.341 días, y esto es el cuadrado de 1.300,13 días , y en 4.628 años Júpiter da 390 órbitas, que es 13 x 30. Es decir que:

Durante 1.300,13 días x 1.300,13 días Júpiter da 13 x 30 órbitas al Sol.


Reply  Message 83 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 06:14

Reply  Message 84 of 176 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 06:49

Mysteries of Mars: Mars Getting Closer to Earth - Chuck Missler ...

www.khouse.org › ... › TechnicalSpace-TimeEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
27 Aug 2003 – It has been getting progressively closer to Earth each night and will ... the Planet Mars were once on resonant orbits of 360 days and 720 days, ...

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    Once again the Assyrian arsenal of iron armor functioned as an attracting lightning rod. ... Close Mars flybys occurred in 108 year cycles (to the day). ... or minus 1 day, this trio of planets (Mars, Venus and the Earth) were poised for battle. ..... to move the Earth from a 360-day to a 365+-day orbit and Mars from a 720-day orbit ...


    www.thule.org/crustaluplift/index.htmlEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Close flybys of the planet Mars created on the Earth the following phenomena: ... This explains the 360 day (not 365 day) ancient year and ancient calendar; 360 day ... The orbit of Mars required 720 days, while one orbit of the Earth required 360 days ... This means the Moon, too, was in orbital resonance with Mars at 24:1 .

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    Why are Mars and Jupiter locked into a 1:12 resonance, Saturn and Uranus in a ... What the Titius-Bode law essentially means is that planetary orbits become .... Just as truly as our 12-inch ruler was once a symbol of the 12-house Zodiac, ..... We believe that originally Earth had a 360-day year, and Mars had a 720-day year.

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    12 Oct 2011 – Pleasant days, a nip in the night air and a plump fall moon hanging low on the horizon. ... an interaction between Mars and Earth suggest that Earth and the Planet Mars were once on resonant orbits of 360 days and 720 days, ...
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    Unadorned and straightforward, a 360 day a year prophetic calendar needs no leap ... and the Planet Mars were once on resonant orbits of 360 days and 720 days, ... resulting in Earth's and Mars' present orbits of 365 1/4 days and 687 days , ...

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    Richard Smith
    29 Apr 2009 – "According to these ancient observations, there was a perfectly resonant orbit between Mars and Earth. Mars took exactly 720 days to orbit the sun and Earth took 360 days ... October 26th were the major fly-by dates of the two planets' orbits. ... March (which means Mars) was once the first month of the year.

    Why were ancient cultures terrified of the planet mars? - Yahoo ...

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    9 respuestas - 24 Dic. 2005
    Why were ancient cultures terrified of the planet mars? ... and the Planet Mars were once on resonant orbits of 360 days and 720 days, respectively. ... resulting in Earth's and Mars' present orbits of 365 1/4 days and 687 days, ...

    Planets and Music - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes

    www.greatdreams.com/grace/.../97planetmusic.ht...En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Let's arrange the Sun and planets in sequence, arbitrarily assigning musical ..... ( not 365 day) ancient year and ancient calendar; 360 day calendars were the norm in ancient societies". ... Mars had an orbit of 720 days, in 1:2 resonance with Earth's orbit. .... Once the basic structure of the entire piece is set up it functions as a ...

    Reply  Message 85 of 176 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 06:59

     New Testament prophecies indicate people are going to become very  interested in Catastrophism during the endtimes. To be more specific, planetary catastrophism. Back in the 70’s I chanced to read some of Immanuel Velikovsky and Donald Patten’s books. Velikovsky is most known for his "Worlds in Collision" and "Earth in Upheaval." Patten’s are mostly out of print except for his latest,  “Catastrophism and the Old Testament.”

     Velikovsky and Patten contended in Old Testament times certain planets were loose cannons in the solar system. Velikovsky believed Venus was the loose cannon, Patten believed it was Mars.

     Patten brings convincing evidence to bear that Mars was not in the nice orderly orbit it is in now. Periodically it passed close to the earth, each time wreaking havoc on a gigantic scale, scaring the living daylights out of people.

     This is why amongst the ancient Greeks, Romans, etc., Mars was so prominent. Mars was the leading deity in 8th century BC Rome. Mars Hill in Athens, for instance (Acts 17:22) is named for the planet.

