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The swastika, hackenkreuz, gamma cross, gammadion, St. Brigid's cross, or fylfot cross is a symbol found around the world. It not universally drawn either clockwise or counterclockwise, and it occurs in both curved and squared forms.
This postcard, copyright 1907 by E. Phillips, a U.S. card publisher, speaks for the universally high regard in which the swastika was held as a good luck token before use by the Nazis corrupted its meaning.
The text on the card back reads:
"The Swastika" is the oldest cross and emblem in the world. It forms a combination of four "L's" standing for Luck, Light, Love and Life. It has been found in ancient Rome, excavations in Grecian cities, on Buddhist idols, on Chinese coins dated 315 B.C., and our own Southwest Indians use it as an amulet.
It is claimed that the Mound Builders and Cliff Dwellers of Mexico, Central America consider "The Swastika" a charm to drive away evil and bring good luck, long life and prosperity to the possessor.
It should be noted that this text is not entirely accurate: The Mound Builders inhabited the Ohio River Valley and the Cliff Dwellers lived in the Southwestern United States; however, both did use the swastika, as did the Mayas of Mexico. Furthermore, although the swastika may look like four "L's" to one who uses the Roman alphabet, in Greek it forms four Gammas ("G's"), in Hebrew it can be seen as four Daleths ("D's"), and among the non-literate people of North America, it corresponded to no letters at all. Thus the ascription of Luck, Light, Love, and Life to the amulet is simply an English mnemonic, although it is prettily reinforced on this card by images of a horseshoe (luck), the rising Sun (light), twin hearts (love), and Earth (life). Finally, not mentioned in the text is the swastika's use as the specific emblem of Ganesha, the Hindu god of good luck, who is also represented as an elephant.
At left is a very nice American-made beaded item from the 1920s that bears the initials J.B.Y. and a black swastika on a white background. It is a simple strap-woven seed-bead piece of the type often made for a merit badge by Girl and Boy Scouts, or, as in this case, woven on a "while you wait" basis by American Indians for tourists at places like the Fred Harvey hotel chain in Arizona and New Mexico. It was found in an estate collection of Native American bead-work that had been put away and wrapped in 1929-dated newspapers. The twisted cotton threads terminate in a brass pin for hanging.
The use of the swastika in domestic ornament was fairly common in the 19th century. I have seen a beautiful white wedding dress, circa 1900, covered all over with embroidered swastikas. It came from the trousseau of a Polish-German immigrant woman, a "mail-order-bride" who was married in the U.S.
The swastika or hackencreuz was not a Nazi symbol originally, but was adopted by them as a "lucky" logo. (Imagine a political party of butchering madmen adopting the four-leaf clover as their symbol!) Some people believe that the swastika has been permanently co-opted or ruined by its brief appropriation by the Nazis -- who stood it up diagonally and placed it in a circle rather than running it four-square, and gave it their brand-logo colour scheme of black, white, and red, thus making THEIR swastika a national seal, unlike the non-Nazi swastikas of varied colour and form one finds all around the world.
It is a common misconception, almost an urban legend of sorts, to impute directional or positional preference or meaning to the swastika, and to claim that the Nazis "reversed the swastika" or "rotated it backwards" and therefore rendered it "evil." But this idea that directionality is important in the history of swastika usage is demonstrably untrue: counter-balancing (bilaterally symmetrical) arrays of clockwise and counterclockwise swastikas are common in both ancient and modern Indian art.
I believe that these considerations concerning the left- and right-turning swastika arose after the Nazis adopted the device -- and were part of a failed attempt to salvage at least a part of its former meaning by establishing a "good swastika versus bad swastika" dichotomy. Unfortunately, this swastika purity restoration attempt failed because ancient monuments and steles do not bear the theory out: The swastika appears in both left- and right-turned models in virtually all past cultures with no "deosil" and "widdershins" thought behind the direction, nor with "good" or "evil" concepts attached. The Nazis tipped the swastika up on end (diagonally), but it is even found that way in some old historical artifacts as well, such as this lovely example of the lucky swastika -- an embossed and airbrushed American postcard of the 1905 - 1910 era, bearing the legend "To Darling Baby," accompanied by a lavender swastika and a bunch of Lily-of-the-Valley flowers.
Some people believe that the display of any sort of swastika should be forbidden because it is offensive to Jews. From first-hand experience, i can assure you that dozens of elderly German Jews i personally know who lived through or escaped the holocaust, were and are well aware that the swastika pre-dated the Nazis and do not consider it a Nazi symbol. One thing most of them have learned -- and have taught to me -- is that RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE is a key to preventing future holocausts. Therefore they honour and respect the religious iconography of others. including the Jains and the Hindus, who revere the swastika as a symbol of a symbol of long life, good health, and good luck, and the special symbol of the Hindu elephant headed god Ganesh. My own mother, a Jew raised in Germany in the early 20th century, tells me that her family's sun-porch had an inlaid tile design of swastikas on the floor -- and her mother once told her it was "wrong" of Hitler to use the symbol as a political emblem. The swastikas were still there on the floor when she and her family fled Germany to escape.
For more information on the swastika, see Will's Cigarette Card #24: The Swastika. For more images of good luck swastikas see:
swastikas on good luck coins
swastika on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
Primera serie [editar]
La primera serie de billetes fue emitida en 1948 bajo la soberanía de los aliados occidentales. La forma de los billetes era muy parecida a la de los dólares estadounidenses.
Valor | Imagen | Dimensiones |
½ DM |
112 mm × 67 mm |
1 DM |
112 mm × 67 mm |
2 DM |
112 mm × 67 mm |
5 DM |
112 mm × 67 mm |
10 DM |
141 mm × 67 mm |
20 DM |
146 mm × 67 mm |
156 mm × 67 mm |
50 DM |
151 mm × 67 mm |
156 mm × 67 mm |
100 DM |
156 mm × 67 mm |
Segunda serie [editar]
La segunda serie, impresa durante 1949, también siguió siendo publicada por el Bank deutscher Länder. Los billetes con las denominaciones de 10 y 20 marcos alemanes son prácticamente idénticos a los de la primera serie.
