Conventional wisdom has long held that the Babylonians were among the first to use a 360-day 12 month calendar, but the Biblical record shows a different scenario. This study will reveal the record of the Biblical Patriarch Noah using this 360-day calendar prior to the great flood. Since Noah and his family were the only human survivors to live after the flood, all men can trace their genetic roots to his family. Thus the many cultural records of the great deluge found in ancient myths and archaeological records, obviously were written down after the flood, and would have followed Noah and his descendants. Noah is a key Biblical Patriarch because he represents the transition between the pre-flood and the post-flood world. Thus all the systems of Biblical timekeeping that we have already documented in the article on The Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs, going back to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, after the flood, including the coordination of the luni-solar year, the year divided into 12 months of 30 days, giving a 360-day year relating to the 360 degrees of the circle, all are traceable back to Noah's day. Thus, the calendrical practices of the Biblical Patriarchs are summarized in Noah, combining the Lunar, Solar and Sidereal years in his standards of timekeeping. Since Noah was already 600 years old when the flood waters descended upon Earth [Gen. 7:6], Noah continued the use of his calendar leading up to and during the 120-year period (120 x 3= 360) wherein he built the Ark. The construction of the ark was according to God's revealed plan, which follows a consistent divine pattern, the same tripartite pattern found in the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of David and Solomon. Before we provide the evidence for Noah's 360-day calendar, let's review some additional evidence for the calendar based on the star Sirius. We have already documented the recognition of the star Sirius or Sothic Calendarin the Book of Job [Job 38:12-15], as the oldest book in Biblical Canon and the only book of the Bible specifically addressed to the time period known as the Patriarchal Administration, [see our Timeline]. Historically, the Sothic Calendarfirst appears in ancient Egypt as the earliest 365-day calendar in history. One detail to notice here is that every 4 years the 365-day calendar falls behind the 365.25-day calendar, which is where our modern practice of the "leap year" comes in to correct this problem. Thus, every 4 years (365 x 4 = 1460 days) a leap-day was added to keep the coordination of the calendar in place. Job tells us that these calendrical practices were already in place among the Biblical Patriarchs, as part and parcel of their standard practices in Astronomyand timekeeping, which God first revealed to Adam.
Job 38:31-33 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth the Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?
As we take a detailed look at the record of Noah's flood in Genesis 7, the first thing that requires our attention is the septenary pattern of the temporal record. In verse 4, God tells Noah that the flood rains were going to begin in seven days... From the very start of the events of the Creation Week, God had ordered temporal things according to a week of seven days. There is no historical precedent for a 7-day week in history that cannot be traced back to what the Creator instituted in the Creation Week [Ex. 31:15-16]. Thus the Sabbatical yearfounded upon this standard [Levi. 25:8], has continued through all sacred and secular calendars that followed, not only in Israel, but around the world. In Noah's Calendar the recorded dates of the flood in Genesis 7-8 are all Sabbaths, with one exception which we will discuss presently.
Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, theseventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
This is the first time the word "month" is used in the Bible, upon which the Lunar Monthwas founded in Israel. The first day of the New Moonwas considered holy, and was associated with the weekly sabbath, and was usually first visible near sunset. This also explains why the day began at sunset in Hebrew timekeeping. The New Moonthat began every month [Num. 28:11], especially in the holiest seventh month [Num. 29:1], were special days of sacrifice and offerings to the Lord, which were enshrined throughout the Old Testament Law in the Tabernacle and Temple of Israel. In keeping with this septenary pattern of God's temporal order, the seven sabbaths of years became 49 years, leading unto the 50th year of the Jubilee [Levi. 25:8-13]. As we have seen already the luni-solar year was harmonized according to the 50-year Jubilee via the phi ratio, with 618 lunations in each 50-year cycle. This harmony of the luni-solar year allowed a predictive capability pertaining to the eclipse cycle, which was terrifying to the ancient cultures based on divination, but not to the Biblical Patriarchs, for whom divination was forbidden by God. Instead these men of God reaped the benefits of honoring the Creator for His Handiwork, and enjoyed the precision by which He set the celestial orbs in their paths, as a witness to His glory. It should be noted that man has continued to struggle with this coordination of the Solar and Lunar Cycles throughout the rest of the history of human timekeeping, and it remains a problem even into modern times. Due to the evolutionary bias in modern science, most researchers have not been willing to give the Creator His due when it comes to recognizing His Intelligent Design of these elements of Creation, along with the ordinances of Heaven that rule on Earth. Their preference has been to choose to continue chasing their theoretical tails in the scientific and social circles that they frequent, so they can take credit for their scientific "discoveries," and keep those reseach dollars flowing. As has been documented in Ben Stien's recent film "Expelled," any researcher or educator who even mentions the words Intelligent Design has been blackballed by the evolutionary thought police, and many times lost their tenure and professional teaching positions as a result. This is the same social environment, influenced by athieism that