     Patten asks “From whence in Roman culture comes the ancient advise to beware the ides of March?  It came from pioneer Rome, the most ancient era of Roman experience, when the Romans were still living in the catastrophic era.” March (named after Mars) was the time of the year Mars had interacted with earth.

     Isn’t it amazing that such a tiny point of light in the night sky, which the average person you meet probably can’t even pick out, yet, in ancient times was so prominent.

     In the Bible, the prophets described such astronomical catastrophism in the language of their times, theologians refer to these as “day of the Lord” passages. The prophets projected Old Testament planetary catastrophic events to the final day of the Lord.

     It appears that Mars was responsible for more than we realize. Mars, according to Patten, was the cause for such things as “the day the Sun stood still” in Joshua 10, and the turning back of the sundial by 10 degrees in Isaiah 38. The Sun only appeared to have moved in these cases, the earth, due to the intense gravitational interaction between planets, experienced spin axis change, and was actually the one being moved.

    According to Patten, 701 BC, when Jerusalem was saved from destruction at the siege of Sennacherib and his armies (an event coinciding with the turning back of the sundial), was the last of  the earth’s encounters with Mars.

     The 701 BC event caused Mars orbit to be perturbed enough that it’s orbit rounded out, becoming in resonance between Jupiter and Earth, settling out into it’s now-serene orbit.

     Patten brings out that before the turning back of the sundial event, 701 BC, all evidence points to the fact that calendars throughout the world, both Jewish and heathen, reflected 30 day months/360 day years. The earth’s encounters with Mars perturbed the Earth’s orbit just enough to cause our present 365 day years. [It makes sense that God’s original creation would have been perfect - a perfect 30 day month, 12 month, 360 day year.]

     Patten says the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars is the remains of  a planet caused by a gigantic collision with Mars. Mars won, however, sustaining intense cratering from the fragments of the planet. This collision is what knocked Mars into a destructive, elliptical orbit in OT times. The collision, as Patten puts it, “Created some 3000 asteroids and splattering one side of Mars with another 3000 ‘asteroids’ or fragments. On this day, Mars staggered, and lost potential energy as it fell into its catastrophic orbit.”

     Following Patten since the 70’s, I have been repeatedly amazed at how subsequent space explorations have confirmed his predictions.

     What he said they would find in the rings of Saturn they have found; same concerning planetary electrical discharges or “flux tubes” (found between Jupiter and it’s moon Io); same concerning Venus.

     And, most significantly, what he said they would find upon closer examination of the surface of Mars, they have found!  Since the Earth has 9.3 times the mass of Mars, he said Mars would show plenty of evidence of it’s “flybys,” faring far worse than Earth.

     Scientists have been astounded at what they have found. Patten’s latest book comments on their findings: “With Mars experiencing such intense sub-crustal tides, it is no wonder that it has giant volcanoes. The volcanic cone of Ascraeus Mons could engulf the state of South Carolina. The Volcanic cone of Pavonis Mons could engulf Indiana. And the volcanic cone of the gigantic Olympus Mons could engulf all of New England plus half of New York state. The sizes of these vocanoes, results of the ancient Mars flybys.” And, this is just the Volcanoes, not to mention other Mars findings that support Patten.

     These findings have definitely sharpened my interest in planetary catastrophism. The book of Revelation seems to indicate that something may dislodge Mars from it’s serene orbit and send it once again on a destructive path with Earth. Perhaps a meteor/comet may collide, or come close enough to Mars that it perturb Mars’ orbit just enough to do it. If not a meteor or comet, some other astronomical event.

     These astronomical-scale catastrophes of the OT, the prophets used in their prophecies as previews of the  final “day of the Lord.” It appears Patten is correct, I have nothing so far that says otherwise, my own independent research supports his theory. If the OT previews of the day of the Lord were due to Mars, then I have good reason to suspect the final one will be.

     “Mens hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken,”    Luke 21:26.

     “The earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard…And it shall come to pass in THAT DAY (the day of the Lord), that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.”                 Isaiah 24:19-21.

