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Message 1 de 193 de ce thème |
Armstrong (Argentina)
Para otros usos de este término, véase Armstrong.
Armstrong es una localidad del Departamento Belgrano, Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Se ubica en la intersección de laAutopista Rosario - Córdoba, con la Ruta Nacional 178. Dista 95 km de Rosario y 20 km de Cañada de Gómez.
- Tierra de la tribu querandí que en la época hispánica perteneció sucesivamente a la Compañía de Jesús, a los hacendados españoles, y posteriormente a los propietarios ingleses, el poblado se constituyó a partir de una estación del Ferrocarril Central.
- Debe su nombre a Thomas Armstrong, uno de los pioneros en el desarrollo de la empresa ferroviaria. Aunque los planos de Armstrong fueron aprobados en 1929, una resolución establecería como fecha fundacional el 14 de diciembre de 1882, día en que se efectuara el primer loteo de tierras en la zona comprendida.
- Para 1883 el pueblo tenía ya un almacén de ramos generales, estafeta postal y numerosos pobladores, en su mayoría inmigrantes italianos. Sería declarado ciudad el 4 de diciembre de 1984 por la Cámara de Senadores de la provincia de Santa Fe.
Rutas y accesos[editar]
- Armstrong está situada estratégicamente sobre la Ruta 9 (Panamericana), equidistante de las ciudades de Córdoba y Buenos Aires, y a sólo 92 kilómetros de Rosario. Desde la ciudad de Santa Fe, capital provincial, se llega a Armstrong transitando la autopista Santa Fe- Rosario hasta San Lorenzo, y desde allí, la Ruta Nacional Nº 9 hasta destino. La distancia a recorrer es de 204 kilómetros.
Santa Patrona[editar]
- Nuestra Señora de la Merced, festividad: 24 de septiembre.
Creación de la Comuna[editar]
Creación del Municipio[editar]
Localidades y Parajes[editar]
- Armstrong 11.484 habitantes (INDEC, 2010)
- Parajes
- Campo Monasterio
- Campo Spagnuolo
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Message 89 de 193 de ce thème |
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Message 90 de 193 de ce thème |
Búsqueda para hermon
1. Deuteronomio 3:8 También tomamos en aquel tiempo la tierra desde el arroyo de Arnón hasta el monte de Hermón, de manos de los dos reyes amorreos que estaban a este lado del Jordán.
2. Deuteronomio 3:9 (Los sidonios llaman a Hermón, Sirión; y los amorreos, Senir.)
3. Deuteronomio 4:48 Desde Aroer, que está junto a la ribera del arroyo de Arnón, hasta el monte de Sion, que es Hermón;
4. Josué 11:3 y al cananeo que estaba al oriente y al occidente, al amorreo, al heteo, al ferezeo, al jebuseo en las montañas, y al heveo al pie de Hermón en tierra de Mizpa.
5. Josué 11:17 Desde el monte Halac, que sube hacia Seir, hasta Baal-gad en la llanura del Líbano, a la falda del monte Hermón; tomó asimismo a todos sus reyes, y los hirió y mató.
6. Josué 12:1 Estos son los reyes de la tierra que los hijos de Israel derrotaron y cuya tierra poseyeron al otro lado del Jordán hacia donde nace el sol, desde el arroyo de Arnón hasta el monte Hermón, y todo el Arabá al oriente:
7. Josué 12:5 y dominaba en el monte Hermón, en Salca, en todo Basán hasta los límites de Gesur y de Maaca, y la mitad de Galaad, territorio de Sehón rey de Hesbón.
8. Josué 13:5 la tierra de los giblitas, y todo el Líbano hacia donde sale el sol, desde Baal-gad al pie del monte Hermón, hasta la entrada de Hamat;
9. Josué 13:11 y Galaad, y los territorios de los gesureos y de los maacateos, y todo el monte Hermón, y toda la tierra de Basán hasta Salca;
10. Jueces 3:3 los cinco príncipes de los filisteos, todos los cananeos, los sidonios, y los heveos que habitaban en el monte Líbano, desde el monte de Baal-hermón hasta llegar a Hamat.
11. 1 Crónicas 5:23 Los hijos de la media tribu de Manasés, multiplicados en gran manera, habitaron en la tierra desde Basán hasta Baal- hermón y Senir y el monte de Hermón.
12. Salmos 42:6 Dios mío, mi alma está abatida en mí; Me acordaré, por tanto, de ti desde la tierra del Jordán, Y de los HERMONitas, desde el monte de Mizar.
13. Salmos 89:12 El norte y el sur, tú los creaste; El Tabor y el Hermón cantarán en tu nombre.
14. Salmos 133:3 Como el rocío de Hermón, Que desciende sobre los montes de Sion; Porque allí envía Jehová bendición, Y vida eterna.
15. Cantares 4:8 Ven conmigo desde el Líbano, oh esposa mía; Ven conmigo desde el Líbano. Mira desde la cumbre de Amana, Desde la cumbre de Senir y de Hermón, Desde las guaridas de los leones, Desde los montes de los leopardos.
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Message 91 de 193 de ce thème |

APOCALIPSIS 12:14 (virgen de guadalupe)
33. Apocalipsis 12:14: Y se le dieron a la mujer las dos alas de la gran águila, para que volase de delante de la serpiente al desierto, a su lugar, donde es sustentada por un tiempo, y tiempos, y la mitad de un tiempo.

Busqueda para aguila
1. Éxodo 19:4: Vosotros visteis lo que hice a los egipcios, y cómo os tomé sobre alas de águilas, y os he traído a mí.
