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Messaggio 1 di 21 di questo argomento |
"If I shut up the heavens and there is no rain; if I command the locusts to ravage the land; or if I let loose pestilence against My people, when My people, who bear My name, humble themselves, pray, and seek My favor and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear in My heavenly abode and forgive their sins and heal their land." II Chronicles 7:13-14 "Si yo cerrare los cielos y no haya lluvia, y si mandare a la langosta para devastar la tierra, o si lo dejo suelto peste contra mi pueblo, cuando mi pueblo, que llevan mi nombre, se humilla, ora y busca mi favor y se vuelven de sus malos caminos, entonces yo oiré en mi morada celestial, y perdonaré sus pecados y sanaré su tierra. "II Crónicas 7:13-14 |
Observational Scriptural Observación bíblica Full Moon Hebrew Calendar Full Moon Calendario Hebreo 
For the 1st 6 Months of the: Para el primero de los 6 meses: Fourteenth Year of United Hebrew Congregations Los catorce años de Congregaciones Hebreas Unidas Gregorian Year of 2011/2012 Gregoriano Año 2011/2012

Determining the Beginning of the Year La determinación del comienzo del año
February 7, 2011 07 de febrero 2011
Dear Brethren, Queridos Hermanos,
February 19th is the first day of the year for the 2011-2012 Observable Hebrew Calendar. 19 de febrero es el primer día del año para el 2011 a 2,012 observables calendario hebreo. Before the Observable Hebrew Calendar can be calculated according to Scripture, the green barley has to be sighted in the region around Jerusalem, Israel. Antes de que el Observable calendario hebreo se puede calcular de acuerdo a la Escritura, la cebada verde tiene que ser visto en la región alrededor de Jerusalén, Israel.
We do not know when the barley has sprouted around Jerusalem until that information becomes available to us. No sabemos cuando la cebada ha brotado alrededor de Jerusalén hasta que dicha información esté disponible para nosotros. We depend upon a sighting to be able to get the Observable Hebrew Calendar out to you. Dependemos de un avistamiento a ser capaz de obtener el calendario hebreo observables a usted. Because of the little time between the sighting of the green barley and the amount of time it takes to put out the information, we are always in a time crunch to get the calendar printed and mailed to you. Debido al poco tiempo entre el avistamiento de la cebada verde y la cantidad de tiempo que se tarda en poner la información, siempre estamos en una crisis de tiempo para obtener el calendario impreso y enviado por correo.
For those who are seeking truth, the Hebrew Calendar is very important. We at United Hebrew Congregations do not have an agenda of our own. Para aquellos que buscan la verdad, el calendario hebreo es muy importante. Nosotros, en las Congregaciones Hebreas no tiene una agenda de los nuestros. However, our agenda is to search for the truth in Scripture and Scripture alone. Sin embargo, nuestra agenda es la búsqueda de la verdad en la Escritura y la Escritura sola. We do not get our information from religions, tradition, from any other calendars, or from the words of human experts. No obtener nuestra información de las religiones, la tradición, de los calendarios, o de las palabras de los expertos humanos. To the best of our ability, we seek truth as the CREATOR has set forth in Scripture and that is the information we use. En la medida de nuestras posibilidades, buscamos la verdad que el Creador ha establecido en la Escritura y que es la información que utilizamos.
Sometimes ETERNAL puts information in Scripture that we must Quest for. A veces ETERNA pone la información en las Escrituras que debemos Búsqueda. If He made all information readily visible then we would not have to search Scripture to glean truth. Si Él hizo toda la información visible, entonces no tendría que buscar la Escritura para deducir la verdad.
What I have leaned through the years is that what we see in this world is not truth. Lo que me he apoyado a través de los años es que lo que vemos en este mundo no es verdad. Truth is only revealed in Scripture. La verdad es que sólo se revela en las Escrituras. Heylel (Lucifer) has turned everything upside down and backwards. Heylel (Lucifer) se ha vuelto todo al revés y al revés. What seems like truth is not truth because Heylel (the Deceiver) has concealed truth. Lo que parece ser la verdad no es verdad porque Heylel (el Impostor) ha ocultado la verdad. That is what she does. Eso es lo que hace. If you use our teachings in your Quest for truth then you must know that we encourage every one to go to the Scriptures and find out for yourself if what we teach is truth. Si utiliza nuestras enseñanzas en su búsqueda de la verdad, entonces debe saber que animamos a cada uno para ir a las Escrituras y descubrir por ti mismo si lo que enseñamos es verdad.
We at United Hebrew Congregations take our position of teaching very seriously. Nosotros, en las Congregaciones Hebreas tomar nuestra posición de enseñanza muy en serio. Therefore, to remind you of an ancient method for determining the calendar is an awesome responsibility. Por lo tanto, para recordar un antiguo método para determinar el calendario es una enorme responsabilidad. What we present you is the result of years of prayerful seeking and studying. What the CREATOR says matters ! Lo que usted presenta es el resultado de años de buscar la oración y el estudio. Lo que el Creador dice que importa! We cannot take what religions say about the calendar because the CREATOR says He hates the New Crescent Moon festivals and appointed feasts (holidays). No podemos tomar lo que dicen las religiones sobre el calendario porque el Creador dice que odia las fiestas de la Media Luna Luna Nueva y fiestas señaladas (vacaciones). Isaiah 1:14 (NIV). Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts My soul hates. Isaías 1:14 (NVI). Sus fiestas Luna Nueva y vuestras fiestas solemnes las aborrece mi alma. They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them. Se han convertido en una carga para mí, estoy cansado de soportarlas.
Therefore, it is our responsibility to seek out what pleases the CREATOR. Por lo tanto, es nuestra responsabilidad de buscar lo que agrada al Creador. If it is important to Him, thus it is important to us because we seek to please Him and Him alone. Si es importante para él, por lo que es importante para nosotros porque queremos agradar a Dios y Él solo. That is why we put forth the effort of working up a new calendar called the Observable Hebrew Calendar. Es por eso que hacer el esfuerzo de trabajar por un nuevo calendario llamado observables calendario hebreo. There IS a way to please ETERNAL and that is by doing things HIS Way and that is what we are trying to do with all our hearts. Hay una manera de complacer a ETERNA y que está haciendo cosas a su manera y eso es lo que estamos tratando de hacer con todo nuestro corazón.
We have articles on our website at that will explain what we have learned about how to determine the CREATOR's New Year. Tenemos artículos en nuestro sitio web que explique lo que hemos aprendido acerca de cómo determinar el Año Nuevo del Creador. If you do not have access to the Internet and want a hard copy to study, let us know and we will send it to you. Si usted no tiene acceso a Internet y desea una copia impresa para el estudio, háganoslo saber y nosotros se lo enviaremos.
Determining the Scriptural New Year is very simple as all of His Ways are. La determinación del Año Nuevo de la Escritura es muy sencillo ya que todos sus caminos son. He does not hide His truth or make anything complicated. No oculta su verdad o hacer algo complicado. Even a small child can understand His Ways and please Him. Incluso un niño pequeño puede conocer su camino y agradarle. All it takes is a willing and humble heart. Todo lo que necesita es un corazón dispuesto y humilde.
Most people do not realize it but the CREATOR has established His Calendar so that it is always in harmony with nature. It absolutely is devoid of astrology (including the equinox) and any influence of the equinoxes that come from those who look to the sun as the all wise source of knowledge. La mayoría de las personas no se dan cuenta, pero el Creador ha establecido su calendario de manera que siempre está en armonía con la naturaleza. Carece absolutamente de la astrología (incluyendo el equinoccio) y la influencia de los equinoccios que vienen de aquellos que buscan el sol la fuente de todos los sabios del conocimiento. Therefore, we submit our findings to you for this Scriptural New Year. Por lo tanto, presentamos nuestras conclusiones a que para este nuevo año de las Escrituras.
The first day of the Observable Hebrew Calendar New Year begins at sunset on Friday, February 18. El primer día del calendario hebreo observables Año Nuevo comienza al atardecer del viernes 18 de febrero. Following are the Festival dates for the thirteenth year of the Observable Hebrew Calendar and in the Gregorian year of 2011-2012 are as follows: Las siguientes son las fechas del festival para el año trece de los observables calendario hebreo y en el año gregoriano de 2011-2012 son los siguientes:
Remember that the Festival dates begin at sunset and end at sunset the following day. Recuerde que las fechas de Festival comienzan al atardecer y al final al atardecer del día siguiente. The first day of the year and the day of the Night of Protection are not Sabbaths unless they happen to fall on a Sabbath. El primer día del año y el día de la Noche de protección no son días de reposo a menos que suceda a caer en sábado.
The Night of Protection begins at sunset on Thursday, March 3. La Noche de protección comienza al atardecer del jueves, 3 de marzo.
The First Day of Unleavened Bread begins at sunset on Friday, March 4. El primer día de Panes sin Levadura comienza al atardecer del viernes 4 de marzo.
The Last Day of Unleavened Bread begins at sunset on Wednesday, March 9. El último día de los Panes sin Levadura comienza al atardecer del miércoles, 9 de marzo.
The Second Night of Protection begins at sunset on Friday, April 1. La segunda noche de la protección comienza al atardecer del viernes 1 de abril. (For anyone who missed keeping the Night of Protection please refer to Numbers 9:9-12). (Para cualquier persona que se perdió mantenimiento de la Noche de Protección por favor consulte Números 9:9-12).
The Feast of Weeks begins at sunset on the Sabbath, April 23. La Fiesta de las Semanas comienza al atardecer del sábado, 23 de abril.
The Feast of Trumpets begins at sunset on Sabbath, August 13. La Fiesta de las Trompetas comienza al atardecer del sábado, 13 de agosto.
The Day of Atonement begins at sunset on Monday, August 22.. El Día de la Expiación comienza al atardecer del Lunes, 22 de agosto ..
The Feast of Booths begins at sunset on Sabbath, August 27. La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos comienza al atardecer del sábado, 27 de agosto.
The Last Great Day begins at sunset on Sabbath, September 3. El último gran día comienza al atardecer del sábado, 3 de septiembre.
We realize that the idea of a different kind of calendar to most is difficult to understand because we have never been exposed to the CREATOR's instructions concerning a yearly calendar. Nos damos cuenta de que la idea de un tipo diferente de calendario para la mayoría es difícil de entender porque nunca hemos estado expuestos a las instrucciones del Creador relativas a un calendario anual. So, let me explain. Por lo tanto, permítanme explicar.
The determination of the New Year is the first full moon after the barley sprouts and turns green in the proximity of Jerusalem. La determinación del Año Nuevo es la primera luna llena después de los brotes de cebada y se vuelve verde en las cercanías de Jerusalén. The barley turns green right after it sprouts. La cebada verde gira a la derecha después de que los brotes. After the head ripens, the stalk and head turn a beautiful golden color. Después de la cabeza madura, el tallo y la cabeza vuelta a un color dorado. Therefore, two factors determine all of our calculations for the Observable Hebrew Calendar that begins in the spring: Por lo tanto, dos factores que determinan todos nuestros cálculos para el Observable calendario hebreo, que comienza en la primavera:
- When the barley turns green after sprouting. Cuando la cebada se vuelve verde después del brote.
- The first full moon after the barley turns green. La primera luna llena después de la cebada se pone verde.
Those two factors are the only things that determine the Scriptural New Year. Esos dos factores son los únicos que determinan el Año Nuevo de las Escrituras. Like I said, “Even a small child can learn ETERNAL's Ways and please Him” and that is our goal--to please the CREATOR. Como he dicho, "Incluso un niño pequeño puede aprender maneras Eterna y agradarle", y esa es nuestra meta - para complacer al Creador.
