Por encima de los versículos 12-16 se refieren a la descripción del "Hijo del Hombre", como la del medio de los siete candeleros de oro, brillante como el sol en su fuerza, [v. 16]. This identifies the Sun, personified as Christ, [ Mal. Esto identifica al Sol, personificado como Cristo, [Mal. 4:2 ] holding seven stars, shining in the center of the seven branches of the candlestick. 4:02] la celebración de siete estrellas, brillando en el centro de los siete brazos del candelero. These seven celestial luminaries are associated with the angels of the seven churches in Rev. Estos siete luminarias celestes están asociados con los ángeles de las siete iglesias en Apocalipsis 1:20 . 01:20. Here God's Word draws a direct comparison, first, between the Sun in the center of the Candlestick, embodied in Christ. Aquí la Palabra de Dios establece una comparación directa, en primer lugar, entre el Sol en el centro de la vela, encarnado en Cristo. This sets the context wherein we can understand the symbolism of the other branches of the Menorah. Esto establece el contexto en el que podemos entender el simbolismo de las otras ramas de la Menorá. Secondly, the angels of the seven churches are embodied in Seven Stars held in Christ's right hand. En segundo lugar, los ángeles de las siete iglesias están incorporados en las Siete Estrellas celebrada en la mano derecha de Cristo. At this point, we should be reminded of the mythological roots of planetary symbolism, and how the planets Mercury-Gabriel, Mars-Michael, Saturn-Satan and the Sun and light of the world-Jesus Christ, also called the Covenant Angel named Wonderful [ Judg 13:18 ],are associated with these archangels. En este punto, debemos recordar las raíces mitológicas del simbolismo del planeta, y cómo los planetas Mercurio, Gabriel, Miguel Marte, Saturno y el Sol de Satanás y la luz del mundo Cristo-Jesús, también llamado el Ángel del Pacto llamado Maravilloso [Jueces 13:18], están asociados con estos arcángeles. The following quote from VP Wierwille, regarding the ancient Biblical symbolism of planets, establishes the basic context of our investigation of Biblical planetary symbolism: La siguiente cita de VP Wierwille, en relación con el antiguo simbolismo bíblico de los planetas, establece el marco básico de nuestra investigación del simbolismo bíblico del planeta: " Writers have dealt at length with the spiritual significance of the constellations and their respective stars, but little has been said of the significance of the planets from a Biblical point of view. Mercury , the planet closest to the Sun, has long been characterized as the messenger god…In Acts 14:12 Paul as the chief speaker is called Mercurius . This same characteristic of being a message-bearer is attributed to Gabriel , God's archangel, whom God sent to Mary in Nazareth in Luke 1:26 . Venus…is known in Astronomy as the Morning Star because of its prominent position and brightness in the dawn sky. Biblically it is associated with Jesus Christ the “bright and morning star” in Rev. 22:16. Mars , the first planet farther away from the Sun than Earth is in mythology associated with war. In its genuine spiritual light this characteristic is best seen in the Archangel Michael, whom God commissions to stand and fight for His people; [ Dan. 12:1 ], and is seen fighting the Devil in Rev. 12:7. Jupiter in mythology was the father of the gods, the ruler and king who reigned over all else. Jupiter was associated with royalty. Interestingly, the Hebrew name for the planet Jupiter is zedeq , meaning “righteousness.” The Messiah who would come from David's genetic line was to be the “righteous branch,” according to Jeremiah 23:5 , who would reign as a king and execute righteousness...thus Jupiter has characteristics that would associate it with the Messiah, the Christ. Saturn’s significant associations have been obscured more than others, although Saturn is identified as the god responsible for agriculture and the harvest. In astrological lore, Saturn is an evil star signifying death and darkness. Likewise in Judean tradition, its usual signification is negative, for its associated with death, destruction, weeping, and grief. It was felt to have a hindering and inhibitive force in its negative aspect, especially when in Conjunction with another planet. Perhaps here is a clue to its association with Satan, the fallen archangel. The similarity between the names Saturn and Satan points to a possible common etymological origin. No known ancient beliefs surround Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the three remaining planets in our solar system, because being invisible to the naked eye, they were generally unknown to the ancients. The above associations and meanings proposed for the planets cannot be affirmed with finality. However they are very interesting when viewed in a Biblical light ." 3 "Los escritores han tratado extensamente el significado espiritual de las constelaciones y sus estrellas respectivas, pero poco se ha hablado de la importancia de los planetas desde un punto de vista bíblico. Mercurio, el planeta más cercano al Sol, ha sido caracterizada por ser el dios mensajero ... En 14:12 Pablo Hechos como el principal interlocutor se llama Mercurio. Esta misma característica de ser un portador del mensaje se le atribuye a Gabriel, el arcángel de Dios, enviado por Dios a María en Nazaret, en Lucas 1:26. Venus ... se conoce en astronomía como la estrella de la mañana, debido a su prominente posición y el brillo en el cielo del amanecer. Bíblicamente se asocia a Jesucristo, el "la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana" en Apocalipsis 22:16. Marte, el primer planeta más lejos del Sol que la Tierra en la mitología asociada con la guerra en su luz espiritual genuina esta característica se ve mejor en el Arcángel Miguel, a quien Dios comisiones de pie y luchar por su pueblo;. [Daniel 12:1.], y se ve la lucha contra el Diablo en Apocalipsis 12:7. Júpiter en la mitología era el padre de los dioses, el gobernante y el rey que reinó sobre todo lo demás. Júpiter se asocia con la realeza. Curiosamente, el nombre hebreo para el planeta Júpiter es zedeq, que significa "justicia". El Mesías que vendría de la línea genética de David iba a ser el "germen justo:" de acuerdo a Jeremías 23:05, que reinaría como un rey y ejecutar la justicia ... Por esto, Júpiter tiene características que lo asocian con el Mesías, el asociaciones significativas Cristo. Saturno se han oscurecido más que otros, aunque Saturno es identificado como el responsable de la agricultura y la cosecha de Dios. En la tradición astrológica, Saturno es una estrella del mal que significa la muerte y la oscuridad. Del mismo modo en la tradición Judea, su significación usual es negativo , por sus asociados con la muerte, destrucción, llanto y dolor. Se consideró que una fuerza de obstaculizar y de inhibición en su aspecto negativo, especialmente cuando está en conjunción con otro planeta. Tal vez aquí hay una pista de su asociación con Satanás, a los caídos arcángel. La similitud entre los nombres de Saturno y los puntos de Satanás a un posible origen etimológico común. No se conoce las creencias antiguas rodean Urano, Neptuno y Plutón, los tres restantes planetas de nuestro sistema solar, porque el ser invisible a simple vista, generalmente eran desconocidas para los antiguos. Estas asociaciones y significados propuestos para los planetas no se puede afirmar de forma definitiva. Sin embargo, son muy interesantes cuando se ve en una luz bíblica "3. This foundational understanding of the Biblical symbolism of the five major planets in ancient Astrology and mythology has been corroborated from other independent scholarly sources, and authorities in the modern study of Astronomy . Esta comprensión básica de la simbología bíblica de los cinco planetas principales en la antigua astrología y la mitología ha sido corroborada por otras fuentes independientes de académicos y autoridades en el estudio moderno de la Astronomía . For example, much of the apparent value of Mayan Astronomy is found from our perspective, in how their tzolkin cycle correlates to the cycle of Venus , in her transit s and Morning/Evening Star cycles, and secondly to the other planets in their synodic returns. Por ejemplo, gran parte del valor aparente de Maya Astronomía se encuentra desde nuestra perspectiva, en la forma de su ciclo Tzolkin se correlaciona con el ciclo de Venus, en su tránsito s de la mañana / tarde ciclos de estrellas, y en segundo lugar a los otros planetas en sus declaraciones sinódico . We have already seen