Valor | Imagen | Dimensiones |
5 Pf |
112 mm × 67 mm |
10 Pf |
112 mm × 67 mm |
5 DM |
112 mm × 67 mm |
10 DM |
112 mm × 67 mm |
20 DM |
141 mm × 67 mm |
50 DM |
146 mm × 67 mm |
100 DM |
156 mm × 67 mm |
Los nazis al conspirar contra los judios son una REENCARNACION DE AMAN, DESCENDIENTE DE AMALEC, CUANDO CONSPIRA CONTRA LOS JUDIOS EN EL LIBRO DE ESTHER/ISHTAR. EL PRETEXTO SIEMPRE FUE EL MISMO que es que los judios manejan los bancos pero en la realidad es mas profundo ya que la CONSPIRACION EN SI MISMA ES CONTRA EL SANTO GRIAL EL ORO REFINADO. En la misma parabola de los talentos NUESTRO SEÑOR que nuestro señor hace referencia en el contexto a la PARABOLA DE LAS DIEZ VIRGENES (ISHTAR) en el contexto a la iluminacion en MATEO 25, la misma parabola de los talentos es una interrelacion con los 666 talentos del rey salomon (sol-o-mon o sol y luna) que es una referencia al CUARTO DIA DE LA CREACION en el contexto a las dos lumbreras y las estrellas. Osea que ISHTAR TIENE CONNOTACION CON EL CUARTO DIA DE LA CREACION/MIERCOLES/MERCURIO, que sabemos que es el unico material que fue transformado en oro. Jose, el hijo de Jacob/sol y Raquel/luna es la estrella/hijo de ambos tiene connotacion con MERCURIO y esto explica el FUERTE NEXO JOSE CON LA ECONOMIA DE EGIPTO. Tambien sabemos que ISHTAR Y MARDOQUEO, en el libro de ESTHER ERAN DEL LINAJE DE BENJAMIN, osea el hermano de JOSE. ¿QUE LE QUIERO DECIR CON ESTO? Que el libro de ESTHER TIENE FUERTE REFERENCIA ESOTERICA CON EL GRIAL EN EL CONTEXTO A JOSE CON EL CUARTO DIA DE LA CREACION. MARDOQUEO/MARDUK/MARTE ES UN TIPO DEL GRIAL. ESTO EXPLICA DEL PORQUE AMAN CONSPIRA CONTRA MARDOQUEO Y LOS JUDIOS. En la misma PARABOLA DE LOS TALENTOS se hace REFERENCIA A LA SERIA DE FIBONACCI/NUMERO DE ORO con LA REFERENCIA A 1, 2 Y 5 TALENTOS.
La particularidad de esta línea de perihelio/afelio de Mercurio es que está alineada con la Línea fija formada por Orión/Sol/CentroGaláctico, y como la Tierra pasa cada 19 de junio entre el Sol y el Centro galáctico, eso significa que también en ese día pasa frente al afelio de la órbita Mercurio, y frente al perihelio el 19 de diciembre.
Si "eliminamos" la excentricidad y convertimos la órbita de Mercurio es un círculo racional perfectamente equidistante del Sol, resulta que la órbita de Mercurio inscribe a un pentágono (inscrito en la órbita "perfeccionada" de Mercurio), y este pentágono es la figura interior que resulta de la estrella de 5 puntas formada por la Tierra y Venus durante 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus (8 años), lo cual es el Ciclo Pentagonal.
| By Gadiel Lifman
Hace más de dos mil años, el pueblo de Israel fue conquistado por el imperio Babilónico y exiliado de su tierra a Babel, lugar donde permaneció durante setenta años. El libro de Ester, uno de los escritos más tardíos que conforman la Biblia, cuenta cómo durante ese período se perpetró uno de los intentos de aniquilación masiva más grande de la historia del pueblo judío. El primer ministro del reino, Hamán, un descendiente del antiguo pueblo de Amaleq, ideó un plan para exterminar a todos los judíos del imperio. Si uno revisa los textos bíblicos no encontrará un pueblo que sea calificado como más malvado que el pueblo de Amaleq, que desciende de /EsavEsaú, hermano de Iaaqov/Jacób, patriarca del pueblo de Israel. Sobre Amaleq, el paradigma del mal, se comenta en el libro del Éxodo:
"Dios estará en guerra con Amaleq de generación en generación" (Éxodo 17:16).
Las primeras dos veces que se menciona a Amaleq / עמלק en la Biblia es en el libro del Génesis:
Entre las dos primeras veces que se menciona el nombre de Amaleq, aparece codificado con el método de secuencia de letras equidistantes (ELS) esta misma palabra, sorprendentemente construida utilizando la primera letra, es decir la primera letra hebrea, ע (Áin) , de la primera mención de Amaleq, y la última letra de la segunda mención, es decir la letra hebrea ק (Qof).
El equivalente a la figura resultante se vería en español de la siguiente forma:
El intervalo que separa cada una de las letras de Amaleq / עמלק es de 12.110 caracteres, exactamente el número de letras que tiene el libro de Ester, en su hebreo original, demostrando la estrecha relación que existe entre Amaleq y dicho libro.
El libro de Ester relata la historia del pueblo de Israel en su exilio babilónico. Allí, el primer ministro del imperio, Hamán, que no era persa sino agageo, descendiente del pueblo de Amaleq, planeó exterminar a todo judío, como está escrito:
"destruir, matar y exterminar a todos los judíos, jóvenes y ancianos; niños y mujeres" (Ester 3).
Gracias a la diplomacia de la reina Ester -sobrina de Mardoqueo, líder del pueblo en el exilio- el terrible edicto de Hamán fue derogado, decretando la horca para Hamán y sus diez hijos. Este hecho milagroso se festeja cada año en la fiesta de Purim. Al analizar el texto del Libro de Ester, vemos algo que superficialmente nos resulta incomprensible. Sin embargo, al profundizar adquiere gran relevancia. Está escrito:
"Y el Rey dijo a Ester, la Reina: En la capital [cuyo nombre es> Susán, los judíos han matado y exterminado a quinientos hombres y a los diez hijos de Hamán […> cualquiera sea tu petición, te será concedida […> Y dijo Ester: Si al Rey le parece bien que mañana […> sean colgados en la horca los diez hijos de Hamán" (Ester 9).
La petición de la reina sorprende a cualquier lector precavido, ya que los hijos de Hamán ya estaban muertos. El texto acaba de mencionar que los diez hijos de Hamán fueron asesinados junto con otros quinientos hombres, ¿por qué entonces ella solicita que sean colgados en la horca? ¿Cabe acaso suponer que quiere que se cuelguen sus cadáveres? ¿Por qué era necesario que fuesen colgados, si ya estaban muertos? Y una última pregunta, si el rey tiene todo el poder para hacer su voluntad en el reino, ¿por qué no pidió que fuesen colgados ese mismo día? ¿Por qué esperar hasta mañana?
La tradición explica que a veces "mañana" se refiere al día siguiente y otras veces al futuro, a un tiempo lejano. También explica que los hechos recopilados en la Biblia tienen relevancia para el futuro, y que todo evento que fue registrado en ella es una señal de lo que le ocurrirá a futuras generaciones. Del mismo modo, Najmanides (Rabbi Moshe ben Najman 1194 - 1270 e.c)escribe en su comentario a la Torá que se debe ser cuidadoso al estudiar la historia, pues lo que aconteció a nuestros ancestros habrá de sucedernos a nosotros.