The time information we use comes from the US Naval Astronomical Observatory and is stated in Universal Time, which is based on the time in Greenwich, England. La información del tiempo que usamos proviene de los EE.UU. Naval Observatorio Astronómico y se afirma en el tiempo universal, que se basa en la hora en Greenwich, Inglaterra. According to Universal Time, the world is divided into artificial one-hour time zones around the earth. De acuerdo con la hora universal, el mundo está dividido en zonas horarias artificial de una hora alrededor de la Tierra. However, the actual true time of any location is based on its latitude and longitude thus time changes gradually as you move east or west. Sin embargo, el tiempo real verdadero de cualquier lugar se basa en su latitud y longitud por lo tanto el tiempo cambia gradualmente a medida que se mueve al este o al oeste.
We use the true time in Jerusalem at the Temple location based on the formula as described in detail on page four in this Hope of Israel which is the basis for our calendar. Nosotros usamos el tiempo real en Jerusalén en el lugar del Templo basado en la fórmula como se describe en detalle en la página cuatro de esta esperanza de Israel, que es la base de nuestro calendario.
If you know of anyone who would like us to send a calendar or other materials to, please send us their names and addresses and we will be glad to mail it to them. Si usted sabe de alguien que desea que le enviemos un calendario u otros materiales, por favor envíenos sus nombres y direcciones y estaremos encantados de enviarlo por correo a ellos. In addition, please feel free to give them our URL at . Además, por favor siéntase en libertad de dar nuestra dirección en .
May ETERNAL grant you peace, protection, and understanding. Puede ETERNO te conceda la paz, la protección y la comprensión. Charles J. Voss Charles J. Voss
Determining the Beginning of the Year
February 7, 2011
Dear Brethren,
February 19th is the first day of the year for the 2011-2012 Observable Hebrew Calendar. Before the Observable Hebrew Calendar can be calculated according to Scripture, the green barley has to be sighted in the region around Jerusalem, Israel.
We do not know when the barley has sprouted around Jerusalem until that information becomes available to us. We depend upon a sighting to be able to get the Observable Hebrew Calendar out to you. Because of the little time between the sighting of the green barley and the amount of time it takes to put out the information, we are always in a time crunch to get the calendar printed and mailed to you.
For those who are seeking truth, the Hebrew Calendar is very important. We at United Hebrew Congregations do not have an agenda of our own. However, our agenda is to search for the truth in Scripture and Scripture alone. We do not get our information from religions, tradition, from any other calendars, or from the words of human experts. To the best of our ability, we seek truth as the CREATOR has set forth in Scripture and that is the information we use.
Sometimes ETERNAL puts information in Scripture that we must Quest for. If He made all information readily visible then we would not have to search Scripture to glean truth.
What I have leaned through the years is that what we see in this world is not truth. Truth is only revealed in Scripture. Heylel (Lucifer) has turned everything upside down and backwards. What seems like truth is not truth because Heylel (the Deceiver) has concealed truth. That is what she does. If you use our teachings in your Quest for truth then you must know that we encourage every one to go to the Scriptures and find out for yourself if what we teach is truth.
We at United Hebrew Congregations take our position of teaching very seriously. Therefore, to remind you of an ancient method for determining the calendar is an awesome responsibility. What we present you is the result of years of prayerful seeking and studying. What the CREATOR says matters! We cannot take what religions say about the calendar because the CREATOR says He hates the New Crescent Moon festivals and appointed feasts (holidays). Isaiah 1:14 (NIV). Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts My soul hates. They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them.
Therefore, it is our responsibility to seek out what pleases the CREATOR. If it is important to Him, thus it is important to us because we seek to please Him and Him alone. That is why we put forth the effort of working up a new calendar called the Observable Hebrew Calendar. There IS a way to please ETERNAL and that is by doing things HIS Way and that is what we are trying to do with all our hearts.
We have articles on our website at that will explain what we have learned about how to determine the CREATOR’s New Year. If you do not have access to the Internet and want a hard copy to study, let us know and we will send it to you.
Determining the Scriptural New Year is very simple as all of His Ways are. He does not hide His truth or make anything complicated. Even a small child can understand His Ways and please Him. All it takes is a willing and humble heart.
Most people do not realize it but the CREATOR has established His Calendar so that it is always in harmony with nature. It absolutely is devoid of astrology (including the equinox) and any influence of the equinoxes that come from those who look to the sun as the all wise source of knowledge. Therefore, we submit our findings to you for this Scriptural New Year.
The first day of the Observable Hebrew Calendar New Year begins at sunset on Friday, February 18. Following are the Festival dates for the thirteenth year of the Observable Hebrew Calendar and in the Gregorian year of 2011-2012 are as follows:
Remember that the Festival dates begin at sunset and end at sunset the following day. The first day of the year and the day of the Night of Protection are not Sabbaths unless they happen to fall on a Sabbath.
The Night of Protection begins at sunset on Thursday, March 3.
The First Day of Unleavened Bread begins at sunset on Friday, March 4.
The Last Day of Unleavened Bread begins at sunset on Wednesday, March 9.
The Second Night of Protection begins at sunset on Friday, April 1. (For anyone who missed keeping the Night of Protection please refer to Numbers 9:9-12).
The Feast of Weeks begins at sunset on the Sabbath, April 23.
The Feast of Trumpets begins at sunset on Sabbath, August 13.
The Day of Atonement begins at sunset on Monday, August 22..
The Feast of Booths begins at sunset on Sabbath, August 27.
The Last Great Day begins at sunset on Sabbath, September 3.
We realize that the idea of a different kind of calendar to most is difficult to understand because we have never been exposed to the CREATOR’s instructions concerning a yearly calendar. So, let me explain.
The determination of the New Year is the first full moon after the barley sprouts and turns green in the proximity of Jerusalem. The barley turns green right after it sprouts. After the head ripens, the stalk and head turn a beautiful golden color. Therefore, two factors determine all of our calculations for the Observable Hebrew Calendar that begins in the spring:
- When the barley turns green after sprouting.
- The first full moon after the barley turns green.
Those two factors are the only things that determine the Scriptural New Year. Like I said, “Even a small child can learn ETERNAL's Ways and please Him” and that is our goal--to please the CREATOR.
The time information we use comes from the US Naval Astronomical Observatory and is stated in Universal Time, which is based on the time in Greenwich, England. According to Universal Time, the world is divided into artificial one-hour time zones around the earth. However, the actual true time of any location is based on its latitude and longitude thus time changes gradually as you move east or west.
We use the true time in Jerusalem at the Temple location based on the formula as described in detail on page four in this Hope of Israel which is the basis for our calendar.
If you know of anyone who would like us to send a calendar or other materials to, please send us their names and addresses and we will be glad to mail it to them. In addition, please feel free to give them our URL at .
May ETERNAL grant you peace, protection, and understanding. Charles J. Voss
Rispondi |
Messaggio 7 di 21 di questo argomento |
¿Cuándo se debe empezar el año?
THE FULL NEW MOON for the first month of the year must be after the barley is in the tender young green sprout stage--or Abib stage. If a Full New Moon occurs one day before the Abib stage of the barley then the following FULL YELLOW NEW MOON will be the first FULL New Moon of the year and that FULL New Moon will be the start of the first month. The "Abib Moon" is totally dependent upon the barley and NOT ON the equinox. That is what the Righteous One of Israel has so plainly stated in Exodus 12:2 and other Scriptures. LA NUEVA LUNA LLENA para el primer mes del año debe ser después de la cebada en la licitación verde joven retoño etapa -. O etapa de Abib Si Luna Nueva completa se produce un día antes de la fase de Abib de la cebada entonces el AMARILLO COMPLETO siguientes Luna Nueva será la primera luna llena del año nuevo y que Luna Nueva completo será el inicio del primer mes. La "Luna Abib" es totalmente dependiente de la cebada y no en el equinoccio. Eso es lo que el Justo de Israel ha declarado claramente en Éxodo 12:2 y otros pasajes.
Charles J. Voss, Update: April 2002 Charles J. Voss, Actualización: Abril 2002

[ Hope of Israel index page ] [La esperanza de la página de índice de Israel]

Footnotes Notas al pie
1. Strong's #H2320 "chodesh" (kho'-desh) from #H2318; the new moon; by implication a month. Gesenius' adds "a lunar month beginning as the new moon." 1. # H2320 "jodesh" (kho'-desh) de # H2318 de Strong, la luna nueva. implícitamente un mes Gesenius "añade" un mes lunar a partir de la luna nueva. "
Strong's #H2318 "chadash" {(khaw-dash') a primary root; to be new; causative to rebuild.} When is a house considered "new"? # H2318 "Jadash" {(Khaw el tablero ") una raíz principal, para ser nueva; causal para la reconstrucción.} Cuando Strong es una casa considerada" nueva "? When the foundation is laid or when the contractor gives you the key and says, "this very house is your new house?" Cuando se sientan las bases o cuando el contratista le da la llave y dice: "esta casa es su casa nueva?" The same is true for the moon, when is it a new moon, which starts a new month? Lo mismo es cierto para la luna, cuando se trata de una luna nueva, que comienza un nuevo mes? When the crescent foundation is laid or when the ETERNAL Contractor says, "this very Full Moon is the beginning of your New Year." Cuando la base se coloca la media luna, o cuando el contratista Eterno dice, "esta muy completa la Luna es el comienzo de su Año Nuevo."
2. See our Associated Article "Has Hebrew Time Been Lost?" 2. Vea nuestro artículo Asociados "tiene tiempo hebreo se ha perdido?"
3. Strong's #H24 (aw-beeb') from an unused root (mean to be tender); green. 3. Strong # H24 (aw-BBC-) a partir de una raíz sin uso (media de ser de curso), de color verde.
4. 4.
- Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course , Lesson 34 (1965, 1969): "Abib means, `the time of green sprouts of grain.'" Institución Ambassador Curso Bíblico por Correspondencia, Lección 34 (1965, 1969): "Abib significa` el momento de los brotes verdes de grano ".
- The Plain Truth, December 1964 "The Truth About New Year's!" La Pura Verdad, de diciembre de 1964 "La verdad sobre el Año Nuevo!" by William H. Ellis. por William H. Ellis. "The first month of Gd's sacred calendar is called, in the Scripture, "Abib." It means the month of "tender green sprouts." Later, the Jews called it "Nisan" which is a Babylonian name for one of their gods." "El primer mes del calendario sagrado de Di-s es llamado en la Escritura," Abib ". Esto significa que el mes de" brotes verdes tiernos ". Más tarde, los Judios lo llamó" Nisan ", que es un nombre babilónico de uno de sus dioses. "
- Good News June 1961 Vol. Good News Vol. 06 1961. X, Number 6, article "The TRUE Reason WHY the Jews Rejected Chr-st" by Herman L. Hoeh. X, Número 6, el artículo "La verdadera razón por la Judios Rechazado Chr-er" de Herman L. Hoeh. "Also, J-sus and the Galileans observed Passover on Nisan 14, the correct day. The Jews in Judea celebrated it one day late, on the night of the Feast, the 15th of Nisan or Abib. Today the Jews do not really keep any Passover. They observe only the Feast. This is the real reason why the Jews as a nation forgot their Gd!" "Además, J-SUS y galileos lo observado en la Pascua el 14 de Nisán, el día correcto. Los Judios en Judea se celebró un día de retraso, en la noche de la fiesta, el 15 de Nisán o Abib. Hoy en día los Judios en realidad no mantener cualquier Pascua. Observan sólo la fiesta. Esta es la verdadera razón por la Judios como una nación olvidó su Dios! " Notice Dr. Hoeh's clear admission that "TODAY THE JEWS DO NOT REALLY KEEP ANY PASSOVER!" Admisión claro aviso de que el Dr. Hoeh "HOY LOS JUDIOS realmente no mantener ningún tipo de Pascua!"
