beginning of our main account, from which are formed the 266 signs of the Dogonalphabet of signs. Sirius and its satellites (bodies that revolve around it) are ...
The parallels between Dogon myth and science run deep. ... The spider of the sene whose threads weave the 266 seeds of Amma, much as string theory tells us ...
Like many other ancient cultures, the Dogon seem to have a cosmology based on ... tribal rituals, these symbols - of which there are 266 - are drawn on the ground. ... as atribe believing circles with spines represented the fundamental building ...
Los dogones son un grupo étnico que vive en la región central de Malí, al sudoeste de la curva ..... En 1976, el escritor Robert K. G. Temple publicó The Sirius mystery, donde popularizó la idea de que los dogón habían tenido contacto con ...
Along with Hamlet's Mill, Temple's The Sirius Mystery demonstrates that we must ... of the Dogon,we have an ethnic group that usesan “alphabet” of 266 letters ...
The Dogon and the Sirius Mystery. "Several specialists now claim they have found the long-sought "final evidence" of visits made to earth by ancient astronauts.
The Dogon Model One of the most complex and impressive African religious ... of theSirius star system, that some Europeans have argued that the Dogon's ... course of the universe using 266 cosmic signs which contained the essence, ...
“Le fonio joue un role tres important dans la cosmologie dogon. ... Temple, The SiriusMystery, 175. 05. Budge, An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, 266b. 06.
Chapter 26 The Impure Earth of the Fox In the Dogon religion, the land ... The white dwarf star of the Sirius star system also symbolized the failed experiment. ... androgynous Nummo born at the same time as 266 The Nummo The Impure Earth ...
The Dogon people are an indigenous tribe who occupy a region in Mali, south of the Sahara Desert in Africa. There are about 100,000 members in the tribe.
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Movimiento orbital de Venus vista desde la tierra y sus puntos sagrados de las tradiciones indígenas. Se usan para relacionarlos con la Rueda Sagrada y realizar un calendario.
People mess things up as they don't do homework correctly.
First this: Sothis=Tishtrya
It might be of interest to quote Plutarch's brief description, from Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism) sources, of the God Ahura-mazda (who is Jupiter). In "Isis and Osiris," (AD 200) he writes.. "Then Oromazes [Ahura-mazda, Jupiter] enlarged himself to thrice his former size, and removed himself as far distant from the Sun as the Sun is distant from the Earth, and adorned the heavens with stars." "One star he set there before all others as a guardian and watchman, the Dog-star [Venus]."
The comment about 'distance' suggests that eventually Jupiter's coma was the visual size of the Sun or Moon, subtending 1/2 degree in diameter. At the distance of 5.2 AU, the final location of Jupiter, the coma can be estimated at 3.5 million miles in diameter.
The "Dog-star" mentioned in the quoted text above is translated from Greek use of the Egyptian word "Sothis," which was used both for the star Sirius (the Dog Star) and the planet Venus, and meant something like "bright" or "shining."
In Egyptian it takes the masculine form for Sirius and feminine for Venus, the difference being an ending d or t. The Greeks didn't differentiate, or didn't care. There is the additional confusion in the practice in antiquity of appointing stars as the 'spirits' of the planets, like every person (in Egypt) would be stellated after death. Sirius was the brightest star and Venus was the brightest planet. Sirius was 'the star of Venus.'
The word "Dog-star" is used in the English translation of Plutarch, who used "Sothis" as a translation of "Tishtrya" from his source, the Zoroastrian Zend-Avesta scriptures. "Tishtrya" could also be translated as "shining." "Tishtrya" is Venus.
As noted above by Plutarch, the planet Venus remained after the battle to course across the sky. In antiquity Venus is variously called Neith, Isis, Hathor, Athena, Inanna, and other names, and is often identified as a warrior goddess.
After 3147 BC, Venus circled the Sun as a planet, and for the next 2500 years displayed a gigantic plasma tail, stretching some 30 or 50 million miles away from the Sun. Because Venus is an inner planet, the full extent of its plasma tail would be seen from the vantage point of Earth most of the time. Today the tail has dropped to dark mode. Today Venus also still shows its youth by its excessive heat radiating away, continuously erupting volcanoes, continuous lightning strikes, and curious sparsity of craters.