Según la tradición, la petición de Ester de que los diez hijos de Hamán fuesen colgados, es una petición concerniente al futuro, y por esto pide que ocurra "mañana", en el futuro. A simple vista, la reina pide que cuando vuelvan a presentarse los diez hijos de Hamán para destruir el pueblo hebreo sean colgados en la horca tal como la primera vez. ¿Cómo puede Ester pedir algo así? ¡Lo que ocurra el día de mañana no estaría en las manos del rey de Asiria! ¿Qué control tendría él sobre los acontecimientos futuros de la humanidad?
Este problema puede resolverse al adentrarnos en las fuentes judías más profundas. Según las mismas, cada vez que el texto escribe "Rey Asuero", realmente se refiere a él, al rey de carne y hueso, pero cuando el texto utiliza sólo la palabra "Rey" se refiere a Dios. De acuerdo a esto entendemos la petición de Ester, pues ella extendía su petición a Dios y no al rey del imperio.
En el texto del libro de Ester, en su idioma original, vemos que el relato en el que los diez hijos de Hamán son colgados (Ester 9) está escrito de forma inusual.
Dicho fragmento es el único que está escrito en dos columnas en todo el libro; en la columna derecha aparece el nombre de cada uno de los hijos de Hamán que es ejecutado y en la columna izquierda aparece la palabra ואת/veet / "y a". Según la tradición, dado que decir después de cada nombre ואת/veet / "y a" no era imperativo, el hecho de que se haya escrito de tal forma viene a señalar algo. Nada en la Biblia está de más, todo esconde un profundo significado. De la misma forma que en español, en hebreo uno puede listar diez personas sólo separándolas por una coma, y si al hacerlo escribiera después de cada uno "y a", por ejemplo, "yo veo a Julio y a Diego y a Fernando y a Agustín", estaría escribiendo una obviedad. Es por esto que la tradición entiende que se escribió así para comunicar un mensaje no explícito en el texto. ¿Qué es lo que aportan estas diez palabras que aparentemente sobran?
Dado que dicha palabra aparece en esta sección diez veces (al lado de cada uno de los nombres de los diez hijos de Hamán) podemos deducir que otras diez personas serán colgadas además de los diez hijos de Hamán, tal como solicitó Ester. ¿Cuándo? Ya lo dijimos: "mañana", en el futuro. Pero ¿quienes serán colgados? ¿Es posible que la petición de Ester se haya cumplido?
En agosto de 1945, representantes de Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña, la Unión Soviética y Francia firmaron un acuerdo que contemplaba conformar un tribunal que enjuiciara a criminales de guerra. Las actividades de esta comisión culminaron en el Acuerdo de Londres, de 1945, que estableció el Tribunal Militar Internacional de Nuremberg.
Los procedimientos, desarrollados a lo largo de más de doscientas sesiones, duraron diez meses. El primero de octubre de 1946, fecha que coincidía con el Iom Kipur, Día del Perdón dentro del calendario hebreo, se dio a conocer el veredicto. Una edición especial del New York Times, del 16 de octubre de 1946, publicaba un reportaje sobre la ejecución de diez criminales de guerra nazis, que fueron encontrados culpables por el tribunal de crímenes de guerra de Nuremberg. Quien recuerde la sección de "Secuencias de letras equidistantes" y la mención de los códigos acerca del holocausto, probablemente recordará cómo el nombre de Amalek (de quien desciende Hamán y por supuesto su diez hijos) aparece codificado entremezclado con la palabra "svástica", y que el intervalo entre las letras con el que se encontró la palabra "Amaleq" es exactamente el doble del intervalo con que se encontró codificada la palabra "svástica". Si bien, el mensaje era claro entonces, es mucho más evidente ahora: los herederos de Amaleq y de su ideología son sin duda los nazis. Tras esta conclusión, el lector podrá entender a qué hace referencia el versículo al mencionar:
"Dios estará en guerra con Amalek de generación en generación" (Éxodo 17:16).
Hitler fue un acérrimo enemigo de la moralidad, culpando al pueblo hebreo de traer, a través de la Biblia, conceptos que no deberían existir en un mundo en el cual el más fuerte tiene derecho al poder.
"Yo liberé a la humanidad de las cadenas del alma. Yo libero a la humanidad de las restricciones de una inteligencia que ha tomado cargo, desde la sucia y degradante auto-mortificación de una visión falsa, llamada conciencia y moralidad" (Adolf Hitler).
Hitler se desentendió de toda la moralidad, asesinando a millones de personas arrastrado por su locura, negando la existencia de valores morales y con ellos la existencia de un Creador.
Aunque el paralelismo es asombroso, es más impresionante aun que este evento estuviera precisamente señalado en el libro de Ester utilizando el método de codificación de la información de las letras pequeñas y grandes.
Al examinar el texto que relata cuando los diez hijos de Hamán son colgados (Ester 9), vemos que tres letras son más pequeñas que el resto.
1. La letra ת /tav/ "t" del nombre del primer hijo פַּרְשַׁנְדָּתָא /Parshandata.
2. la letra ש /shin/ "sh" del nombre del séptimo hijo פַּרְמַשְׁתָּא /Parmashta.
3. Y la letra ז /zain/ "z" del nombre del décimo hijo וַיְזָתָא /Vaizata.
Estas tres letras pequeñas forman תשז, que tiene un valor numérico de 707. Posteriormente, vemos en el texto otra aparente anomalía: hay una letra que es más grande que el resto, que es la letra ו /vav/ "v" nuevamente del nombre del décimo hijo וַיְזָתָא /Vaizata.
A partir de los escritos cabalísticos del Zohar, se explica que esta letra, cuyo valor numérico es seis, representa el sexto milenio. El texto quiere comunicar el milenio codificado a través de letras más grandes de lo normal, y el año dentro de dicho milenio a través de letras más pequeñas de lo habitual.
Uniendo toda la información recabada en el texto que relata cómo fueron colgados los diez hijos de Hamán, encontramos, codificado a través de letras pequeñas y grandes, que en el sexto milenio, en el año 707 -es decir, el año 5707 del calendario hebreo, equivalente a 1946 en el calendario gregoriano- serán muertos diez descendientes de Amaleq. Ese mismo año, tal como mostró el New York Times, los diez criminales nazis fueron condenados a la horca en los tribunales de Nuremberg.