has prohibited God from being mentioned in the classroom, and called into question the very idea of American politicians opening their deliberations with prayer. It has always been a recognition and honoring of the Creator that provided the impetus of the Natural Law approach to Astronomy, whose influence was key in the development of a predictive mathematical Astronomy that far exceeds any Astrology carried out by the ancient heathen idolators. Their divination only served to degrade the original truth of the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs, which accounts for the roots of the world monomyth. For additional information and further evidence of this corruption based on Astrology, please refer to our study on Biblical Astronomy vs. Astrology, including the section on "The Corrupted Constellations," which will give specific cases where the astrological practices of divination changed the original meaning the Creator attached to specific star pictures. [Ps. 147:4] We should also take note that the specific calendar days marked in the Biblical record of the flood, were later enshrined as holy days in the Old Testament Law. The months of the year were designated by number, 3 of them in this record [2nd, Gen. 7:11, 7th, Gen. 8:4, 10th, Gen. 8:5]. Most of the other numbered months are named in the Penteteuch, which confirms that Noah was working with the same MazzarothJob was; an entire zodiac of 12, 30-day months, as implied in the 360 degrees of the circle linked to the 360 days of this calendar. These twelve months were not named in Israel until after the Babylonian captivity, centuries later. This tropical zodiacalso incorporates a practical knowledge of the pi ratioat work in Noah's calendar, long before it was ever considered in ancient Astrologyor celestial science. More importantly, it gives us a decisive glimpse of the mathematical sophistication inherent in this Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs, without doubt revealed by God, not motivated by divination, but the Revelatory Astronomydisclosed to these ancient Patriarchs, long prior to the development of any celestial science in ancient Mesopotamia. The origins of the mathematical standards of a Sexegesimal place-value notation are also evident in this system revealed by the Creator, based on the dual solar yearof both its annualand precessional cycles. The great cycle of the precession of the equinoxesframed by the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction cycle, provides a window on this SexegesimalRhythmof precession, that was the basis of every major celestial calendar of the ancient world. The 12 months of 30-days in the 360 day-year of Noah's Calendar, all multiples of 60, provide values where each degree of time was equal to 1/360 of a day, or 4 minutes. This gives us the 60 second-minute, the 60-minute-hour, and the (6 x 60) 360-degree circle, all of which we still use in the modern world. This place-value notation system afforded all kinds of mathematical calculations from algebra to linear and quadratic equations, which Otto Neugebauer says: "became the foundation of a theoretical of mathematical character,Astronomy"2 the ancestor of modern scientific Astronomy.
Genesis 7:24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days.
According to the calendar of 12 months with 30 days each, utilized by Noah, this 150 day period consisted of 5 months. This is established in Gen. 8:3b, which states: "and after the end of the one hundred and fifty days the waters were abated." If we add these 5 months to the second month mentioned in 7:11, we come to the seventh month.
Genesis 8:4-5 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the firstdayof the month, were the tops [rosh; H7218] of the mountains seen.
From the 17th day of the 2nd month, to the 17th of the 7th month is exactly 5 months, in the 12 month, 30-day calendar. The Hebrew word for the "tops" of the mountains in verse 5: "rosh" [H7218]2 in the context of Noah's calendar, is also rendered "Dog-star" in Job 38:13 and 15,in reference to the star Sirius, in The Revised English Bible.3The ancients many times used the mountain ranges set against their horizon, as a reference point to orient themselves regarding the seasonal positions of the stars, Sun and Moon in their cycles.Archaeo-Astronomynotes a rich history of this practice in ancient cultures of the world and this could be very early evidence, perhaps even of the origins of this practice with the Biblical Patriarchs. This would also have associated the only star that provides a 365.25-day calendar, that also happens to be the brightest star in the heavens, with the highest mountain peaks where the Ark came to rest. If this is evidence of Noah's wisdom regarding the recognition of the Sirius or Sothic Calendaras it became known in ancient Egypt, it gives us an initial glimpse that the Biblical Patriarchs kept both of these calendars at the same time, as part of their harmonized luni-solar year. This also agrees with the Creator's purpose for the celestial lights stated in Genesis 1:14-17, to shed light upon the earth, in relation to the timekeeping of weeks, days and years. The luni-solar harmony based on the phi ratio[1.618...] which contains 618 lunations in every 50-year Jubilee cycle, exhibits the divine signature of the Creator's handiwork, as the "Source of life" throughout all levels of His Creation. This is why we also find the phi ratioor the divine proportion, so ubiquitously in all levels of the Kingdoms of Life in Nature. The phi ratio is the master pattern of all growth life on earth, as various life forms progress through succeeding geometric stages of life development.
1. Jueces 3:25: Y habiendo esperado hasta estar confusos, porque él no abría las puertas de la sala, tomaron la LLAVE y abrieron; y he aquí su señor caído en tierra, muerto.
2. Isaías 22:22: Y pondré la LLAVE de la casa de David sobre su hombro; y abrirá, y nadie cerrará; cerrará, y nadie abrirá.
3. Mateo 16:19: Y a ti te daré las LLAVEs del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
4. Lucas 11:52: ¡Ay de vosotros, intérpretes de la ley! porque habéis quitado la LLAVE de la ciencia; vosotros mismos no entrasteis, y a los que entraban se lo impedisteis.