Venus was alternately represented as a charmer and a terror. That she remained venerated, despite occasional destructive near-approaches with Earth, is probably due to the fact that Venus was the most spectacular object in the sky between 3100 BC and 685 BC, an image intermittently reinforced by being seen at various distances and various parts of the sky and drawing closer every two years or so. She must have been seen as everyone's friend and companion throughout life. In Babylonian (Chaldean) records Venus is not recognized as a 'planet' until after 600 BC, as also in Hindu records.
The cycle of sothis:
After 1,460 solar years the `hands' stood at their original places. This unit of 1,460 years is the Egyptian Sothis' year and belongs not only to the god Seth-Sirius, but much more to the goddess Sothis. And this goddess was no other than ... Venus herself.
But that is years but as always there is more much more and this is what I was talking about:
"The space of time between the first appearance of the planet Venus and its reappearance at the same place is exactly 1,460 days, i.e. four solar years, which was the calendar used in antiquity by the Greeks to measure the Olympiades (and also is the time interval between the modern Olympic Games).
"But after 1,460 days Venus becomes the Morning star if it was the Evening star at the beginning of the four years, and vice versa."
PART I SHAPING REALITY Venus, the Morning Star and Evening Star The course ... Venus is then invisible for a further 78 days and completes a cycle of 1,460 ...
... 1460 Years x 365.25 Days per Year = 1460 Years x (365 Days per Year + 0.25 Days per Year) = 1460 Years (365 Days per Year) + 365 Days = 1460 Years + 1 Year = 1461 Year Sothic Cycle Numerical matching of days ... became Venus.
Venus herself. “The space of time between the first appearance of the planet Venus and its reappearance at the same place is exactly 1,460 days, i.e. four solar ...
This sign can be called a construction-iconic symbol for the planet Venus. ... "But after 1,460 days Venus becomes the Morning star if it was the Evening star at ...
From the perspective of an observer, it takes Venus 584 days (on average) to ... the East and then as the Evening Star in the West every 1460 days (i.e.: 4 years) ...
"The space of time between the first appearance of the planet Venus and its reappearance at the same place is exactly 1,460 days, i.e. four solar years, which ...
(1) Heliacal rising of Sirius every 4th year of 1460 days (2) Sun, Moon & planets including venus within repeated cycles of 1460 days. (3) Egyptian calendar ...
It explains how the Sothic 1460 year cycle moves one degree every four years and how these four years equate with the 1460 day Earth/Venus cycle etc.
Sirius, Venus and mythology are closely woven to influence the Antediluvian Calendar of ... Secondly, we note 1,460 days attached to Sothic Cycle double in the ...
Anne S. Dowd, Susan Milbrath - 2015 - Social Science
In addition, five Venus years of 584 days correspond to eight years of 365 days ... days can be envisioned as two yearbearer cycles of 1,460 days (see above) or ...