2. Levítico 11:13: Y de las aves, éstas tendréis en abominación; no se comerán, serán abominación: el águila, el quebrantahuesos, el azor,
3. Deuteronomio 14:12: Y estas son de las que no podréis comer: el águila, el quebrantahuesos, el azor,
4. Deuteronomio 28:49: Jehová traerá contra ti una nación de lejos, del extremo de la tierra, que vuele como águila, nación cuya lengua no entiendas;
5. Deuteronomio 32:11: Como el águila que excita su nidada, Revolotea sobre sus pollos, Extiende sus alas, los toma, Los lleva sobre sus plumas,
6. 2 Samuel 1:23: Saúl y Jonatán, amados y queridos; Inseparables en su vida, tampoco en su muerte fueron separados; Más ligeros eran que águilas, Más fuertes que leones.
7. Job 9:26: Pasaron cual naves veloces; Como el águila que se arroja sobre la presa.
8. Job 39:27: ¿Se remonta el águila por tu mandamiento, Y pone en alto su nido?
9. Salmos 103:5: El que sacia de bien tu boca De modo que te rejuvenezcas como el águila.
10. Proverbios 23:5: ¿Has de poner tus ojos en las riquezas, siendo ningunas? Porque se harán alas Como alas de águila, y volarán al cielo.
11. Proverbios 30:17: El ojo que escarnece a su padre Y menosprecia la enseñanza de la madre, Los cuervos de la cañada lo saquen, Y lo devoren los hijos del águila.
12. Proverbios 30:19: El rastro del águila en el aire; El rastro de la culebra sobre la peña; El rastro de la nave en medio del mar; Y el rastro del hombre en la doncella.
13. Isaías 40:31: pero los que esperan a Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas; levantarán alas como las águilas; correrán, y no se cansarán; caminarán, y no se fatigarán.
14. Jeremías 4:13: He aquí que subirá como nube, y su carro como torbellino; más ligeros son sus caballos que las águilas. ¡Ay de nosotros, porque entregados somos a despojo!
15. Jeremías 48:40: Porque así ha dicho Jehová: He aquí que como águila volará, y extenderá sus alas contra Moab.
16. Jeremías 49:16: Tu arrogancia te engañó, y la soberbia de tu corazón. Tú que habitas en cavernas de peñas, que tienes la altura del monte, aunque alces como águila tu nido, de allí te haré descender, dice Jehová.
17. Jeremías 49:22: He aquí que como águila subirá y volará, y extenderá sus alas contra Bosra; y el corazón de los valientes de Edom será en aquel día como el corazón de mujer en angustias.
18. Lamentaciones 4:19: Ligeros fueron nuestros perseguidores más que las águilas del cielo; Sobre los montes nos persiguieron, en el desierto nos pusieron emboscadas.
19. Ezequiel 1:10: Y el aspecto de sus caras era cara de hombre, y cara de león al lado derecho de los cuatro, y cara de buey a la izquierda en los cuatro; asimismo había en los cuatro cara de águila.
20. Ezequiel 10:14: Y cada uno tenía cuatro caras. La primera era rostro de querubín; la segunda, de hombre; la tercera, cara de león; la cuarta, cara de águila.
21. Ezequiel 17:3: Y dirás: Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: Una gran águila, de grandes alas y de largos miembros, llena de plumas de diversos colores, vino al Líbano, y tomó el cogollo del cedro.
22. Ezequiel 17:6: Y brotó, y se hizo una vid de mucho ramaje, de poca altura, y sus ramas miraban al águila, y sus raíces estaban debajo de ella; así que se hizo una vid, y arrojó sarmientos y echó mugrones.
23. Ezequiel 17:7: Había también otra gran águila, de grandes alas y de muchas plumas; y he aquí que esta vid juntó cerca de ella sus raíces, y extendió hacia ella sus ramas, para ser regada por ella por los surcos de su plantío.
24. Daniel 4:33: En la misma hora se cumplió la palabra sobre Nabucodonosor, y fue echado de entre los hombres; y comía hierba como los bueyes, y su cuerpo se mojaba con el rocío del cielo, hasta que su pelo creció como plumas de águila, y sus uñas como las de las aves.
25. Daniel 7:4: La primera era como león, y tenía alas de águila. Yo estaba mirando hasta que sus alas fueron arrancadas, y fue levantada del suelo y se puso enhiesta sobre los pies a manera de hombre, y le fue dado corazón de hombre.
26. Oseas 8:1: Pon a tu boca trompeta. Como águila viene contra la casa de Jehová, porque traspasaron mi pacto, y se rebelaron contra mi ley.
27. Abdías 1:4: Si te remontares como águila, y aunque entre las estrellas pusieres tu nido, de ahí te derribaré, dice Jehová.
28. Miqueas 1:16: Ráete y trasquílate por los hijos de tus delicias; hazte calvo como águila, porque en cautiverio se fueron de ti.
29. Habacuc 1:8: Sus caballos serán más ligeros que leopardos, y más feroces que lobos nocturnos, y sus jinetes se multiplicarán; vendrán de lejos sus jinetes, y volarán como águilas que se apresuran a devorar.
30. Mateo 24:28: Porque dondequiera que estuviere el cuerpo muerto, allí se juntarán las águilas.
31. Lucas 17:37: Y respondiendo, le dijeron: ¿Dónde, Señor? El les dijo: Donde estuviere el cuerpo, allí se juntarán también las águilas.
32. Apocalipsis 4:7: El primer ser viviente era semejante a un león; el segundo era semejante a un becerro; el tercero tenía rostro como de hombre; y el cuarto era semejante a un águila volando.
Y se le dieron a la mujer las dos alas de la gran águila, para que volase de delante de la serpiente al desierto, a su lugar, donde es sustentada por un tiempo, y tiempos, y la mitad de un tiempo.
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Message 92 de 193 de ce thème |
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Message 93 de 193 de ce thème |
What kind of chaos would ensue, if today or in the near future, a celestial event altered our 'daylight' for about 23 days and affected the night sky for the next 653 days?