the relevance of certain aspects of Mayan Astronomy related to the Draconid Meteor Showers leading up to the birth of Christ, and we will consider other elements of the Maya in the section of our web-site dedicated to their expert Astronomy . Ya hemos visto la importancia de ciertos aspectos de Maya Astronomía relacionados con el Dracónidas Meteoro Lluvia previos al nacimiento de Cristo, y tendremos en cuenta otros elementos de los mayas en la sección de nuestra página web dedicada a su experto en astronomía . When correlated with the Solar cycle, we have a threefold spiritual witness of the Morning Star's dual aspects, first in relation to Lucifer the archaic Morning Star, and second in relation to Christ the ascendant Morning Star. Cuando se correlacionan con el ciclo solar, tenemos un triple testimonio espiritual de la doble dimensión de la Estrella de la Mañana, en primer lugar en relación con Lucifer, el lucero del alba arcaico, y el segundo en relación con el Cristo de la Estrella de la Mañana ascendente. Some additional background on the planets Mercury , and Venus will be helpful here for a fuller understanding of this symbolism. Algunos antecedentes sobre los planetas Mercurio y Venus serán útiles aquí para una mejor comprensión de este simbolismo. Venus is the third brightest sky object next to the Sun and Moon, this bright and Morning Star , “ reaches its brightest magnitude as a Morning Star, in Virgo every 8 years . Venus es el tercer objeto más brillante del cielo al lado del Sol y la Luna, la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana ", llega a su momento más brillante de magnitud como una estrella de la mañana, en Virgo cada 8 años. This signifies Jesus' birth, while as an Evening star , Venus reaches its highest degree of magnitude in Capricorn , signifying his sacrifice for all mankind .” 4 Esto significa el nacimiento de Jesús, mientras que como una estrella de la tarde, Venus alcanza su más alto grado de magnitud en Capricornio, lo que significa su sacrificio por toda la humanidad "4. Here we find another illustration of the sufferings and glory of the ascendant Morning Star. Aquí encontramos otro ejemplo de los sufrimientos y la gloria de la estrella de la mañana ascendente. The sufferings are shown in his sacrifice symbolized in Capricorn , while the glory of the Morning Star in rising, is seen in the new birth of Venus' cycle of brightness in Virgo every 8 years . Los sufrimientos se muestran en su sacrificio simbolizado en Capricornio, mientras que la gloria de la estrella de la mañana al levantarse, se ve en el nuevo nacimiento del ciclo de Venus en Virgo de brillo cada 8 años. These truths come to light as we take note of the sign of the zodiac wherein the planet in question appears. Estas verdades salen a la luz a medida que tome nota de la señal de la zodiac en la que el planeta en cuestión aparece. When we associate the planetary symbolism with the Biblical significance of the celestial sign where the planet appears, we find a combined message contained in the separate symbols of the planet associated with the Constellation s and their star names , as in a star atlas. Cuando asociamos el simbolismo planetario con el significado bíblico de la señal celestial, donde el planeta parece, nos encontramos con un mensaje combinado contenida en los símbolos separados del planeta asociado con la constelación de s y sus nombres estrella, como en un atlas estelar. Unlike other planets in our solar system, Venus' 225-day orbit around the Sun is counter-clockwise , always showing the same face to the Sun. A diferencia de otros planetas de nuestro sistema solar, de 225 días de Venus alrededor del Sol es a la izquierda, mostrando siempre la misma cara al sol. This provides an important example of mirror-rotational Symmetry Este es un ejemplo importante de un espejo de rotación simetría in the interwoven orbits of the planets of our solar system. en las órbitas entrelazadas de los planetas de nuestro sistema solar. Like Mercury , Venus shows lunar like phases in its orbital cycle, as it transit s across the face of the Sun, which has reminded some of Revelation 19:17 . Venus also is seen to fit into the Galaxy alignment scenario foretold in Mayan Astronomy on the last page of the Dresden Codex . Al igual que Mercurio, Venus muestra lunares como las fases de su ciclo orbital, ya que el tránsito s en la cara del Sol, que ha recordado a algunos de 19:17 Apocalipsis. Venus también se observa para encajar en el Galaxy escenario de la alineación anunciada en maya Astronomía en la última página del Códice de Dresde. The graphic below depicts Mayan glyphs for the Sun, Moon and Venus attached to the body of a large crocodile which represents their 260-day Tzolkin Calendar. El gráfico siguiente muestra glifos mayas para el Sol, la Luna y Venus unidos al cuerpo de un cocodrilo de gran tamaño que representa el de 260 días calendario Tzolkin. As the last page of the Mayan Long-Count Calendar, this foretells the end of the world, or their 5th Age, on December 21st, 2012 . Como la última página de la maya de cuenta larga del calendario, este predice el fin del mundo, o su edad de quinta, el 21 de diciembre de 2012.
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A Once Existent Earth Year of 360 days (Part 2)
By Keith M. Hunter
360 days per year: Further Evidence
In part 1, it was shown that a physical law of proportion, of the same type as that discovered by Kepler, appears to govern the relative transformation of both the earth tropical year and the physical equatorial circumference of the planet. In accordance with the noted law, both of these variables were found to be transformed in direct proportion to one another. Moreover, it was also shown that under an earth year of 360 days with the stated law being operative, the actual (accompanying) equatorial circumference of the earth would have been almost exactly 21600 Ideal Geographical Miles (1 IGM = 6000 feet).
Such intriguing connections would seem to provide significant support for the view that the earth itself may indeed, as the ancients believed, have once possessed an earth year of exactly 360 days in some remote era. However, is there any still further evidence that could aid confirmation? Most assuredly there is.
Seconds of Arc & the Orbit of the Moon about the Earth
Of angular measure, it was stated previously that the basic primary units were in accordance with a base-60 progression i.e. 360 (degrees) x60 > 21600 (minutes of arc) x60 > 1296000 (seconds of arc). However, with the law discovered in the previous section, it would seem quite clear, at the very least concerning the former two sets of figures, that there is indeed a real physical basis to the values as stated. Indeed, it has already been shown that the second value of note (21600) has a very real association with the earth, in that it was directly representative of its equatorial circumference in IGM, when the planet possessed 360 days to one complete yearly orbit. With this in mind, were one then to focus upon the number 21600, as an actual circular measure in terms of a real distance unit i.e. the ideal geographical mile, instead of the abstract minute of arc unit, then multiplying this value by 60, would generate a circle, extended into space from the surface of the earth, 60 times greater than the earth’s own physical circumference:
21600 x 60 = 1296000 ideal geographical miles
Does such a circle though possess any real significance? Indeed it does, for remarkably, it so transpires that the current orbit of the moon is almost exactly 60 times the circumference of the physical earth form. Exactly, but not quite. And this point indeed is critical.
Recalling the Egyptian myth concerning the increase to the tropical year from 360 days it was stated that one of the consequences of the earth gaining its 5 extra days or so, was that the moon became weaker and smaller in the sky. One could very well interpret this to mean that the moon extended its orbit from the earth in order to compensate for an increased earth orbital period from 360 days to 365. Such a point is well worth exploring further.
Evaluating the Moon Celestial Equator
With the above taken into consideration, it would seem not unreasonable to suspect that a value of 1296000 IGM, would have been representative of none other than the actual circular celestial equator of the moon orbit, at the very time when the earth possessed a precisely 360 days per year. (NB: Recall that the circular celestial equator of the moon is at 90 degrees to its actual orbital path about the earth).