29:13 · The pentagram within a circle. This ideogram has no meaning by itself. A filled version of the sign with a small circle in it, is used as a symbol of war in the United States and has been used on tanks and fighter planes. This sign can be called a construction-iconic symbol for the planet Venus. This planet is the only one in our system that can clearly be identified with a simple graphic structure unambiguously derived from a plotting of its astronomical movements in space. As the orbit of , Venus, is closer to the sun than is the earth's, it is never seen more than 48 degrees from . This means that is visible as the Morning star or Evening star in the immediate vicinity of . Thus Venus can only be seen from earth just before sunrise in the morning or just after sunset in the evening. During a period of 247 days is visible as the Evening star. Then Venus comes too close to the sun to be visible from earth. Venus remains invisible for 14 days, to reappear as the Morning star, Phosphoros, Lucifer, the Bringer of Light, the Eastern star, , immediately before the sun rises in the east. For 245 days we can see each morning at dawn before it again disappears into the sun's light by getting too close to the sun. The planet is now invisible for 78 days. On the 79th evening it appears once again in the west immediately after the setting of . Venus is now the Evening star, Hesperos, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, fertility, sex, and peace. If one knows the ecliptic (see in Group 38 and can pinpoint the present position of the planets in relation to the constellations of fixed stars in the zodiac (see in Group 35), it is possible to mark the exact place in the 360 degrees of the zodiac where the Morning star first appears shortly before sunrise after a period of invisibility. If we do this, wait for the Morning star to appear again 584 days later (the synodic orbital time of ) mark its position in the zodiac, and then repeat this process until we note back on point one again (six notations on five different positions in the zodiac) as the Morning star, we will find that exactly eight years have passed. If we then draw a line from the first point marked to the second point marked, then to the third, and so on, we end up with a regular pentacle or pentagram. The following lines are taken from Zehren (see "An annotated bibliography" in Part III): "It was only the planet Venus that possessed the fivepointed star sign. Not one of the innumerable stars above us can by its orbit form this sign ... "Moreover, the points of the pentagram pointed to five different groups of stars or constellations which were easy to remember; each had a given name ... It was only later discovered that the five points moved slowly throughout the vault of heaven as if they were hands of a giant clock ... Over a period of four years each point of the pentagram was displaced one day, a 365th part of the zodiac circle ... After 1,460 solar years the 'hands' stood at their original places. This unit of 1,460 years is the Egyptian Sothis' year and belongs not only to the god Seth-Sirius, but much more to the goddess Sothis. And this goddess was no other than ... Venus herself. "The space of time between the first appearance of the planet Venus and its reappearance at the same place is exactly 1,460 days, i.e. four solar years, which was the calendar used in antiquity by the Greeks to measure the Olympiades (and also is the time interval between the modern Olympic Games). "But after 1,460 days Venus becomes the Morning star if it was the Evening star at the beginning of the four years, and vice versa." The pentagon, (see Group 28), can also be produced by the above procedure, with the difference that one takes into account Venus' first appearance irrespective of whether it is the Morning or the Evening star. Among those peoples who do not know that the two appearances represent one planet, we thus get two gods or divine powers, both related to the number 8 in two ways. First is visible in one of its two appearances during a period of 245 or 247 days, which is equivalent to eight cycles of the moon. It was possible to see the brightest star in the heavens together with the new moon (or waning moon) eight times before it eventually was "swallowed by the sun", i.e. made invisible by the sun's light. Later, when those peoples had learned to draw a map of the ecliptic (called the zodiac), it became possible to draw , and then each of the two divinities got another close association to the number 8: it took eight years for as one of the two gods to complete a full cycle of the zodiac and return to its initial starting point. It was only when humans realized that the Morning star and the Evening star were the same planet that the pentagon, , and the four-year period could be linked to . The Akkadians were the first to realize this. Inanna, the Sumerian queen of the heavens and the daughter of the moon for the Semitic Akkadians became the contradictory Ischtar. Still the queen of the heavens, Ischtar (Astarte) was the holy virgin but also "she who accomodates men", the goddess of battle and war, but also the goddess of beauty, peace and sex. Three were the highest divinities in the EuphratesTigris region. Their symbols can be seen in almost every ancient mythological representation. They are , the sun god; , the moon god; and , Inanna, Ischtar, Astarte. Yet despite the fact that the true nature of had been discovered and established in the Euphrates-Tigris region, the barbaric priests and medicine men of the Greek tribes continued to believe that the Morning and Evening stars were two separate entities. When the people in Greece developped more of a civilization the differences between the