El juicio fue conducido por un tribunal militar, por lo que la condena a muerte debería haber sido ejecutada a mediante la silla eléctrica o por disparos efectuados por un escuadrón de fusilamiento, como marca el reglamento en Estados Unidos. ¿Por qué, sin embargo, los diez nazis fueron colgados en la horca? Porque estaba escrito en el libro de Ester miles de años de atrás:
"Y dijo Ester: Si al Rey le parece bien que mañana […[ sean colgados en la horca los diez hijos de Hamán" (Ester 9).
El 16 de octubre, día de la ejecución, coincidió en ese año con la festividad judía de Hoshana Rabá, el séptimo día de sucot, día considerado por el Zohar como un día de juicio para las naciones del mundo.
La Historia se repetía, la petición que hace miles de años había formulado la reina Ester y que había sido codificada en su libro, se estaba cumpliendo en todos sus detalles: los diez descendientes del pueblo de Amalek, fueron de nuevo colgados en la horca.
Cuando a uno de estos criminales nazis, Streicher, lo llevaban a la horca, miró hacia abajo y gritó: "Purim Fest 1946" (Fiesta de Purim de 1946), la fiesta en la cual el pueblo de Israel celebra desde hace miles de años que fueron salvados de las manos de Hamán y de sus hijos, y que ahora se repetía.
¿Qué fue lo que hizo que Streicher gritara "Purim Fest"? Quizá si el evento hubiese ocurrido en febrero o en marzo, meses en que los judíos de todo el mundo celebran la fiesta de Purim, podríamos comprender por qué grito eso. Sin embargo, la sentencia fue dada en octubre. ¿Dónde puede haber escuchado ese nombre? ¿Quién o qué puso en su mente estos pensamientos que revelaban que ese "mañana" se cumplía al pie de la letra, tal como se escribió hace miles de años en el libro de Ester? Aunque resultara casi increíble aceptarlo, miles de años después, la reina Ester vencía al archienemigo de Israel: Adolf Hitler.
Aharon Pollak - Uri Trajtmann
Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
Puerta de Ishtar, Pergamonmuseum, Berlín
The Ishtar Gate from Babylon; Puerta de Istar; שער עשתר ; بوابة عشتار;
Three names that appear more often as a sacred group of three are … Ninki - (later became Ishtar) the mother Enki - (later became Namakh) the father Marduk the son
This Trinity representation evolved a little further. In the ancient ruins in Syria centuries later after the belief had been passed down many generations, long before The Christ, some names were altered for unknown reasons. Perhaps in the same way the name Yeshua, a Hebrew Aramaic name was altered to become Jesus, a more acceptable Roman name after someone of the authority like Emperor Constantine had altered it. The same three Sun gods from Sumer now as follows… from left to right… Marduk the son on a lion, Enki… now as Namakh the father still retaining the bull of Taurus, and Ninki… now as Ishtar on another lion.
254. Ester 2:19: Cuando las vírgenes eran reunidas la segunda vez, Mardoqueo estaba sentado a la PUERTA del rey.
255. Ester 2:21: En aquellos días, estando Mardoqueo sentado a la PUERTA del rey, se enojaron Bigtán y Teres, dos eunucos del rey, de la guardia de la PUERTA, y procuraban poner mano en el rey Asuero.
256. Ester 3:2: Y todos los siervos del rey que estaban a la PUERTA del rey se arrodillaban y se inclinaban ante Amán, porque así lo había mandado el rey; pero Mardoqueo ni se arrodillaba ni se humillaba.
257. Ester 3:3: Y los siervos del rey que estaban a la PUERTA preguntaron a Mardoqueo: ¿Por qué traspasas el mandamiento del rey?
258. Ester 4:2: Y vino hasta delante de la PUERTA del rey; pues no era lícito pasar adentro de la PUERTA del rey con vestido de cilicio.
259. Ester 4:6: Salió, pues, Hatac a ver a Mardoqueo, a la plaza de la ciudad, que estaba delante de la PUERTA del rey.
260. Ester 5:1: Aconteció que al tercer día se vistió Ester su vestido real, y entró en el patio interior de la casa del rey, enfrente del aposento del rey; y estaba el rey sentado en su trono en el aposento real, enfrente de la PUERTA del aposento.
261. Ester 5:9: Y salió Amán aquel día contento y alegre de corazón; pero cuando vio a Mardoqueo a la PUERTA del palacio del rey, que no se levantaba ni se movía de su lugar, se llenó de ira contra Mardoqueo.
262. Ester 5:13: Pero todo esto de nada me sirve cada vez que veo al judío Mardoqueo sentado a la PUERTA del rey.
263. Ester 6:2: Entonces hallaron escrito que Mardoqueo había denunciado el complot de Bigtán y de Teres, dos eunucos del rey, de la guardia de la PUERTA, que habían procurado poner mano en el rey Asuero.
264. Ester 6:10: Entonces el rey dijo a Amán: Date prisa, toma el vestido y el caballo, como tú has dicho, y hazlo así con el judío Mardoqueo, que se sienta a la PUERTA real; no omitas nada de todo lo que has dicho.
265. Ester 6:12: Después de esto Mardoqueo volvió a la PUERTA real, y Amán se dio prisa para irse a su casa, apesadumbrado y cubierta su cabeza.
486. Hechos 12:10: Habiendo pasado la primera y la segunda guardia, llegaron a la PUERTA de hierro que daba a la ciudad, la cual se les abrió por sí misma; y salidos, pasaron una calle, y luego el ángel se apartó de él.
12:11 Entonces Pedro, volviendo en sí, dijo: Ahora entiendo verdaderamente que el Señor ha enviado su ángel, y me ha librado de la mano de Herodes, y de todo lo que el pueblo de los judíos esperaba.
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
487. Hechos 12:13: Cuando llamó Pedro a la PUERTA del patio, salió a escuchar una muchacha llamada Rode,
488. Hechos 12:14: la cual, cuando reconoció la voz de Pedro, de gozo no abrió la PUERTA, sino que corriendo adentro, dio la nueva de que Pedro estaba a la PUERTA.
HECHOS 12:12 (1+2:1+2/3:3)
gate in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 |
( |
7 |
1 |
20 |
5 |
) |
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
Entre el 11 de febrero y el 24 de Junio (Dia de San Juan el Bautista) tenemos 133=19x7 dias. Se confirma la interrelacion esoterica de dicha virgen con el libro de Esther, en el contexto al linaje edomita de Herodes, que fue el que le corto la cabeza a Juan el Bautista. 180-133=47. ESTA TODO CODIFICADO KAVALISTICAMENTE. 47 ES EL NUMERO DEL REPOSO SABATICO Y FATIMA. ENTRE EL 15 DE ADAR (PURIM=ESTHER) Y EL 1 DE AV (SHAVUOT) TENEMOS 133 DIAS. AQUI ESTARIA LA CLAVE. EL 24 DE JUNIO EN EL AÑO 666 ME CAE EN PLENILUNIO EN EL DIA DE JUAN EL BAUTISTA. LA MISMA SECUENCIA LUNAR DEL 666 ES SIMILAR A LA DE 1945 (fin de la segunda guerra mundial e incluso el año de la bomba de Hiroshima), 1964, 1983 Y 2002.
