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General: Chomsky y el aborto
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De: RemitRom-21  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/04/2007 18:50
Chomsky saca los balones de la cancha en su opinión respecto al aborto:
In the pro-choice camp, there were a few notable voices, including lawyer Alan Dershowitz and Frances Kissling of Catholics for a Free Choice. Then there were those who appeared to be in the middle somewhere, including several medical bioethicists and even Noam Chomsky, who was perhaps the most eloquent voice in the film. 

I suppose the extensive coverage of the shootings of abortion doctors may have been included to balance the equally disturbing images of abortion procedures, including the doctor “piecing together” the body parts of the fetus after the procedure. Any honest film about abortion needs to address these very real images.

I believe it may have been Chomsky who stated that abortion comes down to a difficult choice between two (and possibly more) competing but authentic values. He also pointed out that if pro-life supporters claim to be concerned about children, there were lots of easy ways to help the many suffering children in the world, but that few were actually doing much about it.

Él dice, según esto, que nosotros los antiabortistas:
a) Marginamos a la infancia extrauterina
b) Minimizamos otros sufrimientos de la infancia que no sean la agresión de la legra (el hambre, por ejemplo)
Es evidente su falacia-proyección.
En realidad, son los abortistas los hipócritas que marginan a todo un sector de la infancia: el intrauterino. Además, los verdaderamente pro infancia intrauterina sí que nos preocupamos por la alimentación del intrauterino.
Luego dice esta otra bobería:
training. So if you want to have religious groups that is fine but not with public expense. Take also the example of abortion. Well, that is a serious issue and there is a conflict of values like in many moral issues. There is a right of a woman to have control of her body and there is the right of the fetus to life as the Catholics believe. So issues like that are not like torture on which everybody agrees. These issues like abortion are treated as theological issues, but I think in the United States it is mostly a show. I mean if people in the Congress, who are against the abortion, want their daughters to have abortion, they can have it. It's part of a technique to control the rest of the world.
De nuevo usa una marrullería: ahora la de entremezclar el catolicismo en lo que por lógica es una obligación civil: proteger al nene más pequeño.
Así camufla de "valor espiritual" un valor tan biológicamente real como el nuestro.
Sin embargo, parece que poco a poco ya se ha doblado. Ha entendido que se puede ser inteligente y estúpido a la vez cuando uno se fanatiza por algo, como le ha ocurrido a él con la Izquierda:
Chomsky actually seems a lot like the religious anti-abortion people. Both profess huge concern for the lives of "people" (the quotes are for the abortion side) that are essentially completely abstract to anyone in the west. At the same time they don't really think much about the consequences of their particular concerns as a reality on the people.

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