corresponding two divinities became more accentuated than in other cultures. With the overall development of their civilization these differences crystallized into Athena, the Morning goddess of hunt and battle, and Aphrodite, the Evening goddess of love and beauty. It was not until about 400 B.C. (some 1,500 years after the Sumerians) that the Greeks discovered the unity of and . Diogenes Laertius writes: "... and it is believed that he [Parmenides, 400 B.C.] realized, as the first, that the Evening and Morning stars were one and the same star, which Favorinus relates to us in his fifth book of 'Worthwhile thoughts'. Others claim that it was Pythagoras." Throughout history we find that one of Venus' two aspects has always been overemphasized, and this has occurred in nearly all cultural spheres. The planet as goddess of hunt, battle, and the new day is symbolized by the sign for the waning moon, "the dying snake", , plus the construction-iconic ideogram for Venus, , that is . (From the Middle Ages and up to modern times Venus as the Morning star and goddess of battle was represented in the Near East by the eightpointed star or eight-petalled flower, as in .) No comparable graphic symbol for as the Evening star goddess, embodying the divine qualities of beauty, peace, lovemaking, and sexual pleasures, seems ever to have existed. If we return to the Euphrates-Tigris region we find that Ischtar, the goddess of war, fertility, and sexuality, somewhere between 2000 and 1000 B.C. began to be symbolized by the sign , in which one fourpointed star structure is overlapping another. The Morning and Evening stars were thereby graphically united, which most probably meant that in the existing body of astronomical knowledge both stars were then known to be appearances of the same heavenly body. As far as the Greeks are concerned, even after they had realized that there was only one planet they continued to overemphasize one of its appearances. It was Athena, the goddess of war and special divinity of the warmongering and slave-holding Athens, who predominated at the cost of Aphrodite. In the later Odyssey, Aphrodite is hardly mentioned. It has continued in this vein. The planet as the Morning star, , has given us the symbol of war par preference: . The other ancient Venus symbol, the rosette with eight petals, , is rarely seen. And the combination , which would have represented the planet as Aphrodite, the Evening star, together with the young bull, the new moon, is neither seen in Western nor in Eastern ideography. Last, we should mention that , , and all represented a divinity of fertility and not only a goddess of war and of sexual pleasures. The most illustrative symbol for this particular aspect of the Venus goddess must be a young woman with her child. When a new, domineering and expansive ideology like the Christian faith discovers that it cannot wipe out an ancient and wellestablished mythological structure, almost as impossible to get rid of as is the brightest star in the sky of planet Earth, it can adopt this structure ("if you can't beat them, join them") and attempt to change it by giving the symbol new meanings. This is only partially possible, though. The new ideological establishment can try to emphasize and encourage those elements that agree with the new ideology, and at the same time suppress those that do not. The ardent advocates of the Christian ideology thus approved of fertility, but disapproved of its relation to sexual pleasures and tried to suppress this aspect of fertility. As a result we still have, after 2,000 years of ideological domination by the Christian faith, a holy female god, an Inanna, a goddess of fertility, albeit a very strange one, a fertility goddess who has managed to bear the best earthly fruit of all a human child without having engaged in un-Christian lustful and lecherous sexual activities with a man of flesh and blood. The Morning and Evening star goddess continues to be a central role player in the mythology and lives of the peoples around the Mediterranean, but as the chaste Virgin Mary, a goddess in an ideology that emphasizes suffering, warfare, death, and martyrdom much more than intimate sexual relations, sensuality, and love between men and women. These 2,000 years have been characterized by the conflict between high but often stupid ideals and a hateful practice; by the conflict between the two fish bound together and forever trying to swim in different directions, ; by the sign of Pisces; by Jesus. From this comes the whore and madonna-complex and the worship of the virgin vulva, (see Group 44) which, instead of being a symbol for fertility and lecherous intimacy and pleasure, has been turned into a symbol for a man living without sexual relations, Jesus; for torture, for the degradation of one human by another, for the crucifixion of the son of the Venus goddess. What, then, will happen in the new Aquarian Age? Will the two fish forever trying the impossible fade away? Will the aspect of finally be pushed into the background? Will regain its original meaning, and the aspect of dominate from now on? The author of this work is happy to state that in spite of the recurring outbursts of collective insanity in the backyards of the global village this, in fact, is how it looks today.
1,460 Day Cycle
"The space of time between the first appearance of the planet Venus and its reappearance at the same place is exactly 1,460 days, i.e. four solar years, which was the calendar used in antiquity by the Greeks to measure the Olympiades (and also is the time interval between the modern Olympic Games). "But after 1,460 days Venus becomes the Morning star if it was the Evening star at the beginning of the four years, and vice versa."