Also, bearing in mind that an actual physical law of proportion has been found to govern the relative transformation of the physical earth and earth tropical year, it is highly likely that another law similar in character, may also exist, that would govern the transformation of the physical earth equator, also relative to the moon’s (mathematically equivalent geometrical component) circular celestial equator. Evaluating the relevant measures of such a proposed ideal earth-moon system, with respect to those as currently manifest, may well reveal the identity of such a law.
With it proposed then that the ideal moon celestial equator was 1296000 IGM - existent at a time when the earth itself possessed 360 days per year - how does this figure compare with that of the current moon celestial equator? And moreover, just how exactly should one evaluate the two measures (the proposed ideal and current) together when seeking a proportional law of transformation? The answer is not as straightforward as one would expect.
In proceeding, most people would doubtless at this stage simply take what is the presently known (observed) value for the moon semi-major axis, and multiply it by 2 times PI in order to obtain a value for the current moon celestial equator:
Moon Semi-major Axis = 384404 kilometres [1]
Therefore: 384404 x 0.6213711922 x 0.88 = 210194.66315 IGM
And: 210194.66315 x 2 x PI = 1320692.01917 IGM
However, this would be a mistake, though not an obvious one. The explanation is somewhat complicated to be sure.
A Very Necessary Refinement
In evaluating the ideal moon celestial equator, it would be wholly improper to do so with respect to the above derived value of 1320692.01917 IGM (for the current equator), quite simply because it is falsely generated, relying as it does upon PI as the conversion factor linking the full major axis of the moon orbit to that of its circular celestial circumference. A rather odd statement to hear no doubt. And yet, as difficult as it may be to understand, the truth of the matter is, that respecting the correct ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter, though MATHEMATICALLY, PI is right. PHYSICALLY, it can be wrong. And in this instance, it most definitely is wrong.
Indeed, the correct conversion factor that would appear physically valid respecting the dynamics of the earth and moon, is in fact, 22/7; a fractional value well known to the ancients and oftentimes cited as being employed by them as a simple approximation of PI. Comparing both values together, one can note their subtle differences:
PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 22/7 = 3.1428571428571428571428571428571
Of course, from a numerical perspective, one can clearly see that they are very close. That being said however, qualitatively they are very different. Indeed, as is evident, the numeric sequence of PI is non-recurring. It is what is referred to as an ‘irrational’ number. 22/7 by contrast is an ordered sequence that repeats itself. The critical point to note here though in contrasting the two values, is that respecting proportional laws as operative within the universe, PI has no PHYSICAL VALIDITY as such. Rather, it is the rational fraction of 22/7 that correctly links up the various the physical-celestial components of orbital bodies via efficient laws of proportion, which actually govern their real transformation; this fact being confirmed via series of very intriguing mathematical associations.
An Acceptance of 22/7 over PI
If one is taken to employ 22/7 instead of PI to generate a value for the current moon celestial equator, it then becomes possible to reveal a most decisive association between the transformation of the moon orbit and that of the earth form, such as does indicate the presence of a valid operative law of proportion; which indeed, one would FAIL to notice if PI were employed. Consider the following:
Using 22/7 to generate the circumference of the Moon celestial equator:
210194.66315 x 2 x (22/7) = 1321223.59697 IGM
With this value now in hand, the numerical ratio between it and the suggested ideal can now be determined:
1321223.59697 / 1296000 = 1.01946265198
The question now therefore, is whether or not there exists some sort of connection between this value, indicative of the extension of the moon orbit, and the ratio already noted for the change in the earth tropical year (including also the earth’s physical equator) i.e. 1.014561638055…? It would appear so.
For indeed, the noted moon ratio, transformed by a combination of powers very similar, though slightly different, to those found in Kepler’s 3rd Law, can be reduced most exactingly to the earth year/equator ratio. The level of correspondence is quite exceptional:
1.01946265198 = Moon celestial equator ratio of increase 1.01456163805 = Earth tropical year/physical equator ratio of increase
1.01946265198 Cubed = 1.05953171276 1.05953171276 Reduced to the 4th Root = 1.01456176184…
Answer compared directly with known tropical year ratio of increase:
1.01456163805 1.01456176184
As one can see, the values are an extremely close match; exact to 6 places after the decimal point, and close to seven. From this, one may thus put forward for acceptance a further law of proportion as an additional physical law, to be linked up with that as given in part 1:
Where PE (e) & CE (m) are ratios:
PE (e) = Physical Equator, Earth (present) / Physical Equator, Earth (past)
CE (m) = Celestial Equator, moon (present) / Celestial Equator, moon (past)
With an acceptance of the fact that the celestial equator of an orbit is indeed 2 x 22/7 the measure of its Semi-major axis - 22/7 being the correct PHYSICAL constant in this case, as opposed to the MATHEMATICAL constant of PI - one can easily grasp the close correspondence of this new law to that discovered by Kepler.
For whereas Kepler’s law demonstrated a link between a change to the earth’s tropical year and a change to its own orbital semi-major axis, via the powers 2 and 3, the above is indicative of a law linking an earth tropical year change (also) with a simultaneous change to the semi-major axis of the moon orbit, in this instance by a law based upon a power combination of 4 and 3.
360 Days per year: The ancients would seem to have been Right
Based then upon the realisation that the geometry of celestial orbits is identical to that of celestial forms, and also that further laws of proportion of the same type as Kepler’s 3rd law apply to other celestial bodies, being based upon a variety of unique combinations of powers that actively govern their physical-orbital transformation; it is quite clear then, that with the discovery of the two noted laws linked specifically to the earth-moon system, that powerful support exists for the ancient belief in a once existent earth year of 360 days.
For indeed, the newly discovered laws identify precisely the mechanics of the proposed celestial changes, as laid out in the Egyptian myth, related at the beginning of this discussion.
Correctly interpreted then, the Egyptian myth is to be read as follows:
1) The pregnancy of Nut is akin to a human pregnancy almost. For, as is obvious in the case of pregnant women; as their babies grow, they ‘swell up’ and become bigger. In the myth, when Nut the sky goddess becomes pregnant however, it is the earth that swells up; a physical expansion to accompany the increased number of days per year from a 360 day ideal.
2) The actual ‘children’ of Nut are the 5 (and 1/4) extra days added to the initial 360 days, with the first stated law of proportion (as given in part 1) indicating that the increase to the number of days per year i.e. the ‘birth’ of Nut’s ‘children’, is in direct proportion to the ‘swelling up’ of the earth i.e. an increase to its equatorial circumference.
3) At the same time that the earth underwent its physical transformation in direct proportion to the increase to its tropical year, the moon was itself forced to extend its orbit from the earth. This is explained in the Egyptian myth as the moon becoming weaker and smaller in the sky, due to Khonsu having ‘lost its light’ in the game of Senet with Thoth. In this instance however, the extension of the moon orbit (celestial equator) is not directly in proportion that of the increase in the earth year (from the ideal of 360 days), as the law by which it is governed involves a power combination of 3 and 4. Consequently, due to the character of this law, the proportional increase to the moon celestial equator is slightly greater than that of the earth tropical year (or earth physical equator); being about 1.01946265198, as opposed to 1.01456163805.