5. Apocalipsis 1:18: y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las LLAVEs de la muerte y del Hades.
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
7. Apocalipsis 9:1: El quinto ángel tocó la trompeta, y vi una estrella que cayó del cielo a la tierra; y se le dio la LLAVE del pozo del abismo.
8. Apocalipsis 20:1: Vi a un ángel que descendía del cielo, con la LLAVE del abismo, y una gran cadena en la mano.
TRANSFIGURACION, TIENE CONNOTACION DE TRANSMITIR O DE TRANSMISION DE UNA FIGURA, mediante cualquier sistema que puede ser espiritual o cientifico. Un ejemplo lo tenemos en la TELEVISION, adonde mediante ondas electromagneticas el canal transmite la figura de un periodista o de cualquiera por dar un ejemplo. Notamos que la ONDA ELECTROMAGNETICA, en este caso actua como un "AGUJERO DE GUSANO". La transfiguracion de Cristo, como se ha expresado anteriormente fue en el MONTE HERMON, en la extribu de DAN, en el meridiano 33 ESTE DE PARIS Y paralelo 33. Dan tiene relacion con DIANA, DENARIO, DINERO, DANIEL (JUICIO DE DIOS), DINA, ETC,ETC. EL termino hebreo DAN significa JUICIO. Es obvia la relacion de DAN CON EL LINAJE DE A-DAN, en el contexto a la serpiente en funcion a GENESIS 49. Notamos que es esta causa la fuerte relacion del DINERO CON EL SIGNO PESO / SERPIENTE. JANO / J-ANO, tiene fuerte relacion con DIANA O D-IANA O CON D-AN. EL RITUAL DE JESUCRISTO EN LA TRANSFIGURACION, AL ESTAR EN RELACION CON PEDRO, SANTIAGO Y JUAN TIENE FUERTE RELACION CON JANO en el contexto a PEDRO, y los dos hijos de MARIA DE SALOME, que son una obvia referencia a LAS DOS COLUMNAS DEL TABERNACULO Y DEL TEMPLO DE SALOMON (911). OSEA QUE EN ESTE CONTEXTO es obvia la referencia con el "EXPERIMENTO FILADELFIA" O LA "MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO" insisto, en el contexto a las DOS LLAVES DE ORO Y DE PLATA DEL VATICANO, OSEA QUE ES UNA REFERENCIA A LA MANZANA DE ORO Y DE PLATA DE PROVERBIOS 25:11. OSEA QUE LA TRANSFIGURACION DE CRISTO TIENE FUERTE RELACION CIENTIFICA CON LA TELETRANSPORTACION O CON LA "MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO", por la relacion insisto, de JANO CON EL TOROIDE. RECORDEMOS QUE LA MISMA MANZANA TIENE DICHA FORMA. J-AN-O= JU-AN= M-AN-ZANA= TR-AN-SFIGURACION= CRISTI-AN-O=GUS-AN-O =JU-AN MARCOS=AN-K= J-AN-UKAH (DOS PUERTAS= JUAN 10:22)= D-AN BROWN= TRIBU DE D-AN (LINAJE DE AD-AN)= C-AN MAYOR (SIRIO). ES OBVIA LA RELACION DE LAS DOS COLUMNAS DE HERCULES, INSISTO, LOS HIJOS DE LA SALOME, CON EL MITO DE LA MANZANA DORADA. JUAN MARCOS ES EL MISMO "AGUJERO DE GUSANO".
Eight is the first cubic number, the cube of two, 2 x 2 x 2. We have seen that three is the symbol of the first plane figure, and that four is the first square. So here, in the first cube, we see something of transcendent perfection indicated, something, the length and breadth and height of which are equal. This significance of the cube is seen in the fact that the "Holy of Holies," both in the Tabernacle and in the Temple, were cubes. In the Tabernacle it was a cube of 10 cubits. In the Temple it was a cube of 20 cubits. In Revelation 20 the New Jerusalem is to be a cube of 12,000 furlongs.
Holy of Holies is a term in the Hebrew Bible which refers to the inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle and later the Temple in Jerusalem where the Ark of the Covenant was kept during the First Temple, which could be entered only by the High Priest on Yom Kippur. The Ark of the Covenant is said to have contained the Ten Commandments, which were believed to have been given by God to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai.
Jesus = Ἰησοῦς = Ἰ = 10 + η = 8 + σ = 200 + ο = 70 + ῦ = 400 + ς = 200 = 888
1. Jueces 3:25: Y habiendo esperado hasta estar confusos, porque él no abría las puertas de la sala, tomaron la LLAVE y abrieron; y he aquí su señor caído en tierra, muerto.
2. Isaías 22:22: Y pondré la LLAVE de la casa de David sobre su hombro; y abrirá, y nadie cerrará; cerrará, y nadie abrirá.
3. Mateo 16:19: Y a ti te daré las LLAVEs del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
4. Lucas 11:52: ¡Ay de vosotros, intérpretes de la ley! porque habéis quitado la LLAVE de la ciencia; vosotros mismos no entrasteis, y a los que entraban se lo impedisteis.