The month of August is upon us once again, bringing with it humid days and sultry nights for North American observers.
You’ll often hear the first few weeks of August referred to as the Dog Days of Summer. Certainly, the oppressive midday heat may make you feel like lounging around in the shade like our canine companions. But did you know there is an astronomical tie-in for the Dog Days as well?
We’ve written extensively about the Dog Days of Summer previously, and how the 1460 year long Sothic Cycle of the ancient Egyptians became attributed to the Greek adoption of Sothis, and later in medieval times to the ‘Dog Star’ Sirius. Like the Blue Moon, say something wrong enough, long enough, and it successfully sticks and enters into meme-bank of popular culture.
Sirius (to the lower right) along with The Moon, Venus and Mercury and a forest fire taken on July 22, 2014. (Note- this was shot from the Coral Towers Observatory in the southern hemisphere). Image credit and copyright: Joseph Brimacombe
A water monopoly empire, the Egyptians livelihood rested on knowing when the annual flooding of the Nile was about to occur. To this end, they relied on the first seasonal spotting of Sirius at dawn. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and you can just pick out the flicker of Sirius in early August low to the southeast if you know exactly where to look for it.
Sundown over Cairo during the annual flooding of the Nile river. Image Credit: Travels through the Crimea, Turkey and Egypt 1825-28 (Public Domain).
Sirius lies at a declination of just under 17 degrees south of the celestial equator. It’s interesting to note that in modern times, the annual flooding of the Nile (prior to the completion of the Aswan Dam in 1970) is commemorated as occurring right around August 15th. Why the discrepancy? Part of it is due to the 26,000 year wobbling of the Earth’s axis known as the Precession of the Equinoxes; also, the Sothic calendar had no intercalculary or embolismic (think leap days) to keep a Sothic year in sync with the sidereal year. The Sothic cycle from one average first sighting of Sirius to another is 365.25 days, and just 9 minutes and 8 seconds short of a sidereal year.
The Djoser step pyramid outside of Cairo. Image credit: Dave Dickinson
But that does add up over time. German historian Eduard Meyer first described the Sothic Cycle in 1904, and tablets mention its use as a calendar back to 2781 BC. And just over 3 Sothic periods later (note that 1460= 365.25 x 4, which is the number of Julian years equal to 1461 Sothic years, as the two cycles ‘sync up’), and the flooding of the Nile now no longer quite coincides with the first sighting of Sirius.
Such a simultaneous sighting with the sunrise is known in astronomy as a heliacal rising. Remember that atmospheric extinction plays a role sighting Sirius in the swampy air mass of the atmosphere low to the horizon, taking its usual brilliant luster of magnitude -1.46 down to a more than a full magnitude and diminishing its intensity over 2.5 times.
This year, we transposed the seasonal predicted ‘first sightings’ of Sirius versus latitude onto a map of North America:
Optimal sighting dates for the heliacal rising of Sirius by latitude. Image credit: Dave Dickinson, adapted from data by Ed Kotapish.
Another factor that has skewed the date of first ‘Sirius-sign’ is the apparent motion of the star itself. At 8.6 light years distant, Sirius appears to move 1.3 arc seconds per year. That’s not much, but over the span of one Sothic cycle, that amounts up to 31.6’, just larger than the average diameter of a Full Moon.
Sirius has been the star of legends and lore as well, not the least of which is the curious case of the Dogon people of Mali and their supposed privileged knowledge of its white dwarf companion star. Alvan Graham Clark and his father discovered Sirius B in 1862 as they tested out their shiny new 18.5-inch refractor. And speaking of Sirius B, keep a telescopic eye on the Dog Star, as the best chances to spy Sirius B peeking out from the glare of its primary are coming right up around 2020.
The dazzling visage of Sirius. Image credit: Dave Dickinson
Repeating the visual feat of spying Sirius B low in the dawn can give you an appreciation as to the astronomical skill of ancient cultures. They not only realized the first sighting of Sirius in the dawn skies coincided with the annual Nile flooding, but they identified the discrepancy between the Sothic and sidereal year, to boot. Not bad, using nothing but naked eye observations. Such ability must have almost seemed magical to the ancients, as if the stars had laid out a celestial edge for the Egyptians to exploit.