The ancient Egyptian myth, combined then with the physical laws of proportion, strongly supports the idea that at one point in the remote history of the earth-moon system, the following was true:
Length of earth tropical year = 360 days Physical circular circumference of the earth = 21600 IGM Celestial circular circumference of the moon = 1296000 IGM
1 Day = 1 solar day of 24 hours 1 IGM = 1 Ideal Geographical Mile = 6000 British Feet
The primary units of angular geometry would appear to have been originally based then upon a set of real physical magnitudes, with the truth of a once existent earth orbit of 360 days per year decisively confirmed.
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Mars' Calendar
Time on Mars is easily divided into days based on its rotation rate and years based on its orbit. Sols, or Martian solar days, are only 37 minutes and 22 seconds longer than Earth days, and there are 668 sols (684 Earth days) in a Martian year.
For convenience, sols are divided into a 24-hour clock. Each landed Mars mission keeps track of "Local Solar Time," or LST, at its landing site, because Local Solar Time relates directly to the position of the Sun in the sky and thus the angle from which camera views are illuminated. The time of day, Local Solar Time, depends upon the lander's longitude on Mars.
Unlike on Earth, there is no leisurely-orbiting moon to give Mars "months," and while there have been many imaginative calendars suggested for Mars, none is in common use. The way that scientists mark the time of Mars year is to use solar longitude, abbreviated Ls (read "ell sub ess"). Ls is 0° at the vernal equinox (beginning of northern spring), 90° at summer solstice, 180° at autumnal equinox, and 270° at winter solstice.
On Earth, spring, summer, autumn, and winter are all similar in length, because Earth's orbit is nearly circular, so it moves at nearly constant speed around the Sun. By contrast, Mars' elliptical orbit makes its distance from the Sun change with time, and also makes it speed up and slow down in its orbit. Mars is at aphelion (its greatest distance from the Sun, 249 million kilometers, where it moves most slowly) at Ls = 70°, near the northern summer solstice, and at perihelion (least distance from the Sun, 207 million kilometers, where it moves fastest) at Ls = 250°, near the southern summer solstice. The Mars dust storm season begins just after perihelion at around Ls = 260°.
The coincidence of aphelion with northern summer solstice means that the climate in the northern hemisphere is more temperate than in the southern hemisphere. In the south, summers are hot and quick, winters long and cold.
Ls marks the passage of time within a Mars year. To count up the passage of time from one Mars year to the next, Mars scientists have settled upon the following convention:
For the purpose of this comparison, we use the solar longitude range 0°-360° to define a Mars year and adopt April 11, 1955 (Ls=0°) as the beginning of year 1. In this arbitrary convention, the Mariner 9, Viking, Phobos, and Pathfinder missions occurred in years 9-10, 12-15, 19-20, and 23, respectively. By comparison, the 1992-1999 [Earth-based] millimeter observations extend over years 21-24, and the 1997-1999 [Mars Global Surveyor] TES observations extend over years 23 and 24.
Tables of Seasonal Data for Mars
Martian years and start dates of northern hemisphere seasons |
Mars year | Spring equinox (Ls = 0°) | Summer solstice (Ls = 90°) | Autumnal equinox (Ls = 180°) | Winter solstice (Ls = 270°) |
01 |
Apr 11 1955 |
Oct 27 1955 |
Apr 27 1956 |
Sep 21 1956 |
02 |
Feb 26 1957 |
Sep 13 1957 |
Mar 15 1958 |
Aug 09 1958 |
03 |
Jan 14 1959 |
Aug 01 1959 |
Jan 31 1960 |
Jun 26 1960 |
04 |
Dec 01 1960 |
Jun 18 1961 |
Dec 18 1961 |
May 14 1962 |
05 |
Oct 19 1962 |
May 05 1963 |
Nov 05 1963 |
Mar 31 1964 |
06 |
Sep 05 1964 |
Mar 22 1965 |
Sep 22 1965 |
Feb 15 1966 |
07 |
Jul 24 1966 |
Feb 07 1967 |
Aug 10 1967 |
Jan 03 1968 |
08 |
Jun 10 1968 |
Dec 25 1968 |
Jun 27 1969 |
Nov 20 1969 |
09 |
Apr 28 1970 |
Nov 12 1970 |
May 15 1971 |
Oct 08 1971 |
10 |
Mar 15 1972 |
Sep 29 1972 |
Apr 01 1973 |
Aug 25 1973 |
11 |
Jan 31 1974 |
Aug 17 1974 |
Feb 17 1975 |
Jul 13 1975 |
12 |
Dec 19 1975 |
Jul 04 1976 |
Jan 04 1977 |
May 30 1977 |
13 |
Nov 05 1977 |
May 22 1978 |
Nov 22 1978 |
Apr 17 1979 |
14 |
Sep 23 1979 |
Apr 08 1980 |
Oct 09 1980 |
Mar 04 1981 |
15 |
Aug 10 1981 |
Feb 24 1982 |
Aug 27 1982 |
Jan 20 1983 |
16 |
Jun 28 1983 |
Jan 12 1984 |
Jul 14 1984 |
Dec 07 1984 |
17 |
May 15 1985 |
Nov 29 1985 |
Jun Jan 1986 |
Oct 25 1986 |
18 |
Apr 01 1987 |
Oct 17 1987 |
Apr 18 1988 |
Sep 11 1988 |
19 |
Feb 16 1989 |
Sep 03 1989 |
Mar 06 1990 |
Jul 30 1990 |
20 |
Jan 04 1991 |
Jul 22 1991 |
Jan 22 1992 |
Jun 16 1992 |
21 |
Nov 21 1992 |
Jun 08 1993 |
Dec 08 1993 |
May 04 1994 |
22 |
Oct 09 1994 |
Apr 26 1995 |
Oct 26 1995 |
Mar 21 1996 |
23 |
Aug 26 1996 |
Mar 13 1997 |
Sep 12 1997 |
Feb 06 1998 |
24 |
Jul 14 1998 |
Jan 29 1999 |
Jul 31 1999 |
Dec 25 1999 |
25 |
May 31 2000 |
Dec 16 2000 |
Jun 17 2001 |
Nov 11 2001 |
26 |
Apr 18 2002 |
Nov 03 2002 |
May 05 2003 |
Sep 29 2003 |
27 |
Mar 05 2004 |
Sep 20 2004 |
Mar 22 2005 |
Aug 16 2005 |
28 |
Jan 21 2006 |
Aug 08 2006 |
Feb 07 2007 |
Jul 04 2007 |
29 |
Dec 09 2007 |
Jun 25 2008 |
Dec 25 2008 |
May 21 2009 |
30 |
Oct 26 2009 |
May 13 2010 |
Nov 12 2010 |
Apr 08 2011 |
31 |
Sep 13 2011 |
Mar 30 2012 |
Sep 29 2012 |
Feb 23 2013 |
32 |
Jul 31 2013 |
Feb 15 2014 |
Aug 17 2014 |
Jan 11 2015 |
33 |
Jun 18 2015 |
Jan 03 2016 |
Jul 04 2016 |
Nov 28 2016 |
34 |
May 05 2017 |
Nov 20 2017 |
May 22 2018 |
Oct 16 2018 |
35 |
Mar 23 2019 |
Oct 08 2019 |
Apr 08 2020 |
Sep 02 2020 |
36 |
Feb 07 2021 |
Aug 25 2021 |
Feb 24 2022 |
Jul 21 2022 |
37 |
Dec 26 2022 |
Jul 12 2023 |
Jan 12 2024 |
Jun 07 2024 |
38 |
Nov 12 2024 |
May 29 2025 |
Nov 29 2025 |
Apr 25 2026 |
39 |
Sep 30 2026 |
Apr 16 2027 |
Oct 17 2027 |
Mar 12 2028 |
40 |
Aug 17 2028 |
Mar 03 2029 |
Sep 03 2029 |
Jan 28 2030 |
This table is taken from a 2010 paper by Bruce Cantor, Philip James, and Wendy Calvin: "MARCI and MOC observations of the atmosphere and surface cap in the north polar region of Mars," employing a convention described originally in a 2000 paper by Todd Clancy and several coauthors: "An intercomparison of ground-based millimeter, MGS TES, and Viking atmospheric temperature measurements: Seasonal and interannual variability of temperatures and dust loading in the global Mars atmosphere."