5. Apocalipsis 1:18: y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las LLAVEs de la muerte y del Hades.
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
7. Apocalipsis 9:1: El quinto ángel tocó la trompeta, y vi una estrella que cayó del cielo a la tierra; y se le dio la LLAVE del pozo del abismo.
8. Apocalipsis 20:1: Vi a un ángel que descendía del cielo, con la LLAVE del abismo, y una gran cadena en la mano.
Efectivamente, en el año 1999, la luna llena fue el 2 de marzo, y en este marco el 14 de NISSAN O PRIMER MES HEBREO cayo en el mismo 15 de MARZO (aniversario de la crucificcion del señor). Complementando a estos datos, el mismo 11 de SEPTIEMBRE, cayo en el mismo año, en el dia 17 del septimo mes hebreo (GENESIS 8:4). ESTE PATRON LUNAR ES EL MISMO QUE EL DEL AÑO 33 despues de Cristo. APARENTEMENTE ESA ES LA RELACION ESOTERICA DEL 15/3 CON EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE.
El culto a Venus persistió hasta el tiempo de los Aztecas, quienes la denominaban Huey Citlalín, la gran estrella, que en su carácter de estrella de la mañana se relacionaba con Quetzacoatl. Todo indica que los mayas tenían unos grandes conocimientos. No solamente nos legaron un calendario fabuloso sino también cálculos increíbles. Conocían el calendario venusino de 584 días y, sin tener aparentemente los medios tecnológicos actuales, estimaron la duración del año terrestre en 365,2420 días, muy próximo al cálculo actual de 365,2422. Los mayas dejaron cálculos para increíbles períodos de 64 millones de años. Y en las últimas inscripciones se han encontrado cálculos que llegan a la fantástica de 400 millones de años. La fórmula venusina de los mayas parece imposible que se haya podido formular sin la utilización de algún tipo de ordenador: El Tzolkin tiene 260 días, el año terrestre 365 días y el venusino 584 días. Estas cifras esconden la posibilidad de una sorprendente división y suma. 365 es divisible cinco veces por 73 y 584 es divisible 8 veces. Así que la increíble fórmula nos ofrece los siguientes resultados: Para la Luna: 20 x 13 = 260 x 2 x 73 = 37960; para el Sol: 8 x 13 = 104 x 5 x 73 = 37960; y para Venus: 5 x 13 = 65 x 8 x 73 = 37960. Vemos que todos los ciclos coinciden sorprendentemente después de 37.960 años. La mitología maya dice que los “dioses” vendrían al gran lugar de descanso. Favorite 460 × 460 - 26k - jpg Favorite 460 × 460 - 17k - jpg Pastel Geometric Star of David 236 × 236 - 7k - jpg Hanukkah Star of David 512 × 512 - 61k - jpg Hanukkah Star of David 324 × 324 - 26k - jpg JEWISH STAR OF DAVID Travel 480 × 480 - 46k STAR OF DAVID Wall Clock 355 × 355 - 34k - jpg Hanukkah Star of David 152 × 152 - 11k - jpg
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
De izquierda a derecha: Galileo Galilei, Marie Curie, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Thomas Edison, Aristoteles, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins y Charles Darwin.
Do you notice the symbolic 8 rays within the circle? Symbolic of the star Sirius.
2. Isaías 22:22: Y pondré la LLAVE de la casa de David sobre su hombro; y abrirá, y nadie cerrará; cerrará, y nadie abrirá.
3. Mateo 16:19: Y a ti te daré las LLAVEs del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
4. Lucas 11:52: ¡Ay de vosotros, intérpretes de la ley! porque habéis quitado la LLAVE de la ciencia; vosotros mismos no entrasteis, y a los que entraban se lo impedisteis.
5. Apocalipsis 1:18: y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las LLAVEs de la muerte y del Hades.
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
I believe you're correct about a pole reversal interpretation implied by the Tarot cards.
the Book of Enoch ...
Book of Enoch In the Book of Enoch there are 3 Bulls, each a color, Black White Red very important to know... Same colors as the 3 Norns...and and and ?
Ken McClellan wrote:
Why do you view Scorpion as the hinge opposite Taurus (Alpha)? Why not Aquila (Omega)?
But the Scorpion/Scorpio is Aquila...that is the tarot archetype...this is ages old. Eagle more regal? Many bird headed gods?
Ken McClellan wrote:
... sounds exactly like the symbol for Pisces (like the end of this Age is the big moment).
In CARD X we see in the cardinal directions, W (salt), N (mercury), E (sulphur), three alchemy symbols. In the SOUTH we see the symbol for Aquarius and the alchemy symbol for dissolution = two wavy lines... I do like how archetype connects the psychology to the alchemy. Carl Jung would be proud of me.
Psychologically, Dissolution is the further breaking down of the artificial structures of the psyche by the immersion in the unconscious or irrational and rejected parts of our minds. It is an unconscious process in which our conscious mind allows the surfacing of previously buried emotions that conceal or distort our true nature. It results in a flowing presence that is free of inhibitions, prejudgments, and restrictive mental structures.