How would science, religion and in general, how would humanity react to such a celestial event? This kind of event did and does happen...and how the world's cultures react to such an event is a valuable clue, to the mass hypnoSiS that does exist today.
In Earth's case, gamma rays induce a chemical reaction in the upper atmosphere, converting molecular nitrogen into nitrogen oxides, depleting the ozone layer enough to expose the surface to harmful solar and cosmic radiation. Phytoplankton and reef communities would be particularly affected, which could badly deplete the base of the marine food chain.[2][3] |
The REAL LIFE scenario that can occur and DOES...we have evidence. Something celestial happens and the earth is bathed in a cosmic light for 653 days. When did this occur?
The earliest recorded supernova, SN 185, was viewed by Chinese astronomers in 185 AD. The brightest recorded supernova was the SN 1006, which was described in detail by Chinese and Arab astronomers. The widely observed supernova SN 1054 produced the Crab Nebula. Supernovae SN 1572 and SN 1604, the last to be observed with the naked eye in the Milky Way galaxy, had notable effects on the development of astronomy in Europe because they were used to argue against the Aristotelian idea that the universe beyond the Moon and planets was immutable.[11] |
SN 1054 (Crab Supernova) was a supernova that was widely seen on Earth in the year 1054. It was recorded by Chinese, Japanese, and Persian/Arab astronomers as being bright enough to see in daylight for 23 days and was visible in the night sky for 653 days .[1][2][3] The progenitor star was located in the Milky Way galaxy at a distance of 6,300 light years and exploded as a core-collapse supernova.
There is also evidence the Mimbres and Anasazi Native Americans saw and recorded SN 1054; an Anasazi cliff painting near the great house of Penasco Blanco may portray it.[4]
It has also been claimed that an obscure entry in a number of Irish monastic annals originally referred to SN 1054 but was subsequently corrupted, becoming in the process an allegorical fantasy based on the legend of the Antichrist.[5] I knew the devil would be involved in some way. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_1054 |
BORN ON THE 4th of JULY - SN 1054 What did the Church record 12 days after astronomers (sky gazers) noted the supernova on July 4th? What did the Roman Catholic Church do....during the 23 days that this 'light' was visible in daylight?
# July 4—The SN 1054 supernova is recorded by the Chinese, Arab and possibly Native Americans near the star ζ Tauri. For 23 days it remains bright enough to be seen in daylight. Its remnants form the Crab Nebula (NGC 1952).[1] # July 16 – Cardinal Humbertus, a representative of Pope Leo IX, and Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, decree each other's excommunication. Most historians look to this act as the final step in the initiation of the Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christian Churches. In 1965, those excommunications are rescinded by Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras when they meet in the Second Vatican Council. However, to this day each church claims to be the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and each denies the other's right to that name. (See East-West Schism) |
A cosmic event did happen in 1054 A.D., and it could be one of the reasons our OZONE has been depleting since 1054... Could it have been a trigger...triggering events that take hundreds of years to actually manifest and alter our weather on earth? ICE CORE samples is proof that GAMMA RAYS contribute to the depleting of the OZONE, and then once the OZONE has been weakened...UV radiation is allowed to enter our bubble of illusions. What if the global baptism is accomplished using UV radiation?Guess what else this Crabby supernova is contributing to our environment as we speak? ...the current Crab Pulsar emits (like a spinning lighthouse beacon) pulses of UV light that we can see. And if we can see IT, there is a good chance, IT can see us. The Crab Pulsar pulses at 30 times per second.Same rate as digital video, 30 frames per second? Smile EWE are on candid camera.  Is it a stretch of logic to consider that the LIGHT that took 6300 light-years to arrive from the constellation Taurus, in 1054 AD, might take hundreds of years to work its magic on the earth. To bad our OZONE records did not date back to 1054 or do they?
In 2009, researchers have found nitrates in ice cores from Antarctica at depths corresponding to the known supernovae of 1006 and 1054 AD, as well as from around 1060 AD**. The nitrates were apparently formed from nitrogen oxides created by gamma rays from the supernovae. This technique should be able to detect supernovae going back several thousand years.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-Earth_supernova |
SN 1054It relates to a specific year, 1054 A.D. and AN EVENT, that was witnessed and recorded by many astronomers/astrologers/indigenous peoples around the world...everybody seemed to notice this event, witnessed by everybody EXCEPT the Roman Catholic Church and its flock of obedient, loyal sheeple.  Don't forget this year. Easy to remember...1054. ...if you read it right to left, 1054 becomes Fahrenheit 451 degrees.  Was 1054 a trigger for the Church to begin its trials by fire? 1054 A.D. And that is exactly what happened to planet earth. We were hit with GRB radiation that affected our OZONE Evidence is in the ice cores.
SN 1054 (Crab Supernova) was a supernova that was widely seen on Earth in the year 1054. It was recorded by Chinese, Japanese, and Persian/Arab astronomers as being bright enough to see in daylight for 23 days and was visible in the night sky for 653 days . |
The most bizarre yet revealing conclusion from the 1054 Gamma Ray Burst? FACT: The night sky was altered for 653 days, so why didn't the RC Church and western/euro science of the day record this event? Is a LACK of proper recording, actually evidence that the Church/temple priests/science magicians (aka Power and Glory Inc.) like to use celestial events as leverage to help corral the sheeple and seegullibles into doing their bidding? yeah sure...the messiah jesus is on the way and he will baptize us all using UV light.Jesus the cosmic camper always brings along his UV light. Jesus finds it is really effective at ridding holy water of bacteria and viruses. And the holier-than-thou humans, like the earth, are 70% water too. I would use UV radiation to cleanse the earth on a big scale, one fell swoop. Makes perfect sense to me. Did I mention the ROLE that SOUND waves play (inaudible infra and ultra sounds), to help bring down the walls of Jericho? SOLFEGGIO fans of the KEY 528 hertz that is said to heal DNA please note: HERE is a clue...evidence that the ancient theory re: music of the spheres is a viable theory worth further investigation. 1054 A.D. + 528 hertz = 1582 A.D. and the introduction of the Gregorian CalenderAnd whoever controls the calender ... controls the passage of ASYMMETRICAL thermodynamic TIME. The RC Christian church rose from humble beginning in the first century. By the 16th century ... the RC Church had taken command of the calender itself. And the calender is a reflection of how the calender makers view the relationship between the sun and the moon. namaste Raphael p.s. supernova in 1060 AD** was followed by the Norman invasion of England, aka William the Conqueror in 1066 A.D. Coincidence eh? go back to shleep bible babblers...ewe are missing out on the cosmic narrative.