Editor's Comment: This quotation has nothing to do with when the month Abib is to start, but the unequivocal admission that the Jews today don't really keep ANY kind of correct Passover was too good to pass up when I came across it. Comentario del editor: Esta cita no tiene nada que ver con que el mes de Abib es para empezar, pero la admisión inequívoca de que los Judios de hoy en realidad no mantener cualquier clase de corregir la Pascua era demasiado buena para dejarla pasar cuando me encontré con él. Keep this in mind when some people want to convince you that the Passover should be at the end of the 14th. Tenga esto en cuenta cuando hay gente que quiere convencer de que la Pascua debe estar en la final de la 14a.
- Good News November 1957 Vol. Good News Vol. 11 1957. VI, Number 11 article "Why AMERICA Is Cursed!" VI, número 11 del artículo "Por qué Estados Unidos está maldito!" by Herbert W. Armstrong. por Herbert W. Armstrong. "People today don't even know what the month "Abib" is, much less when it is. It is Gd's first month of the year, but it is not the same as the pagan January. It begins in the spring, when new life is budding forth in nature. But the nation has deserted [the Hebrew] calendar, and accepted the pagan calendar." "La gente hoy en día ni siquiera saben cual es el mes" Abib "es, y mucho menos cuando lo es. Es el primer mes de Di-s de los años, pero no es lo mismo que los paganos de enero. Se inicia en la primavera, cuando el nuevo la vida es en ciernes establece en la naturaleza. Sin embargo, la nación ha abandonado [en hebreo] calendario, y aceptó el calendario pagano. " Notice Mr. Armstrong's statement that Abib "BEGINS IN THE SPRING!" Aviso de la declaración del Sr. Armstrong que Abib "comienza en la primavera!"
- PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT, Letter 013 "The true `SACRED' year of the Scripture begins with the month of Nisan (also called Abib), in the spring (Ex. 12:2). The sacred year portrays Gd's great plan." DEPARTAMENTO DE COMUNICACIONES PERSONALES, Carta 013 "El verdadero 'sagrado' año de la Escritura comienza con el mes de Nisán (también llamado Abib), en la primavera (Éxodo 12:2). El año sagrado representa el gran plan de Di-s". Notice again the statement that "the true sacred year BEGINS ... IN THE SPRING." Nótese de nuevo la afirmación de que "el año sagrado comienza la verdadera ... en la primavera."
- MYSTERY OF THE AGES, by Herbert W. Armstrong, 1985 Hardbound Edition. Misterio de los Siglos, por Herbert W. Armstrong, 1985 Edición Tapa dura. "The final plague followed the sacrifice of the Passover on the 14th day of the first month of Gd's sacred calendar--starting in the spring. The Israelites went out of Egypt during the night part of the 15th, they reached the Red Sea." "La última plaga siguió el sacrificio de la Pascua el día 14 del primer mes del calendario sagrado de Di-s -. A partir de la primavera, los israelitas salieron de Egipto durante la parte de la noche del día 15, llegaron al Mar Rojo." Notice again Mr. Armstrong's comment that the first month of "Gd's sacred calendar" STARTS IN THE SPRING. Fíjese de nuevo en el comentario del Sr. Armstrong que el primer mes de "calendario sagrado de Di-s" comienza en la primavera.
- Pagan Holidays -- or "God's" Holy Days -- Which ? Fiestas paganas - o Días Santos "de Dios" - ¿Qué? by Herbert W. Armstrong, 1976 edition, "And so, on delivering His people from Egypt (sin), Gd straightened them out as to time ...and said, "This month [in the spring] shall be unto you the beginning of months" (Ex. 12:2). por Herbert W. Armstrong, edición de 1976, "Por tanto, en la entrega de su pueblo de Egipto (el pecado), Dios les enderezó en cuanto a tiempo ... y le dijo:" Este mes [en la primavera] será para vosotros el comienzo de los meses "(Éxodo 12:2).
- The Bible Story , Volume 5 1987. La Historia de la Biblia, Volumen 5 1987. "Today many churches have summer "camp meetings" instead of observing the Festival of Tabernacles in the fall. They keep Easter instead of Passover, Whitsunday instead of Pentecost. They celebrate the beginning of a new year in the winter, whereas Gd tells us that the NEW YEAR BEGINS IN THE SPRING." "Hoy en día muchas iglesias han de verano" reuniones de campo "en lugar de observar la fiesta de los tabernáculos en el otoño. Mantienen Semana Santa en lugar de la Pascua, Pentecostés en lugar de Pentecostés. Celebran el comienzo de un nuevo año en el invierno, mientras que Di-s nos dice que el nuevo año comienza en la primavera. "
- Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course, Lesson 33 (1964, 1965, 1969) "GOLGOTHA -- the Place of the Skull." Institución Ambassador Curso Bíblico por Correspondencia, Lección 33 (1964, 1965, 1969) "Gólgota - El Lugar de la Calavera". "They were forced to work seven days a week and to adapt themselves to the Egyptian calendar and holidays. Therefore, Gd had to reveal that the month of Abib--the first month in the spring of [the Hebrew] Calendar--was to be the BEGINNING of the sacred year." "Ellos estaban obligados a trabajar siete días a la semana y para adaptarse al calendario egipcio y festivos Por lo tanto, Dios tuvo que revelar que el mes de Abib -. El primer mes de la primavera de [el hebreo] Calendario - fue el comienzo del año sagrado. "
- Good News March 1953 article "Gd's Sacred Calendar" by Kenneth C. Herrmann, page 8, column I. "The first day of this month [he is speaking about Abib]--which occurs at the beginning of spring--then would be the first day of the year." Buena marzo 1953 el artículo "Calendario Sagrado de Di-s", por Kenneth C. Herrmann, página 8, columna I. "El primer día de este mes [es hablar de Abib] - que se produce al comienzo de la primavera - sería el primer día del año. "
5. Here are the facts: 5. He aquí los hechos:
According to the present Jewish calendar: De acuerdo con el presente calendario judío: |
1) For cycle #217 1) Para el ciclo # 217 (344 to 362 CE) (344 a 362 CE) |
TEN YEARS STARTED IN THE WINTER! DIEZ AÑOS EN MARCHA EN EL INVIERNO! They were the years: 346, 348, 349, 351, 354, 356, 357, 359, 360, and 362. Eran los años: 346, 348, 349, 351, 354, 356, 357, 359, 360 y 362. |
2) For cycle #218 2) Para el ciclo # 218 (363 to 381 CE) (363 a 381 CE) |
TEN YEARS STARTED IN THE WINTER! DIEZ AÑOS EN MARCHA EN EL INVIERNO! They were the years: 365, 367, 368, 370, 373, 375, 376, 378, 379, and 381. Eran los años: 365, 367, 368, 370, 373, 375, 376, 378, 379 y 381. |
3) For cycle #219 3) Para el ciclo # 219 (382 to 400CE) (382 a 400CE) |
TEN YEARS STARTED IN THE WINTER! DIEZ AÑOS EN MARCHA EN EL INVIERNO! They were the years: 384, 386, 387, 389, 392, 394, 395, 397, 398, and 400. Eran los años: 384, 386, 387, 389, 392, 394, 395, 397, 398 y 400. |
4) For cycle #303 4) Para el ciclo # 303 (1978 to 1996 CE) (1978 a 1996 dC) |
FIVE YEARS STARTED IN THE WINTER! CINCO AÑOS EN MARCHA EN EL INVIERNO! They were the years: 1980, 1983, 1988, 1991, and 1994. Eran los años: 1980, 1983, 1988, 1991 y 1994. |
5) For cycle #304 5) Para el ciclo # 304 (1997 to 2015 CE) (1997 a 2015 dC) |
FIVE YEARS ARE SCHEDULED TO START IN THE WINTER! CINCO AÑOS están programados para comenzar en el invierno! They are the years: 1999, 2002, 2007, 2010, and 2013. Son los años: 1999, 2002, 2007, 2010 y 2013. |
6. ie Mr. 6. es decir, el Sr. Herbert W. Armstrong, Kenneth Herrmann; the authors of the Correspondence Course , the Bible Story , and the PCD letter, etc.) Would Mr. Armstrong really have said: "Abib begins IN THE SPRING" if he had known that over 50% of the time it actually started IN THE WINTER when Hillel II first instituted it? Herbert W. Armstrong, Kenneth Herrmann, los autores del curso por correspondencia, la Historia de la Biblia, y la carta de PCD, etc) ¿Podría el Sr. Armstrong realmente han dicho: "Abib comienza en la primavera" si hubiera sabido que más del 50% del tiempo que en realidad comenzó en el invierno cuando Hillel II instituyó por primera vez? Would Mr. Armstrong have said this if he had grasped that even TODAY Abib still starts in the winter over 25% of the time on the Jewish Calendar? Sería el Sr. Armstrong lo han dicho si había comprendido que incluso Abib HOY todavía se inicia en el invierno, más del 25% del tiempo en el calendario judío?
7. In cycle #218 this was in the years: 368 = March 19, 376 = March 20, 379 = March 18. 7. En el ciclo # 218 esto fue en el año: 368 = 19 de marzo de 376 = 20 de marzo de 379 = 18 de marzo. Even as late as 854 AD (when the equinox was on March 17) Hillel's fixed calendar STILL PLACED THE PASSOVER INTO WINTER ( ie on March 16 )! Incluso tan tarde como 854 AD (cuando el equinoccio fue el 17 de marzo) fija en el calendario de Hillel todavía se ubican LA PASCUA EN INVIERNO (es decir, el 16 de marzo)!
8. Strong's #H8622 "tequwphah" (tek-oo-faw') from H5362; a revolution. 8. Strong # H8622 "tequwphah" (tek-oo-FAW) de H5362, una revolución.
9. Strong's #H5362 "naqaph" (naw-kaf') a primary root; to strike with more or less violence; by implication (of attack) to knock together, ie surround or circulate. 9. Strong # H5362 "naqaph" (naw-caf ') una raíz primaria, a la huelga con la violencia más o menos, por implicación (de ataque) que chocan entre sí, es decir, de sonido envolvente o circular.
10. Note the positions of the shadow at sunrise and at sunset for every day of the year. 10. Tenga en cuenta las posiciones de la sombra al amanecer y al atardecer de cada día del año.
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Messaggio 8 di 21 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 9 di 21 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 10 di 21 di questo argomento |
When Should The First Month Of The Year Start? adapted from an article by Frank Nelte
One important question in this whole discussion about the calendar is, exactly when should the year start? Must it always start in the spring? Can it sometimes or even always start in the winter? The Jews do call the Day of Trumpets "New Year." Since the Day of Trumpets is sometimes in the summer and sometimes in the autumn, does this mean that the year can start either in the summer or in the autumn? Exactly what does the Scripture reveal about the start of the year?
The Basic Scripture
When ETERNAL was ready to lead Israel out of Egypt through Moses, we read the following instruction: Ex 12:1-2 (NRSV) "YHWH said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt: 'This month shall mark for you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you.'"