    Reply  Message 86 of 176 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/01/2013 07:02

    A Once Existent Earth Year of 360 days (Part 1)

    By Keith M. Hunter

    360 days as an Ideal Earth Standard:

    If the ancients were right that at some point in the past the earth suffered a general increase to its orbital period, transforming the earth year from 360 days to 365.2421897 days, such a change, were it to have occurred, could not have done so without also causing various other celestial transformations. As indeed, it is well established in science that the physical motion of one astronomical body, so affected, can influence the characteristics of other nearby objects, or even aspects of its own self. One clear example of the former worthy of citation, and well known to astronomers, is that a change to the speed of the axial rotation of the earth directly affects the orbital distance between the earth and the moon.

    It is exactly these sorts of changes that form the very basis of the proof of a once existent earth year of 360 days; specifically, by way of an intriguing set of physical associations found to link the proposed tropical year increase (from 360 days to 365.2421897 days), to an apparent increase in both the physical size of the earth, and also the mean distance separating the earth and moon - both of which are subtly hinted at as occurring alongside the earth year transformation, as detailed in the Egyptian myth, related previously. Indeed, as part of the proof, the 360 degree circle used in geometry itself, is also revealed to have been based originally upon 360 days; unit intervals completing a full ideal earth orbit.

    In an evaluation of such changes, what actually brings the decisive mathematical connections to light is a distinct relationship that would appear to exist between the primary units of angular measure, as known to modern day geometers, and various real distance units of the imperial system. A careful examination of the earth tropical year with respect to both the physical size of the planet, and also the moon orbit, reveals the critical connections. Before proceeding directly though to the evaluation, a brief mention of the basic units of angular measure must be had.


    Angular Measure: The Basics

    In the modern age it is quite well established that the most fundamental unit of angular measure is the degree, which is taken to be 1/360th of the sweep of a circle; a 360 degree circle thus being the full completed form. More refined angular units are of course also used though to specify more acute angles. And this is done following a base-60 progression, through which degrees are split up into 60 smaller parts, each called a minute of arc, and still further, each minute of arc is split up into 60 even smaller parts, known as seconds of arc. A full circle may be composed then of either:


    360 degrees
    21600 minutes of arc (360 x 60)
    1296000 seconds of arc (21600 x 60)


    In general, one should of course realise that usually combinations of the above measures are used to specify a given angle. For example, the axial tilt of the earth is usually expressed as about 23 degrees, 26 minutes and 15 seconds (generally speaking this angle changes slightly every year); an angle responsible for the seasons.

    What is of course important to realise is that in geometry, all of these expressed numerical values, set in accordance with a 360 degree circle (i.e. degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc), are angles, and thus are abstract in their nature. They do not refer to anything specific as such. Or at least, they are not thought to by modern geometers.

    The Earth Year & the Physical Size of the Planet

    With respect to the physical geometry of the earth, angular measures composed of a primary 360 degree circle including minutes, and seconds of arc, are the primary unit intervals used to map the planet as a whole. Under this system, the equator of the earth is representative of zero degrees latitude, with the Greenwich meridian marking zero degrees longitude. Within this matrix, one may thus specify any position upon the earth’s surface either north or south of the equator, and east or west of the Greenwich meridian. Of course, such a system could be applied to any planetary body of any size, using a 'template' of a 360 degree circle, due to the fact that it is based upon angular values, and not arc length measures that actually play out over the real surface of a given body. That being said, upon the issue of the ‘real’ measurements of a given form, one may indeed employ basic angular measures as a means to derive a set of real arc length values over such a body.

    Respecting the earth, one may actively cite both the geographical mile and also the nautical mile as examples of real distance measures derived from angular ‘sweeps’ over the surface of the planet. In the case of the former, the geographical mile is the arc length distance swept out over the surface of the earth by a single minute of arc upon the circular plane of the earth’s equator; equal to 1/21600 of the earth’s equatorial circumference. By contrast, the nautical mile is a unit measure based upon the total circumference of the earth from pole to pole, which is elliptical in nature; being also 1/21600 of such a surface circumference.