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Message 94 de 193 de ce thème |
Originally Posted by danceswithbunnies 
Anyone out there with a modicum of reason knows can see that this is not science.
yup that is why everybody ignores equinoxes and solstices, this is bullshit science...astronomy and astrology. not much has been written on it...
fuck you really are getting more ignorant with every post.
Who celebrates the vernal equinox? I highlighted a few in red that I think are 'related'.
* In Japan, (March) Vernal Equinox Day is an official national holiday, and is spent visiting family graves and holding family reunions.
* Wiccans and many other Neopagans hold religious celebrations of "Ostara" on the spring equinox.
* The March equinox marks the first day of various calendars including the Iranian calendar and the Bahá'í calendar.[2]
* The Persian (Iranian) new year's festival of Nowruz is celebrated then. According to the ancient Persian mythology Jamshid, the mythological king of Persia, ascended to the throne on this day and each year this is commemorated with festivities for two weeks. These festivities recall the story of creation and the ancient cosmology of Iranian and Persian people. It is also a holiday for Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, India, Turkey, Zanzibar, Albania, and various countries of Central Asia, as well as among the Kurds. As well as being a Zoroastrian holiday, it is also a holy day for adherents of the Bahá'í Faith and the Nizari Ismaili Muslims.[3]
* Sham El Nessim was an ancient Egyptian holiday which can be traced back as far as 2700 B.C. It is still one of the public holidays in Egypt. Sometime during Egypt's Christian period (c. 200-639) the date moved to Easter Monday, but before then it coincided with the vernal equinox.
* The Jewish Passover usually falls on the first full moon after the Northern Hemisphere vernal equinox, although occasionally (7 times every 19 years) it will occur on the second full moon.
* The Christian churches calculate Easter as the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox. The official church definition for the equinox is March 21; however, as the Eastern Orthodox Churches use the older Julian calendar, while the Western Churches use the Gregorian calendar, both of which designate March 21 as the equinox, the actual date of Easter differs. The earliest possible Easter date in any year is therefore March 22 on each calendar. The latest possible Easter date in any year is April 25.[4]
* Tamil and Bengali New Years follow the Hindu zodiac and are celebrated according to the sidereal vernal equinox (April 14). The former is celebrated in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, and the latter in Bangladesh and the East Indian state of West Bengal.
* Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharastra people celebrate new year ugadi set by Satavahana on the first morning after first new moon from March equinox. Also the calculations of the great Indian Mathematician Bhaskaracharya proclaim the Ugadi day as the beginning of the New Year, New month and New day.
* In many Arab countries, Mother's Day is celebrated on the March equinox.
* World Storytelling Day is a global celebration of the art of oral storytelling, celebrated every year on the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere
* World Citizen Day occurs on the March equinox.[5]
* Kerala, a state of India celebrates the celestial vernal equinox as their New year around April 14. It is known as 'Vishu' meaning equal in Sanskrit.
* Earth Day was initially celebrated on March 21, 1970, the equinox day. It is currently celebrated in various countries on April 22.
Sham El Nessim spells it out...the OBVIOUS bullshit re: Jesus and Easter and the Vernal Equinox Sham El Nessim was an ancient Egyptian holiday which can be traced back as far as 2700 B.C. It is still one of the public holidays in Egypt. Sometime during Egypt's Christian period (c. 200-639) the date moved to Easter Monday, but before then it coincided with the vernal equinox.And who would have thought to embed the Precession cycle on CARD X, Ezekiel's Wheel of Fortune.So now that we have established that CARD X not only represents Precession of the Equinoxes but also maps out a cross and the golden spiral when you connect together the FOUR ROYAL STARS found in each of those four constellations that the reader should by now know as the Four Evangelists/Four Gospels or simply as 11258. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...4-royal-stars/Four Royal Stars are royally important. http://www.tenspheres.com/researches/fourstars.htm(again I present another website that suggests I am NOT alone in my quest)namaste
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Message 95 de 193 de ce thème |

Celia Fenn – When Two Suns Rise – Sirius and the Planetary New Year – 7-20-15
The end of July is celebrated as the Planetary New Year because many of the ancient Time Keeper races on the Earth recognized this as the moment when an important New Cycle of Evolutionary Time was initiated.
This period was also associated with what was known as the “Lion’s Gate”, the historical moment when the constellation of Leo aligned with the Pyramid complex at Giza. But you might ask, why is that important to me in the year 2015?
This is because the Planetary New Year celebrates the moment when the Blue Star Sirius rises in the morning sky at the same time and in nearby location to our Sun. It is the time when Earth has Two visible “suns” in the sky. The one sun is Golden, and the other is Blue in Frequency. This conjunction of Stars celebrates the long connection between Earth, and its Sun, and the Star System of Sirius.