Here are how some major events in Mars exploration shake out, according to this calendar:
http://www.planetary.org/explore/space-topics/mars/mars-calendar.html |
First, the summer of 2001 was, like in 2003, marked by a Martian close encounter. It was during June, instead of August, that the Mars 'flyby' took place. Not as spectacular as that of 2003, but the Red Planet was a prominent light in the night sky. On June 13-14 (2001), Mars was at 'opposition' (i.e. 180 degrees away from the Sun) and it made its closest approach to Earth several days later on June 21.
Mars Opposition (June 2001)
On the same day, June 21, there was a total solar eclipse - as if to commemorate the Martian visit. In fact, June 21 was even the day of summer solstice (midsummer)!
So, while not as historic, the 2001 Mars opposition closely preceding the events of 9/11 was spectacular - or in hindsight 'ominous' - in its own way.
It still 'missed' 9/11 by about 3 months... Actually, it did not miss. It hit the bull's-eye perfectly - in a coded form:
September 11 Gregorian corresponds to 'Thoth 1' (New Year's Day) of the Egyptian calendar which was originally marked by the heliacal/dawn rising of Sirius. In the early phase of the ancient Egyptian civilization the Sirius rising (accompanied by the annual Nile flood) coincided with the summer solstice. It was a 'magical' day that the Egyptians naturally used to anchor their calendar. So by highlighting June 21 (i.e. Gregorian summer solstice), the special Mars opposition event in 2001 conceptually pinpointed September 11, the historical/Egyptian summer-solstice date!
On 9/11, there was another remarkable combination of summer solstice, Mars, and the Moon (i.e. all the key players of the June 21 alignment except the Sun). As the earthshaking events of 9/11 were unfolding on the planet, up in the heavens was observed the following configuration: 1) the Moon was at the summer-solstice point (i.e. where the Sun would be on the midsummer day); 2) Mars was positioned exactly 180 degrees away from the Moon on the opposite side of the sky, closely marking the winter-solstice point; and 3) consequently there was a tight Mars-Earth-Moon alignment bridging the two solstice points!
As the above illustrations show, the solstice points today are neatly indicated by the intersections of the apparent path of the Sun ('ecliptic', green line) and the Milky Way ('galactic equator', blue band). This arrangement is coincidental/temporary and is thus astronomically quite special. Some view these points as something akin to 'stargates'.
Now, the prophetic quality of all this dramatically increases as we progress forward (from 9/11/01). Mars opposition occurs approximately every 26 months, so the Sun-Earth-Mars alignment would be established again in the summer of 2003 - specifically on Aug. 28. As already discussed, it seemed to have 'anticipated' the 'Martian' event of Schwarzenegger entering politics on August 6. The same type of code was used here since Aug. 6 is or represents the actual day on which Sirius' heliacal rising occurs in our epoch. Through Sirius, June 21, Sept. 11, and Aug. 6 are but different expressions of the same archetypal date!
This calendrical link is reinforced by one of Schwarzenegger's nicknames being 'The Oak'. In pagan tradition, the 'Oak King' is associated with midsummer which is also reflected in the fact that the Christian version of the Oak King, John the Baptist, has his feast day on June 24, intended to mark the summer solstice (~June 21).
Similarly, Jesus Christ's birthday is celebrated on Christmas in mid-December to mark the winter solstice. The summer and winter solstices represent two opposite calendrical/spatial points. This makes John the Baptist (Oak King) the anti-Jesus, or 'anti-Christ'. Hence Schwarzenegger 'The Oak', whose political rise on Aug. 6 was marked by the Sirius rising associated with midsummer, would also share the ominous epithet. And why not, he's already the 'Terminator'... after all.
Of course, the impact of the 'rise of Schwarzenegger' is developing slowly at this time and thus not yet as flashy as 9/11. Indeed, the biggest event of 2003 was actually the Iraq war that began earlier in spring. The war was even a direct consequence of 9/11... So the question arises: Why wasn't that event addressed by the Martian-Sirian code?
Turns out, it was!
We talked about the alignment of Mars opposition (i.e. Sun-Earth-Mars) that takes place approximately every 2 years (26 months, 'synodic' cycle), but there are other ways of tracking Mars' orbital cycle. For instance, there is the 'sidereal' orbital cycle, based on which we can ask ourselves: 'When did Mars return to the same solar winter-solstice stargate spot where it was positioned on Sept. 11, 2001?' (See illustration above). The answer:
Mars returned to the '9/11 position' at the intersection of the Milky Way and the ecliptic in March 2003 - that is, the very month the Iraq war started!
The Iraq war began on March 20 (Iraqi time); the Red Planet's '9/11 return' came on March 7. Interestingly, the 13-day difference closely matches a half cycle of the Moon's sidereal orbit around the earth (~27 days) - meaning the Moon would be on the opposite side of the earth relative to the background stars in about 13 days. So we see the familiar notion of 'opposition' subtly embedded here. But there is a more compelling way of bridging March 7 and March 20. There is now a 13-day difference between the Julian calendar and the modern (and more accurate) Gregorian calendar - which means that March 20 Gregorian is March 7 Julian... Or, March 20 equals March 7!
We also observe that there is exactly a 13-day difference between the historic Mar-Earth encounter of Aug. 27, '03 (closest distance on 8/27; opposition on 8/28) and the historic major power outage ('Total Blackout') that struck the east coast of the US (and Canada) on August 14 which is symbolically linked to the 'rise of Schwarzenegger' that came just days earlier.
Further supporting the Martian nature of the Iraq war is the timing of, again, its commencement. March 20 coincided with the spring equinox - when the Sun is at the crossing point of the ecliptic and the celestial equator. The Sun rises due east on the two equinoctial days of the year. This phenomenon is inseparable from the Great Sphinx at Giza, Egypt; and the Sphinx was - like Mars - considered a form of Horus.
The Great Sphinx faces due east where the sun rises on the equinoxes. The significance of this is underscored by the fact that Horus is traditionally thought to embody the rising sun. And because of the traditional Sphinx-Mars association, equinoctial days such as March 20 in 2003 are 'Mars days'. The Iraq war could thus be said to have begun on a 'Mars day', in the month of March/Mars! And Mars has long been considered the planet/god of... war.
Given this apparent importance accorded to the spring equinox of 2003, we certainly cannot ignore the other 'Mars day' - the autumnal equinox (September 23). And there is indeed much to be learned there too.
The "great army" is precisely the name of one of the 12 streets that extend from the famous circular road that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe ("Place Charles de Gaulle"), which is called in French, "Grande Armee". 'Grand Armee' is not only one of the 12 streets but it's the direct extension of the main street, 'Champs Elysees' (Elysian Fields). The "mountains" is likely an allusion to the Arc de Triomphe which stands in between 'Champs Elysees' and 'Grande Armee' Here are pictures showing the relevant region of Paris and the relationship of the Grande Armee avenue, Arc de Triomphe, and the Elysian Fields.
