Originally Posted by orslah 
It's always fun to dig into a new adventure. Thanks Raphael.
Love Debbie
no problem
I love to share my toys and ploys
Originally Posted by sadukan 
These are the "4 Royal Stars" of the Great Pyramid at Giza.
dude debbie was addressing me and my wordblog?

sadukan do you have proof that is what that particular celestial arrangement was called by the Egyptians?
I googled
4 Royal Stars Egypt pyramid and well the returns are essentially NIL for your assertions?
though this was #1 return and it discusses the REAL FOUR ROYAL STARS...as documented by the Persians.
read it and learn dude
http://www.queenofcups.com/AR27article.htmNOW all the info you posted in your response is well, what shall I say
sadukan, interesting to say the least.

now maybe if you can show the connection to all of what you just wrote in that post and what has been documented as a
truth which is the following, well that might serve a purpose.
but all I see here again is you trying to make today's reality fit whatever you read last night.

dude can we get on the same page?
I would love to see links for all the contentious info you spew as some kind of sadukan gospel?
here is what you need to know sadukan about my research that you love to dis in own special way... these facts that follow that are all easily verified by many countless sources.
The four Royal stars or Guardians of the Sky were a group of stars noticed by the Persian astrologers, and mentioned by Zarathustra[1] , around 3000 BC and used as a rudimentary season calendar. |
YES they have calender significance.
Is that important dude?
Were the ancients concerned with the passage of time....tick tock and predicting the future?
Do I have any proof of such claims?

Silly stupid rhetorical question.
4 royal stars = 4 watchers
* Aldebaran (Tascheter) - vernal equinox (Watcher of the East) * Regulus (Venant) - summer solstice (Watcher of the South) * Antares (Satevis) - autumnal equinox (Watcher of the West) * Fomalhaut (Haftorang) - winter solstice (Watcher of the North) |
And each of those 4 Royal Stars is associated with one of these 4 constellations,
TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO, AQUARIUS And each of those 4 constellations is associated with the
BULL, the LION, the EAGLE, the MAN.
now sadukan can you match all you posted about the Egyptian Royal Stars to what I just posted about the Persian ones?
BTW dude...you might want to have a look at this before answering.
Do Masons study Egyptian mysteries for clues in how to script their dogma?
http://www.regulargrandlodgevirginia...of_Masonry.pdfhave a nice read.
can't wait for your reply.

BTW sadukan dude
those 4 Royal Stars are my specialty.
Your Egyptian connection is questionable.
MY FREEMASON sources, among others confirm the Persian Four Royal Stars can be traced to the Four Sons of Horus...We find them on the CARD X of the TAROT and in the Dendera Zodiac too, the 4 Royal Stars represented by the 4 Beasts/4 Living Creatures etc...
take a look at the what is written in green below...
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...4-royal-stars/CARD X like I have tried to SHARE with folks on this thread is the KEY to understanding MARKO RODIN and his VBM and so much more.
but sadukan it appears is not thirsty enough yet for the truth?
I can't seem to make you drink my offerings?
but feel free to join in the fun on this thread sadukan
where we use the ROTAS/SATOR wheel to help solve the mystery of the ages, along with some VBM along the way.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Verse 5, repeated twice (2) out of a total of 8 verses.
I do like this connection to the TRUTH dude that you caught.
Reminds me of the morning and evening star of venus which is connected to 528 also.
morning star had 5 points
evening star had 8 points
thus from morning 5
to/two evening 8
528I did not make that up.
somebody else did.
they wrote a book.
I read it.
sadukan I understand you are a full time student...?
so these 'esoteric/VBM' studies must be part time?
guess what?
I do this research full time
I am retired
try to keep up...
have a nice day