In Ancient Egypt, in the post-Atlantean civilization that sprang up on the banks of the Nile, the heliacal rising of Sirius, as it is known, also marked the time when the Nile River rose due to rains in Central Africa, and flooded the plains of Egypt so that crops could be grown. The rising of the waters signified the return of Abundance and Blessings to the land, and this was also associated with Sirius and it’s helical rising in the East.
Sirius has long been a guiding light and force in the Evolution of the Earth. There were many powerful Star Teachers that came to the Earth to assist Humanity, and they were believed to be ‘gods’. These teachers included the Beings known as Isis and Osiris, who brought the arts of agriculture and learning to the peoples of Ancient Egypt to assist them to reconstruct their world after the trauma of the Atlantean catastrophe.
And now, at this time, we are told that the Sirian Master Teachers are returning to our world to assist us with aligning our frequencies with the incoming Diamond Light that is raising the frequency of our Planet and of Humanity.
The Gold Sun and the Blue Sun
As Master teachers, the Sirians brought information to the Ancient Egyptians that helped them to remember who they were and where they were going. They taught them the principles of Ascension, and these were recorded in papyrus texts and on pyramid and temple walls. They reminded us all that our bodies are from the Earth but our Souls are from the Stars.
In recent years, they have also reminded us that everything is energy and frequency, and that ascending or raising our consciousness, means that we can align ourselves with the frequencies that are coming from the Cosmic Heart and the Galactic Center, and that are raising the frequency of our Light Bodies and our Physical bodies and DNA.
It was the Sirians who first taught us about the ‘Christ Consciousness’ that was embodied in the Golden Light of the Sun. The Gold Frequency was Divine Light and it carried the energy of Divine Love and Compassion.
As Humanity opened themselves to receive more of the transmissions of the Divine Light and more of the Light Codes that would elevate consciousness, they embraced the Gold Light and activated the Light Body and Multi-dimensional consciousness.
The first Sirian Avatars of the Christ Consciousness were Isis and her partner Osiris, who brought the Golden Light to Egypt. The second Sirian Avatars were Yeshua, known as Jesus, and his partner, Mary Magdalene. Together, they embodied the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies of the Gold Frequency of the Christ Consciousness.
The Blue Sun was Sirius itself, and it carried the Blue Frequency of that Star System also known as the ‘Blue Star’. This deep Blue Light carried the Codes of an advanced race of Light Beings who were in the service of the Divine Plan and the Evolution of the Galaxy and the Earth.
The rising of the Blue Sun indicated another cycle of Light, Love and Support from the Sirian Master Teachers on the Path of Evolution. Following this event, those on the Earth could expect great blessings and abundance in their lives.
You might wonder, what happened? Why was this teaching lost and why is it only now being recovered as we move into the Ascension process?
Well, in the Ancient Egyptian world, the Sacred duties of the Master Teachers were disrupted by a corrupt priesthood that had an agenda of control, mostly through the manipulation of sexual energies.
Since this world is a free-will zone, Humanity was left to carry on its path and the Sirian Master Teachers withdrew from Egypt.
The arrrival of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene represented another opportunity to anchor and ground the Golden Frequency.
Initially this was achieved, after the death of Yeshua, by Mary Magdalene, who carried the teachings to France and into Europe. But again, a corrupt priesthood arose that ended the line of Mary Magdalene in the 12th Century with the Albigensian Crusade.
Now, in 2015, we are being given the chance to live the process of integrating the Gold Frequency in the process of Ascension. And, as the Blue Sun rises in the morning sky, we are reminded that waves of Love and Blessings are pouring out to us from the Sun, from Sirius, from the Great Central Sun at the Center of the Galaxy, and from the Cosmic Sun or Heart.
The Blue Sun represents the Love and Support of advanced beings of Light who have incarnated on Earth or who have guided consciousness in other ways in order to achieve this moment of deep change when the Earth is ready to become a Body of Light and a Multi-dimensional Blue and Gold Star.
The Lion’s Gate
After the Planetary New Year on the 26th of July, there is a powerful Portal or Vortex that opens which allows these new Light Codes to flood into the Earth grids. The constellation of Leo no longer aligns with the rising Sun as time has passed. But, the energy of the Lion is what is important at this vortex.
The Lion is the Frequency Keeper of Africa, and of course Egypt is part of Africa. The Spirit Keeper of the Portal is the Spirit Animal that guards the integrity of the African continent. The Lion also represents Spiritual Power, and Yeshua/Jesus was known as the ‘Lion of Judah’, as the representative of the Sirian avatar line on Earth.
So, the ‘Lion’s Gate’ is that moment when this portal opens to allow new Codes and new Information that will be the template for the year ahead. The Royal Lion stands guard over the New Timeline. In Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Gate was represented by two Lions who faced each other.
They were known as the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow, and of course, it was ‘today’ that came pouring through the gate. The Infinite ‘now’ of present time that can be experienced as flow and creativity and blessings. The Lion’s Gate opens on the 26th of July, reaches its climax on the 8th of August, and closes on the 12th of August.
So it is, at this time, that there are many endings and new beginnings that go with the torrents of Light that come through the Lion’s Gate. Do not be sad or upset if these are intense times, they are meant to be.
The power of new blessings is washing away what is no longer needed so that the new can be rooted and blessings result. In the Ancient Egyptian world this was clearly visible as the river flooded, washing away the last of last years crops and depositing the rich red silt that would be the bed for the new seasons crops that would nourish the people and the land.
In our time, the manifestation may not be so obvious, but we are going through the same intense process of ending and new beginnings for a richer and more abundant cycle ahead.
Ascension and the Master Teachers
Now, as we are in this wonderful process of the Ascension of our consciousness to higher frequencies, we are once again being aided and assisted by the Sirian Master Teachers.