Man’s best (observing) friend… Image credit: Dave Dickinson
You can also exploit one method of teasing out Sirius from the dawn sky a bit early that wasn’t available to those Egyptian astronomer priests: using a pair of binoculars to sweep the skies. Can you nab Sirius with a telescope and track it up into the daytime skies? Sirius is just bright enough to see in the daytime against a clear blue sky with good transparency if you know exactly where to look for it.
Let the Dog Days of 2015 begin!
5 - 8 – 13 – 18 – 20 – 52 - 73
En esta es primera publicación quisiera compartir una pequeña formula numérica que llame “la proporción mesoamericana”, y que construí para desglosar como los mesoamericanos median sus ciclos calendaricos y la forma en que expresaban el orden que existe en el sistema solar que se repite de forma cíclica, esta formula esta basada en la sucesión de fibonacci o proporción áurea: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
El Tiempo mesoamericano es único en el mundo ya que esta basado no solo en el recorrido que la Tierra da sobre su propio eje, también en el recorrido que dan la Tierra y Venus alrededor del Sol, todo esto formándolo dentro de dos calendarios, el primero basado en el transcurso de 365 días que tarda el planeta en dar la vuelta al Sol, llamado Haab en maya o Xihuitl en náhuatl, y otro de 260 días que es considerado un calendario ritual o almanaque astrológico llamado Tzolkin en maya, y Tonalpohualli en náhuatl, asociado este al periodo de gestación humana que es de aproximadamente 38 semanas después de que es fecundado el ovulo, unos 266 días aprox. Este periodo de 260 días también tiene una asociación con el ciclo venusino, debido a que su duración coincide cercanamente con los periodos de visibilidad del planeta y también con Marte, pues 3 veces el ciclo de 260 días hacen el ciclo sinódico[1] de Marte[2] de 780 días.
La forma de contar los números en el mundo Mesoamericano era Vigesimal, de veinte en veinte, esta forma de contar también la plasmaron dentro de sus calendarios, así pues el calendario civil o Xihuitl estaba dividido por 18 periodos o meses de 20 días, mas 5 días adicionales llamados Uayeb en maya o Nemontemi en náhuatl, formando el ciclo de 365 días; el calendario ritual estaba formado por 13 periodos o semanas divididos en 20 días formando el ciclo de 260 días, y estos dos calendarios se sincronizaban y formaban periodos o ciclos largos de 52 años, dos periodos largos o siglos mesoamericanos dan 104 años o 37960 días, ósea, exactamente 65 periodos sinódicos de Venus[3].
cada 5 números a partir del 3 (numero fibonacci), cada símbolo mersoamericano dentro del calendario azteca tiene un rumbo o punto cardinal y es el portador de un año designado 3 calli poniente , 8 tochtli sur , 13 acatl oriente, 18 tecpatl norte
260 días = calendario religioso
365 días = calendario civil
584 dias = ciclo sinódico de Venus
1460 días = ciclo sotiaco o año bisiesto
2920 días = 5 revoluciones sinódicas de venus, 8 años
18980 días = medio siglo mesoamericano
37960 días = siglo mesoamericano (65 periodos sinódicos de Venus) 13 x 5 = 65 x 584 = 37960
Multiplicando y sumando los números de la proporción mesoamericana
5 x 52 ; 13 x 20 = 260
5 x 73 ; 18 x 20 + 5 = 365
8 x 73 = 584
73 x 20 ; 1460
5 x 584 ; 8 x 365 ; 73 + 73 x 20 = 2920
52 x 365 ; 73 x 260 = 18980
13 x 2920 ; 73 + 73 x 260 ; 52 + 52 x 365 = 37960
Los números a fondo :
- El mito del Quinto Sol es un mito mesoamericano sobre la creación del mundo, universo y la humanidad. Según él, la Tierra ha pasado por cinco etapas diferentes desde su creación, regidas cada una por un sol
- Los 5 días nemontemi, o días de mal augurio.
