Quantum theory, modern math, must take into account 'probabilities'.
Conspiracy theories are far more probable than modern science wankers trying to time travel by building a time tunnel or a worm hole.
Beam me up stevepenny?
Don't ya think a land based terrestrial conspiracy probably exists?
More than a celestial one based on aliens, ufos or messiahs?
Originally Posted by stevepenny 
What is the mathematical construct of a swastika, i.e. how is it described mathematically. Can it also be described on a 'fractal' basis using Chaos theory?
chaos theory?
is it connected to fractals in any way?
Yes I can find the swastika inside the Mandelbrot Set. 
Shall we take a psychedelic trip with the SWASTIKA, herr Mandelbrot, LSD, DMT and the 4 Evangelists? go here:
http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11002Can we also connect the swastika to the world's largest megalithic stones ever quarried in a place called Baalbek?And to the magnificent Roman Temple of Jupiter?
Go here:
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...postcount=2271So what did I just do Steve?
Did you notice what I just accomplished?
Why I believe the swastika symbol is the MISSING LINK, the real Lost Symbol, that Dan Brown never even found?
Any potential
theory of everything, to be considered must accomplish what I just did...show profound connections between the MACROCOSM and the MICROCOSM.
please note:
I just linked the swastika to the first 4 lines of the Emerald Tablet.
Sir Isaac Newton's interpretation of the Emerald Tablet.
1. Tis true without lying, certain most true. 2. That which is below is like that which is above that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing. 3. And as all things have been arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation. 4. The Sun is its father, the moon its mother... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_Tablet |
Tis true without lying, certain most true, I have just linked the two versions of the swastika to
that which is below is like that which is above that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
Have I not illustrated that the biggest MACROCOSMIC stones ever quarried by man can be linked to the same
processes, meditations and adaptions of this one thing given birth by the infinitesimal small MICROCOSMIC fractal?
The Sun is its father and it rotates clockwise or sunwise, and the Moon its mother, rotating counter-clockwise or ANTI.

And archetypes can be translated as you move from one dimension to another.
We can use the same definition for the two interlaced helices of DNA that are rotating in opposite directions.
Could the Holy Grail have something to do with our DNA?
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...ecibo-message/Thus the SWASTIKA continues to prove itself the
KEY to Universal Movement(spinning vortex) being veiled by both biblical and scientific scholars.
Any connection between the Emerald Tablet, LSD, 4 leaf clovers and little green men is
souly by design.

Maybe one of the Freemasons can offer why the barbershop spiral is
RED and
Any connection to Satan, err I mean the red and white coca cola promotion depicting Santa?
Is there a connection to red and white flags?
Red crosses on White backgrounds or is it White crosses on Red backgrounds?