SVASTICA O RUEDA DEL SOL. Es un símbolo religioso antiguo usado mucho tiempo antes de que Hitler tomara el poder. Ha sido usado en inscripciones Budistas, Monumentos Celtas y monedas Griegas. Representa el curso del sol en los cielos. También representa el poder del boomerang, todo lo que sube tiene que bajar, todo lo que haces se devuelve. |
52 – Aztec Calender Stone and Calendar Wheel – OLLIN – PhaiStoS disc – OMphalos – the SwaStika as KEY
Aztec calendar stone, Sun Stone, or Stone of the Five Eras is perhaps the most famous work of Aztec sculpture.
“Realizing this I perceived how, with the origin of the swastika, I had found the origin of the set of primeval ideas which had governed the human race from its infancy and which, in Mexican and Central American civilizations, ultimately developed into their ingenious system of government and social organization”
– Zelia Nuttall
UPDATE November 19, 2014
The following link and accompanying image was shared with me on faKebook recently.
What needs to be noted is that the swastika is finally being acknowledged by the next wave of sheeple that the 2012 sheeple herders had put into motion.
And now it appears we can move forward and start to fine tune the ‘system that wants us to learn about itself’ as Itzhak Bentov suggested.
Perfect Fifths 3:2
This video demonstrates Walter Russell tapped into what ‘just is’ is. Walter was not the first nor will he will the last to struggle to find that language that bridges the gap between the spiritual and the manifest.
above spiral image and quote by Walter Russell
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability”
-Albert Einstein
The Bardo Thodol, the Tibetan Book of the Dead note the swastika placed in the center of the triangle placed over another triangle forming a hexagon and the Viśva-vajra or “double vajra”
First I want to present a discussion taking place between two authors who are both providing evidence for their ‘pet’ theories. Robert Bauvel believes that the stars found on the belt of Orion best represent the alignment of the three main pyramids on the Giza plateau while Andrew Collins is suggesting Cygnus is a better fit.
However in this discussion between Andrew Collins and Robert Bauvel I want to point out how often they both make reference to the fact that the northern sky and its immortal, imperishable, circumpolar stars were indeed held sacred by the Egyptians.
Thanks to ancient Egyptian texts, we now know the Sphinx represents Horemakhet (“Horus of the Horizon”) and is the divine personification of the rising disk of the Sun, fully poised on the eastern horizon. Intentionally aligned toward cardinal east, the Sphinx reflects the ritual significance of the cardinal directions in the Old Kingdom period (2686-2181 B.C.).
Cardinal directions originate astronomically in the daily rotation of the sky around the north celestial pole, a location of high interest to the ancient Egyptians. The entire Giza necropolis adheres to an accurate cardinal grid. -E.C. Krupp
It has long been accepted by Egyptologists that the imagined skyward ascent of the king’s soul was either in the north of the sky among the ‘Imperishable Stars’ or in the south of the sky amongst the stars of Orion.
This specific belief is materialized in the Great Pyramid of Giza by the so-called star-shafts emanating from the King’s Chamber, where one was targeted north to the circumpolar stars and the other targeted south to Orion.
In consideration of this, it is justified to wonder if the pyramids were not, in some symbolic way, ‘moored’ or ‘anchored’ not just to the circumpolar region of the sky in general but, more specifically, to the pole of the ecliptic, the true ‘pole’ of the sky? -Robert Bauvel
In the Pyramid Texts a stellar deity is generally denoted with the ‘five-pointed star’ ideogram, as they did for the star-god Sah (Orion), Mesekhtiu (Big Dipper/Ursa Major) or Sothis (Sirius).
There were many gods and goddesses in ancient Egypt that were cosmic in character or origins and were avian deities or had avian symbolism such Re (Falcon), Horakhti (falcon), Sopdu (falcon), Montu (falcon), Sokar (falcon), Thoth (ibis), Benu (heron), Geb (goose), Gengen-Wer (goose) and Nekhbet (vulture). Also there were many others, although not avian, who were shown with large wings, such as Maat, Nut, Isis, and Nephtys. -Robert Bauvel
Recall Ursa Minor was also portrayed as the ‘wings’ of Draco!
The ancient Egyptians would have noted three distinct constellations within the circumpolar region, namely the Big Dipper (Ursae Major); the Small Dipper (Ursae Minor) and Draco.
“The Antiquity of Man,” Krupp related, “Magical incantations inscribed on the interior walls of some Egyptian pyramids pinpoint the destiny of the pharaohs once buried within them. These prayers are known as the Pyramid Texts, and they tell us that the final destination of a dead king’s soul was the sky. In particular, the pharaoh flew to the circumpolar stars. Neither rising nor setting, these stars migrate around the north celestial pole without ever slipping into the underworld below the horizon. To the Egyptians they were the ‘undying’ stars, and their immortality would naturally attract a soul in search of everlasting life. In ancient Egyptian belief these stars advanced as a celestial army, parading eternally around the hub of heaven and keeping the cosmos on course with the daily rotation of the sky.”
However, the sky-world was not here, in the east, but in the north, the place of absolute darkness, where the Imperishable Stars are to be found. This is stated again and again in the Pyramid Texts, and was why all major pyramids, and many mastaba tombs, were aligned north and not east.
Once again, this is a universal concept going back to very ancient shamanic traditions which influenced the spread of cosmology and religion worldwide. The transmigration of the soul was very often seen to be reflected in the passage of migratory birds north towards breeding grounds, something present, although previously unexplored, in ancient Egyptian tradition. – Andrew Collins
The Egyptian ideas of the soul do not fit Cygnus at all. They fit the circumpolar constellations of 2600 BC, which were the Big Dipper, Draco and Ursa Minor. They also fit Orion. I repeat, Cygnus was not circumpolar in 2600 BC. Cygnus was circumpolar before 9000 BC. And Deneb was never a pole star. The nearest it got to the pole was some 50,000 years ago. I’m sure Collins does not want to entertain those dates. -Robert Bauvel
Moreover, as Faulkner makes clear in ‘The king and the Star-religion in the Pyramid Texts, JNES 25, 1966, pp. 153-161, the principal destination of the deceased in the Pyramid Texts is the Imperishable Stars of the north, with much fewer references to Sah (your Orion) as a destination. -Andrew Collins
Yet in astronomical terms, Anubis is associated almost certainly with the ox thigh constellation, which is also the primary sacred adze of the sky. This is a northern constellation par excellence… – Andrew Collins
A depiction of an adze was also used as a hieroglyph, representing the consonants stp, “chosen“, and used as: …Pharaoh XX, chosen of God/Goddess YY…
The ahnetjer (Manuel de Codage transliteration: aH-nTr) depicted as an adze-like instrument,[4] was used in the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, intended to convey power over their senses to statues and mummies. It was apparently the foreleg of a freshly sacrificed bull or cow with which the mouth was touched.