We are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius, which is an AIR sign...not WATER. Folks get confused because the urn is associated with Aquarius..."the water-bearer".
BUT AIR can flow too, like water, as an archetype AIR can flow and be many things...luminiferous aether, maybe plasma, maybe electro-magnetism? Energy can flow out of the container?
The Fenris Wolf bit the RIGHT hand of Tyr, and the Fenris Wolf will return during the Ragnarok too? And WOLF read right to left is FLOW.
The FISH sign IS associated with Aquarius and is called Fomalhaut, and it is ONE of the FOUR ROYAL STARS, mapped by Persian astronomers/astrologers...missed by the Christians during the dark ages... YES...
Here is your fish Jonah.
Fomalhaut (α PsA / α Piscis Austrini / Alpha Piscis Austrini) is the brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus and one of the brightest stars in the sky. Fomalhaut can be seen low in the southern sky in the northern hemisphere in fall and early winter evenings. Near latitude 50˚N, it sets around the time Sirius rises, and does not reappear until Antares sets. Its name means "mouth of the whale"
What else do you want to know about Fomalhaut?
Did you know Fomalhaut is associated with CARD X and Aquarius? Well it is. 4 Royal Stars help reveal the Royal Secret.
Raphael _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
The end of July is celebrated as the Planetary New Year because many of the ancient Time Keeper races on the Earth recognized this as the moment when an important New Cycle of Evolutionary Time was initiated.
This period was also associated with what was known as the “Lion’s Gate”, the historical moment when the constellation of Leo aligned with the Pyramid complex at Giza. But you might ask, why is that important to me in the year 2015?
This is because the Planetary New Year celebrates the moment when the Blue Star Sirius rises in the morning sky at the same time and in nearby location to our Sun. It is the time when Earth has Two visible “suns” in the sky. The one sun is Golden, and the other is Blue in Frequency. This conjunction of Stars celebrates the long connection between Earth, and its Sun, and the Star System of Sirius.
In Ancient Egypt, in the post-Atlantean civilization that sprang up on the banks of the Nile, the heliacal rising of Sirius, as it is known, also marked the time when the Nile River rose due to rains in Central Africa, and flooded the plains of Egypt so that crops could be grown. The rising of the waters signified the return of Abundance and Blessings to the land, and this was also associated with Sirius and it’s helical rising in the East.
Sirius has long been a guiding light and force in the Evolution of the Earth. There were many powerful Star Teachers that came to the Earth to assist Humanity, and they were believed to be ‘gods’. These teachers included the Beings known as Isis and Osiris, who brought the arts of agriculture and learning to the peoples of Ancient Egypt to assist them to reconstruct their world after the trauma of the Atlantean catastrophe.
And now, at this time, we are told that the Sirian Master Teachers are returning to our world to assist us with aligning our frequencies with the incoming Diamond Light that is raising the frequency of our Planet and of Humanity.
The Gold Sun and the Blue Sun
As Master teachers, the Sirians brought information to the Ancient Egyptians that helped them to remember who they were and where they were going. They taught them the principles of Ascension, and these were recorded in papyrus texts and on pyramid and temple walls. They reminded us all that our bodies are from the Earth but our Souls are from the Stars.
In recent years, they have also reminded us that everything is energy and frequency, and that ascending or raising our consciousness, means that we can align ourselves with the frequencies that are coming from the Cosmic Heart and the Galactic Center, and that are raising the frequency of our Light Bodies and our Physical bodies and DNA.
It was the Sirians who first taught us about the ‘Christ Consciousness’ that was embodied in the Golden Light of the Sun. The Gold Frequency was Divine Light and it carried the energy of Divine Love and Compassion.
As Humanity opened themselves to receive more of the transmissions of the Divine Light and more of the Light Codes that would elevate consciousness, they embraced the Gold Light and activated the Light Body and Multi-dimensional consciousness.
The first Sirian Avatars of the Christ Consciousness were Isis and her partner Osiris, who brought the Golden Light to Egypt. The second Sirian Avatars were Yeshua, known as Jesus, and his partner, Mary Magdalene. Together, they embodied the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies of the Gold Frequency of the Christ Consciousness.
The Blue Sun was Sirius itself, and it carried the Blue Frequency of that Star System also known as the ‘Blue Star’. This deep Blue Light carried the Codes of an advanced race of Light Beings who were in the service of the Divine Plan and the Evolution of the Galaxy and the Earth.
The rising of the Blue Sun indicated another cycle of Light, Love and Support from the Sirian Master Teachers on the Path of Evolution. Following this event, those on the Earth could expect great blessings and abundance in their lives.
You might wonder, what happened? Why was this teaching lost and why is it only now being recovered as we move into the Ascension process?
Well, in the Ancient Egyptian world, the Sacred duties of the Master Teachers were disrupted by a corrupt priesthood that had an agenda of control, mostly through the manipulation of sexual energies.
Since this world is a free-will zone, Humanity was left to carry on its path and the Sirian Master Teachers withdrew from Egypt.