But, this time, we are not in a relationship of ‘gods’ and ‘subjects’. We are ascending into our own power, and the Master Teachers are seen as guides and helpers, rather than ‘gods’.
As we recognize the Divine Flame within ourselves and as we embody the Higher Frequencies, including the Gold, Blue and Diamond Frequencies, we understand that Earth has ‘graduated’ to a new level where the Sirian Master Teachers can be consulted as ‘Star Family’ and ‘Star Elders’, but that it is we ourselves who must drive our own Evolution through our Intentions and our Choices.
The Master Teachers are here to hold ‘Master Classes’, to remind us who we are and to help us to step into our power, but we must be the ones who embody the Crystalline Rainbow Frequencies of the New Earth.
This time of the Planetary New Year and the Lion’s Gate is an ideal time to embrace this truth and step into our Multi-dimensional Light and Power as Ascended Humans, as New Earth Souls who embody all the Higher Frequencies of Light that were gifted to us by the Star Teachers and Avatars to advance our Spiritual and Physical Evolution on Earth.
Source:“When Two Suns Rise: Sirius and the Planetary New Year” by Celia Fenn, July 19 2015, at http://starchildglobal.com/channels-and-articles/when-two-suns-rise/
Source Link: When Two Suns Rise
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Message 96 de 193 de ce thème |
MONARCH Comes from the Lunar Cult, where the head potentate would be called a "moon’s arch," that is, bestowed sovereignty by the goddess of the Moon. (Isis et al)
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Message 97 de 193 de ce thème |
Preston Nichols (with Peter Moon!) The Music of Time
"When they actually filmed Star Wars, I literally saw two physics or adepts (mystery religion imo) that were concentrating on the camera as it was running. They were putting some sort of psychic overlay on the film. I recognized what they were doing because it was similar to what I had done with musical recordings (via Buddah etc)"
Wag The Dog?
WFC bulidings Manhattan and the heiroglyph of Sirius
Masonic Tracing Board - Sirius 'the all seeing eye' in the sky
The towers 'separating the heaven & the earth'....were destroyed 33 weeks and 3 days from Bush's inauguration as president 20th Jan 2001.
Manhattan Memorial Tracing Board - Stairway/Ladder to Sirius
The lights that shone for 33 days (33 vertebrae/degress etc)
Cards XVII The Star (sirius/isis), XVIII The Moon & XIX The Sun (17 18 & 19)
Isis (sirius) 'the naked virgin' depicting the inundation of the Nile, the Ibis (Thoth/Hermes) in the background, always near.
Sirius in Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange
Sirius in Kubrick's Barry Lyndon
Sirius in Kubrick's The Shining
The Tower(s) and The Moon - Manhatttan surrounded by water
If you recall my earlier post 'Manhattan Working' you might remember the 'moon' correlation that was made apparent...a relationship between certain Fox & Fox TV premieres and the postion of the moon on these occassions and the position of the moon on the day of 9/11.
I've now got around to adding in the premiere of 2001 : ASO
Programming the masses/sheep (apes)ALL of the following were released when the 'MOON' was in the same position in the sky (relative to background stars, sidereal orbits 27.3 days (+/- fraction of a day). The yellow text (below) shows the span of complete moon orbits between the dates. One complete orbit taking the moon to the exact same starting point of origin. The starting point of the moon matrix cycleApril 4, 1968
April 4, 1968 - movie "2001 : A Space Odyssey 'theatrical premiere' in the USA. (MGM)
277 moon orbits later (-0.1 day)
December 23, 1988 - movie "Working Girl" 'theatrical premiere' in the USA. (FOX)63 moon orbits later (+ 0.7354 day)
September 10, 1993 - TV show "The X-Files" premieres. (FOX)100 moons orbits later (-0.1661 day)
March 4, 2001 - TV show "The Lone Gunmen" premieres. (FOX)Flight 175 that crashed into the South Tower departed from Boston 7 moons orbits later (-0.2516 day)
September 11, 2001 - World Trade Center destroyed.
The Monolith/Sentinel looks on...Millenium HiltonA time phase that covers 33 years, 2001 : ASO being released 33 years prior to the year 2001.Our start point 4-4-1968 to our end point 9-11-2001 is exactly: 447 moons (+.2177 day) Of course, don't take my word for it...check it out for yourself.I shouldn't need to mention the main aspects of 2001 :ASO, but don't forget that it centres around the moon and an artefact (Alien/extraterrestial) that is found there and it's relationship to the development of man etc.September 11th 2001 Earth (centre) Moon travels through Sirius (canis major)...red line to Orion/Osiris
Above...image is looking down on the Earth and Moon orientated so that Orion in the direction of top of the image @ 8:49 am (1:49pm Universal Time Code)
Above...this image shows the position of the Moon at 8:49 am (1:49pm Universal Time Code), on 9-11-2001...it is directly above 'the shoulder of orion' Betelgeuse.Combined
This is the exact time that the first plane hits the North Tower.
2001 : ASO being 'the mother' of it all...recall the 'Monolith' overelooking Ground Zero and the 'sirius glyph/wfc buildings' (see Manhattan Working post). Working Girl...I have already shown that Nichols' film pays reference to Kubrick's 2001 and this film (Working Girl) took place in the vicinity of the WTC...ending with WTC 7.http://subliminalsynchrosphere.blogspot.com/2009/07/2001-10-13-manhattan-working.htmlThat means that 2 of the above both featured the WTC Twin Towers as central to the story, that being Working Girl & The Lonegunmen pilot (recall the plane almost hitting the WTC towers).
