Asunción, Paraguay - The city is one of the oldest in South America. The seven hills are difficult to detect, but are: Cabara, Cerro Lambaré, Clavel, Cachinga, Cachinga, Tacumbú amd Tarumã
Lynchburg, Virginia, United States College Hill, Garland Hill, Daniel's Hill, Federal Hill, Diamond Hill, White Rock Hill, and Franklin Hill were the original "Seven Hills" of the City of Lynchburg.[10]
Nevada City, California, United States, built on Piety, Lost, Prospect, Aristocracy, Boulder, Nabob, and Buckeye Hills [11]
Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, built on Airport Hill, Bancroft Hill, Belmont Hill, Grafton Hill, Green Hill, Pakachoag Hill, and Vernon Hill.
Jerusalem, Israel This important religious center is situated on seven hills, but considering the various changes of the landscape over the centuries, it has not been possible to locate the hills on which the city rests.
Tirumala, India In Asia, there are few cities on seven hills, except in India. One of the hill town of Tirumala is precisely where the Temple of Seven Hills, the Tirumala Venkateswara. This temple is affirmed to be the most active place of worship in the world.
Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany, The seven hills of Bamberg are; Cathedral Hill, Michaelsberg, Kaulberg/Obere Pfarre, Stefansberg, Jakobsberg, Altenburger Hill, and Abtsberg.
Jano o Janus era un antiguo dios solar asirio-babilónico, asimilado primero como dios principal por los etruscos y luego por los romanos. Su principal característica es la de tener dos caras, una cara mirando a cada lado, una hacia atrás mirando al pasado y otra hacia adelante mirando al futuro, pues era el que vigilaba el umbral que los separa. Por eso se le dedicada el primer mes del ciclo del nuevo año, (enero que proviene de januarius) y se le relaciona con el principio (alfa) y con el fin (omega) de todas las cosas. Es el eje de la rueda del tiempo y se le conoce como el “Señor de la Eternidad”. También es el "Principium Deorum" o dios del principio y se le invocaba cada mañana al comienzo de la jornada de trabajo o cada vez que se iniciaba una nueva actividad.
<<<< Jano con sus llaves, su báculo y su gallo, signos compartidos por San Pedro
Jano, el dios de las dos caras, es el sincretismo de Moloch (el sumerio anunnaki Ningishzida). Por eso algunas monarquías -las servidoras de esta facción anunnaki- tienen el águila bicéfala como símbolo. Además el símbolo de Moloch son las aves rapaces o aves con garras, como el dragón, búho, halcón, gallo, pavo real, etc.
<<<<<<< Las dos caras de Jano y escudo de la familia rusa de los Romanov.
Jano, una deidad de arraigo popular muy profundo, era el dios de las puertas ya que se le ponía en la puerta y de las casas (los romanos llamaban "januas" a las puertas). De ahí su nombre y las dos llaves que le representan, una dorada y otra de plata -la unión de los opuestos- y se les asocia con las dos puertas solsticiales (solsticios de cáncer y de capricornio). En la simbología cristiana, éstas llaves son las de Pedro el apóstol, con las que abre y cierra el “Reino de los cielos” y forman parte desde siempre del escudo del Vaticano. Por su parte, el solsticio de Cáncer se ha convertido en la festividad de San Juan.
1. 1 Samuel 23:7: Y fue dado aviso a Saúl que David había venido a Keila. Entonces dijo Saúl: Dios lo ha entregado en mi mano, pues se ha encerrado entrando en ciudad con puertas y CERRADURAS.
2. 1 Reyes 4:13: el hijo de Geber en Ramot de Galaad; éste tenía también las ciudades de Jair hijo de Manasés, las cuales estaban en Galaad; tenía también la provincia de Argob que estaba en Basán, sesenta grandes ciudades con muro y CERRADURAS de bronce;
3. Nehemías 3:3: Los hijos de Senaa edificaron la puerta del Pescado; ellos la enmaderaron, y levantaron sus puertas, con sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos.
4. Nehemías 3:6: La puerta Vieja fue restaurada por Joiada hijo de Paseah y Mesulam hijo de Besodías; ellos la enmaderaron, y levantaron sus puertas, con sus CERRADURAS y cerrojos.
5. Nehemías 3:13: La puerta del Valle la restauró Hanún con los moradores de Zanoa; ellos la reedificaron, y levantaron sus puertas, con sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos, y mil codos del muro, hasta la puerta del Muladar.