The “Frieze of American History” is painted to appear as a carved stone bas-relieffrieze but is actually a trompe-l’œil fresco cycle depicting 19 scenes from American history. The “frieze” occupies a band immediately below the 36 windows. Brumidi designed the frieze and prepared a sketch in 1859 but did not begin painting until 1878. Brumidi painted seven and a half scenes. While working on “William Penn and the Indians,” Brumidi fell off the scaffolding and held on to a rail for 15 minutes until he was rescued. He died a few months later in 1880. After Brumidi’s death, Filippo Costaggini was commissioned to complete the eight and a half remaining scenes in Brumidi’s sketches. He finished in 1889 and left a 31-foot (9 m) gap due to an error in Brumidi’s original design. In 1951, Allyn Cox completed the frieze.
Except for the last three panels named by Allyn Cox, the scenes have no particular titles and many variant titles have been given. The names given here are the names used by the Architect of the Capitol, which uses the names that Brumidi used most frequently in his letters and that were used in Edward Clark and by newspaper articles.
The 19 panels are: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Capitol_rotunda
This panel shows the Spanish conquistadorHernán Cortés entering an Aztectemple, being welcomed by Moctezuma II. At the beginning of the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, Moctezuma and the Aztecs honored Cortés as a god, believing that he was the returning god Quetzalcoatl.
The Aztec calendar stone and cult images are based on sketches drawn by Brumidi in Mexico City.
Dispelling the myths about 2012
The investigations of Maurice Cotterell.
Aztec Calender Stone and Calendar Wheel
52 – OLLIN – PhaiStoS disc – OMphalos
Swastika is the KEY
The Aztec calendar stone, Mexica sun stone, Stone of the Sun (Spanish: Piedra del Sol), or Stone of the Five Eras, is a large monolithic sculpture that was excavated in the Zócalo, Mexico City‘s main square, on December 17, 1790.[2] It was discovered whilst Mexico City Cathedral was being repaired.[3] The stone is around 12 feet or 3.7 m!!! across and weighs about 24 tons.[4]
The exact purpose and meaning of the stone is unclear. However archaeologists and historians have proposed a number of theories and it seems likely that there are many aspects to the stone.[5]
Mexican anthropologist Antonio de León y Gama (1735-1802) remarked that the Sun Stone showed that the Aztecs had knowledge of geometry to be able to carve the stone symmetrically and it showed they also had knowledge of mechanics to be able to move the stone from its quarry to its final destination.[1]
“The exact purpose and meaning of the stone is unclear”
“To this day, the theorem of Pythagoras remains the most important single theorem in the whole of mathematics. That seems a bold and extraordinary thing to say, yet it is not extravagant; because what Pythagoras established is a fundamental characterization of the space in which we move, and it is the first time that is translated into numbers. And the exact fit of the numbers describes the exact laws that bind the universe. In fact, the numbers that compose right-angled triangles have been proposed as messages which we might send out to planets in other star systems as a test for the existence of rational life there.”
– Jacob Bronowski 1973
The video where we can find that quote;
Also the MIT scholar Giorgio de Santillana believed that the ancients perceived the pole of the ecliptic as the centre of a ‘whirlpool’ in the sky. In keeping with this hypothesis, R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz demonstrates that the astronomical arrangements of the circumpolar and zodiacal constellations at the centre of the circular Denderah Zodiacshow both the pole of the ecliptic as well as the north celestial pole.
As the author and pyramid researcher Peter Tompkins explained:
“The zodiac (of Denderah) is a circle at the centre of which is our north pole… our nor th pole is correctly located in the constellation of the jackal, or Little Bear (Ursa Minor), as it was at the time the zodiac was carved, sometime about the first century BC. But the zodiac also shows the pole of the ecliptic, located in the breast of the hippopotamus, or constellation of Draco. To Schwaller this explains the spiral formation of the constellations. The mythological figures are entwined in two circles –one around the north pole and one around the pole of the ecliptic. Where these two circles intersect marks the point of the equinox, or due east. The zodiac thus becomes a calendar going back to remote antiquity.”
In the 1970s the professor of the History of Science, Livio C. Stecchini, examined ancient Egyptian charts of the circumpolar constellations, showing the Hippopotamus (Draco) and the Thigh (Ursa Major or Great Bear) as well as a hawk-headed man, probably Horus, seen pointing a pole or spear at the head of the Bull.
According to the Czechoslovakian Egyptologist Zybnek Zaba, the pole or spear held by the hawk-headed man indicated the meridian line passing through the north celestial pole. But Stecchini did not agree. He maintained that Zaba did not notice that the spear’s head divided the seven stars of the Thigh (Big Bear) constellation into groups of three and four stars. This line defined by the spear, argued Stecchini, does not indicate the meridian passing through the north celestial pole at all but the meridian passing through the pole of the ecliptic.
According to Stecchini, the ancient Egyptians not only understood the precession of the equinoxes but also knew that the true meridian is the one passing through the pole of the ecliptic.
What follows was written in 1901, and it is being ignored today, why?
“The moment primitive man began to observe anything, he must have taken note of the stars, and as soon as he began to talk about them he must have started by defining, in some way or other, the particular star he meant…. Observers would first consider the brightest stars and separate them from the dimmer ones; they would then discuss the stars which never set (the circumpolar constellations) and separate them from those which did rise and set. Then they would naturally, in a northern clime, choose out the constellation of the Great Bear or Orion, and for small groups, the Pleiades (op. cit. p. 132)…. A few years’ observation would have appeared to demonstrate the absolute changelessness of the places of the rising and setting of the same stars. It is true that this result would have been found to be erroneous when a long period of time had elapsed and when observation became more accurate, but for hundreds of years the stars would certainly appear to represent fixity, while the movements of the sun, moon and planets would seem to be bound by no law … would appear erratic, so long as the order of their movements was not known.”