The arrrival of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene represented another opportunity to anchor and ground the Golden Frequency.
Initially this was achieved, after the death of Yeshua, by Mary Magdalene, who carried the teachings to France and into Europe. But again, a corrupt priesthood arose that ended the line of Mary Magdalene in the 12th Century with the Albigensian Crusade.
Now, in 2015, we are being given the chance to live the process of integrating the Gold Frequency in the process of Ascension. And, as the Blue Sun rises in the morning sky, we are reminded that waves of Love and Blessings are pouring out to us from the Sun, from Sirius, from the Great Central Sun at the Center of the Galaxy, and from the Cosmic Sun or Heart.
The Blue Sun represents the Love and Support of advanced beings of Light who have incarnated on Earth or who have guided consciousness in other ways in order to achieve this moment of deep change when the Earth is ready to become a Body of Light and a Multi-dimensional Blue and Gold Star.
The Lion’s Gate
After the Planetary New Year on the 26th of July, there is a powerful Portal or Vortex that opens which allows these new Light Codes to flood into the Earth grids. The constellation of Leo no longer aligns with the rising Sun as time has passed. But, the energy of the Lion is what is important at this vortex.
The Lion is the Frequency Keeper of Africa, and of course Egypt is part of Africa. The Spirit Keeper of the Portal is the Spirit Animal that guards the integrity of the African continent. The Lion also represents Spiritual Power, and Yeshua/Jesus was known as the ‘Lion of Judah’, as the representative of the Sirian avatar line on Earth.
So, the ‘Lion’s Gate’ is that moment when this portal opens to allow new Codes and new Information that will be the template for the year ahead. The Royal Lion stands guard over the New Timeline. In Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Gate was represented by two Lions who faced each other.
They were known as the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow, and of course, it was ‘today’ that came pouring through the gate. The Infinite ‘now’ of present time that can be experienced as flow and creativity and blessings. The Lion’s Gate opens on the 26th of July, reaches its climax on the 8th of August, and closes on the 12th of August.
So it is, at this time, that there are many endings and new beginnings that go with the torrents of Light that come through the Lion’s Gate. Do not be sad or upset if these are intense times, they are meant to be.
The power of new blessings is washing away what is no longer needed so that the new can be rooted and blessings result. In the Ancient Egyptian world this was clearly visible as the river flooded, washing away the last of last years crops and depositing the rich red silt that would be the bed for the new seasons crops that would nourish the people and the land.
In our time, the manifestation may not be so obvious, but we are going through the same intense process of ending and new beginnings for a richer and more abundant cycle ahead.
Ascension and the Master Teachers
Now, as we are in this wonderful process of the Ascension of our consciousness to higher frequencies, we are once again being aided and assisted by the Sirian Master Teachers.
But, this time, we are not in a relationship of ‘gods’ and ‘subjects’. We are ascending into our own power, and the Master Teachers are seen as guides and helpers, rather than ‘gods’.
As we recognize the Divine Flame within ourselves and as we embody the Higher Frequencies, including the Gold, Blue and Diamond Frequencies, we understand that Earth has ‘graduated’ to a new level where the Sirian Master Teachers can be consulted as ‘Star Family’ and ‘Star Elders’, but that it is we ourselves who must drive our own Evolution through our Intentions and our Choices.
The Master Teachers are here to hold ‘Master Classes’, to remind us who we are and to help us to step into our power, but we must be the ones who embody the Crystalline Rainbow Frequencies of the New Earth.
This time of the Planetary New Year and the Lion’s Gate is an ideal time to embrace this truth and step into our Multi-dimensional Light and Power as Ascended Humans, as New Earth Souls who embody all the Higher Frequencies of Light that were gifted to us by the Star Teachers and Avatars to advance our Spiritual and Physical Evolution on Earth.
Look Up! ... Tuning to Sirius ~ Weekly Spiritual Focus July 19 - 25
Submitted by Susan Sun on Fri, 07/17/2015 - 13:36
Greetings Everyone, July 15, 6:34pm PDT marked the beginning of the Sirius~Leo Cosmic lunar cycle, which peaks at the July 31 Full Moon Festival and ends August 14 at 7:53am PDT. This is the time for our soul light to become aware of the evolutionary energies emanating from Sirius our spiritual Sun and brightest star in the heavens. This cycle awakens a soulful humanity to the extraplanetary Life manifesting through Sirius.
At this time Sirius and the regulator of its energies, Regulus the heart star of Leo the Lion, are being activated and enlivened in several different ways. The interaction of these cosmic forces and their combined radiant emanations are bound to deeply transform the way humanity sees itself and manifests on this planet. Keep reading to learn more.
Lunar Theme:Linking & Uniting & The Venus Retrograde "New Moon conjoins Pollux of the Gemini Twins ... The Twins [Pollux/immortal, Castor/mortal] work hand-in-hand for the betterment and evolutionary fulfillment of humankind ... Venus retrograde [July 25-Sept. 6] occurs under the auspices of the Head of the Lion ... an inward journey of the heart ... a time of reassessing and redefining our values, of evaluating what is of true worth in our lives, materially, spiritually, and in our relationships ... an exceptional opportunity for tremendous growth to expand and elevate our values, our capacity to be receptive, and to break trail into new realms of love and compassion, due to its triple conjunction with Jupiter [7/1, 8/4, 10/25] ..." Click the lunar theme link for more insights by Nick Fiorenza.