6. Nehemías 3:14: Reedificó la puerta del Muladar Malquías hijo de Recab, gobernador de la provincia de Bet-haquerem; él la reedificó, y levantó sus puertas, sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos. (3:14=NUMERO PI=PI-RAMIDE =EXPERIMENTO FILADELFIA= 22/7 (DIA DE MARIA LA MAGDALENA= PYRAMID= MARY)
7. Nehemías 3:15: Salum hijo de Colhoze, gobernador de la región de Mizpa, restauró la puerta de la Fuente; él la reedificó, la enmaderó y levantó sus puertas, sus CERRADURAS y sus cerrojos, y el muro del estanque de Siloé hacia el huerto del rey, y hasta las gradas que descienden de la ciudad de David. 3 curiosidades de Roma 308 × 400 - 31k - jpg El elegante edificio situado 399 × 599 - 35k - jpg
fronterasblog.wordpres... el ojo de la cerradura. 2816 × 2112 - 1038k - jpg
fronterasblog.wordpres... El ojo de la cerradura de los 2000 × 1328 - 191k - jpg cerradura sta maria priorato 602 × 401 - 189k - jpg
the Heaven's Gate Cult that committed maSS suicide is discussed in the next post...
This powerful KEYHOLE shape helps explain why an evolving consciousness would build TEMPLES that resemble our own DNA. The distinct KEYHOLE or LIGHTBULB shape/form that is a perfect match for DNA expressed as binary code.
Makes sense to both ME and me shadow. We build DNA (holy grail) temples, that we can enter, and pray, chant mantras, sing, wed, bury the dead, or to help heal accessing/via our epi-genome which is hierarchical to our genome-mapped DNA?
p.s. what did Tesla see in his dreams?
more MEMES of course.
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
Last edited by Raphael on Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:03 pm, edited 9 times in total.
But that symbol of the KEYHOLE is still being used by some powerful groups. WHY? Think about it.
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
The offering of a mandala containing the entire wealth of the universe is the highest ritual expression of devotion in the Buddhist tradition. -Robert Beer The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols
How much MORE evidence do we need about the number 37 representing the number of the collective unconscious? Did you start reading on page 1?
I do wish my name was SS, a.k.a. Steven SpIELberg, this would be a fucking blockbuster. Jesus H. Christ please explain why U R such a copy-KAt, and why your followers need to convert everybody to your way of thinking and feeling? You do not seem that original when folks go searching for a TRUTH that truly unifies. Why all of the smote, smoke and mirrors?
2D version of the 37 Point Mandala Offering
Bab-Ilu the Gate of God
Note both images have 4 axis. xyz and t
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
188. Apocalipsis 17:9Esto, para la mente que tenga sabiduría: Las siete cabezas son siete MONTES, sobre los cuales se sienta la mujer,
20. Marcos 16:9Habiendo, pues, resucitado Jesús por la mañana, el primer día de la semana, apareció primeramente a María Magdalena, de quien había echado siete DEMONIOS.
The Seven Hills of Rome. The thick black line encircling the hills represents the old city wall.
Ancient Rome was built on and around seven hills, remnants of an old volcanic ridge. The symbolism of the most important city in Western antiquity, the home of the Catholic Church, being built upon seven hills has carried on throughout the ages. Today, dozens of notable cities around the world can claim, intentionally or not, to be built upon seven hills.
The historic seven hills of Constantinople were basically synonymous with the city core, bounded on the north by the Golden Horn, on the east and south by the Sea of Marmara, and on the west by the city wall. AncientByzantium was founded on the first hill at Seraglio Point. Modern Istanbul has long since expanded beyond these bounds. The parallels between Rome and old Constantinople, of course, were many due to their shared heritage as seats of the Roman Empire, and their statuses as seats of the two main branches of pre-Reformation Christianity. It may come as little surprise that when Moscow became the main centre of the Orthodox Church (a ‘third Rome’) after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the myth that it, too, was built upon seven hills arose in an effort to further the analogy between the two cities.
Seven Hills,[1][2][3] or Seven Mountains (German: Siebengebirge), is a Central Uplandishhill range on the east bank of the Middle Rhine, southeast of Bonn, Germany. The area, located in the municipalities of Bad Honnef andKönigswinter, consists of more than 40 hills. The hills are of ancient volcanic origin and came into being between 28 and 15 million years ago. Much of the territory covered by Seven Hills belongs to the Seven Hills Nature Park (Naturpark Siebengebirge), which is under environmental protection.
The highest peak is the Ölberg at 460 metres above sea level. It is a popular tourist destination for hiking, because of its natural beauty.
Although the common English name "Seven Hills" is merely the most logical translation of the German name, Siebengebirge, the origins of the latter are disputed. Three theories exist:
The oldest name (Moller, 1590) was not Siebengebirge, but Sieben Berge (septem montes, seven hills). Depending on the viewpoint near the river Rhine, one notices almost exactly seven hills, which are not always the same and not even the highest. Also, the number seven used to denote an arbitrary amount of items, was connected to magic and thus had a highly symbolic meaning. This makes it an obvious name for an area that was said to be sinister and impenetrable before the 19th century.
The word sieben is derived from the word siefen, which denotes the wet valley of a stream.
The name Siebengebirge emerged from the word Siedengebirge which indicated the presence of soap boilers ("Seifensieder"), who were banned from the valleys because boiling soap smelled so bad.