The reflection that Ursa Major was probably the first constellation which made any deep impression upon the mind of prehistoric man in America, as elsewhere, lent an additional interest to the star-group, as I concentrated my mind upon its form and endeavored to imagine it in four equidistant positions, corresponding to the numerals in the symbol Ollin of the calendar-stone of Mexico.
I succeeded in obtaining, in succession, mental images of the constellation in four opposite positions. This effort led to an unforeseen result which surprised me. In a flash of mental vision I perceived a quadrupled image of the entire constellation, standing [pg 015]out in scintillating brilliancy from the intense darkness of the wintry sky (fig. 3, no. 3). At the same moment I saw that it bore the semblance of a symmetrical swastika of giant proportions. This fact, so unexpectedly realized, gave rise to such an absorbing train of new ideas and interpretations of the data I had accumulated, that I left my window, on that memorable night, with a growing perception of the deep and powerful influence the prolonged observation of Polaris and the circumpolar constellations would naturally have exerted upon the mind of primitive man. Deeply impressed with the striking resemblance between the composite image of Polaris, Ursa Major, and certain forms of the swastika, I started on a fresh line of investigation, and devoted myself to the study of primitive astronomy and its influence upon the intellectual development of mankind in general and the American races in particular.
After having worked, during thirteen years, without any preconceived ideas about the ancient Mexican civilization and without formulating any general conclusion concerning it, I saw all the knowledge I had slowly acquired fall into rank and file and organize itself into a simple and harmonious whole.
“Realizing this I perceived how, with the origin of the swastika, I had found the origin of the set of primeval ideas which had governed the human race from its infancy and which, in Mexican and Central American civilizations, ultimately developed into their ingenious system of government and social organization.”
Plate II. Various Forms of the Swastika
Scholars often mention in passing that Itzpapalotl has some (unspecified) connection to the day sign Ollin…
This may be because the standard form of the sign resembles that of a butterfly. “The butterfly was simultaneously a symbol of the soul and a sign for the concept of olin (undulant circling, rocking, oscillating or rolling movement, representing the space-time continuum, that is, the passage of time in space, marked by changes in the positions of the planets and the day-night sequences). Butterfly equaled olin because of the iconography of olin (see section on geometric designs, p. 180). It was also thus identified because of its movements.
Butterfly-olin was also a deity unit (Itzpapalotl).” – Eva Hunt
(Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977) 59, 180-183.
Hummingbirds, butterflies, and bats were anomalies;
Anubis not only opens the mouth of Osiris as the mummy. He also opens the mouth of Osiris as the underworld. Osiris’s mouth symbolizes the “jaws of death”, the entrance to the underworld. In this sense Anubis is the Conductor of Souls, like the Ferryman Charon of Greek myth. Indeed, in his manifestation as Upuaut, “the Opener of the Ways”, he is the ferryman of the solar barque.
This constellation also represents Arcas, the son of the Zeus (Jupiter, Jove), and Callisto (Kallisto – Ursa Major or Arktos). The land that is called Arcadia was named after Arcas. Arcadia, or Arcady, is often described in idyllic terms; the ideal land of rustic simplicity:
“Arcadia has become a poetic byword for an idyllic vision of unspoiled wilderness filled with the bounties of nature and inhabited by shepherds … Arcadia may refer to some imaginary idyllic paradise, immortalized by Virgil’s Eclogues, … Arcadia (utopia)” [2].
“Arcadia, that’s older than the moon (if we believe it), takes its name from great Arcas, Callisto’s son” [Ovid Book 1, The Carmentalia 3 ].
The Latin name Helice and its Greek cognates seems to have been the most common title for this constellation with both Greeks and Romans. Of the name Helice Allen in Star Names says that in Greece Ursa Major was referred to as Elix (with the h dropped), meaning curved, or spiral (helix), and Elike, Homer’s Elikopes, apparently first used for the constellation by Aratos (310 BC – 240 BC). Some, however, derived the name from the curved or twisted position of the chief stars; and others, still more probably, from the city Helice, Kallisto’s birthplace in Arcadia [Star Names, see below] (ancientHelike a city on Gulf of Corinth lost in a tidal wave in 373 BC was rediscovered in 2001)
The Roman poet Ovid used this title, Helice, in the Fasti, where he wrote of both the Bears, in navigation. Manilius (see below) also called it Helice. The word helix and the Greek name Helice comes from Greek elix, meaning a helixform, or revolving form, from the Indo-European root *wel-3 ‘To turn, roll’. Derivatives: waltz, welter,whelk¹ (marine snail), whelk, willow (Salix), walk, well¹ (a water hole), wallet, wale (a weal or welt),wallow, vault¹ (an arched structure), voluble, volume, volute, archivolt, circumvolve, convolve,devolve, evolve, evolution (to unroll as one unrolled a scroll),
Recall the symbol we find associated with the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
Vajra (Devanagari) or dorje (Tibetan) is a word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond.
How many rays are emanating from each end of the double vajra/dorje?
13 x 4 = 52 rays plus the center containing the ‘solar’ swastika.
Is 52 an important number to the Aztec calendar?
In the Aztec Calendar Wheel below how many segments is each of the four arms broken into?
13 x 4 = 52 segments plus the center which contains the ‘sun’.
13 x 4 = 52
64 – DNA – Mayan’s AINTIRAM – NaSSim Haramein – Tesseract – Hypercube – Chris Dunn
DNA says so …
The above book DNA AND THE I CHING was published in the 1990s, the youtube interview featuring Nassim Haramein below is recent.
On the cover of the book we see a cube, specifically a 4x4x4 cube comprised of 64 smaller cubes.
If we rotated the cube so we could see only one face, it would appear as a 4×4 square, comprised of 16 squares.
Obviously the word ‘amazing’ that Nassim Haramein uses in reference to his epiphany regarding the ancient text Aintiram, does NOT have a best before date that can expire.
Obviously everybody proceeds at their own speed and pace, and what was amazing yesterday to one person, will still be amazing in the future to another person just waking up.
The importance of the number 64
Tesseract – Hypercube – Maltese Cross – Crucifix – cube within the cube – wheels within wheels …
Dalí — Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “tesseract” was coined and first used in 1888 by Charles Howard Hinton in his book A New Era of Thought, from the Greek τέσσερεις ακτίνες (“four rays”), referring to the four lines from each vertex to other vertices. Some people have called the same figure a tetracube, and also simply a hypercube (although the term hypercube is also used with dimensions greater than 4).
