Below you will see the headers of my PSP Tutorials with the most recent of my tutorials at the top. My tutorials are separated into sections: Script, Pro, Advanced, Intermediate, and Beginner. Almost all of my tutorials use Animation Shop and a variety of filters. I'm very fond of making text-only tags so you will see quite a few of those. And instead of using artist tubes, I use animated dolls, pixel tubes and smiley faces.
Not all of the tutorials have been added as some of them are quite old, but I will be happy to add a tutorial to the menu if I get a request. If a tutorial has been added, then the header will be linked to the tutorial. Visit the Tutorial Preview Image Gallery to see what software and filters are required to complete each tutorial before you request as you may not have a needed filter. Go here to request a tutorial.
Script Tutorials - These tutorials are written mostly in my own notes and not as formal tutorials, so you will need a comfortable working knowledge of your PSP tools, layers, palettes, etc. I will include some menu paths and screenshots, but not many. A PSP Script will be provided to complete many of the steps of the tutorial.

Pro Tutorials - I have placed these tutorials in the Pro category because the level of instruction is even less than the Advanced section. The tutorials here are mostly in note form and I expect that you know how to use PSP very well and how to find the needed filters, fonts, and other items to complete the tutorial. An occasional link may be provided. No screenshots will be provided for you unless I am asked. Please feel free to ask for help with any of these tutorials if you need it.

Advanced Tutorials - I have placed these tutorials in the Advanced category because the level of instruction and the number of screenshots for these tutorials is very low. Some of these tutorials may actually be considered easy to complete, but you do need to have a good working knowledge of the Tools, Materials palette, Layer palette, the various menu options, and installing and using plugin filters.

Intermediate Tutorials - Tutorials with less instruction and screenshots than the beginner tutorials.

Beginner Tutorials - I have placed these tutorials in the Beginner category because the level of instruction and the number of screenshots for these tutorials is very high. You may find some of these tutorials to be easy and some to be very challenging. For most of the tutorials, I have really tried to give detailed instructions so that even a beginner could complete one of these tutorials. For most of the steps I have included a screenshot of the working canvas and the Layer palette. I also include screenshots of the Materials palette and Dialogs (the settings windows). For the various menu options I give you the full path to the option as it appears in PSP8. Whenever possible, I have also included workarounds for the other versions of PSP where the steps may be different than they are for PSP8.