Thus, we have, at the time of Moses, a very clear statement from The Mighty One that He wants the year to start with a specific month (or moon)! The Hebrew expression translated into English, as "THIS MONTH" is "ha-chodesh ha-zeh." The word "zeh" is a demonstrative pronoun meaning "this" or "this one." This demonstrative pronoun makes quite clear that The Mighty One is specifically singling something out. It is not just the definite article (as in "the month") that is used here, but it is a specific reference to "THIS VERY MONTH."
Next, the word 1 "chodesh" means BOTH, "new moon" and it also means "month." The reason is that ETERNAL intended every month to start with "a new moon." So it is perfectly correct to translate Exodus 12:2 in two possible ways: First, as it is stated in the KJV, which also happens to be identical to the JPS? Ex 12:2 KJV "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Second, as it could be rendered below: Ex 12:2 "THIS NEW MOON, the first full moon after the barley is green, shall be unto you the beginning of New Months (or New Months): it shall be the FIRST NEW, FULL MOON of the year to you."
So when we have a clear statement from ETERNAL that this new moon is to be the first new moon of the year to us, then we obviously have a very clear responsibility to determine exactly when CREATOR wants that New Moon to occur! We cannot pass this responsibility off to other people (such as the Jews) by reasoning: well, it is really up to ETERNAL to make sure that these other people (i.e. the Jews) pick the right New Moon for us.
CREATOR listed the weekly Sabbath days right alongside the annual Sabbath days in Leviticus Chapter 23. The one group is as important as the other is. We would not dream of allowing someone else to determine for us which day of the week we should keep as the Sabbath day. Just because the Jews happen to identify the weekly Sabbath day correctly, this does not mean that we did not check up on them, TO MAKE SURE that their claim that Saturday is the Sabbath is in fact correct. We have carefully examined historical records 2 to make quite sure that the Jewish claim for Saturday, as the weekly Sabbath is correct. We certainly did not just accept "on faith" that the Jews have gotten the weekly Sabbath right. We thoroughly verified this against all the facts that we have to which we have access. After having made such a thorough investigation, it is certainly nice to have been able to reach the conclusion that regarding the weekly Sabbath the Jews ARE indeed right. We know they are right BECAUSE we have checked up on the facts, not because we somehow trust the Jews "on faith."
In the same way we also need to check up and make sure that the Jews faithfully abide by ETERNAL's instructions in Exodus 12:2 that "THIS NEW MOON" IS ALWAYS THE FIRST NEW MOON OF THE YEAR TO US." That is not something our CREATOR would want us to accept "on faith" without making the effort to verify the facts, as crescent or dark moon advocates are wrong.
By the very fact that "the New Moon" and "the New Month" are exactly the same word in Hebrew, means the following that the first Full (New) Moon after the barley is green is the moon of "THIS VERY MONTH" from above. Since the Hebrew word "chodesh" simply does not allow you to divorce "the New Month" from "the New Full Moon." Let us look for further clues in the Scripture that will show us exactly, which "this New Moon" and "this New Month" The Mighty One wants us to observe.
The Name of "This New Full Moon"
The New Month and New Full Moon, YHWH was singling out in Exodus 12:2, is actually named three times in the Book of Exodus and once in Deuteronomy. It is called by the Hebrew name "Abib." For example: Ex 23:15 (AV) "Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread: (thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in the time appointed of the month Abib; for in it thou camest out from Egypt: and none shall appear before me empty)." The other three verses where the name "Abib" is used are: Exodus 13:4, 34:18, and Deuteronomy 16:1.
The word English word "Abib" comes from the Hebrew word 3 "'abiyb" and "means to be tender green." This means that The Mighty One identifies "THIS NEW FULL MOON" as being equated with the then "tender green barley sprouts". 4
To summarize, it is quite clear that the name "Abib" means It is equally clear from the quotations [of FN. 4] that the greatest of people have repeatedly stated that the year BEGINS IN THE SPRING. Now let us look at some facts about the present Jewish calendar.
Facts about the Present Jewish Calendar
The Jewish calendar falls into a pattern of "19-year cycles;" (i.e. every 19 years the dates for Feast Days basically repeat themselves, with a gradual shift of everything going to 1 day later in the seasons for every 216 year or about 9 days later in the seasons for every 2000 years).
So now let us examine in which season the present Jewish calendar has started the year. First, let us examine the time, when Hillel II instituted this fixed calendar, then let's look at some of the 19-year cycles in our age:
According to the present Jewish calendar: |
Cycle #217 was 344 - 362 CE Cycle #218 was 363 - 381 CE Cycle #219 was 382 - 400 CE Cycle #303 was 1978 - 1996 CE Cycle #304 will be 1997 - 2015 CE |
Now keep in mind that the Jewish postponement rules, when they come into effect, always place the start of the year one-day or two days LATER in the seasons. Therefore, without these postponement rules some years might start one day or two days earlier. This becomes especially important when without the postponement rules the year might be placed to start on the last day of winter, but with the postponement rules it then starts on the first day of spring--thus making it look better. But keep in mind that the reasoning underlying the postponement rules has absolutely nothing to do with wanting the year to start in the right season--they are purely concerned with THE DAY OF THE WEEK, wanting to avoid "awkward days" for Atonement, etc.
The footnoted data 5 demonstrates clearly, how the passage of over 1600 years (i.e. from cycle #217 to cycle #303) has placed all the Feast Days in the year from 7-8 days later in the seasons. The result is that after these 1600 years since the time of Hillel II, today ONLY FIVE YEARS start in the winter.
I suppose "the good news" is that in another 1800 years EVERY YEAR WILL START IN THE SPRING--except for the occasional year when "no postponements" still cause a year to start on the last day of winter (e.g. 3742 AD and 3856 AD) though all other years in between those two years are scheduled to start in the spring. However, "the bad news" is that very few amongst us are likely to have 1800 years available for waiting for that to be the case!
Anyway, let us get back to examining the above facts. When Hillel II instituted his fixed calendar, he placed OVER HALF of the years to start in the winter (10 out of every 19 years). He caused the year to start more often in the winter than in the spring! Clearly, this is something the people 6 who wrote the quotations I presented earlier did not know!
Even today the Jewish calendar still starts more than one in four years in the winter--and that is with the postponements being applied; without postponements it would at times be 6 years out of 19 years that would still start in the winter.
Let us now analyze the data we have seen. What was ETERNAL's real intention when He told Israel? [a pharaphase of Ex 5:2] "This 'Chodesh' (New Full Moon) Which I Want You To Identify As 'Abib', (i.e. As Tender Green Sprouts) Is To Be The First 'Chodesh' (First New Full Moon) Of The Year To You"
However, IF you approach this question from a preconceived position of having to defend the present Jewish calendar at all costs--then you will argue that "it's okay with YHWH as long as, at least the Passover is in the spring." You will not be approaching this question on its own merits. No, you will INTERPRET The Mighty One's instructions to fit in with whatever the Jews have done with their calendar and you will overlook that Hillel II placed EVEN THE PASSOVER INTO WINTER 7 FOR THERE YEARS IN EVERY 19 YEARS!
IF you approach this question with the desire to defend the present Jewish calendar, then you will overlook that for a period of 500 years Hillel II placed the Passover into winter in a repeating pattern of years. You will accept this although you yourself today, would be totally unwilling ever, to keep the Passover in the winter. You will overlook that it took over 500 years for just this one major flaw "to work itself out of the system!"
So back to our question, What really was YHWH desire and intention when HE said: Ex 5:2 "THIS MONTH and THIS NEW FULL MOON shall be the first month and THE FIRST NEW FULL MOON of the year to you?"
All of the early authors, mentioned in the Footnotes, came to exactly the same conclusions when they examined the relevant Scriptures--THAT YHWH WANTS THE YEAR TO START IN THE EARLY SPRING! As long as they did not feel the pressure to defend a certain position, they always reached this same conclusion!
[Editor's Note: The fact that WCOG and their break-way COG authors did bow to the pressure and compromise what the Hebrew Scriptures plainly state is the reason their literature is not dependable.]
It is only AFTER they realized that the present Jewish calendar actually does not comply with the Scriptural requirement, that they changed their explanations. They interpreted the Scriptures to accommodate the Jewish violations of the PLAIN, OBVIOUS, AND INDISPUTABLE INTENT BY ETERNAL for the year to start in the spring!
[Editor's Note: The fact that WCOG and their break-way COG authors did bow to the pressure and compromise what the Hebrew Scriptures plainly state is the reason their literature is not dependable.]
How Do We Know When Spring Is Supposed To Start?
Let us look at one of "the arguments" people present to justify the present Jewish calendar. One of the corniest arguments I have heard the following used in an attempt to justify the present Jewish calendar transgressing clear Scriptural instructions, it goes as follows: "How do you know when autumn starts and when spring starts? In our area (e.g. anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere), winter starts by the end of November. We even sometimes have snow before the end of the Feast of Tabernacles. In addition, we sometimes still have snow by the beginning of April; so, for us spring starts far later than March 21. And what about the seasons being reversed in the Southern Hemisphere etc., ad infinitum?"
Where do you get the idea from that the start of the season of winter is determined by "when it gets cold in your area?" Is it all of a sudden the season of winter because some part of the state of Oregon had an unexpected snow blizzard in August? Is it all of a sudden the season of summer because there is some unexpected hot weather in February in Texas? The temperatures that may prevail in certain areas do not determine the seasons.
The cause for the seasons is the tilt of the Earth's axis. This tilt is about 23.5° from the vertical. Without this tilt, we would not have any seasons. The Earth's revolution around the sun every year, combined with this tilt of 23.5° from the vertical that produces our four seasons. Since this is the cause for the four seasons, it follows that some specific point must mark the start of each of those four seasons in the Earth's annual revolution around the sun. This is independent of whether YOUR particular area may have snow or a heat wave at those specific points in the Earth's journey around the sun.
For example, Webster's Dictionary defines the four seasons as follows:
- Spring: the season between winter and summer comprising in the Northern Hemisphere, usually the months of March, April and May or as reckoned astronomically extending from the March equinox to the June solstice.
- Summer: the season between spring and autumn comprising in the Northern Hemisphere, usually the months of June, July, and August or as reckoned astronomically extending from the June solstice to the September equinox.
- Autumn: the season between summer and winter comprising in the Northern Hemisphere, usually the months of September, October, and November or as reckoned astronomically extending from the September equinox to the December solstice.
- Winter: the season between autumn and spring comprising in the Northern Hemisphere usually, the months of December, January, and February or as reckoned astronomically extending from the December solstice to the March equinox.
The seasons are determined not by how hot or cold it is on any given day--that, is "weather patterns." The seasons are determined by the precise position of the Earth in its path around the sun. The seasons all start, as Webster's Dictionary also makes clear, either at an equinox or at a solstice. However, the first day, of the first of the month of the year is not equinox dependant. It totally depends on the "green tender barley" and the next "New Full Moon" after the "green barley."
These definitions for "the seasons" are well recognized in our modern world. However, it goes much further than this. After all, we are not really looking for how the seasons may be defined by Webster in today's parlance, for our context. We are really looking for how ETERNAL wants us to define the seasons, right? Remember Isaiah 55:8--we want to know ETERNAL's thoughts, right? So, let us see what The Mighty One tells us.