Net for the cubic representation of the genetic code by codons according to all possible binary correlations of their I-Ching tables Dotted circles are the rotational ‘poles’
File Compression and Expansion of the Genetic Code by the use of the Yin/YangDirections to find its Sphered Cube
Objective: The objective of this article is to demonstrate that the genetic code can be studied and represented in a 3-D Sphered Cube for bioinformatics and for education by using the graphical help of the ancient “Book of Changes” or I Ching for the comparison, pair by pair, of the three basic characteristics of nucleotides: H-bonds, molecular structure, and their tautomerism. Methods: The source of natural biodiversity is the high plasticity of the genetic code, analyzable with a reverse engineering of its 2-D and 3-D representations (here illustrated), but also through the classical 64-hexagrams of the ancient I Ching, as if they were the 64-codons or words of the genetic code. Results: In this article, the four elements of the Yin/Yang were found by correlating the 3×2=6 sets of Cartesian comparisons of the mentioned properties of nucleic acids, to the directionality of their resulting blocks of codons grouped according to their resulting amino acids and/or functions, integrating a 384 codon Sphered Cube whose function is illustrated by comparing six brain peptides and a promoter of osteoblasts from Humans versus Neanderthal, as well as to Negadi’s work on the importance of the number 384 within the genetic code. Conclusions: Starting with the codon/anticodon correlation of Nirenberg, published in full here for the first time, and by studying the genetic code and its 3-D display, the buffers of reiteration within codons codifying for the same amino acid, displayed the two long (binary number one) and older Yin/Yang arrows that travel in opposite directions, mimicking the parental DNA strands, while annealing to the two younger and broken (binary number zero) Yin/Yang arrows, mimicking the new DNA strands; the graphic analysis of the genetic code and its plasticity was helpful to compare compatible sequences, while further exploring the wondrous biodiversity of nature for educational purposes.
This is a great great article:
Unfolding the Tesseract an 8-cell by Peter Turney
I see YHVH trapezoid geometry in the 5 sections of the ‘cut cube’ image on the right. I see the numbers 5 6 7 8 written on the apex indicative of the corners. I see a Maltese Cross and a blueprint we can place over the ‘truncated’ Great Pyramid.
5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 26
But here is the real wow. (I love coincidences) After my neighbor John P. of many years died, his daughter held a contents sale. I picked up a few items that belonged to John one of them was an odd plaque that simply had the numbers 5 6 7 8 placed on it.
His daughter had no knowledge of what the numbers meant. I liked the plaque because the numbers added up to 26 and also because my badge #856 could be found plus magical #7.
It is clear from the items that found their way to me, that ole’ John P. had probably attended some Freemason meetings in his life.
After all John P. was a big city cop for 31 years so that does not surprise me, because as I found out working for the fire department, Freemasons are attracted to these occupations, or should I say are invited to the meetings after joining the force. So maybe during an interview it helps to know how to give a good ole’ proper handshake when applying to become an ‘apprentice’.
Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2
It might help before proceeding to the above link to have a quick look at this link first:
DNA is the common denominator that links the we are the 99% . Even the 1% belongs to the 99% as defined by DNA.
note below the Friendship Knot that is made by 4 hands in an embrace.
… follow the forearm to the 4 bends in the 4 elbows >>> so what symbol that helps define CW or CCW movement comes to mind?
Does CHASE Bank want to be counted among your friends?
If you do not enjoy this documentary I will refund you your funny Freedom 55 CHASE the money.
Many AHA to be found among the ruins in that documentary. Did you know that the first king of Egypt called Menes by the Greeks was know as King AHA! or Hor-AHA?
Relationship of both the great pyramid and the swastika to the squared circle
i.e. Go to 1:18:20 of that video. listen carefully to what is being said about the two circles being drawn relative to a square pyramid with eight sides.
Is the speed of light mentioned along with pi?
These next mages were taken out of books printed in and around 1923.
Note in the first image, we have those 4 special constellations mentioned in the documentary, highlighted in the four corners. i.e. The Man, the Eagle, the Lion, the Bull
…similar geometry. Is it difficult to connect the star of david to the square or cube? Not at all.
And throughout the video we saw how they divided the Great Pyramid into eight sections, not four.
Go to 16:00 of that video for a discussion of the 8 sided pyramid.
Does the 8 sided pyramid whose 8 sides can only be seen briefly during the two equinoxes have any relationship to the BaB-iLu and the BiBLe?
BaB-iLu is similar to BiBle with the vowels removed…BBL….so is BaBeL, BiBLioS, BaRBeLoS, and the word QiBBLe which is the root of the word CaBaLa.
GeNeSiS is GNoSiS, or both can be written GNSS, if you remove the vowels.
I did promise you an aha or two.
Now you need to find the match to those hexagons/trapezoid in the next image.
Temple of Man Schwaller de Lubicz page 177 Serpents in the Sky by John Anthony West
WTF 911
WTC 7 is the same shape as the YHVH trapezoid?
YHWH = 26 QaBaLaH =137
Arthur I. Miller ends his book ‘137‘ discussing the ‘26‘ constants physics is currently using trying to formalize a ‘theory of everything’.
Yes 26 of course….and 137 is the most fundamental of them ALL encapsulating 3 other constants into ONE dimensionless constant.
Now would be a good time to introduce the work of engineer Tons Brunes and his insights into geometry.
Specifically ‘the Sacred Cut’.
And what shape do we see on those wheels/gears/cogs to the right of Chris Dunn?
Where have we seen this ‘offset Brigit’s Cross, the archetypal ‘ SEED PATTERN? How important does it appear to be? Well the money lenders and animal traders seem to know all about this sacred geometry.
That seems to be clear.
The SEED pattern was recognized in China long ago.
We find it referenced for a solution to the Pythagorean theorem for (3, 4, 5) triangle utilized by Chou Pei Suan Ching 500–200 BCE
Rustler’s or Friendship Knot
St. Brigid’s Knot
Do you see how the NAZI’s twisted vision tried to take possession of the universal SEED pattern in order to propagate Aryan SEED and eliminate the rest?
This medieval illustrated manuscript shows a banking scene. I find it curious indeed that the background scene is a series of Solomon’s Knot which my research has shown to be associated to the swastika, the Chase Banking logo , molecular knots, the Nano Light Mill, and indeed it is also a symbol for precession of the equinoxes too!
I wonder when Jesus cleared the temple in protest IF Solomon’s Knot was visible and part of the drama? I wonder if the swastika was in plain sight back in the 1st century A.D.?
Jesus Clears the Temple Courts
13 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”
p.s. As some of the readers know part of my journey and this blog focuses on the numbers ‘137-6‘ and ‘137-9‘.
Shall we take a closer look at the numbers on the plaque and see how they add up?
5 + 8 = 13 (notice the Fibonacci series i.e. 5, 8, 13) 6 and 7
Thus the plaque yields the numbers 137-6. A sweet coincidence from my POV.
Dear John R.I.P.
5 a 19 de 49
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