10-13 Templar cypherFrom Chris Carter (CC, 33 cypher) The Lonegunmen was a 10-13 production and spun-off from the original X-Files series....which also featured the 3 Lonegunmen. The first episode of The X Files (pilot) premiered exactly 8 years & 1 day before 9/11/2001...so all 3 already have a relationship with each other. X Files links to Working Girl via David Duchovny...where he starred in his first role. Working Girl links to 2001 : ASO via Mike Nichols paying direct homage to Kubrick's 2001 : ASO. (see Manhattan Working post)
Now...factor in 9/11
The moon's position in the sky(sidereal orbit) relative to the background stars...on all 5 of the above 5 occassions...was exactly the same!!!
What are the odds of those dates and moon positions aligning?
Astronomical imo and I can slip in a cheap pun too!So I have just shown how certain media product out of Hollywood are connected to release dates, the moons position and 9/11!!!Think this is INSANE...do you? Think again....and think more about recent history. Recall my recent post about Batman The Dark Knight Rises and the inclusion of subliminal trojans within that film etc!http://subliminalsynchrosphere.blogspot.com/2013/01/tdkr.html There is a moon connection to The Dark Knight Rises and the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings!
Both these events happened during the exact SAME moon phases (waxing crescent)...the day after a NEW MOON!From the NEW MOON (the darkest night, geddit?) to the following day. On a NEW MOON sunlight is shone on the side of the moon (dark side) that we can't see...hence the darkest phase. After the new moon, the sunlit portion is increasing, but less than half, so it is waxing crescent. After the first quarter, the sunlit portion is still increasing, but now it is more than half, so it is waxing gibbous. After the full moon (maximum illumination), the light continually decreases. So the waning gibbous phase occurs next. Following the third quarter is the waning crescent, which wanes until the light is completely gone -- a new moon.
I Want To Believe (2008)
They keep the 'moon meme' going...
A shot of the moon slowly rising behind the silhouettes of trees is the first shot that appears in The X-Files: I Want to Believe, apart from the logo for 20th Century Fox, and is positioned to the right of the film's logo, remaining there while the logo fades onto the screen before disappearing. (cough, cough)
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Message 98 de 193 de ce thème |
Both these events happened during the exact SAME moon phases (waxing crescent)...the day after a NEW MOON!
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Monkey Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated internationally on December 14. While the holiday is mainly about monkeys, it also celebrates other non-human ...
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Message 99 de 193 de ce thème |
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Alamogordo o Álamo Gordo (pronunciado /'alamo 'γorðo/ en castellano) es una ciudad ubicada en el condado de Otero en el estado estadounidense de Nuevo México. En el Censo de 2010 tenía una población de 30 403 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 547,38 personas por km².[2]
En sus proximidades se encuentran las dos grandes bases militares de Holloman Air Force Base y White Sands Missile Range. La ciudad cobró fama por ser el primer lugar donde se probó la bomba atómica y la sede del Festival Internacional de Cine The White Sands, por ser el lugar donde la compañia de videojuegos estadounidense Atari enterró millones de copias de su videojuego E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial debido a su absoluto fracaso comercial en 1983.
Alamogordo se encuentra ubicada en las coordenadas 32°53′1″N 105°57′49″O / 32.88361, -105.96361. Según la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos, Alamogordo tiene una superficie total de 55.54 km², de la cual 55.51 km² corresponden a tierra firme y (0.06%) 0.03 km² es agua.[3]
Alamogordo fue fundada en junio de 1898, a causa de la ampliación de las líneas de ferrocarril propiedad de Charles B. Eddy, quien influyó en el diseño de la ciudad, que incluye grandes avenidas arboladas y canales de riego. El nombre de la ciudad se deriva del álamo.[4]
En el plano original de la ciudad, las calles de Este a Oeste tenían denominaciones numéricas, mientras que de Norte a Sur tenían nombres que correspondían a temas relacionados con estados, presidentes y universidades de EE.UU.
Varios edificios en Alamogordo fueron construidos por la Works Progress Administration. Estos incluyen el Edificio Federal en el 1101 New York Avenue, un edificio de estilo Pueblo originalmente construido como la principal Oficina de Correos de EE.UU. en 1938. El edificio está incluido en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos. La entrada principal presenta frescos de Peter Hurd realizados en 1942. La Oficina de Correos se mudó en 1961, y el edificio fue utilizado por una sucesión de agencias federales. En la actualidad está ocupado por el Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos como la sede del Bosque Nacional Lincoln. El Servicio Forestal tiene previsto trasladarse a un edificio más amplio, y la propiedad de la Federal Building será transferida al los gobierno del Condado de Otero y el edificio se utilizará para las oficinas gubernamentales del condado.[5]
Según el censo de 2010,[6] había 30403 personas residiendo en Alamogordo. La densidad de población era de 547,38 hab./km². De los 30403 habitantes, Alamogordo estaba compuesto por el 76.84% blancos, el 5.42% eran afroamericanos, el 1.42% eran amerindios, el 1.72% eran asiáticos, el 0.34% eran isleños del Pacífico, el 9.33% eran de otras razas y el 4.93% pertenecían a dos o más razas. Del total de la población el 30.49% eran hispanos o latinos de cualquier raza.[7]
Pruebas nucleares[editar]
La primera bomba atómica de la historia fue detonada en el Test Range Alamogordo el 16 de julio de 1945, la Prueba Trinity. El lugar de la explosión, llamado Trinity Site (Sitio Trinity), se encuentra dentro de la base White Sands Missile Range. Este fue el único ensayo nuclear que tuvo lugar en esta ubicación. Trinity Site está ubicado aproximadamente a 97 km de Alamogordo. El sitio está abierto a los visitantes el primer sábado de abril y el primer sábado de octubre.[8]
Aterrizaje del Columbia[editar]
En marzo de 1982, el transbordador espacial Columbia, que finalizaba su tercera misión, la STS-3, realizó el único aterrizaje no efectuado en California o Florida. El vehículo orbital aterrizó en la Base Espacial de White Sands, cerca de Alamogordo.