    Based upon the known dimensions of the earth, the actual values of these two noted measures may be calculated as follows:


    Known Earth Dimensions:

    Equatorial Circumference = 24902.4 statute miles

    Elliptical (pole to pole) Circumference = 24860.2 statute miles



    Geographical mile = (24902.4 x 5280) / 21600 = 6087.25333…feet

    Nautical mile = (24860.2 x 5280) / 21600 = 6076.93777…feet


    As one can see, the nautical mile is just less than the geographical mile; a result of the planet being compressed along its axis due to its daily rotation, causing the earth to expand outwards at its equator. Indeed, the very dynamics of this readily accounts for the fact that the equator of the earth is circular and the polar circumference of the earth is elliptical. (The plane of the equator is at 90 degrees to the planet’s axis of spin).

    With the above facts established, one is thus bound to suspect almost intuitively then that were indeed the earth to have once possessed a yearly orbit of precisely 360 days, then certain of its other primary physical characteristics, would also have been different; specifically, the physical circumference of the earth itself.

    Moreover, in taking this point further; considering the exacting nature of an earth year of precisely 360 days one would suspect that were the earth in fact to have possessed such a year, it would also have simultaneously possessed a physical circumference of such measure, so as to actually be in harmony with the very value of its orbital period i.e that 360 days fully completes one full journey about the sun. And one would therefore expect also, what must be some sort of lawful association between an increase of the earth year (from an ideal of 360 days to its present value), and an accompanying change to the physical size of the earth.

    But can this be demonstrated though?

    A careful evaluation of the present-day value for the circular circumference of the earth at the plane of its equator, would appear to reveal the answer.


    An Ideal Geographical Mile

    Focusing upon the equatorial circumference of the earth, it can be seen that its fractional split into 21600 equal parts (minutes of arc), so generating the geographical mile, produces a value that when expressed in standard feet, does not appear too remarkable at all: 6087.25333…feet. And yet, were the earth to have once actively possessed 360 days per year, one would expect some sort of harmonic affinity between the value of its orbit and the actual size of the planet; an ordered correspondence of some sort. To determine the truth of such an idea, one would be required to lawfully determine nothing less than precisely just what would have been the circumference of the earth, whilst under a year of 360 days. An examination of the primary distance measures of the basic Imperial System (as currently used in the United Kingdom and the United States) would appear to reveal the decisive breakthrough.

    Of the Imperial system of measures, the most commonly used are the inch, foot, fathom, and the statute mile. In relation to one another, they are as follows:


    12 inches = 1 foot
    6 feet = 1 fathom
    880 fathoms = 1 statute mile (or 5280 feet)


    In reviewing these measures it can be seen that the progression from the foot unit to the fathom involves the multiplier 6. Indeed, in the case of the already noted units of angular measure, it can also be seen that they are similarly connected, via a base-10 multiple of this figure i.e. 60. The significance of this readily becomes apparent when one evaluates the current equatorial circumference of the earth expressed specifically in terms of the fathom unit:


    Equatorial circumference = 24902.4 statute miles
    (24902.4 x 5280) / 6 = 21914112 fathoms


    With the equator so converted, one is able to bring a most remarkable mathematical association to light. For it can now be seen, that the reduction of this very value by the exact ratio between the current earth year and the suggested ideal of 360 days, produces a figure very close to precisely 21600000, which is of the same numeric sequence as the value given to the total number of minutes of arc that complete a full circle:


    365.2421897 / 360 = 1.014561638
    21914112 / 1.014561638 = 21599586.64 fathoms

    With: 21600000 – 21599586.64 = 413.3 fathoms


    Also, comparing the ratios directly using the value 21600000 as a standard, one can derive the following:


    365.2421897 / 360 = 1.014561638
    21914112 / 21600000 = 1.014542222


    From the above it can be seen then that there is an extremely accurate match between the noted ratios; from which one might draw two distinct conclusions. The first is that the primary distance units of the Imperial System would appear to have been established not in accordance with the size of the earth as it currently stands, but rather in accordance with an earth size reduced from its present, by the same ratio that governed the increase of the earth tropical year from an ideal of 360 days. Secondly, the very reality of this fact strongly implies that a general physical law of proportion exists linking the transformation of the earth year to the transformation of the physical size of the earth, upon its equatorial plane.

    Given the truth of these two points, were the earth to have possessed a 360 day year, the physical equatorial circumference of the earth would have been precisely 21600000 fathoms, which would imply that a geographical mile at such a time would be exactly 6000 ft (21600000 x 6 and divided by 21600 = 6000). One may thus call such a unit measure an Ideal Geographical Mile, or IGM for short.