How the Seasons Are Defined In the Scripture
It is a waste of time to argue about "this is what spring means to me--and this is how I understand autumn" etc. Let us see what the Scripture has to tell us. Let's look again at Exodus 34:22: Ex 34:22 (AV) "And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of Ingathering at the year's end" {year's end: Heb. revolution of the year}
The expression English here translated as "at the end of the year" is from the Hebrew "at the `tekufah' of the year. This word
What "spring" and "autumn" may mean to you or to me is not important one way or the other. Nor does the area where we live (in a cold climate like the northern United States or a hot climate like the Middle East) make a difference to these definitions for the seasons. Nor does it make a difference as to whether we live in the Northern Hemisphere or whether we live in the Southern Hemisphere. All that matters is what ETERNAL said, and that is what He intended.
It is quite clear that:
- ETERNAL was speaking about a specific New Full Moon in the year, by using the expression "THIS New Full Moon" (or "THIS New Month").
- Our SOVEREIGN was speaking to the people of Israel in a specific geographic location, the Middle East.
- For the people ETERNAL was speaking to, in that specific part of the world (i.e. the people of Israel), He identified that the New Full Moon with the name "green tender sprouts of the grain," an obvious reference to the season of spring. This does not mean that "that specific New Moon" has to be the time of the "green sprouts of grain" for other parts of the world (e.g. Finland, Norway, Alaska, Chile, Australia, South Africa, etc.).
- In Exodus 34:22, ETERNAL identified "the season of autumn" by a clear reference The Feast of Ingathering and to the autumn equinox, one of the four "turning points" in the year.
- Whether in your part of the world, "this New Full Moon of Abib" also happens to be "the time of green tender ears of grain" or not, is immaterial. "THIS NEW FULL MOON" is to be "the first month of the year." Whether you choose to live in the North such as Scandinavia or Canada; or whether you choose to move further south in Southern Africa or Australia. "THIS NEW FULL MOON" is to remain "the first New Full Moon of the year."
- ETERNAL does not expect us to accept "on faith" that the Jews still have the Sabbath on the seventh day of the week. This is something ETERNAL expects us to prove and to verify! Likewise, ETERNAL expects us to prove whether the Jewish calendar is in full compliance with His COMMAND that "THIS is the "THIS NEW FULL MOON" of the year
- A lack of compliance with The Mighty One's Commands should NEVER be overlooked! If something goes against YHWH's clearly stated Commands then we must obey ETERNAL rather than adhere to human traditions.
- The fact that 14 years in every 19-year cycle of the present Jewish calendar start in the spring, while 5 years in every cycle still start in the winter, is an inconsistency! Such an inconsistency implies that it does not really matter in which season the year starts.
In Conclusion [Mr. Nelty's]
There can be no doubt that ETERNAL intended "THIS NEW MOON" to be in the spring of the Northern Hemisphere. This is also apparent from the name "Abib." This is also the conclusion that ALL of the writers in the Church [WCOG] came to as long as they did not perceive the need to defend a certain position. The fact that Hillel II started over 50% of all years in the winter and that he even placed the Passover repeatedly into winter should be a real shocker for most people who are desirous of obeying "God's" instructions for the calendar.
So when should the year start? The New Moon for the first month of the year must be at or after the spring equinox! If a new moon occurs one day before the spring equinox (i.e. on the last day of winter) then the following new moon will be the first new moon of spring and that new moon will have to be the start of the first month. That is what ETERNAL intended in Exodus 12:2.
Frank W. Nelte, Date: February 2000
In Conclusion [Editor's]
The author presented a solid case for the year beginning on the first New Full Moon after the barley is in the young, tender, green stage. It is sad that after doing that, the author copped out and yielded to the pressure (as others in WCOG and Protestant churches as well as most Jewish calendars have over the years) and said that the year's first moon is dependent on the equinox and not the stage of the barley in or around Jerusalem. He did that even after stating "Are we going to look at what is right in YOUR eyes (e.g. Judges 21:25) or are we going to establish what is right in The Mighty One's eyes (e.g. Isaiah 55:8)?
There can be no doubt that ETERNAL intended "this New Full Moon of Abib" to be in the spring of the Northern Hemisphere. This is also apparent from its name "Abib." The equinox and the "spring" of the year are not used to determine which moon is to be the "Abib Moon" but only to indicate that it is in the spring.

So when should the year start?
THE FULL NEW MOON for the first month of the year must be after the barley is in the tender young green sprout stage--or Abib stage. If a Full New Moon occurs one day before the Abib stage of the barley then the following FULL YELLOW NEW MOON will be the first FULL New Moon of the year and that FULL New Moon will be the start of the first month. The "Abib Moon" is totally dependent upon the barley and NOT ON the equinox. That is what the Righteous One of Israel has so plainly stated in Exodus 12:2 and other Scriptures.
Charles J. Voss, Update: April 2002

[ Hope of Israel index page ]

1. Strong's #H2320 "chodesh" (kho'-desh) from #H2318; the new moon; by implication a month. Gesenius' adds "a lunar month beginning as the new moon."
Strong's #H2318 "chadash" {(khaw-dash') a primary root; to be new; causative to rebuild.} When is a house considered "new"? When the foundation is laid or when the contractor gives you the key and says, "this very house is your new house?" The same is true for the moon, when is it a new moon, which starts a new month? When the crescent foundation is laid or when the ETERNAL Contractor says, "this very Full Moon is the beginning of your New Year."
2. See our Associated Article "Has Hebrew Time Been Lost?"
3. Strong's #H24 (aw-beeb') from an unused root (mean to be tender); green.
- Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course, Lesson 34 (1965, 1969): "Abib means, `the time of green sprouts of grain.'"
- The Plain Truth, December 1964 "The Truth About New Year's!" by William H. Ellis. "The first month of G-d's sacred calendar is called, in the Scripture, "Abib." It means the month of "tender green sprouts." Later, the Jews called it "Nisan" which is a Babylonian name for one of their gods."
- Good News June 1961 Vol. X, Number 6, article "The TRUE Reason WHY the Jews Rejected Chr-st" by Herman L. Hoeh. "Also, J-sus and the Galileans observed Passover on Nisan 14, the correct day. The Jews in Judea celebrated it one day late, on the night of the Feast, the 15th of Nisan or Abib. Today the Jews do not really keep any Passover. They observe only the Feast. This is the real reason why the Jews as a nation forgot their G-d!" Notice Dr. Hoeh's clear admission that "TODAY THE JEWS DO NOT REALLY KEEP ANY PASSOVER!"
Editor's Comment: This quotation has nothing to do with when the month Abib is to start, but the unequivocal admission that the Jews today don't really keep ANY kind of correct Passover was too good to pass up when I came across it. Keep this in mind when some people want to convince you that the Passover should be at the end of the 14th.
- Good News November 1957 Vol. VI, Number 11 article "Why AMERICA Is Cursed!" by Herbert W. Armstrong. "People today don't even know what the month "Abib" is, much less when it is. It is G-d's first month of the year, but it is not the same as the pagan January. It begins in the spring, when new life is budding forth in nature. But the nation has deserted [the Hebrew] calendar, and accepted the pagan calendar." Notice Mr. Armstrong's statement that Abib "BEGINS IN THE SPRING!"
- PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT, Letter 013 "The true `SACRED' year of the Scripture begins with the month of Nisan (also called Abib), in the spring (Ex. 12:2). The sacred year portrays G-d's great plan." Notice again the statement that "the true sacred year BEGINS ... IN THE SPRING."
- MYSTERY OF THE AGES, by Herbert W. Armstrong, 1985 Hardbound Edition. "The final plague followed the sacrifice of the Passover on the 14th day of the first month of G-d's sacred calendar--starting in the spring. The Israelites went out of Egypt during the night part of the 15th, they reached the Red Sea." Notice again Mr. Armstrong's comment that the first month of "G-d's sacred calendar" STARTS IN THE SPRING.
- Pagan Holidays -- or "God's" Holy Days -- Which? by Herbert W. Armstrong, 1976 edition, "And so, on delivering His people from Egypt (sin), G-d straightened them out as to time ...and said, "This month [in the spring] shall be unto you the beginning of months" (Ex. 12:2).
- The Bible Story, Volume 5 1987. "Today many churches have summer "camp meetings" instead of observing the Festival of Tabernacles in the fall. They keep Easter instead of Passover, Whitsunday instead of Pentecost. They celebrate the beginning of a new year in the winter, whereas G-d tells us that the NEW YEAR BEGINS IN THE SPRING."
- Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course, Lesson 33 (1964, 1965, 1969) "GOLGOTHA -- the Place of the Skull." "They were forced to work seven days a week and to adapt themselves to the Egyptian calendar and holidays. Therefore, G-d had to reveal that the month of Abib--the first month in the spring of [the Hebrew] Calendar--was to be the BEGINNING of the sacred year."
- Good News March 1953 article "G-d's Sacred Calendar" by Kenneth C. Herrmann, page 8, column I. "The first day of this month [he is speaking about Abib]--which occurs at the beginning of spring--then would be the first day of the year."
5. Here are the facts:
According to the present Jewish calendar: |
1) For cycle #217 (344 to 362 CE) |
TEN YEARS STARTED IN THE WINTER! They were the years: 346, 348, 349, 351, 354, 356, 357, 359, 360, and 362. |
2) For cycle #218 (363 to 381 CE) |
TEN YEARS STARTED IN THE WINTER! They were the years: 365, 367, 368, 370, 373, 375, 376, 378, 379, and 381. |
3) For cycle #219 (382 to 400CE) |
TEN YEARS STARTED IN THE WINTER! They were the years: 384, 386, 387, 389, 392, 394, 395, 397, 398, and 400. |
4) For cycle #303 (1978 to 1996 CE) |
FIVE YEARS STARTED IN THE WINTER! They were the years: 1980, 1983, 1988, 1991, and 1994. |
5) For cycle #304 (1997 to 2015 CE) |
FIVE YEARS ARE SCHEDULED TO START IN THE WINTER! They are the years: 1999, 2002, 2007, 2010, and 2013. |
6. i.e. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, Kenneth Herrmann; the authors of the Correspondence Course, the Bible Story, and the PCD letter, etc.) Would Mr. Armstrong really have said: "Abib begins IN THE SPRING" if he had known that over 50% of the time it actually started IN THE WINTER when Hillel II first instituted it? Would Mr. Armstrong have said this if he had grasped that even TODAY Abib still starts in the winter over 25% of the time on the Jewish Calendar?
7. In cycle #218 this was in the years: 368 = March 19, 376 = March 20, 379 = March 18. Even as late as 854 AD (when the equinox was on March 17) Hillel's fixed calendar STILL PLACED THE PASSOVER INTO WINTER (i.e. on March 16)!
8. Strong's #H8622 "tequwphah" (tek-oo-faw') from H5362; a revolution.
9. Strong's #H5362 "naqaph" (naw-kaf') a primary root; to strike with more or less violence; by implication (of attack) to knock together, i.e. surround or circulate.
10. Note the positions of the shadow at sunrise and at sunset for every day of the year.
8 "tekufah" refers to, "a coming round, a circuit, a turning point, etc." It is formed from the Hebrew verb 9 "naqaph," which means: to go around, to compass about, etc. So back to Exodus 34:22. It is well known that even in antiquity people were familiar with the two solstices and the two equinoxes in every year. They could be pinpointed by the movements of a shadow 10 in the course of a year. At the two solstices, there are distinct turnings, the movements of the shadows change direction.My reply to this is "Who has made YOU the judge of when the seasons start and end. Are we going to look at what is right in YOUR eyes (e.g. Judges 21:25) or are we going to establish what is right in The Mighty One's eyes (e.g. Isaiah 55:8)?