Ayuntamiento de Alamogordo, situado en el 1376 de E. 9th Street.
Alamogordo tiene poca actividad industrial, vive principalmente de la pequeña empresa y del notable auge del turismo, además de la proximidad de dos grandes instalaciones militares y una masiva presencia de militares jubilados. En 2006 el ingreso per cápita en el Condado de Otero fue de 22.798 USD, superado por el ingreso per cápita en Nuevo Mexico, que es de 29.929 $.[9] [10]
Hay dos escuelas secundarias, tres escuelas intermedias y 11 escuelas primarias en el distrito escolar público Escuelas Públicas de Alamogordo, además de dos escuelas privadas en Alamogordo.
El gobierno alemán educa en el Deutsche Schule a los hijos de miembros de la Fuerza Aérea alemana estacionados en el centro de formación de la Holloman Air Force Base. La escuela de Nuevo México para ciegos y deficientes visuales es una escuela estatal ubicada en Alamogordo. La Universidad Estatal de Nuevo México tiene un campus en Alamogordo.
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Message 100 de 193 de ce thème |
Originally Posted by orslah 
I kept looking at the Fibonacci Numbers;
Love Debbie
http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewto...er=asc&start=0Debbie I am not sure if you have seen this link. it is a compilation of FIBONACCI sources that connect to the pattern detected by moi, regarding the numbers 11, 2, 5, 8 AND some folks in their holier-than-thou IGNORANCE, (and there are many on these forums) seem to believe that only *experts* can see divine patterns? Back to remembering... later I found out the Masonic cipher is 3. (because of its association to gimel and gamma, the two languages that used similar forms of gematria long ago, among other reasons....) so when we add the cipher 3 to 11, 2, 5, 8 the FIGURATIVE FIB that is being VEILeD by the big LITERAL LIE called jesus reveals itself. So I am suggesting that the advertising camPAIN called jesus was used to VEIL LAWS of NATURE from the pagans that the Church was trying to convert? Occams Razor applies here folks, in a very big way...why delude yourselves with HIS-story based on the LITERAL LIE called jesus, born 2000 years ago.
An archetypal FIGURATIVE jesus was born 6000 years ago.
Easily proved, based on this zodiacal CODE that folks should start their end of daze with ... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5228&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 I love coincidences that reveal patterns... take a look at the post number assigned to that thread I just linked you too. #5228 or 11, 2, 5, 8?  random? or design? design of course, based on certain patterns, just ask the Mann who supplies the NOBEL GEL, the glue that binds all of EWE to YOU using a U?  And the U looks like a magnet or cosmic good luck horseshoe to me. lol lol lol And please note that the horseshoe shape fits nicely into St. Peter's Square....  2 versions of OMEGA, man AND please note that the U used as a horseshoe in the image above resembles an upside down OMEGA symbol too? OR that the Masonic cipher 3 can look like an omega symbol too if rotated 90 degrees through space? Mind if I ask a rhetorical question Debbie based on the above image? Why oh why was the Temple of Del phi and the letter/shape/glyph 'E' attributed to Apollo who we see has a swastika on his chest, just like the Buddha? 2 FISH and 5 LOAVES of BREAD = Marko Rodin's cosmic blender concept re: 25Betcha...  Courtyard of the Church of the Multiplication where the miracle of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish took place, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. I love patterns...Am I being lead back to the source? By what? right click and take a look at the url # of this image that I posted off the web...OBVIOUSLY the Church of the Multiplication is to be a part of the narration I am supplying. i.e. this is the photo url. http://photos.travellerspoint.com/172034/_DSC5082.jpg You need to know, that before I was lead to 11, 2, 5, 8, I was exploring the numbers 528....re: the solfeggio frequency that heals DNA, as some researchers claim. I was born at 5:28 am? regarding the Church of the Multiplication I want to ask the following questions... a/ does it look like an OMEGA symbol? YES b/ does it fit into st. peter's square? YES c/ is it a mnemonic/shape/temple design pointing toward the Holy Grail, the ARK, our DNA? YES d/ does this 'omega' temple shape fit the binary (1 and 0 ) representation, of what we find in St. Peter's Square Ellipse, as seen from above? YES lordy lordy lordy do ya see it dude? ground control to major tomtom the pope is sending you a message... go here>>> HOLY GRAIL found in ARECIBO Messagehttp://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...ecibo-message/  namaste
Last edited by raphael; 29-06-2010 at 03:31 PM.
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Message 101 de 193 de ce thème |
Last edited by Raphael; 08-13-2009 at 07:33 AM. Reason: add info
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Message 65 of 66 on the subject |
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Message 66 of 66 on the subject |
Hi gilgal,
Obviously, St. George cannot be the Archangel, Michael, for he lived in the 3rd century. Revelation which mentioned Michael fighting with the Devil in heaven probably represents the angels of God fighting against evil; good fighting against evil, and evil was defeated and thrown onto the Earth. Michael was already in existence since Daniel's time, 2,500 years ago:
Daniel 10 12 Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. 14 Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come."
15 While he was saying this to me, I bowed with my face toward the ground and was speechless. 16 Then one who looked like a man [b] touched my lips, and I opened my mouth and began to speak. I said to the one standing before me, "I am overcome with anguish because of the vision, my lord, and I am helpless. 17 How can I, your servant, talk with you, my lord? My strength is gone and I can hardly breathe."
18 Again the one who looked like a man touched me and gave me strength. 19 "Do not be afraid, O man highly esteemed," he said. "Peace! Be strong now; be strong." When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, "Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength."
20 So he said, "Do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of Greece will come; 21 but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. (No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince.
God Blessings to you.
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Message 102 de 193 de ce thème |
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Message 103 de 193 de ce thème |
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