· Red region = Arc de Triomphe & Place Charles de Gaulle · Purple street = Grande Armee avenue · Blue street = Elysian Fields
The "Arc" is obviously a reference to the' Arc de Triomphe'. And the notion is strengthened by the word right after "Arc", "turning" - which implies circular movement/shape and nicely corresponds to the famous circular road going around the Arc de Triomphe (see the picture at right). The phrase "Saturn in the Arc" corroborates the Saturn-ark connection we've made.
The latter half, "turning/corner of the fish Mars" can be interpreted in a quite different and symbolic way, and it is necessary to use a map of the relevant region of Paris again:
As you can see, the Elysian Fields, the Arc de Triomphe etc. are placed right beside the Seine River. Interestingly, on the other side of the river, there is a garden called the "Field of Mars" ('Champ de Mars') in which stands Paris' landmark, the Eiffel Tower. This is reinforcing the relevance of Mars. Now, the word 'Seine' (name the river) means "fishing net". That metaphorically makes (the Field of) Mars the "fish" trapped in the net. This would also make the same region where the river is turning 90 degrees the "corner of the 'fish-Mars'" to fit Line 2.
The "fish" also correlates with Sirius because the Dogon tradition tells us that the "Nommos" that supposedly came from the Sirius system were fish-like (and yes, we're now getting into the issue of extraterrestrial intelligence). So the phrase 'fish Mars' again associates Sirius with Mars.
The very first word, "poison", creates an interesting connection with Line 2 because the French word for "fish" is "poisson" which is nearly identical, both in spelling and pronunciation, to the word 'poison' which is also a French word for poison. Thus, combined with the last word of the line "salmon", the notion of 'fish' seems to be emphasized. Interestingly, the original French word used for 'poison' was actually 'Venins' which resembles Venus. It seems relevant, therefore, that Venus goes retrograde (i.e. reversing its apparent movement in the sky) during the key period of August 1999, corresponding to "salmon" (which is known to swim against the current) of the same line and also to the previous line's expression, "turning of the fish". This last line of the quatrain strongly reinforces the concepts put forward by the interpretation of the previous lines. The last word of the line "polemars" is not a real word, most likely it's a made-up word / anagram. Decoding is not that difficult - first we'll divide it into two words, 'pole' and 'Mars'. Continued from previous interpretations, it is not hard to see that the "pole" would refer to the 'Eiffel Tower' that stands in the' Field of Mars'.
To decipher the whole line, we need to take a closer look at the map of the region of the 'Field of Mars':
Notice that the park, the Field of Mars ("Champ de Mars"), seemingly crosses over the river. The Seine River can be viewed as dividing the park and there is a bridge connecting the two parts. Since the park area can be viewed metaphorically as "fish" based on previous interpretations, notice how the park left of the river can be viewed as the "head" of the fish barely 'hanging on' to the body, the Field of Mars, by the bridge or the "thread" from "polemars" / the Field of Mars. Thus it would fit Line 4.
Also, since the French word "fil", which I translated here as "thread", could also mean 'stream', the line could also interpreted like this: "Their head hung by the stream of the Field of Mars". This would still be metaphorically describing how the Seine River is dividing the Field of Mars and its "head".
And that's basically how Quatrain II-48 relates to Paris (and through which to the 'Sirius/ark complex')... but there is one last thing to add to all this. And this is my favorite part :) Well, we've looked at every line of the quatrain, so what's left? Ah, yes we left out the number of the quatrain 2 and 48. Why, of course, those numbers are the coordinates of Paris (Paris: 2.3 deg. E & 48.8 deg. N)!
Now let's shift our focus back to II-41 and do more in-depth study:
Century II - 41 The great star will burn for seven days, The cloud will make double sun appear: The large mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff changes his abode.
Like earlier pointed out, 'great star', 'burn', and 'seven' relate to Sirius. Now we can associate the "great star" with the Place Charles de Gaulle (Arc de Triomphe + the surrounding circular "square") since it was originally called the Place d'Etoile or 'Square of the Star', further linking the two quatrains II-41 and II-48.
From a slightly different angle, the fragments of Comet SL-9 'burned' Jupiter for about '7 days' in July 1994 and caught the attention of the world. The dates of this 'light show' were July 16~22 which roughly coincides with one of the key 'Sirius dates', July 20, mentioned earlier. Moreover, the dates July 16~22 very closely matches the dates of the historic Apollo 11 mission - first ever manned landing on the Moon - which were July 16~24 (and the landing occurred on the key date, July 20). This is meaningful especially when you consider the fact that Apollo the sun god could be identified with Horus the sun god (the son of Isis, and earlier associated with Sirius and Mars). Recall also that July 20 was associated with the 'flood' (of the Nile) in conjunction with Sirius. In Greco-Roman mythology, the god who causes the Flood to punish mankind is Jupiter - the very planet Comet SL-9 crashed into. And Jupiter was mythologically associated with the 'eagle' - the very name of the spacecraft that landed on the moon on that exact flood/Sirius date, July 20 (1969)!
NO HAY DUDAS QUE EL 666 ES UN NUMERO QUE IMPERA EN EL NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL, UN NUMERO muy demonizado por la CRISTIANDAD y por el mundo seglar. Pero el numero 666 esta muy interrelacionado con el LUGAR SANTISIMO DEL TABERNACULO e incluso estaba interrelacionado con el REY SALOMON.
8. 1 Reyes 10:14: El peso del oro que Salomón tenía de renta cada año, era seiscientos sesenta y seis TALENTOS de oro;
HOY el mundo muy materialista, incluido a la religion misma, no ve y no quiere ver el NEXO ADAN CON LA SERPIENTE (GENESIS 3:15,22) CON EL SIMBOLO DEL DOLAR (MISMA SERPIENTE EN EL CONTEXTO A LAS DOS columnas de HERCULES o dos columnas de JACHIN Y BOAZ que estaban en el TABERNACULO e incluso tambien en el TEMPLO DE SALOMON). COMO UNA JERINGA SIRVE para introducirse una vacuna tambien sirve para DROGARSE. LA ENERGIA NUCLEAR SIRVE para fines pacificos pero tambien sirve PARA BOMBAS NUCLEARES. TODO ES RELATIVO Y LO MISMO SUCEDE CON EL DINERO, QUE LO MUY PROBABLE INSISTO, ES QUE SU SIMBOLOGIA SEA DUAL (FUTURO MESIAS Y FUTURO ANTICRISTO).
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. |
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. |
Observemos que en el idioma ingles aparece como MARCA EL MISMO NOMBRE DE MARCOS TAMBIEN EN EL MISMO IDIOMA. ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD? DETRAS DE MARCOS esta todo el 911.
EL 666, incluso tiene un fuerte nexo SABATICO/SA-BA-DO/SA-BI-DURIA/SO-PHI-A/PHI/NUMERO DE ORO=1.618033. ESTA TODO CODIFICADO PARA GLORIA DE YHWH TODOPODEROSO. La secuencia misma de APOCALIPSIS 13 LO EVIDENCIA en el contexto a la referencia a los mandamientos.
Apocalipsis 13
1. Me paré sobre la arena del mar, y vi subir del mar una bestia que tenía siete cabezas y diez cuernos; y en sus cuernos diez diademas; y sobre sus cabezas, un nombre blasfemo.