    The claim hereby made, that a change to the earth’s tropical year is directly proportional to a change to its physical circumference, and that this is revealing of an actual physical law, is a bold one. However, it is one that does have support from within the realm of astronomy. Indeed, certain critical discoveries over the past few hundred years concerning the motions of the planets have demonstrated that proportional laws per se are without doubt operative within the universe. And furthermore, such laws of this type have been found to directly apply to all of the planets within the solar system. A slight detour in history is thus called for to demonstrate the reality of this fact.


    The Physical Validity of Laws of Proportion

    Without doubt, the greatest confirmation of the existence of the reality of proportional laws in governing various changes to certain aspects of planetary motion is to be found with the discoveries of Johannes Kepler (1571 – 1630 AD). During his lifetime Kepler was the first to discover the general principles that governed the planets and to explain the manner of their non-linear orbits about the sun. Thus was he able to correct many errors that had existed in the realm of astronomy even from ancient times. Today, the principles that Kepler uncovered with regard to explaining the motions of the planets are generally grouped into a set of 3 primary laws. Briefly, they are as follows:


    1) Planets orbit the sun in elliptical orbits where the Sun is positioned at one of the two focal points.

    2) A planet sweeps out equal areas in equal periods of time; the area being swept out from the sun itself and not the centre of the ellipse, which explains why they move faster in their orbits when nearest to the sun and slower when they are further away from it.

    3) The time taken for a planet to orbit the sun (orbital period) is related to its distance from the sun at its mean point of approach (semi-major axis), by a very precise mathematical law; a law generally referred to as Kepler’s ‘harmonic law’, expressed as follows:

    Where P and a are ratios, and the numbers given are powers:

    What this law essentially states is that the ratio of change of the orbital period (p) of a planet (the total time taken for the planet to complete a single orbit about the sun), when squared, is proportional to the ratio of change of its semi-major axis (a) (mean distance separating the planet and the sun), when cubed. Using this law one could theoretically judge a planet against itself, assuming some significant change to its orbital period. Or even confirm the truth of the law by evaluating any two given planets together in the solar system. As an example of the latter, an evaluation of the orbits of the earth and mars will serve to illustrate this:


    Mars Orbital period = 686.9297110 solar days
    Earth Orbital period = 365.2421897 solar days
    Earth Semi-major Axis (mean orbital distance between earth and sun)
    = 81801193.26 IGM (92955901.43 statute miles)



    686.9297110 / 365.2421897 = 1.880751266
    1.880751266 squared = 3.537225328
    3.537225328 cube-rooted = 1.523658277


    Mars Semi-major Axis = 81801193.26 x 1.523658277
    = 124637065.17 IGM


    According to the above result, Mars should have, in accordance with Kepler’s law, a mean distance from the sun of 124637065.17 IGM. And, actual observations do indeed reveal a figure very close to this; a fact that offers considerable support to the principled validity of the law:


    124638661.47 IGM

    The Tropical Year & Earth Form, Transformed in Unison

    From the above one can clearly see then the importance of Kepler’s Harmonic law for the planets of the solar system. Specifically, the character of the law implies that the orbital period of a planet determines its mean distance from the sun, and that the transformation of the orbital period affects a distinct change to its mean point of approach i.e. the length of its semi-major axis, as per the precise combination of powers built into the law.

    But how though does the reality of Kepler’s law support that which was proposed earlier – that a change to the earth tropical year would cause a simultaneous change to the physical circumference of the earth?

    The answer lies with an understanding of how the geometry of the orbits of planets is related to that of their outward physical form. Essentially, the geometry of a planetary orbit is exactly identical to that of the geometry of the physical form of a planet. Both are ellipsoid in nature. Thus, of the earth, the circumference of the planet on the plane of the equator is perfectly circular, whereas the circumference of the planet taken as a plane cut 90 degrees to the equator, passing through the axis, is elliptical (i.e. viewed from the ‘side’ the curvature of the planet is that of a 2 dimensional ellipse). Such facts also hold true for the very orbit of the earth, save only that the ellipsoid form of the orbit is invisible. And yet be that as it may, the mathematical geometry of both form and orbit is identical. Thus:

    1) The actual elliptical orbital path of the earth is the mathematical equivalent of the earth’s physical (polar) elliptical circumference.