Day Out of Time ~ Galactic New Year Sirius, Vega, Pluto and NASA's New Horizons Regulus, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury An Artist's Impression of Sirius A and Sirius B Image Credit / Description
The large, bluish-white star Sirius A dominates the scene, while Sirius B is the small but very hot and blue white-dwarf star on the right. The two stars revolve around each other every 50 years. The Earth lies in the stream of charged particles created from their close approaches. Note: Our Sun is shown as a small dot just below and to the right of Sirius A. The 3 brightest white dots in the image form the Summer Triangle, which humanity can see overhead during August nights. Annotated Image
Sirius reappears briefly and very low in the southeast just before sunrise, aroundAugust 8. Sirius rises higher and gets easier to see each following morning. When will you see Sirius? Orion's belt stars point southeast to Sirius. Helpful ImageNote: Stargazers on Earth do not see Sirius near the Summer Triangle as depicted in the artist's image above. When Sirius rises in the southeast, Vega of the Summer Triangle sets in the northwest.
Day Out of Time ~ Galactic New Year
Annually July 25 marks the Day Out of Time, the last day in the 13 Moon Mayan and Galactic Calendar. July 26 begins the Galactic New Year. This date originally correlated to the first brief, visible rising of Sirius in the east. The July 26, 2015 - July 25, 2016 New Year is a White Planetary Wizard Year: "White Wizard ... powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the heart ... wisdom that comes from an alignment of mind and heart."
Sirius, Vega, Pluto and NASA's New Horizons
Esoterically Sirius our Spiritual Sun is the cosmic heart of our physical Sun. Sirius governs the spiritual evolution of humanity with its yearning for freedom and liberation, and its expanding initiations for membership in the Spiritual Kingdom. Some refer to Sirius as the Christ star.
Sirius and Vega are always opposite each other in the heavens. When Sirius rises in the SE, Vega sets in the NW. When Sirius is above our heads Vega is below our feet and visa versa. You get the idea. Vega is always linked to Sirius.
Vega, our once and future guiding Pole star, is the brightest star in the Summer Triangle and lies directly overhead about 3 hours after an August sunset. Its name of Arabic origins means "swooping eagle." It is a heavenly bird that flies down to the Earth. Vega is also associated with the lyre or harp invented by Mercury the messenger of the gods and played by Orpheus to tame all creatures. Orpheus has been compared to Christ because of his violent death, journey into the underworld and the school of mysteries, which he founded. Vega, symbolizing a bird and harp, is a link between Heaven and Earth. It is a star of mysticism, magic and invocation. Learn more about Vega in The Summer Triangle.
In 2015 Pluto the planet of death and rebirth is opposite Sirius in the heavens. In fact, 3 exact oppositions of Pluto to Sirius occur in 2015: Feb. 3, July 5, Dec. 9. Like Pluto, Vega associated with Orpheus and in turn with Christ has "death of the form" related to it. Both the planet and the star, positioned opposite Sirius, are having a combined and significant transformational affect on humanity.
[With Pluto] energizing the Spiritual Sun of our sun, we have major openings or rifts occurring between the 3d world and the spiritual, mystical, transpersonal experience. pluto rules birth and death- and so pluto opposing sirius can play the midwife or guide for us out of one mode of being (3 dimensional, ego based) and into another (transdimensional, Spirit based). this can come by way of intense experiences that burn away the dross- and whatever is left standing is what is True and what is Right ... this year can be one of alchemical fires of transformation- where we can turn base metal into gold. of course to do this we need to be keeping up with our Inner Work. and we need to be willing to question and take down the structures, limitations, dogmas and traditions that are not valid for our lives ... ~divine harmony
Since late 2013, transiting Pluto in Capricorn has been opposing Sirius in Cancer, creating a potent activation of Sirian force. ... Pluto will continue to oppose Sirius for all of 2015, so what does this mean for the world? As Pluto is the destroyer and Sirius holds the blueprint for the Greater Plan, we can expect further destruction of all the impediments to the realisation of the Planetary Plan ... The exposure of further corruption and revealing of secrets will continue unabated with transiting Pluto’s advance through Capricorn. Phillip Lindsay
... Pluto’s effect will be decidedly pronounced in the United States of America because its Cancer Sun (1776 Declaration of Independence horoscope), is exactly conjunct Sirius. Therefore, Pluto is opposing USA’s Sun, breaking up resistances to change. Phillip Lindsay
It is interesting to note that the USA's NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, in close proximity to Pluto after a 10-year journey in space, is now taking the first close-up images of Pluto's surface. Humanity through NASA's efforts is now intimately connecting to Pluto opposite Sirius! Humanity's added awareness of Pluto is adding fuel to the planet's alchemical fires of transformation.