- 5 dedos por cada mano y pie del cuerpo que en total daban 20
- 5 periodos sinódicos de Venus son 8 años exactamente
- 5 es parte de la secuencia de Fibonacci
- 5 orientaciones, 4 puntos cardinales mas un centro
- 8 asociado a Venus
- 8 es parte de la secuencia de Fibonacci
- El numero 13 es la base del almanaque o calendario adivinatorio, que contiene 260 días divididos en 20 trecenas y se forma de la suma de dos números consecutivos de la serie de Fibonacci, el 5 y el 8
- 13 es parte de la secuencia de Fibonacci
- los 13 cielos de la división teológica mesoamericana
- 13 asociado al planeta Venus en el mundo mesoamericano
- 18 esta asociado al calendario civil pues tiene 18 meses de 20 días, dando un total de 360 días , un día por cada grado del circulo, los 5 días sobrantes, al no caber dentro del circulo eran considerados como vacíos de dios o baldíos y no los orientaban hacia ningún lado, a estos 5 días también se les conoce como nemontemi, y como no entraban dentro de su perfección del conteo vigesimal eran considerados como días de mal agüero o de infortunios
- 18 esta asociado al sol
- 20 Es el numero base del conteo vigesimal mesoamericano, prácticamente cualquiera de sus cuentas es divisible entre este mismo numero
- 20 son los dias que contiene cada mes mesoamericano, y equivalen a cada uno de los símbolos que contiene el calendario azteca
- 52 también es conocido como una cuenta larga o medio siglo mesoamericano, que equivale a 52 años , el siglo completo es de 104 años
- 52 x 5 = 260 (calendario religioso)
- 73 es el numero de símbolos asociados a venus que aparecen por cada una de las dos serpientes que rodean el canto del calendario azteca, dando en total 146
- 73 asociado al calendario civil
(1) Tiempo que tarda un objeto en volver a aparecer en el mismo punto del cielo respecto del Sol, cuando se observa desde la Tierra
(2) Exactamente el periodo sinódico de Marte es de 779.93651
(3) Venus tiene un periodo sinódico aproximado a 584 días que multiplicado por 65 da 37960
Explicación y funcionamiento del calendario azteca https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DelC5EG5-bE&feature=related
1 may. 2013 - Hoy en día los investigadores de estudios mesoamericanos siguen ... en Cuenta Larga para el registro de cuatro años trópicos es 1460 k'in.
Gaspar y Roig (Madrid) - 1864
Cada mes distribuido por décadas ó períodos de diez dias, daba el total de treinta, adicionándose en el ... (Véase Astronomía egipcia) de 1460 años, producto de la multiplicación de 36o por 4 que son las cuatro ... Makhir, es Venus Celeste.
A Venus le llamaban la estrella viajera, porque se mueve de un lado a otro entre los cielos del amanecer y de la tarde. ... AI final del año se añadían 5 días, para sumar 365 días. ... Los dos calendarios coincidían una vez cada 1460 años.
12 abr. 2011 - ... casi exactamente el total de días de cuatro años solares de 365 días (1460 días). ... Runa de Venus: El infinito expresado en lo manifestado.
... como fecha inicial el año 1460. en ellas los signos son “naturales” (o zodiacales), ... acceso y receso; longitudes del sol, venus y mercurio; longitud de la luna; ... para los meses del año (tanto en años bisiestos como no bisiestos), los días y ...
26 abr. 2015 - ...como representando la estación de 72 días durante la cual Venus (la ... estos días suman después de 1460 años un fénix o un año sothic*.
Cádiz 2 de Mayo. n los dias 28 y 30 de Abril entráron aquí los navios de ... el Soberano, el Asia, y el Castilla, la fragata y corbetas de guerra la "Venus, Sta. ... 730 arrobas de purga de Xalapa, 1460 quintales de palo de tinte, y otros efectos: la ...
Tenían el año sagrado o tzolkin de 260 días (13 meses o períodos de 20 días) ... doce días en 1460 años; ocho años solares equivalían casi a cinco de Venus y ...
309 a 323 de 503