    2) The mean distance of approach of the earth to the sun, known as its semi-major axis, is the mathematical equivalent of the equatorial radius component of the physical earth.

    3) The circular (invisible) equator of the earth orbit at 90 degrees to its actual orbital plane is in fact the equivalent of the earth’s own physical circular equator. The former, one may thus designate the ‘celestial equator’ of the earth’s orbit.

    With an understanding of the association then between the geometry of a planetary orbit and that of its physical form, one can clearly grasp the correspondence between Kepler’s law and that which was proposed earlier in this work.

    Essentially, just as Kepler’s law relates a change in the earth tropical year to a change in the semi-major axis component of the earth’s orbit, via the noted powers of 2 and 3, the law described previously relates a change to the tropical year, to a (simultaneous) change also to the semi-major axis of the earth’s physical form i.e. its equatorial radius. In this latter instance however both components would appear to be transformed directly in proportion to one another, and thus the powers are 1 and 1. Given this, one may formally express the law as follows:

    Where: TY & PE (e) are ratios:

    TY = Tropical Year (present) / Tropical Year (past)
    PE (e) = Physical Equator, Earth (present) / Physical Equator, Earth (past)


    As an equation this law has the following form:


    TY = Tropical Year (Present)
    PE = Physical Equator, Earth (Present)
    ty = Tropical Year (past)
    pe = Physical Equator, Earth (Past)


    The reality of the above stated law directly implies that were the earth to be ‘back-transformed’ to one containing 360 days from one of 365.2421897 days, then the physical size of the planet would also by necessity have to be reduced by exactly the same ratio as between these two orbital periods i.e. 1.014561638. And indeed, it is hereby suggested directly that such a back-transformation does reveal the state of the earth as was once manifest at some remote point in history, wherein there truly was an exacting harmonic correspondence between the value of its orbital period in days, and the value ascribed to the equatorial circumference of the earth in Ideal Geographical Miles; both of which conformed to the basic numeric sequence of the Babylonian measures: 360 & 21600, via a x60 multiplier.

    The important to mention however, is that the numerical value of 360, nominally taken to be representative of a 360 degree circle (in geometry), does in fact represent 360 days of an ideal earth year, with the value 21600, actively representing the measure of the earth equator in ideal geographical miles.

    From the above noted law one can now actually use the very measure of the tropical year to derive a value for the current equatorial circumference of the earth based upon a standard of 360 days:


    365.2421897 / 360 = 1.014561638
    Earth Equator = 1.014561638 × 21600 = 21914.53138 IGM
    (24902.87657 statute miles)

    Compared with what is the known measured value for the equatorial circumference of the earth, there is very little difference:

    24902.87657 – 24902.4 = 0.4765 miles


    Conclusions to be Drawn from the Above Evaluation:

    1) The Imperial System of measures including the ‘angular’ measures (the 360 degree circle including minutes and seconds of arc) of the ancients were originally based upon the standard of an ‘ideal’ earth of 360 days.

    2) The circumference of the ideal earth at the equator, expressed in units of Ideal geographical miles, was in harmony numerically with the total number of days in the earth tropical year via a ‘base-60’ multiplier i.e. from 360 days > 360 x 60 = 21600, expressed in units of Ideal Geographical miles.

    3) The proposed stated law linking a change in the tropical year to a change to the semi major axis of the earth’s form (equatorial radius), will likely act in perfect unison with Kepler’s law, which itself would reveal how any change to the earth tropical year would affect specifically the earth’s orbital semi-major axis.

    Further Evidence Supporting an Ideal Earth Year of 360 Days

    As a result of the evidence presented, it would appear then that there is strong - albeit indirect - support for the notion that the earth did indeed at one time possess an ‘ideal’ tropical year of 360 days in conjunction with an equatorial circumference of precisely 21600 ideal geographical miles. However, the evidence does not just rest upon the noted association between the tropical year and the physical size of the earth. Indeed, were one still to have any doubts, there is a further, utterly decisive connection, involving the orbit of the moon, that truly confirms beyond all reasonable doubt, a once existent earth year of 360 days. And this may be viewed in part two of the proof:


    A Once Existent Earth Year of 360 days (Part 2)

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