2. Y la bestia que vi era semejante a un leopardo, y sus pies como de oso, y su boca como boca de león. Y el dragón le dio su poder y su trono, y grande autoridad. (Hay un obvio nexo con DRACO y con la OSA mayor y obviamente EL LEON)
3. Vi una de sus cabezas como herida de muerte, pero su herida mortal fue sanada; y se maravilló toda la tierra en pos de la bestia,
4. y adoraron al dragón que había dado autoridad a la bestia, y adoraron a la bestia, diciendo: ¿Quién como la bestia, y quién podrá luchar contra ella? (Referencia obvia hacia el PRIMER MANDAMIENTO. "NO ADORAREIS A OTROS DIOSES")
5. También se le dio boca que hablaba grandes cosas y blasfemias; y se le dio autoridad para actuar cuarenta y dos meses.
6. Y abrió su boca en blasfemias contra Dios, para blasfemar de su nombre, de su tabernáculo, y de los que moran en el cielo. (TABERNACULO/TABERNA/VINO/PARALELO 33/LINAJE DE CRISTO)
7. Y se le permitió hacer guerra contra los santos, y vencerlos. También se le dio autoridad sobre toda tribu, pueblo, lengua y nación. (MARTE/MARTILLO/GUERRA/WAR/MARCOS)
8. Y la adoraron todos los moradores de la tierra cuyos nombres no estaban escritos en el libro de la vida del Cordero que fue inmolado desde el principio del mundo.
9. Si alguno tiene oído, oiga.
10. Si alguno lleva en cautividad, va en cautividad; si alguno mata a espada, a espada debe ser muerto. Aquí está la paciencia y la fe de los santos.
11. Después vi otra bestia que subía de la tierra; y tenía dos cuernos semejantes a los de un cordero, pero hablaba como dragón.
12. Y ejerce toda la autoridad de la primera bestia en presencia de ella, y hace que la tierra y los moradores de ella adoren a la primera bestia, cuya herida mortal fue sanada.
13. También hace grandes señales, de tal manera que aun hace descender fuego del cielo a la tierra delante de los hombres.
14. Y engaña a los moradores de la tierra con las señales que se le ha permitido hacer en presencia de la bestia, mandando a los moradores de la tierra que le hagan imagen a la bestia que tiene la herida de espada, y vivió. (Segundo mandamiento "No tendreis imagen...")
15. Y se le permitió infundir aliento a la imagen de la bestia, para que la imagen hablase e hiciese matar a todo el que no la adorase.
16. Y hacía que a todos, pequeños y grandes, ricos y pobres, libres y esclavos, se les pusiese una marca en la mano derecha, o en la frente; (MARCA/MARCOS/MARKETING/MERCADO/$$$$$$$$$)
17. y que ninguno pudiese comprar ni vender, sino el que tuviese la marca o el nombre de la bestia, o el número de su nombre. (NOMBRE DE LA BESTIA ES UNA REFERENCIA ESPIRITUAL A LA VIOLACION DEL TERCER MANDAMIENTO)
18. Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia, pues es número de hombre. Y su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis. (SA-BI-DURIA/SA-BA-DO/SO-PHI-A/NUMERO DE ORO PHI=1.618033. EN SABIDURIA ESTA CODIFICADO TODO EL SECRETO DEL 911, CON UN FUERTE CONTEXTO SABATICO, OSEA EL SANTO GRIAL. Numero de hombre es una OBVIA REFERENCIA A ADAN/HOMBRE. RECORDEMOS QUE ADAN, PRIMER HOMBRE Y EVA PRIMERA MUJER, AMBOS FUERON LLAMADOS ADAN POR YHWH)
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Thor es el dios del trueno en la mitología nórdica y germánica. Su papel es complejo ya que tenía influencia en áreas muy diferentes, tales como el clima, las cosechas, la protección, la consagración, la justicia, las Lidias, los viajes y las batallas.[1]
Era el dios más venerado de las tribus germánicas al menos desde los primeros registros escritos hasta los últimos bastiones del paganismo germánico en la época vikinga tardía. La mayoría de los mitos germánicos lo mencionan o se centran en sus hazañas y en los relatos de las Eddas cumple el papel de protector del Midgard, el mundo de los hombres.[2]
Su arma es el martillo de guerra arrojadizo, llamado Mjolnir, del cual se hicieron réplicas en miniatura como amuleto que luego se convirtió en un símbolo desafiante de los paganos nórdicos durante la cristianización de Escandinavia.[3]
Durante y una vez que el proceso de cristianización fue completado, la figura de Thor fue demonizada por la creciente influencia de misioneros cristianos. Después de que el cristianismo se cimentara, restos de su fe se conservaron de forma clandestina principalmente en áreas rurales,[4] sobreviviendo así hasta tiempos modernos en el folclore germano y más recientemente reconstruido bajo diversas formas en el neopaganismo germánico.
[ Sol System ] : Planetary Anomalies |
Our solar system is largely unexplored, with only a small number of probes having been sent out to the major planets and moons. Not all of these probes have functioned as advertised and some have even been "lost" in mysterious circumstances! However, some of them have returned very useful information on the planets like the Viking 1 & 2 Mars spacecraft who have had the honour of being the first to photograph Extra-Terrestrial Structures on our neighbouring planet.
From these and other photographs, it now is apparent to several researchers that there seems to be a link that connects every single object in our universe including our Earth, the Sun, and the other planets to a source of energy in a higher dimension. This discovery was the result of decoding a message, an ancient message, left to us by another civilization in the geometrical layout of the structures which they built at Cydonia, Mars!
Below are the planetary anomalies discovered so far that confirm the Cydonia hypothesis. If energy cascades down from a higher dimension (up to 27 have been mathematically proven) as a result of a rotating, spherical, liquid body (a planet), this energy enters our dimension at circa 19.5 degrees N or S latitude in the form of volcanic upwellings (as on Earth and Mars) and atmospheric phenomena (Jupiter, Neptune). This has been called Tetrahedral Hyperdimensional Physics by some researchers. It may be the same type of energy described by others as "free energy" or "zero-point energy" |
Alpha & Beta Regio, two active volcanoes on Venus are at 19.5 degrees |
The Hawaiian islands on Earth are located at roughly 19.6 degrees North latitude. This is also the location of MaunaKea one of the most active volcanoes on Earth |
Tsiolkovskii is a unique farside "mare-like" lava extrusion at 19.6 degrees South. |
Olympus Mons, the solar system's largest volcano with a height of 28 kms is 3 times the size of Mount Everest, and just happens to be located at 19.3 degrees North latitude |
The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is located at ~19.5 degrees South latitude. In January 1996, the spacecraft Galileo successfully launched a probe into Jupiter's atmosphere and found that the atmosphere was different from what had been previously thought. It also found that winds were much stronger and could only be attributed to some heat being generated deep within the planet. This heat is probably caused by a vorticular upwelling of tetrahedral energy, which in turn causes the Great Red Spot |
The spacecraft Voyager took some very interesting time-lapse images of Saturn's North Pole, showing a hexagonal pattern of clouds. This may be the second "signature pattern" for tetrahedral hyperdimensional energy. At this location, the energy would be "inwelling" (entering) from a higher dimension, while "upwelling" at the 19.5 N or S latitude locations. View Saturn's North Polar Hexagonal Cloud Pattern. |
Neptune's Great Dark Spot was found at roughly 19.5 degrees South latitude by the Hubble Space Telescope. This discovery was predicted months previously by Richard Hoagland just by following the "Cydonia Hypothesis" |
These are a few of the anomalies. There are others - for example, the peak latitude of the 11-year sunspot cycle, and the peak latitude of solar temperature emission corresponding to that cyclic sunspot maximum, occurs at roughly 19.5 degrees North and South! And guess where the massive solar flare erupted on mid-April, 1997 ... ~ 20 degrees S as can be seen from this picture.