Did ETERNAL mean what He said, or did He really mean, "It's okay by Me as long as you have at least SOME years starting in the spring?" Is ETERNAL aware of the fact that there are four distinct seasons in the year? Did HE have anything to do with instituting those four seasons? Does He want certain things to take place in certain seasons? WHY did The Mighty One tell them that a specific New Full Moon was to be known as "green sprouts of grain?" Is our CREATOR CONSISTENT, or will He leave things up to chance--sometimes having the year start in one season and sometimes having it start in the other season? What really is His will in this regard? I think you can see the true answer.
What did The Mighty One mean? The answer, for you, to this question depends on your attitude IF you approach this question totally on its own merits, following Scriptural statements then you, along with the authors mentioned in the Footnotes, will reach the answer that the first month of the year must start in the early part of spring, as determined by the barley and not the equinox!
The key is to remember that in Scriptural Hebrew there simply is no distinction made between the concepts of "New Moons" and "New Months" since "a lunar month begins at the new moon." So it is equally correct to say that in Exodus 12:2 the Mighty One was specifically singling out two things: this "New Moon" and it means also This Month! The Hebrew word "chodesh" simply does not allow you to divorce "the new moon" from "the month." They go together. A month is only a month BECAUSE it starts on the New Full Moon! http://www.uhcg.org/Cal-Fl-Moon/cal-Year-Start.html |
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Messaggio 11 di 21 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 12 di 21 di questo argomento |
The Real African Feasts
We must remember that the modern Jewish feast has its walls erected in Eastern Europe but, they ignore the root in Africa. So hold on to your Yarmulke and throw those knishes, gefilta fish, matza balls and potato latkes away. There will be goat, fufu, couscous, joluf rice, ingera, casaba, kitfo and yams in the Feast from now on!
This is a case of the strongman [European] entering our home and taking the heritage of the African and changing it to fit their heritage in order to place them at the foundation AND apex of history.
The truth will make us free.
How did the Feasts of the Hebrews come to be?
The according to the Bible, the Lord put lights in the sky as a calendar. In this calendar mankind saw a connection with the universe and himself. The Feast days were a outgrowth of worship in a Theocratic society with God being the head and man being his voice on earth. The Feast were establish for fellowship, thanksgiving and bonding with the Creator, his creation and the family of God. The parents of the original Hebrews were the Egyptians, had long established Feasts days in celebration to seasons of abundance. To do all this you needed a calendar.
'Let the lights appear in the sky to separate day form night and show the time when days, years, and religious festivals begin.' Gen. 1:14
Egypt or Kemet was not out of the loop when this edict came forth. The Bible is speaking of the synopsized report. Egypt had the original thesis.

Nut [Sky] Geb [Earth] the Neteru
Nut [Shamayim] Geb[Adamah] with his penis [seed] pointing at her NAVEL.
Nut was the Egyptian name for the Sky and Geb the name for the Earth. Gebs' phallus is pointed toward Nut's NAVEL and not her vagina as some assume. This is not sexual iconography. This is noting the Nut is the mother of the sky - overshadowing Geb and not having intercourse with her. It is giving a picture of creation. The navel was the important thing it proved our divinity and humanity!

To the ancient Egyptians Nut (Nuit) was the personification of the sky [originally she was an attribute of the sky at day, where the clouds formed] and the heavens.'
Nut the Egyptian word for Sky is the Hebrew word for Shamayim. How does that relate?
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”Genesis 1:26
The Hebrew word for air is: Shamayim, aka Heaven. Shamayim (shaw-mah'-yim): dual of an unused singular shameh {shaw-meh'}; from an unused root meaning to be lofty; the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as to the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve):--air, X astrologer, heaven(-s)." - Strong's Hebrew Dictionary.
The word itself literally means: Sha ("of" or "from") the waters (mayim). Heaven means literally: "From the Waters"! Houses of the star, sun and moon.
Hebrew version:
"And God called the firmament (raqiyah) Heaven (Shamayim)."
Egyptian version:
'And God called the firmament Nut.'
In Nut [the sky/heavens] dwelt the sun, moon and stars and these bodies became a way to develop a calendar in order to have seedtime and harvest.
While the earth remains seedtime and harvest, seedtime and harvest ...shall not cease." (Genesis 8:22)
How did the Egyptians develop and accurate Calendar to perform the Feasts?
'To develop a calendar, you need a regular event that is predictable. And what was more regular and important to the ancient Egyptians than the rise and fall of the River Nile?
The waters started rising around the end of June, and the flood period (achet) lasted until October, covering the land with rich black mud and preparing it for the sowing and growing period (peret). The harvest time (schemu) started at the end of February and ended with the new Nile flood This predictable, ongoing cycle defined the agricultural year. This became fraught with problems since the flood came within a range of 80 days with variable intensities.
Eventually, Sirius, or Sothis as it was called by the ancient Egyptians, the star who's heliacal rising was in early July 3000 years ago [but due to the wobble of the earth on its axis is now a few weeks later] turned out to be a very reliable predictor of the recurring flood and defined the exact length of the trip of the earth around the sun .
The discovery and plotting of the stars like Sirius or Sothis and Orion was very important.
Velikovsky, on the authority of Pliny identifies the star of Isis as the planet Venus and explains that both Venus and Sirius had a role in the Egyptian calendar, the real purpose of the Decree being to make the calendar independent of Venus. Egyptologists generally consider both “star of Isis” and “Sothis” to refer to Sirius.
Immanuel Velikovsky [1895-1979] Earlier in his life, he played a role in the founding of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and was a respected author, psychiatrist/psychoanalist.
His books primarily used comparative mythology and ancient literary sources (not least the Bible) to propose that the Earth had suffered catastrophic close-contacts with other planets in the solar system (principally Venus and Mars), during and before recorded history. He argued that electromagnetic effects played an important role in celestial mechanics. He also proposed a revised chronology of Ancient Egypt, Greece and the Land of Israel and the Near East, aiming to eliminate Dark Ages and reconcile Biblical history with both archeology and Egyptian Chronology.
Sirius was the star that began the accurate calendar for the Egyptian. Naming Sirius after Isis is not idolatry. I would expect that they would not name it anything other than the name of the child of a neteru like Isis. Neteroo was misinterpreted god and goddess by the European translators, but they were just the ancient names for earth, sun, sky, air etc and how they formed the universe. So when you see Geb, Nut and the rest don't panic.
Sirius has been identified by some as the Biblical star Mazzaroth (the Book of Job, 38:32). The Semitic name for Sirius was Hasil, while the Hebrews also used the name Sihor. The latter an Egyptian name, learned by the Hebrews prior to their Exodus. But ancient Egypt provides the most regal history for Sirius. Initially, it was Hathor, the ancient great mother goddess, who was identified with Sirius. But Isis soon became the major archetype, sharing honors with the title of Sirius as the Nile Star.
Remember, the times the Festivals are celebrate by vary depending on what area of the world you are in. just like Florida has a different type of winter that Minnesota so the variation in worship around the world. So in African [ including Palestine] the Festivals were at the same time as the Harvest months.

Star of David associated with Sirius and the Pyramids
As Above, So Below
The calendar system of ancient Egypt is unique to both the cosmology of the Egyptians and their religion. Unlike the modern Julian calendar system, with it's 365 days to a year, the Egyptians followed a calendar system of 360 days, with three seasons, each made up of 4 months, with thirty days in each month.
The first new moon following the reappearance of Sirius [the dog star] after it disappeared under the horizon for 70 days was established as the first day of the New Year (Egypt: wepet senet) and of the achet (flood) period--even if the Nile had not yet started to rise.
The priests also observed there were four moon periods that fit into each of the three seasons , but it did not fit. The lunar month has 29 ½ days, resulting in "short" or "long" years of 12 or 13 new moons.
The appearance of Sirius and the next New Year put the calendar back to baseline. Later they developed a ' leap year' to put the calendar back on schedule with the Sun Moon and Stars.
The Egyptian calendar clearly took into account the lunar cycles, as it, according to Herodotus, "consisted] of twelve divisions of the seasons." and they used forms of intercalculatis to keep the lunar calendar seasonally consistent. "the Egyptians, reckoning thirty days to each of the twelve months, add five days in every year over and above the total, and thus the completed circle of seasons is made to agree with the calendar."
They eventually had a system of 36 stars to mark out the year and in the end had three different calendars working concurrently for over 2000 years: a stellar calendar for agriculture, a solar year of 365 days (12 months x 30 + 5 extra) and a quasi-lunar calendar for festivals. The later Egyptian calendars developed sophisticated Zodiac systems, as in the stone calendar at right.
According to the famed Egyptologist J. H. Breasted, the earliest date known in the Egyptian calendar corresponds to 4236 B.C.E. in terms of the Gregorian calendar.
The seasons of the Egyptians corresponding with the cycles of the Nile, and were known as:
1. Inundation (pronounced akhet which lasted from June 21st to October 21st).
2. Emergence (pronounced proyet which lasted from October 21st to February 21st).
3. Summer (pronounced shomu which lasted from February 21st to June 21st).
Sirius: the 'Dog Star

Sirius the Dog Star in the configuration of the Star of David
The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on the moon's cycles, but the lunar calendar failed to predict a critical event in their lives: the annual flooding of the Nile river. The Egyptians soon noticed that the first day the "Dog Star," which we call Sirius, in Canis Major was visible right before sunrise was special.
The Egyptians were probably the first to adopt a mainly solar calendar. This so-called 'heliacal rising' always preceded the flood by a few days. Based on this knowledge, they devised a 365-day calendar that seems to have begun in 4236 B.C.E., the earliest recorded year in history.
Early Egyptians depended on the Nile's annual rising and flooding. Each year as that great river flooded it brought down mountain soil to the Egyptian plain. This enriched the fields and enabled creation of an agricultural system that supported a large civilization.
In the eighth century B.C.E., the Egyptian Pharaoh's primary advisor, the Vizier, was charged with reporting the first appearance of the bright star we call Sirius after it had been missing from the sky for (depending upon the observer's latitude) approximately two weeks.
This first appearance of Sirius in the pre-dawn sky was used to start the Egyptian calendar year, which was used for purposes of regulating religious affairs and everyday life.
Shortly after Sirius first reappeared in the east, the Nile would have its annual life-giving flood [same as a woman's menstruation]. Because of the Nile's flooding at this time, the fixing of the new year could well be said to have been based on a geophysical as well as an astronomical event. Although many other stars may be used to fix the beginning of a sidereal year, the Egyptians.
'Frequently, inscribed on the walls of such temples are detailed lists of feasts, all presented in a systematic manner. Such festival calendars were also copied and kept in the scrolls of the temple archives. From these, we can often determine whether a feast took place within the civil calendar or according to the moon.'
'Most of the festivals that we know of from ancient Egypt are cultic [see definition below], rather than civil. There were probably plenty of civil celebrations, but our sources are mostly religious.
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Messaggio 13 di 21 di questo argomento |
2—Imbolc/Brigid 1/12—Dionysia 13/15—Lupercalia
26—Day of Nuit
Jan 31- Feb 2 Imbolc/St.Brigid's Day - Old Celtic/Irish feast of Goddess Brigid; merged with the Christian feast of St. Brigid. Fires were lit to welcome Her as She traveled about blessing fields, animals, and people.
Feb 1-14 Old Greek festival of God Dionysos - in which vines were pruned and sprinkled with wine, accompanied by ritual singing and dancing.
Feb 7-8 Feast of Old Greek Goddess Artemis (Roman Diana) - as creatrix, midwife of birthing creatures, protector of the young, and punisher of child abusers.