And ... the Coronal Mass Ejections from our Sun conjoined Sirius on July 14 are predicted to affect Pluto!!!
SPACE WEATHER ON PLUTO: As NASA's New Horizons spacecraft prepares to buzz Pluto on July 14th, space weather forecasters have released long distance predictions for the distant dwarf planet. A region of merged CMEs could be on the verge of hitting Pluto and compressing its atmosphere, but this is expected to happen well after the flyby.
Look Up! View Vega overhead in the night sky and sound the Great Invocation. Call on the "swooping eagle" to come down to Earth and place your invocation upon its wings and fly it up to the heavens. Imagine Sirius below your feet anchoring the Greater Divine Plan on Earth. During the daytime bathe in the light of Sol our physical Sun and Sirius our Spiritual Sun overhead. Open to new perceptions and directions. Below your feet, imagine Vega the Lyre sounding the notes that harmonize and unify the creatures of the Earth bringing forth magic and mysticism. Night and day be in awe of Pluto's current relationship to Sirius and humanity. Thank the planet for its alchemical fires that turn base metal into gold.
Regulus, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury
Regulus is the heart star and brightest star of Leo the Lion. Regulus, the Lion-Hearted Lawgiver, focuses the evolutionary energies of Sirius toward Earth and acts as a regulator for these liberating emanations. Regulus and Leo the Lion align humanity with the Law of the Soul, the Spiritual Law, and therefore with our essential divinity, the True Self, the expression of the Christ consciousness and the quality known as love-wisdom. Regulus and Sirius are intimately linked in creating a Spiritual Kingdom on Earth.
Venus and Jupiter continue to be in a variety of shifting and humanity-awakening alignments with Regulus. Look west at dusk. 7/17-19 Map ~ 7/20 Map By the end of July the trio descends into the bright twilight, setting within an hour of the Sun. July 25 Venus begins a westerly retrograde motion that moves the planet away from Regulus and Jupiter toward the horizon.
By early August Mercury joins Jupiter and both move closer to Regulus as Venus sinks on the horizon. Only twilight glimpses of these 3 planets are possible and Regulus disappears in a light sky. August 6 and 7 Jupiter, Mercury and Regulus are at their closest. 8/6 Map. Check out Mercury and Jupiter after sunset? to learn more about their close encounter, which favors a Southern Hemisphere observation. August 15 Venus is in inferior conjunction.
In co-operation, Venus the bringer of the love principle into our lives, Jupiter the one who expands our hearts and minds, and brings out the best in all, Mercury the divine messenger who links us to the soul and Regulus, the Lion-Hearted Lawgiver, prepare us to better align with the Sirius forces responsible for the manifestation of the Spiritual Kingdom on Earth.
Take time to ask these great celestial beings for help with your spiritual evolution. Be receptive to their emanating qualities as you ready yourself for the Sirius~Leo Cosmic Full Moon Festival.
The location of Altair and the Full Moon underscore the timing is right to make contact with the higher liberating, evolutionary forces – energies aligned with the cosmic principle of Love and Freedom.
Any Night - Binoculars make vivid the colorful hues of planets and stars. - Use the Big Dipper to locate golden Arcturus and bluish Spica in the southwest. Helpful Map - Big Dipper Navigation How many stars/constellations can you navigate to in the summer? - View The Summer Triangle.
This lunar cycle, which peaks with the July 31 Sirius~Leo Cosmic Full Moon Festival and ends August 14 establishes a heart and soul alignment. Nick Fiorenza reminds us that the New Moon energies unite our mortal and immortal "Twin" flames in a heartfelt cooperative effort for the soulful evolutionary fulfillment of humankind. During this cycle retrograde Venus takes us on an inward journey of the heart to evaluate what is of true worth in our lives. Venus and Jupiter together continue to break trail into new realms of love and compassion.
The heart of humanity, the heart of the planet (the spiritual Hierarchy), the heart of our solar system (the Sun) and the heart of the Sun create the channel, which extends to Sirius the cosmic heart of our Sun. This alignment evokes cosmic Love and Freedom, which flow through Sirius and Regulus the heart of Leo the Lion into our range of awareness.
Hmmm ... Even transformative Pluto our agent of death and destruction is showing us its Huge Heart! And ... The Galactic New Year beginning July 26 is about the wisdom emanating from the heart.
The present Sirius Festival aligns the One Heart ~ the One Soul ~ and the One Life. We sense the unique relationship of Sirius and the Earth.
From Sirius, the energy of Love~Wisdom flows through our Spiritual Kingdom ~ and to us, Humanity. This Sirian energy pours through our Hierarchy and into our receptive vehicles, enabling us to tread the Path of Purification and Liberation.
Take time to tune to Sirius and its co-operating energies. These forces within and beyond our solar system are now significantly influencing our spiritual evolution. What is the One Life flowing through the Universe asking of you?
Look Up! ... Look Within, Susan Sun at The Night Sky
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The blade and chalice guarding o'er her gates.
Adorned in masters' loving art, she lies.
She rests at last beneath the starry skys.