Extremely active volcanoes on Io are arrayed on two "rings of fire" each circling the moon at 19.5 degrees North & South, They are so active that they are literally turning the planet inside out.
..... and more anomalies are out there, just waiting to be discovered when we send spacecraft to photograph Pluto and Charon from close range.
If we can somehow tap into this energy source, we wouldn't need fossil fuels anymore. We would have unlimited energy available for every person on this planet without pollution. And we may already have discovered ways of harnessing this energy : the so-called "cold fusion" demonstrated in 1989 by Pons & Fleischmann, and the Patterson Power Cell first demonstrated in January 1996 and presented nationwide on ABC's Good Morning America show of the 11 June 1997, may not be cold fusion at all but may be drawing on hyperdimensional energy to produce 1300 W from an input of 1.4 W ! |
La casa de la independencia de Tucuman esta ubicada en Congreso segunda cuadra (Numero 17) y efectivamente esta mirando, al igual que el TABERNACULO DE MOISES, hacia el ESTE. ¿Porque los masones que declararon la INDEPENDENCIA DE LA ARGENTINA SIGUIERON EL PATRON DEL TABERNACULO DE MOISES, DEL TEMPLO DE SALOMON, ETC?
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres; Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.
ES CURIOSO que en la biblia la vez numero 171 en que aparece el termino REINA, esta interrelacionada con el 20/6 (solsticio) que es el dia numero 171 del calendario gregoriano. (VERDADERO SHAVUOT). 227000000 es la distancia promerio del planeta Marte al Sol.
201. Romanos 11:33: ¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría y de la ciencia de Dios! ¡Cuán insondables son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!
Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
El pasado 4 de febrero (2013) la Tierra se alineó con Mercurio y con Marte, lo cual ocurre cada 47 años ó 47 órbitas de la Tierra de manera que desde la Tierra vemos a Mercurio y Marte en un punto ligeramente más a la derecha que 47 años antes. Es una ligera precesión. El caso es que la Tierra da 47 órbitas, Mercurio da 195 y Marte da 25. En términos espaciales esto significa que cada 47 años los tres aparecen en el mismo punto de sus órbitas. Realmente Mercurio y Marte lo hacen cada 39 de Mercurio y 5 de Marte, mientras la Tierra da 9,4 (que son 9,4 años) lo cual es 9 órbitas de la Tierra y el 40% de otra, es decir, no enteras. Sólo realiza un número entero de órbitas tras 5 ciclos de sincronización orbital de Mercurio y de Marte, es decir 5 x 9,4 años = 47 años. Observando la deriva de tal línea espacialmente cada 47 años podemos apreciar qué geometría resulta. Esta animación interactiva muestra tal línea desde 1449 cuando estaba alineada con el Sol (dividiendo en dos mitades a las tres órbitas) hasta que tal línea se hace tangente a la órbita de Mercurio.
León de San Marcos
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El León de San Marcos, León Alado o León Marciano es la representación simbólica del evangelista San Marcos, posee la forma de un león alado con una aureola o nimbo. Suele representarse con un libro y una espada, sujetos con sus patas delanteras como elementos complementarios.
[editar] Características
El León de San Marcos ha sido el símbolo tradicional de Venecia, tanto de la antigua República como, en la actualidad, de la ciudad, la provincia homónima y la región del Véneto. Además es utilizado por numerosos organismos e instituciones civiles y militares de Italia. Fuera de este país también puede observarse como elemento central en los escudos de algunas poblaciones. A lo largo de la historia el León de San Marcos ha aparecido representado en estatuas, monedas, banderas e insignias con mucha frecuencia.
El león alado figura en el escudo de la bandera utilizada por la marina mercante italiana y en la enseña y el torrotito o bandera de proa de la Armada Italiana. Es el símbolo del Festival Internacional de Cine de Venecia, y la estatuilla del premio entregado en este festival, el León de Oro, lo reproduce.
[editar] Significado
La representación de San Marcos en forma de león alado es uno de los elementos más conocidos de la iconografía cristiana. Tiene su origen en el texto del Apocalipsis de San Juan (4,7). En este libro, el león es una de las cuatro criaturas que sitúa este libro junto al trono de Dios, dedicándole alabanzas. Las figuras de estas criaturas han sido elegidas como símbolos de los cuatro evangelistas. La figura del león también se asocia con las palabras con las que comienza Evangelio de San Marcos, una cita atribuida a San Juan Bautista:
"El comienzo del Evangelio de Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios." Como está escrito por el profeta Isaías: "He aquí, yo envío mi mensajero delante de ti, para que te prepare el camino". (Evangelio según Marcos 1: 1-3)
En la iconografía cristiana, Juan el Bautista es representado portando una piel de león y la frase evangélica de la voz que clama en el desierto, se ha asociado con un rugido realizado en el desierto. La figura del león también se ha convertido en símbolo el poder de la palabra del evangelista, sus alas representan la elevación espiritual, mientras que la aureola es un símbolo tradicional del Cristianismo, asociado con la santidad.
Con frecuencia el libro sostenido por el León de San Marcos se asocia, por error, al Evangelio escrito este santo. En realidad en la mayor de las representaciones del león, los símbolos venecianos, aparece escrita en el libro la siguiente expresión latina: "PAX TIBI MARCO EVANGELISTA MEVS", extraída de la cita "Pax tibi Marce, meus evangelista. Hic requiescet corpus tuum." ("La paz sea contigo Marcos, mi evangelista. Aquí tu cuerpo va a descansar").[1] tradición veneciana en la que se narra que un ángel anunció al evangelista, cuando se encontraba en la laguna de Venecia, que algún día su cuerpo descansaría y sería venerado allí.
El León de San Marcos en una alegoría de Venecia como protectora del Reino de Candía (Creta), realizada en 1651.
San Marcos, Evangelista
Marcos es un nombre de origen latino significa "Guerrero". Su nombre completo parece que fue Juan Marcos, hijo de María, en cuya casa de Jerusalén se reunían los apóstoles después de Pentecostés (Hch 12, 12). Es el autor del segundo de los evangelios y el que recogió la doctrina de San Pedro, de quien fue discípulo. La preocupación de Marcos es presentarnos a Jesucristo como Mesías e Hijo de Dios (Mc 1,1). Al comenzar la expansión del cristianismo, Pablo y Bernabé salieron de Jerusalén hacia Antioquia llevando con ellos a Marcos; éste los acompaño en sus primeras jornadas misioneras, pero después se separó de ellos y se aproximo a Pedro.
En su Primera carta, Pedro llama a Marcos su "hijo muy querido". Sus últimos años y el lugar y modo de su muerte nos son desconocidos. Es, sin embargo, constante tradición, que su martirio se sitúa en Roma, en el año octavo de Nerón. Como hemos dicho, su Evangelio, o sea, la vida de Jesús que Marcos escribió, lo recogió de labios de San Pedro.
Marcos escribió su Evangelio para responder a esta inquietante pregunta: ¿Quién es Jesús? Sin embargo, no da una respuesta directa. Solamente relata la obra y la vida de Jesús, dejando al lector que llegue por sí mismo a la conclusión de que Jesús es el Mesías, el hijo de Dios, Y entonces, como discípulo, el lector responsable deberá tomar libremente una decisión; es decir, reconocer a Jesús como el Mesías, el que trae la plenitud de la vida y acepta su invitación yendo al encuentro del Salvador. Ante el Jesús, Hijo de Dios, que nos describe Marcos, no cabe la indiferencia, hay que tomar partida con Él y seguir hasta las últimas consecuencias.
Éxodo 15:3: Jehová es varón de GUERRA; Jehová es su nombre.
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