Feb 13 - Feb 15 Lupercalia / St. Valentine's Day / Norse Family Festival - Old Roman festival (Lupercalia - Festival of the Wolf) of God-Goddess Faunus-Fauna, celebrating Pan, fertility, and the coming Spring; merged with he Christian feast of St. Valentine, celebrating love of all kinds.
Feb 21 - 28 Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries - Old Greek festival celebrating the marriage of Goddess Kore and God Dionysos, following their return from Elysium.
Feb 22 Caristia - Old Roman festival for renewing family ties and patching up quarrels.
Feb 26 Egyptian Day of Nuit - Goddess of Healing and Fertility.
Feb 28 Saxon Cake Day - cakes offered to the God and the Goddess.
http://www.gnostics.com/calendar.html |
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Messaggio 14 di 21 di questo argomento |
La víspera del 1 de noviembre coincidía con una festividad, pagana, celta, la del "Samhein", fiesta que marcaba el final del verano y de las cosechas, para pasar a los días de frío y de oscuridad. En esa noche se creía que el dios de la muerte hacía volver a los muertos, permitiendo comunicarse así con sus antepasados. También esta práctica era habitual en el pueblo romano, pues el 21 de febrero celebraban la fiesta de "Feralia" ayudando con sus oraciones a la paz y el descanso de sus difuntos.
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Messaggio 15 di 21 di questo argomento |
WASHINGTON D.C/Independencia de EEUU
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Messaggio 16 di 21 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 17 di 21 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 18 di 21 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 19 di 21 di questo argomento |
Tishri en Relación al Equinoccio
Algunos ministros reaccionarios dentro de las Iglesias de Dios han tratado de justificar los aplazamientos bajo el calendario Hillel recurriendo a una interpretación incorrecta de las Escrituras. Uno de los argumentos falsos se basa en la premisa que la determinación del Molad o Primero de Tishri bajo el sistema Hillel tiene una relación o es de algún modo dependiente de la posición del equinoccio de Septiembre. La Luna Nueva de Tishri es simplemente eso – la Luna Nueva del Séptimo mes. El término Molad es quizás un término conveniente porque, muy incorrectamente, el Primero de Tishri bajo el sistema Hillel no siempre cae sobre la Luna Nueva.
En defensa del sistema de aplazamientos y la irregularidad que ocurrió por ejemplo en 1997, algunos argumentos extraordinarios son fomentados. Un individuo ha citado Éxodo 34:22 como texto de prueba que la Fiesta del Séptimo mes debe ocurrir en o después del equinoccio de septiembre. El texto meramente indica:
Éxodo 34:22 También celebraras la fiesta de las semanas, la de las primicias de la siega del trigo, y la fiesta de la cosecha a la salida del año. (KJV)
Este texto puede ser interpretado también como estar a la vuelta del año del uso de teqûphh (SHD 8622) significando una revolución (del sol), un curso (del tiempo), por lo tanto un recorrido, un ocurrido o final. Esto puede significar el fin de la estación de cultivo o fin de las actividades del año. De ningún modo indica una relación específica con el equinoccio o que debe suceder al equinoccio.
No hay regla conocida para los antiguos hebreos, los griegos, los babilonios o los cananeos, o por la Iglesia Primitiva que aplaza la declaración de Nisan o Abib basada en un cálculo del Séptimo mes en relación al equinoccio. El Séptimo mes es determinado del cálculo del Primer mes en el hebreo y otros calendarios. El calendario Macedónico Seleucida comienza su año del mes correspondiente a Tishri y, por lo tanto, aparentemente alrededor del equinoccio de otoño del norte. Este calendario fue usado en adición al sistema babilónico para el cálculo de algunos acontecimientos Seleucidas en vez de la propia historia judía, durante el tiempo de los Macabeos y subsecuentemente (1 Macabeos; vea a Schürer, Historia del Pueblo Judío en el Tiempo de Jesucristo, Vol. 1, p. 18-19 y p. 125-126 para datos bibliográficos). Sin embargo, los Macabeos comenzaron su año en la primavera del norte también (Schürer, ibid.).
Este argumento parece confundir la aplicación del calendario Macedónico Seleucida con el sistema hebreo-Babilónico. Las reglas de aplazamiento no tienen aplicación o relación con el equinoccio de otoño del norte. La regla es simplemente que en todas las circunstancias la Pascua debe caer después del equinoccio vernal (Schürer, ibid., p. 590; basado en las autoridades, Schürer declara: “Cuando el sol estaba en el signo de Aries”, ibid., p. 593). El signo de Aries comienza aproximadamente el 21 de marzo y termina el 20 de Abril, en términos gregorianos. Así, la Pascua después de 21 abril es claramente prohibida bajo las reglas antiguas. (También debe ser recordado que la Astrología y la Astronomía no fueron separadas en distintas áreas de la disciplina hasta la Reforma. Así, éste es un indicador astronómico y no astrológico.) Schürer nota que Anatolio, según Eusebio (Schürer, op. cit (HE, vii 32, 16-19) dice que éste es el punto de vista unánime de todas las autoridades judías incluyendo a Aristóbulo, el filósofo en el tiempo de Tolomeo Filometor, y también de Filo y Josefo.). El calendario macedónico fue usado en Siria desde el principio del dominio Seleucida hasta bien entrada la época cristiana.
Fue usado:
(1) Para designar reales meses lunares;
(2) Para designar los doce meses de un año solar idéntico con el calendario juliano, excepto que sus comienzos fueron fijados diferentemente. El calendario Macedónico Seleucida fue, además, inexacto en su determinación de área a área, mostrando que la regla no se relacionaba específicamente al equinoccio de otoño hasta entonces. En Tiro, el año comenzó el 18 de Noviembre (Schürer, p. 595), después del equinoccio. En Gaza, sin embargo, comenzaba el 29 de Agosto (Schürer, ibid.; ref. Bickerman, Cronología, p. 50), antes del equinoccio.
(3) En tiempos posteriores los meses Julianos fueron simplemente llamados por los nombres macedónicos (Schürer, ibid.). Los nombres sirios, que eran más o menos idénticos al judío, fueron usados para corresponder al macedónico.
Por lo tanto, no hay un sistema conocido que defina a Tishri, el Séptimo mes, en relación al equinoccio de otoño. Éste es un dispositivo para defender el sistema Hillel, que no tiene validez. Es también necesario para tratar de defender la ficción de una crucifixión en 31 d.C. como es fomentado por Herman Hoeh bajo la dirección de Herbert Armstrong (vea el papel El Momento de la Crucifixión y de la Resurrección (No. 159)). Herman Hoeh incluso inventó su propia regla de aplazamientos con este propósito (ref. La Crucifixión no fue un viernes).
El día de preparación o 14 Nisan, llamado el día de la Cena del Señor, no es la Pascua correcta como dicen algunos. Ésta fue una opinión errónea fomentada por Herbert Armstrong y defendido por una parte de su ministerio, y muy incorrectamente (vea el papel La Pascua (No. 98))
La Pascua en 1997 fue un mes mas tarde en calendario judío por basarse en los aplazamientos del sistema Hillel, que no tiene validez en las Escrituras o en la historia antes del siglo IV de la era actual. Lo que los apologistas de este sistema están haciendo, efectivamente, es inventar una nueva regla y decir que la regla para la determinación de Nisan es que el mes es determinado de la Luna Nueva más cercana al equinoccio vernal del norte, con Pascua/Panes sin Levadura siendo la primera secuencia de la luna llena siguiendo al equinoccio excepto donde la Fiesta de Tabernáculos caería antes del equinoccio de otoño del norte (aun si el último Gran Día cae sobre el equinoccio), en cuyo caso la Pascua/Panes sin Levadura se convierte en la segunda secuencia de la luna llena siguiendo al equinoccio vernal. Tal regla no existe o ciertamente alguna vez ha existido, y si es usado echaría al calendario en más caos. La construcción colocada en Éxodo 34:22 en apoyo del sistema Hillel no tiene base en la historia o ni en los hechos. Se basa en el pensamiento rabínico en la justificación circular.
Similarmente, el calculo del Molad de Tishri es otra construcción del sistema Hillel. No existe alguna regla bíblica que determine al así llamado Molad de Tishri además de la Luna Nueva del Séptimo mes. Así nada es fundamental hasta el día de hoy excepto la secuencia de días para Tishri ya que determina la Expiación y la Fiesta. La centralidad del Molad de Tishri es una invención del judaísmo rabínico (del farisaico), como lo es un Pentecostés en 6 de Sivan. El mes de Nisan, o Abib (no Tishri) será el principio de meses para ustedes (Ex. 12:2); ni el Primer mes es determinado de Tishri.
Otro concepto equivocado expresado en esta discusión es que el 1 de Nisan no debería preceder el equinoccio vernal. La Luna Nueva de Nisan precedió al equinoccio, por ejemplo, en 1988, 1991, 1994 y 1996. 1997 esa era la quinta vez en los últimos diez años que el 1 de Nisan precedía el equinoccio. Así, es igualmente común que este sea el caso. Este hecho también determinará el inicio de Tishri mucho antes del equinoccio en muchos casos. Los argumentos que tratan de establecer una regla en relación a la proximidad de Tabernáculos con el equinoccio son falsos e ignoran el hecho histórico.
En 1994 todas las Fiestas de Tishri cayeron antes del equinoccio de septiembre excepto el último Gran Día, como fue el caso en 1997. Aquellos que ponen objeción en tales bases para 1997 no objetaron en 1994, probablemente porque las personas involucradas se sentían cómodas con la opinión como fue también la del sistema rabínico. La posición de 1994 contra la de 1997 muestra que no hay regla en relación al equinoccio de septiembre.
En relación a los días de las Lunas Nuevas, la Luna Nueva es un evento astronómico preciso. La información es suministrada en todo el Reino Unido, para la defensa y las operaciones comerciales en tierra, mar y aire, por la Oficina del Almanaque Náutico de Su Majestad (HMNAO siglas en ingles para Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office). Éste no es un libro llamado el Almanaque de la Reina como dijo un tipo sin conocimientos en una reciente crítica muy pobre de alguna de nuestras obras. La información precisa sobre la Luna Nueva puede ser suministrada en la Hora del Meridiano de Greenwich (Tiempo Internacional) y la asistencia puede ser dada para detalles en el cálculo de la hora de Jerusalén y otras horas tanto para la conjunción como para el Fin del Crepúsculo Náutico Vespertino (EENT sigla en ingles para End Evening Nautical Twilight) de Jerusalén, y también para áreas locales. EENT es requerido para la determinación del día para propósitos del calendario. El acontecimiento preciso de la Luna Nueva determina así, el tiempo para la conjunción en todo el mundo. Las horas locales para la salida de la Luna diferirán.
Las horas en algunos calendarios construidos, como, por ejemplo, el fomentado por Frank Nelte, no parecen de manera clara guardar relación con la hora de la conjunción determinada por fuentes oficiales. Quizás hay algo de confusión entre el momento de la salida de la luna y la conjunción.
Ésta es una oportunidad para aclarar otro concepto equivocado. La Luna Nueva NO es una luna creciente. La regla de aplazamiento del medio día sostiene que si la conjunción ocurre después del medio día entonces la determinación de la Luna Nueva es pospuesta para el día siguiente.
Esta regla del medio día se basa en la premisa de que se necesitan al menos seis horas para desarrollar una creciente de la conjunción. Esta regla es en si misma prueba que la conjunción, no la creciente, es el factor determinante.
Es probable que esta regla de aplazamiento fuese introducida por los judíos asiáticos, ya que cuanto más al oriente va la Luna Nueva es más colocada al día siguiente. La determinación del calendario de Jerusalén así coloca la Luna Nueva en Asia hasta ocho horas adelante, y por lo tanto ocurre en el día previo en estas apariencias posteriores. Así el calendario es algunas veces un día adelante de la Luna Nueva en el Oriente especialmente en Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Ésta es la única regla de aplazamientos que tiene sentido en absoluto en la observación empírica y el hecho histórico. Los problemas con el calendario Hillel están en el papel El Calendario de Dios (No. 156)
Independientemente de los méritos de esta posición única, y esto no soluciona correctamente el problema, las Iglesias Cristianas de Dios han optado por los cálculos de Jerusalén libre de todos los aplazamientos en aras de la uniformidad del calendario de las Iglesias de Dios en una base mundial hasta que una conferencia mundial de las Iglesias de Dios discuta la materia.
Rispondi |
Messaggio 20 di 21 di questo argomento |
Considerando que el piso del comienzo del año gregoriano como AÑO NUEVO HEBREO el 21 de febrero en los años de 365 dias y 22 de febrero en los años de 366 dias es curioso que nos queda hasta el fin de año una cifra similar a 314 dias, interrelacionada con el numero PI=3.14. El 31 de diciembre caeria en una fecha cercana al 19 del onceavo mes del calendario LUNI-SOLAR HEBREO.
Rispondi |
Messaggio 21 di 21 di questo argomento |
Sabemos que la verdadera luna nueva es en luna llena como hemos estudiado en otro panel.
Aparte tambien hemos visto en otro panel que el piso de la luna llena, para determinar el año nuevo hebreo, es el 22 de febrero, para que nos caiga el verdadero PENTECOSTES, el 20 de junio en solsticio. Osea que siempre que tengamos luna llena entre el 22 de febrero, inclusive hasta el 23 de marzo, tambien incluido, es el primer dia del primer mes hebreo.
SHAVUOT JUSTO EL 20 DE JUNIO (SOLSTICIO) EN EL AÑO 1997. APARENTEMENTE EL 22 DE FEBRERO ES EL PISO PARA EL VERDADERO ROSH HASHANAH (AÑO NUEVO) HEBREO. TAMBIEN SE CUMPLIO DE ESA FORMA EN LOS AÑOS 1978, 1959, 1940 Y SERA ASI EN EL 2016, OSEA EN EL AÑO DEL BICENTENARIO DE LA INDEPENDENCIA ARGENTINA. La clave de la ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN, en el contexto al CALENDARIO LUNI-SOLAR HEBREO estaria en funcion a FATIMA, el 13 de ADAR o 13 del sexto mes hebreo, que en 1917 cayo el 15 de Agosto, dia de la ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN decretada por el PAPA PI-O XII (NUMERO PI=3.14=227 Interrelacionada matematicamente con la cantidad de dias que hay desde el 1/1 hasta el 15/8 e incluso en el DIA DE MARIA LA MAGDALENA EL 22/7 segun la IGLESIA CATOLICA) entre muchas otras evidencias matematicas. La clave 13 DE ELUL seria una ANTITESIS al 13/12 del libro de Esther. Recordemos que hay un nexo esoterico entre los primeros y ultimos 6 meses del calendario hebreo como por ejemplo 10/1 y 10/7, 15/1 y 15/7 , 1/1 y 1/7, etc,etc. En el periodo 1/1 hasta el 13/6 tenemos exactamente 161 dias (Numero de Oro=1.618) dandole una interrelacion matematicas al SALMOS 45:9 (REINA VESTIDA CON ORO DE O-PHI-R/PHI=1.618033). En Fatima, insisto, cayo el 15 de agosto y en la BOMBA DE HIROSHIMA, cayo justamente el 6 de AGOSTO, en el ORTO HELIACO DE SIRIO, en 1945. Incluso observamos que MARIA LA MAGDALENA, tiene fuerte relacion con el numero 13 e incluso ELUL es VIRGO. La misma letra M es la 13va letra del abecedario ingles.
13 DE ELUL =ELU=13/6 =13/ELUL
11/11 (DIA N-306)=TEB =11/11=11/TEBET (GENESIS 8:6/CALENDARIO DE NOE)
PURIM =PUR=15/12=15/ADAR
22/2 8/3 20/6 1/8 18/8 27/8 1/9 8/9 8/11 24/12 27/1 SI-11/2
23/2 9/3 21/6 2/8 19/8 28/8 2/9 9/9 9/11 25/12 28/1 SI-12/2
24/2 10/3 22/6 3/8 20/8 29/8 3/9 10/9 10/11 26/12 29/1 SI-13/2
25/2 11/3 23/6 4/8 21/8 30/8 4/9 11/9 11/11 27/12 30/1 SI-14/2
26/2 12/3 24/6 5/8 22/8 31/8 5/9 12/9 12/11 28/12 31/1 SI-15/2
27/2 13/3 25/6 6/8 23/8 1/9 6/9 13/9 13/11 29/12 1/2 SI-16/2
28/2 14/3 26/6 7/8 24/8 2/9 7/9 14/9 14/11 30/12 2/2 SI-17/2
1/3 15/3 27/6 8/8 25/8 3/9 8/9 15/9 15/11 31/12 3/2 SI-18/2
2/3 16/3 28/6 9/8 26/8 4/9 9/9 16/9 16/11 1/1 4/2 SI-19/2
3/3 17/3 29/6 10/8 27/8 5/9 10/9 17/9 17/11 2/1 5/2 SI-20/2
4/3 18/3 30/6 11/8 28/8 6/9 11/9 18/9 18/11 3/1 6/2 SI-21/2
5/3 19/3 1/7 12/8 29/8 7/9 12/9 19/9 19/11 4/1 7/2 NO
6/3 20/3 2/7 13/8 30/8 8/9 13/9 20/9 20/11 5/1 8/2 NO
7/3 21/3 3/7 14/8 31/8 9/9 14/9 21/9 21/11 6/1 9/2 NO
8/3 22/3 4/7 15/8 1/9 10/9 15/9 22/9 22/11 7/1 10/2 NO
9/3 23/3 5/7 16/8 2/9 11/9 16/9 23/9 23/11 8/1 11/2 NO
10/3 24/3 6/7 17/8 3/9 12/9 17/9 24/9 24/11 9/1 12/2 NO
11/3 25/3 7/7 18/8 4/9 13/9 18/9 25/9 25/11 10/1 13/2 NO
12/3 26/3 8/7 19/8 5/9 14/9 19/9 26/9 26/11 11/1 14/2 NO
13/3 27/3 9/7 20/8 6/9 15/9 20/9 27/9 27/12 12/1 15/2 NO
14/3 28/3 10/7 21/8 7/9 16/9 21/9 28/9 28/12 13/1 16/2 NO
15/3 29/3 11/7 22/8 8/9 17/9 22/9 29/9 29/12 14/1 17/2 NO
16/3 30/3 12/7 23/8 9/9 18/9 23/9 30/9 30/12 15/1 18/2 NO
17/3 31/3 13/7 24/8 10/9 19/9 24/9 1/10 1/12 16/1 19/2 NO
18/3 1/4 14/7 25/8 11/9 20/9 25/9 2/10 2/12 17/1 20/2 NO
19/3 2/4 15/7 26/8 12/9 21/9 26/9 3/10 3/12 18/1 21/2 NO
20/3 3/4 16/7 27/8 13/9 22/9 27/9 4/10 4/12 19/1 22/2 NO
21/3 4/4 17/7 28/8 14/9 23/9 28/9 5/10 5/12 20/1 23/2 NO
22/3 5/4 18/7 29/8 15/9 24/9 29/9 6/10 6/12 21/1 24/2 NO
23/3 6/4 19/7 30/8 16/9 25/9 30/9 7/10 7/12 22/1 25/2 NO
Observamos que la FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS SIEMPRE CAE EN EL MES DE SEPTIEMBRE. Vemos en la linea amarilla, la secuencia de FATIMA Y 2012, que tiene la particularidad de que la LUNA LLENA ES EN EL DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER, la FIESTA DE LAS LEVADURAS EN EL 22/3 (EL FAMOSO 322 CODIFICADO EN LA MISMA BANDERA DE LOS EEUU, EN EL ISLAM, EN LA MASONERIA, ETC,ETC), SHAVUOT EN LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU, EL 13 DE ELUL (DIA NUMERO 161 DEL CALENDARIO HEBREO) EXACTAMENTE EL 15 DE AGOSTO QUE ES EL DIA DE LA ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN, TROMPETAS JUSTO EL PRIMERO DE SEPTIEMBRE, TABERNACULOS EL 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE (LOST SYMBOL), REGOCIJO EN LA TORA EL 22/7 (FUERTE NEXO CON EL SALMO 119) Y JANUKAH EL 26 DE NOVIEMBRE (DIA NUMERO 330 DEL CALENDARIO GREGORIANO) Y (DIA NUMERO 260 DEL CALENDARIO HEBREO=24 DE KISLVEV). Observamos tambien en la linea naranja, la misma secuencia del 911, en el contexto a que dicho dia cayo en YOM KIPUR, PURIM CAYO EL 11 DE FEBRERO, dia de la VIRGEN DE LOURDES. En la linea verde (MISMA SECUENCIA DEL AÑO 1888/MUERTE DE DOMINGO SARMIENTO Y 2013 QUE ES EL AÑO DE LA ELECCION DEL PAPA ARGENTINO) OBSERVAMOS QUE LEVADURAS NOS CAE EL 11 DE MARZO, Simchat Torah nos cae el 11 de septiembre (DIA DEL MAESTRO EN LA ARGENTINA) y JANUKAH EL 11 DE NOVIEMBRE O 11/11. COMO HE EXPLICADO EN OTRO PANEL EN EL MISMO NOMBRE DOMINGO DE SARMIENTO, FUE PREDESTINADO SU MUERTE EN LA VERDADERA FECHA DE LA FESTIVIDAD DEL REGOCIJO EN LA TORA, INTERRELACIONADA CON EL SALMO 119. ESTE SERIA EL SECRETO ESOTERICO DE LA ELECCION DEL PAPA ARGENTINO. ¿MUCHA CASUALIDAD NO? ¿NO ES EL AÑO 2013 LA REFERENCIA 11/9/2001 Y 11/3/2004? ES OBVIA LA REFERENCIA 911 CON EL PAPA ARGENTINO. Otro detalle que observamos es que cuando la luna llena me cae desde el 22/2, incluido hasta el 4/3, tambien incluido hay que agregar un 13vo mes (VE-ADAR) para comenzar que en dicho mes la luna llena es antes del 22/2 insisto. Otro detalle a tener en cuenta es que el 13 de ELUL, siempre cae en agosto e incluso con luna llena el 22 de febrero me cae en LUGHNASADH. Observamos que en la LINEA ROSA, la misma secuencia del RESCATE DE LOS 33 CHILENOS EN EL 2010 que es la misma secuencia de la BOMBA DE HIROSHIMA, ROSH HASHANAH me cayo el 27/2 o 2/27 (NUMERO PI).
Cross-Quarter Dates |
Traditional |
Astro/Orbital |
Imbolc |
Feb 1 |
~Feb 3 |
~Feb 18 |
Beltane |
May 1 |
~May 5 |
~Apr 21 |
Lughnasadh |
Aug 1 |
~Aug 7 |
~Aug 23 |
Samhain |
Nov 1 |
~Nov 7 |
~Oct 25 |
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